//------------------------------// // Sweetie Belle and Button Mash mix up // Story: Crusaders nude adventure // by ranul //------------------------------// chapter 8  The crusaders had just locked their bikes up when they saw Twist coming towards them, shaking her head.  " Is there something the matter? " asked Scootaloo  "  If I want to go swimming with you three, my brother would have to come with us."  " We don't mind," replied Scootaloo and appleboom   Sweetie Belle just stood there looking at the three of them.  " Are you okay, Sweetie Belle?" asked Twist " if it really bothers you that my brother is coming swimming with us, we don't have to go." Sweetie shook her head and said, " no, you would be no problem."  The limo pulled up to the school, and the silver spoon and diamond tiara got out of the car.  Silver Spoon had a grin on her face. The crusaders walked over to her.  " How did you go with your mom last night," asked Scootaloo.  When she didn't answer  " Tell her what you did last night," said Diamond  After a few moments," she went" " No, let me tell her."  " OK, ok."  " I woke up in the middle of the night, and after removing my clothes, I put my housecoat on and then went outside, then removed my housecoat and walked through the forest behind my house."  " How was it," asked Apple Bloom  Silver Spoon just shrugged her shoulder and said, " it was okay, I guess."  "Were your parents upset?"  " I am not sure they didn't say anything about it this morning."  "Were they aware of your walk?"  " I don't know. I think I saw their light flicker, but not sure."  Sweetie Belle was sitting at the lunch table and was about to get up to put her tray.  " Sweetie Belle, can we talk for a moment."  Sweetie Belle then looks up and sees an older boy standing there.  " Who are you," asked Sweetie Belle  " I twist, older brother."  " Are you sure have to join us tonight if twist wants to come swimming why " Yes "  " But why."  " Are you sure that nervous about skinny dipping with me?" She looks at him for a moment before answering, " it's not just you.  I am not comfortable skinny dipping with boys."  " Don't worry so much about it."  As he then left, sweetie just sat there for a moment before getting up. After school  " Are you sure you don't want to join us tonight?" asked Scootaloo.  Sweetie Belle just shakes her head and said: " no, I think I will just go home."  Sweetie Belle was walking home thinking to herself. When she reached the street corner, she began to look both ways and saw button mash standing there. " Hi Sweetie Belle," said Button Mash  " Have been walking beside me?" asked Sweetie Belle  Button Mash just nodded. Sweetie Belle just shrugged and started to cross the street button mash just stood there.  " Aren't you coming, Button? " Asked sweetie belle.  Sometimes later, they were sitting at the outside table sharing a milkshake when they saw twist older brother walking towards them.  "How’re the shakes."  Sweetie Belle looks up in confusion.  " Why aren't you at Scootaloo swimming." " Mom just wanted me to check out the pool first."  Sweetie Belle then Pauses for a moment.  " it's okay to go swimming with your friends." Sweetie Belle then gets up and leaves.  " Why aren't you going with her" asked twirl   " They haven't spoken with my parents yet, and Sweetie is not sure about me to see her naked." After a few minutes, Sweetie Belle was knocking on Scootaloo door.  " Is Scootaloo home," asked sweetie when Scootaloo mom opened the door. " She and the others are outback.  Sweetie then walks through the house and out the back door. " Hi, Sweetie didn't expect you to be here." " I spoke with Twirl, and he told me." Sweetie Belle then began to undress when they heard the doorbell.  Sweetie turned to Scootaloo are you expecting someone? She removed her shorts and was about to release her underwear when the back door opened up, and snips and snails began to walk out.  Scootaloo turned towards them.  " Would you two mind waiting inside for a couple of minutes." After a few moments, they went back in.  Sweetie Belle looked at her friend.  " They phoned, and since I didn't think you were coming, I told them they could come and join us." " Can't you tell them you change your mind " Scootaloo shook her head " why not?" " We promised if they phone and we say yes, we can't change our mind."  Snips and Snails were at the back door talking when the door opened, and Scootaloo came in.  " We understand we will be going." Scootaloo shook her head and said, " No, we had a deal. Just promise not to look at Sweetie Belle too much."  " Do you mind if I leave ?" Asked Sweetie Belle  " No, you don't have to leave. We will be going," said Snips  Sweetie Belle then began to head towards the back gate.  " Sweetie aren't you forgetting something," asked Scootaloo  Sweetie then turned back to see Scootaloo was holding her shirt and shorts in her hand. Sweetie Belle then just walked back towards Scootaloo and grabbed her clothes as she started to dress.  " Imagine if I had left and was riding my bike in my underwear," proclaimed Sweetie Belle.  " Are you sure you don't want to stay?" Sweetie didn't answer. Instead, she put a shirt and shorts on and then she out the back gate.  The others went back to swimming soon after snips and snails join them in the water.  After about five minutes or so, snips and snails got out of the pool and began to dry off. " Are you leaving already? " asked Scootaloo.  " Yeah," replied Snips  " Why," replied Appleboom.  " We seem to be making Twist uncomfortable," said Snaps  Twist shook her head.  Snips look at her. She then starts to back away.  " Are you sure?" he asked, " and besides that, because we are here, your friend Sweetie Belle isn't "  " I don't mind if you stay," said Twist  Snips and Snails shook their heads and put on their shorts.  " Maybe some other time."  After leaving, Sweetie Belle rode her bike over to Button Mash's house. She knocked on the door.  She was standing there waiting for the door.  " Why aren't you swimming with your friends."  Sweetie Belle turns to see Twirl standing there.  " Snips and Snails were there." " And you weren't comfortable skinny dipping with boys." Sweetie Belle then turns around to leave when she sees the blue cars coming down the street, but it just kept ongoing.  Sweetie Belle then went home. She went inside she walks into the den.  After Snips and Snails left  "were you okay with Snips and Snails being here, " asked Scootaloo as she looked at twist?  Twist was looking down was silent for a moment before answering, " I wasn't too happy to see them come through the gate." " Why didn't you say anything, " asked Scootaloo  " it is not my house besides. It is not like they are the first boy's ti to see me naked." After waiting a few minutes, Sweetie Belle left Button Mash a mote and then headed home.  When Sweetie walked in the door and Into the kitchen, her mom was cooking supper.  " We just kept on missing each other, " replied Sweetie Belle.   " yes, I am sure that I would love to go skinny dipping with you tomorrow."  They talked for a while until Sweetie Belle’s mom called her for supper.