//------------------------------// // The Rehearsal // Story: The Rehearsal // by Jude //------------------------------// “Why, that appears to be the shortest checklist I’ve seen you with in years, Twilight!” The bookish princess looked up from the sheet of parchment which miraculously did not go all the way down to the floor and addressed her friend with a polite laugh before checking off the box next to Costume Design and moving the list aside. “Oh don’t worry Rarity, this is just the general one; each category has their own full sub-list, which I’ll be double checking again by tomorrow. There’s been a lot to manage with this play, on top of how important it is, so I really had to be prepared!” “Well, I don’t think you have much to worry about darling,” Rarity responded after a ladylike giggle. “I have my own list to go by when it comes to couture, and I’m finding our performers to be a pleasant surprise. They’re all a little timid at times, but I think so far the only real problems have been with the musical ensemble.” “Eugh, tell me about it! It took a few whole days just for most of them to figure out how to hold the instruments! I guess we take not having holes in our hooves for granted, and most of them haven’t been able to use their magic steadily enough to make up for it. Still… Progress!” “I’m glad things are going more smoothly near showtime dear, and after working with the changelings I’m not surprised their magic isn’t finely tuned enough to play strings or percussion with just their horns. Most unicorns already couldn’t, and while it’s just an observation, they seem a little less precise?” “A little bit, I imagine it’s just their nature,” Twilight quickly drew out the researcher’s aspects that came about whenever she was presented with a mystery, no matter how minor. “I’m sure they could train up just about any skill they want to a significant level of expertise if they really tried, and they definitely have a lot more flexibility there, what with having all the physical traits of alicorns.” The princess tilted her head, scratched her chin and looked into her mind a moment before continuing further. “Maybe more than that with the shapeshifting, I’ll need to see how well they mimic other species like dragons, we really only know how they interact with ponies. In any case, I think the way they’ve had to live meant they needed to be very adaptable and sort of generalize their skillsets, so they could pass off as an earth pony, pegasus or unicorn at a glance. But the result is that most of them probably wouldn’t measure up next to a pony in their field of expertise.” “I certainly couldn’t imagine one beating Rainbow in a race or yourself at skill in magic, darling,” Rarity interjected. “But back to the play, we’ve got one last rehearsal to finish ironing it out. Is there anything that still needs some touching up?” “Ah, well, almost everything could use just a little bit. Lighting is mostly figured out, they’re a little slow on certain changes but it’s not too noticeable. I think the effects were all fine last rehearsal as is but you can never be too sure. The changelings really got moving along well with regards to sound and music when they got to start working in groups, but the solo musicians still get a little enthusiastic and have trouble with volume control. The actors are all nervous wrecks until they’re actually on stage, then they perform just fine, at least as far as I can tell. That and the costume design are really your area, what do you think?” “Aha, well like I said they’ve been a pleasant surprise, and in both areas. When we started I’d swear they had no idea what clothing even was! You remember how much explaining it took before they stopped asking why they don’t simply change into the ponies they’re supposed to be. I guess with the way they were living before, most of them hadn’t worn anything more than a hat. If that, even!” Rarity reached a hoof up to adjust her headdress for emphasis before continuing. “But once we finally got to trying on all the outfits they really took to it. I might need to start a line of changeling-oriented clothing, I think it satisfies the same instinct as their usual method of disguise.” “Well, almost,” Twilight interrupted, “they still seem terrified to be around ponies when they’re in their true forms, dressed up or not.” “Too true, dear, too true,” Rarity giggled. “It’s like working with a room of Fluttershy’s. Still, they seem to enjoy acting even more than their outfits. I had a feeling they would, throwing a play was my idea after all.” It was then that one of the aforementioned changelings slinked into the room, head lowered and nervously scanning each corner as though they suspected an attack at any moment. The scuffed up top hat and pinstripe suit worn over their black chitin immediately identified them as the male lead of their play. “Um, Miss Rarity?” his voice reverberated softly. “Some of the other changelings and I wanted to ask something, ah, if you’re not too busy. A-and the Princess too!” The two ponies exchanged knowing smiles and turned to the stammering visitor. “How many times must I remind you not to be so formal, Thespa?” Rarity said to the shy newcomer. “Just Rarity will do fine, I think we’ve known each other long enough that you can permit yourself a time saver here and there.” “And Just Twilight for me! I can’t count how many times I’ve heard the full ‘Princess Twilight Sparkle’ in the last month! I’m still trying to get every other pony and changeling to stop bowing their heads whenever I enter the room! I’m just helping organize things!” Twilight briefly waved the parchment and pencil held aloft in her telekinetic grip. “So, um, you needed something?” “Sorry, sorry! I’ll um, I’ll try to remember, and do better next time!” Thespa made a show of trying to hide behind himself before regaining a semblance of composure. “But um… right! We were all kind of wondering, well, you explained before why it’s important to wear the costumes instead of just changing into the ponies we’re pretending to-” “Acting, darling!” Rarity cut in, “the ponies you’re acting as!” “R-right, acting. Well, everyling understands that part, but we were wondering about manes and tails.” “Aha, you mean why wigs weren’t a part of the costumes?” “Yes, that. Um, it just seemed weird is all, especially since hair is supposed to be part of the story?” Twilight immediately fished a bundle of papers out of her saddlebag. “I can help you there! While you’re right about pony hair being a central plot device in the script, it’s only one specific pony’s hair! Since it’s so important to the character of the leading lady but seemed a little less so for everypony else, I discussed it with my student co-director and we decided it would be better to leave all the changeling actors more identifiable. After all, beyond the play itself, this whole thing was supposed to help the changelings and ponies become friends, I still feel honoured that I get to help with the cultural exchange!” “And of course, with no disguises and no wigs there’s certainly no mistaking that sheen as coming from changelings, darling,” Rarity helped the unicorn explain. “I must say, it’s really very easy to colour coordinate when you’re all similar shades of jet and charcoal. It’s quite simple to make you all look just dapper, and you do look fabulous, dear!” “I see, I guess that makes sense. O-oh, and um, thanks.” Thespa blushed as the compliment registered. “So that’s also why you wanted mostly changelings in every role, um, both on and off stage, right?” “Mhm! We have a lot of backup ponies just in case, but this is really supposed to be your play, you and your people. It’s why I really wanted the leading stallion to be a changeling, and I really have to congratulate you on how well you’ve done so far!” The changeling’s demure side got the better of him again. “Ah, um. Thanks. I just hope I don’t mess it up in front of a real audience.” “Oh hush darling,” Rarity took Thespa’s hoof to force his eyes away from the floor. “The stage suits you too well! Every time, I see the fright just wash away, and even among ponies I’d count you as one of the better singers I’ve met.” Thespa tried to look away and scrunch his muzzle to hide the growing faint blush on his face as Rarity turned to Twilight. “And on the topic of my hair, I must say how much I’m enjoying my role! I might have to wear it like this on other occasions.” She propped her mane up with one hoof, still a lovely shade of violet but much darker than normal with a poofier style as well, and smiled warmly. Both of her cohorts shared in her revelry, seeing that she was clearly relishing the feel of her outfit, mane and all. “I’m so delighted to hear that, ” Twilight exclaimed, “I was a teeny little bit worried how you’d feel playing, well, not exactly a villain or anything but a less than pleasant pony?” “Oh well that’s perfectly alright dear, somepony has to play the unsavory types in any production. Besides, if I’m being quite frank she doesn’t seem that terribly bad, from what you’ve told me. A little self-centered, but we’ve met ponies and other creatures with plenty more toxicity, and while stealing is certainly wrong, it is rather the worst thing she’s apparently done. Well, until the last act, but if I’m being perfectly honest we all have our off days.” “Well, um, for myself as well,” Thespa intervened, “I mean the protagonist, that I’m playing. He doesn’t seem like the best pony either. But um, not the worst. I don’t know, I s-suppose it makes the characters feel more real? In that they have flaws, I mean.” “Well I’m happy you both think so,” Twilight let out a sigh as though she were sitting on a touchy subject for weeks. “Actually it seems really interesting, the parts you’re both playing. Thespa is a tailor selling suits and dresses, although admittedly that’s probably where the similarities end between that character and Rarity. And it’s like you’re playing one of your own customers!” Rarity stopped playing with her mane long enough to nod in agreement with the alicorn. “Of course, it seems that Pinkie got the really lucky role. Always behind the scenes, pulling all the strings.” “Heh, seems a lot like how she is in real life, when you think about it.” “Right you are, and quite the coincidence on all accounts. Tell me darling, where ever did you dig up such an oddly fitting musical stage play? I’ve never heard of it before myself, and I’ve organized a play or two before as you know.” “Well that’s just the thing. I actually had a list of plays I suggested we pick from, and I wanted my co-director to choose her favourite. But she surprised me with this one, and I read it over and it seemed really fitting! So you’ll have to ask Silk where she found this crazy play.” “Right, um, I just remembered,” Thespa added, “we were talking to Silk before. She’s the closest thing our colony has to a historian, I guess, and she was saying she thought the play may have been written by, um, another changeling. D-disguised as a pony, I mean, some time ago. But uh, she’s not completely sure.” “Really?” Twilight gasped and the other pony adopted a look of surprise as the princess continued. “Well, that would be even more fitting if it’s true! I’ll definitely have to look into that, I’ll ask Spike to help out when he’s done his own lessons.” Twilight was already formulating yet another list on a blank sheet by the time she finished the verbal thought, eliciting some confused looks from the changeling and a playful rolling of the eyes from the other pony. “Speaking of,” Rarity began, “how is our little tutor getting along? I know he was more nervous than any of the changelings at first.” “Oh, he’s doing fine now. I’m really grateful too, since I had a lot of trouble finding any other piano teachers and he’s been a surprisingly decent backup. Of course, it was a tough beginning for all of the tutors. Most of them were still pretty wary of changelings when we started, which is understandable, since most of us were in Canterlot during the invasion. But it’s been going much-” “Sorry! I’m sorry! We all are!” Thespa suddenly cried out as though trying to escape from an imagined microscope or a very bright light. “Most of us weren’t part of that! A-and those that were didn’t have a choice. We didn’t mean it, we’re sorry!” Both mares were taken aback by the sudden outburst and exchanged worried looks. However both of them understood the need to nip this in the bud as Rarity moved forward, raising a forehoof to pat the excited changeling’s back and softly shushing him. “Oh there there dear, no one’s blaming you! We were just saying how much everypony - and everyling - have warmed up to each other! Why, you should all be proud with how far things have come in such a short time! Nopony would have so much as imagined this two months ago.” “Rarity’s right,” Twilight supported, “I’m sorry for bringing up a touchy subject on accident, but you shouldn’t keep blaming yourselves for things everypony already forgave! I’d like to think we’ve already smoothed things over by now, and everypony is getting along and making friends!” “Especially Applejack’s friend, I imagine the dear has gotten to know every pony and changeling in the region by now, considering every actor and actress had to see her. Myself included, despite prior experience.” Twilight giggled softly at her friend’s interruption. “Anyway, my point is, you don’t need to be so on the defensive all the time Thespa! I know some of it is the shock of not being disguised around us and adapting to a new way of living, but you’ve got a lot of friends here already! You all do, and you can count on the two of us to keep supporting you and your fellow changelings.” The mares managed to pull the easily frightened Thespa off the floor and out from under his own hooves with their words of encouragement, something they had a decent amount of practice with as this was far from an isolated incident since they began intermingling. After some further discussion they began to head for the stage to meet the others for the day’s planned rehearsal session. Before they could reach the main hall however, they heard the galloping of hooves coming towards them in the corridor. The sound turned out to be two changelings led by a bright magenta unicorn mare with purple hair and three diamonds for a cutie mark, who nearly fell over each other coming to a stop as they saw the approaching princess and her small entourage. “Princess Twilight! It’s awful!” the mare spoke hastily. “Amethyst! Calm down for a second.” Twilight and the others shot quick glances at the panicked changelings catching their breaths. A double pointed horn, baby blue eyes and slightly longer frill among other features identified the first as a male changeling named Skene; while the other’s sharp ears and somewhat thinner legs, all four of which sported distinctive ‘high heels’ patterning, showed them to be Lini, a female. Of course the real flag was who they were with, since the two had been working with Amethyst Star for several weeks now. Most ponies still had trouble telling changelings apart by their subtle differences. “Now tell me,” Twilight continued, “What’s wrong?” Amethyst opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by the excited buzzing of Skene. “The musical is ruined! We’ve lost our lead!” Twilight shot a confused glance at Rarity and Thespa, who returned them, before Lini clarified in an equally alarmed tone. “Our other lead! The bird is gone! We can’t find the starling!” “What? Are you serious?” Twilight quickly joined in the panic. “That’s one of the only things we don’t have a backup for! Rehearsal is in an hour and tomorrow is opening night! This is disastrous, what am I going to do?” “Oh dear, we’d better look for him,” said Rarity. “Come on Thespa, we can search the theatre. It’s the least we can do without getting in the way and ruining the costumes.” Thespa nodded and trotted off alongside Rarity, leaving the other four to deliberate on the issue. “Alright,” Twilight broke the silence, “when did you last see him?” “That’d be me, I guess,” Lini started, “Um… It was just after noon. I was feeding him, Skene was moving props in the back, Miss Star was getting lunch…” “The one thing I’m jealous of,” said Amethyst, “it must save a lot of time not having to cook or take meal breaks.” “Some changelings still like to taste stuff! I could really go for a nice de-stress salad…” “Yeah, some. Most of us only did it to fit in while disguised, and a very small few never develop the stomach at all.” Skene looked about ready to rant a while longer but suddenly became jittery as he no doubt remembered the gravity of the situation. “B-but um, yeah. Lini came to help backstage after she fed the bird, and so did Miss Star when she got back.” “And we still need rest and breaks too! Do you have any idea how sore I get-” “Lini! Focus!” “What?” Skene gave the other changeling a wide-eyed exasperated look, tilting his head to the other two mares present. Lini’s ears slowly drooped as recognition returned to her. “...Oh, right.” Out of every changeling to help put the play together, Lini and Skene were probably the least shy, even if they could be just as anxious and fidgety as the rest at times. Twilight and Amethyst theorized together on several occasions that it may have been that they did some of the least socializing, and mostly only with the same small group of ponies, which let them warm up to everypony more gradually. The other running theory being that they’re just too easily distracted to be afraid as often, which was at least partly true. “Anyway,” Amethyst started again after the brief diversion had calmed everyone’s nerves a bit. “Yes, Lini is the last one to have seen Lucky. That is, the starling. He was already missing when we got done and went to get him ready for rehearsal, which wasn’t long ago.” “We had the window open to let some fresh air in, “said Skene. “Oh, he could be anywhere!” “Alright, alright, let’s think,” said Twilight, more for herself than anyone. “Our best bet is definitely going to be to ask Fluttershy, if she’s not too busy right now.” “She’s the one teaching arts and crafts next door, right? Some of the other ‘lings say she’s really nice, and um, even more quiet than most of us.” “That’s her. I just hope she can help us find him since she recommended Lucky in the first place. I don’t know what I’m gonna do if we lose our starling, he’s supposed to be in almost every scene, after the main character!” “Well,” said Amethyst, “I don’t know how much it counts here, but I somehow put a wedding together after only getting notice on the day of, and you’ve done even more than that since moving to Ponyville. I’m sure we can come up with something if we have to.” “Aha, maybe you’re right,” Twilight giggled. “Still, let’s save Plan B for after Plan A fails.” Lini continued moping as the group finally decided to get out of the hallway they’d been standing in. “Oh, I just really hope it’s not something I did! I’d hate to think he ran away because I fed him wrong…” “Let’s not jump to assumptions before we know what’s really going on. Believe me, I have experience with that sort of thing.” Twilight laughed nervously at her own expense. “If you three are going to see Fluttershy, I’ll help the others keep looking around the theatre.” Amethyst turned around to head further back into the building. “Or failing that, finish setting up the stage. In case we’re still having a rehearsal.” Twilight nodded as the unicorn ran off, leaving her with the awkward duo as they reached the front door. The reduction in number didn’t seem to help their dispositions, either because of their fondness of Amethyst or the fact they were now alone with the princess. “Come on, let’s see if Fluttershy is available.” Twilight guided the way out into the fresh air. “Right! Um, right behind you, Princess.” Skene jabbered. “Just Twilight is okay,” Twilight stopped herself from rolling her eyes. “Yes Miss Princess! Er, I mean, Miss Sparkle! I mean-” Lini sputtered very eloquently before Skene cut her off with a hard nudge in the side. “Hey!” Twilight groaned as they entered the homely two-story building next to the theatre. “Oh my, this is wonderful, I really love the colours.” Fluttershy examined the painting before her, which featured several smiling changelings. “Is this your family?” The smaller changeling beside her beamed at the compliment. “Yes! I was hoping we could start decorating all nice. Like pony homes do!” “Oh, that sounds lovely. You should take this back with you and show your family, I’m certain they’ll be very happy.” “Thank you Miss Fluttershy! I will!” The nymph blushed as they gave Fluttershy a big smile, then grabbed their work and promptly flew out the window. “Wait, you’re supposed to use the door! Oh my…” Fluttershy shouted almost loud enough for the room’s other occupants to hear. She shut the window again and turned back around to the rest of her students. A small group of changelings of various ages quietly working on all manner of art from drawing to claymaking to wood carving, they were clearly well at home in this tidy mess of a classroom. “Hello? Fluttershy, are you here?” The shout accompanied by the door opening startled all the students and the teacher alike, as several art supplies were dropped to the floor. Twilight peeked in through the doorway, her own little band poking in behind her. “Oops…” Skene regarded the room of wide-eyed changelings staring back at them, a few steeling their nerves and attempting to get back to their crafts. “Aheh, um, sorry about that…” Twilight apologized and backed out slightly. “Fluttershy, can we talk to you? It’s really important.” “Oh! Um, I’ll be just a minute everypony.” Fluttershy quickly trotted out, closed the door behind her. “What is it Twilight? It must be really important if you’re not at the theatre.” “Well, it’s Lucky! The starling you recommended for the play. He’s gone missing!” “Oh no! I hope he’s alright!” Fluttershy gasped. “So do I. Can you help us find him? No one knows him like you do.” “Oh geez, um, I’m supposed to be teaching a class right now…” Fluttershy looked back at the door. “Although, um, I guess they’re just doing freeform art right now. I suppose I could help for a little while.” “Great!” The two changelings mimicked the expression of relief Twilight showed. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Fluttershy!” “You know I couldn’t leave a poor bird in trouble! Let me just tell everypony that I’ll be gone.” Fluttershy opened the door back to the classroom. “I’m sorry class, there’s a bit of an emergency and I need to step out for a bit! Glyp, can you look after things until I get back?” A somewhat stout changeling on one side of the room raised their hoof up from the clay sculpture they were working on in acknowledgement. “Yes, Miss Shy!” The four of them swiftly departed, stepping back into the afternoon sun. “So um, where do we start?” Skene inquired, “C-can she really find him as easy as you made it sound?” “Oh, when it comes to animals, Fluttershy’s your pony!” Twilight exclaimed with confidence before turning back to her long time friend. “Do you need us to do anything?” “Well I was just going to go see if he went home, and if he’s not there I can ask his friends to help. Actually, some of the changelings I’ve been teaching helped make a lot of the birdhouses here, they’ve really been kind.” “I guess I should ask, how are the classes going? The theatre has had varying levels of success. We were at least all set to perform tomorrow, er, before the current dilemma. But at least everypony else is good to go! A lot less nerves than we started with.” “Oh, well, I suppose it’s been similar. I know I was really nervous when we started, changelings can be so scary…” Fluttershy glanced back at the two following them. “Oh, um, sorry… B-but we’ve really warmed up to each other. Everypony loves having a nice quiet space to draw and paint and do papercrafts and everything, and they’re all really nice and soft-spoken.” “Sounds like Fluttershy alright, getting along with everything except ponies.” Twilight playfully said under her breath, though Skene and Lini’s stifled giggles showed it may have been louder than intended. “I guess it makes sense with the peace and quiet thing though, when the first changeling volunteered to learn drums, it took a whole week to get him back for a second lesson. The poor thing, I can only imagine how Pinkie’s been tormenting him. But at least nowadays she seems to be able to get a smile out of him, I suppose it’s what she’s best at.” “Eugh, I don’t need to imagine! I was in the area when that first lesson happened!” Lini looked as though she were reliving some terrifying memories. “I thought we were under attack! I almost ran and hid myself!” “You did run and hide,” said Skene, “I’m the one who found you.” Twilight laughed softly at the quarreling changelings. “As far as the progress of the changeling’s adjusting to co-existing with ponies… Out of the theatre group, I’d have to say these two have made the most progress so far.” “Oooh! You hear that Skene?” Lini spoke excitedly. “The Princess said we’re her favourite!” “I don’t think she meant it quite like that,” Skene replied, “But I can pretend she did.” Fluttershy smiled at the duo, and her friend, before stopping in front of a picket fence guarding a small enclosure of trees and flowers. The theatre and the arts and crafts shop weren’t far from this edge of town, where a sparse forest began. “We’re here,” the yellow pegasus opened the short gate and led the others through. “Let’s hope Lucky is too, I’d hate to find out he’s really lost.” The three of them looked around at the trees as they followed Fluttershy, there were birdhouses of different shapes, colours and sizes on almost every tree and even some nearby signposts and the corners of the buildings nearby the enclosure. The flapping of wings and various bird tweets slowly became more common. “That’s his home right over there.” Fluttershy pointed at a small blue wooden birdhouse, right around head height and not very far from the fence. She started walking towards it, but Lini zipped forward and beat her to the tiny dwelling. “Lucky! Are you in here? I’m sorry I didn’t feed you enough! Or too much! Or that the food was bad! Or whatever else I did, please don’t hate me!” Fluttershy looked for a moment like she was going to go into shock, as Lini jostled the birdhouse slightly, trying to peek inside. “Oh my! You shouldn’t do that, you might scare him, or damage his house!” Lini stopped shaking the painted box and looked down, defeated. “Ohh, I don’t think he’s home… Now we’ll never find him!” “Uh, Fluttershy? I think that bird is trying to get your attention.” Twilight pointed at a small grey cuckoo flying over her friend’s head, chirping emphatically. “Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there! What’s wrong?” Fluttershy said to the bird, which called back. “Oh, you know where Lucky is? Oh please, lead the way!” The other’s ears all flicked in unison and they immediately ran after Fluttershy, before promptly skidding to a halt and trying not to end up in a pile. It was only about three trees away. “Oh, you invited him over to cheer him up after he came back feeling really stressed?” Fluttershy conversed with the cuckoo again. “Can you please ask him to come out so I can talk to him?” The bird chirped once and flew into their own birdhouse. “So she can really understand them?” Skene hummed softly. “Miss Star got along well with Lucky, but it would’ve been a lot easier to train him if we could talk to him…” A short time later, a recognizable yellow-beaked, black-feathered little starling came out of the birdhouse, and sheepishly landed on Fluttershy’s hoof. “Oh, I’m so glad he’s okay,” Lini wiped her nonexistent brow. “I’m gonna need two salads after today.” Twilight shushed the two changelings while Fluttershy spoke with Lucky. “Oh my, are you sure? Oh… So that’s why you came home? Oh, I’m really sorry to hear that. If you’re sure. Okay, I’ll tell them, please get some rest.” All three of their stomachs sank as they watched Lucky fly off. Twilight stepped forward hastily as Fluttershy turned back to them. “What did he say? Why’s he leaving again?” “Oh Twilight, I’m sorry… Lucky was really eager to try the role at first, but all the bright lights and loud noises have really been getting to him, and he just doesn’t think he can keep going. He really wanted to apologize, but he won’t be able to be in the play. Er, musical.” “What! But that means the play really is ruined!” Twilight quickly entered a panic, which the changelings followed. “The part specifically called for a starling! What are we going to do now!” “I’m sorry Twilight. Um, I could try to find another starling for you.” “We only have one day! That’s not enough time to train another actor! Oh, why didn’t I get backups for the lead roles! Those are the first things to get backups for!” The group started back towards the theatre, dejected. Fluttershy apologized on Lucky’s behalf several more times before going ahead to get back to her class, while the other three took their time. “I can’t believe this had to happen so close to opening night,” Twilight continued, crestfallen. “Everypony was so excited to perform, too. What am I going to tell Rarity and Thespa? What am I going to tell Silk, for that matter? She really wanted this to go forward. I haven’t even seen her today.” “Neither have we,” Skene added sullenly. “I don’t know where she’s gotten to.” “I really wish I didn’t have to tell her the news. Oh, what effect will this have on all the progress we made!” “I just can’t believe we did all that work on the set and backstage and everything and now it’s not even gonna happen.” “Well,” said Lini, “I’m just happy that Lucky doesn’t hate me.” Twilight and Skene looked up at the other changeling, but another voice cut off their thoughts. “Did somepony say ‘doesn’t hate?’” Startled, the three looked for the source. Just around the street corner they were approaching, a very recognizable poofy pink pony pranced towards them. “Not hating stuff is one of my favouritest favourite things to do!” Pinkie Pie explained cheerfully. “Right next to streamers and cake and birthdays and Gummy and smiling ponies aaaaaaand PARTIES!” One loud bang later, Skene was frantically brushing the confetti off himself and Lini was shaking under the added weight, as the sugar-loaded earth pony was now somehow standing half-and-half on top of her and Twilight. “Pinkie!” Twilight shouted. “Hi Twilight!” The pink mare hopped down as Twilight continued. “What are you doing here? And shouldn’t you have been in costume? You’re in the opening scene!” “Oh Twilight, I usually put that getup on while the curtains are opening. It slips right on!” Pinkie explained with a smile. “Besides, I had to come get you three for rehearsal! You’re usually way better about attendance Twilight, and I know just how you get when you’re actually late!” Twilight raised a hoof to object, but didn’t verbalize it. After years of Pinkie Pie, she had gotten used to her. At least a little. “Um, isn’t that Thespa’s hat?” Skene nervously pointed at the out of place top hat Pinkie was wearing, drawing everyone’s attention to it for the first time. “Nope! Thespa has Thespa’s hat!” “Then,” Twilight said inquisitively, “where’d you get it? ...And why do you have it?” “Oh! I picked her up this morning. We went off to prank Rainbow and AJ earlier, you should have seen their faces!” “Of course it was for a prank… Wait, her? Did you name your hat?” Twilight suddenly shook her head. “Wait, none of that matters! Haven’t you heard? We can’t do rehearsal anymore, or the play at all! Our starling quit!” “Oh psh, is that all?” Pinkie quickly responded, unconcerned. “Just use your backups!” “What backups? I don’t have any backups for that role!” Twilight suddenly seemed unsure of herself, realizing who she was talking to. “...Do I?” “Oh don’t be silly, silly, you already know the answer to both questions!” Twilight and Skene shot each other confused looks while Lini pointed to herself. “I do? I mean, we do? Um, would you mind sharing?” “Aw, and taking all the fun out?” “Pinkie!” Twilight bellowed. “Please! We don’t have time for this!” “Oh alriiight. But only because you said please!” Pinkie bounced a short distance away and took off her hat, then flicked it along her back and finally sprung it into the air with a hindleg. To everyone’s surprise, it erupted into green flames, adding a fifth member to the group. “Oof! Pinkie, that one made me kinda dizzy!” The newcomer shook their head. “SILK?” Twilight involuntarily shouted, immediately recognizing the changeling for her soft purple eyes (and her voice). “Teacher! I’m sorry I disappeared today! Pinkie came to me this morning and we just kinda lost track of time…” “Aw, don’t worry about it Silkie!” Pinkie cut in enthusiastically. “But we’d better all get back if we still want to have our last rehearsal!” “Oh, um, I’ll see you there teacher!” Silk started buzzing after the energetic pink pony, who was already skipping towards the theatre. Twilight, Skene and Lini were left dumbstruck in the street, staring after the duo. “Well, that explains where she was all day,” Lini commented absentmindedly, suddenly noticing Twilight look several times between Skene and herself before smacking her hoof into her face. “Of course!” The muffled cry came from Twilight, buried behind her own front hooves. “What?” Lini’s puzzled look deepened as she stared at Twilight. She moved her gaze over to Skene when he did the same thing. “What!” Lini stared at the two for another few seconds before recognition finally dawned on her. “Ohhhhh…” “So, do you think you can do it?” said the purple princess. “I think so!” Lini responded. “Skene and I have been helping Miss Star train Lucky for the role all month, so we know everything he was supposed to do anyway!” “Not like he had that many lines anyway,” Skene added, “the only problem is that, um. Our shapeshifting doesn’t always get the weight right. We’d be way heavier than real starlings, some of the props might not hold…” “I thought that was supposed to be a secret…” Silk said anxiously. “W-well, um, you could get around that by just having whatever prop they land on, also be a changeling.” “Meaning if you’re the bird I get to be the prop,” Skene pointed an accusatory glance at Lini. “I guess I’m always holding you up anyway.” “Hmph!” Lini responded with grace. “We can always take turns if you’re gonna whine about it!” “It just seems like a shame,” said Thespa,” that now I won’t be wearing the nice hat Rarity made…” “Oh don’t worry about that darling,” Rarity said, playing with her hair. “It’s not for every scene! Besides, once the musical is over, maybe I can make you one to take home.” “Oh, gosh… I don’t know what to say.” “A thank you will do nicely, dear. After I actually make it, not before. Ahem.” Rarity turned to Twilight as the lighting crew were doing their final preparations. “Well darling, you did say you wanted more changelings on set, you just had to give up on the no-shapeshifting thing.” “I guess we’re really doing this, huh?” Twilight laughed politely. “Alright, well, we only have one day to get this right, is everypony ready?” The group voiced their affirmatives in unison, and Twilight looked them all over with a smile. “Alright then… Places, everypony!” The door creaked open as Fluttershy stepped back into the classroom, where she gasped at the scene before her. Furniture and art supplies had been upturned into a makeshift throne, where a half dozen changelings wearing bushy flower necklaces fanned another changeling wearing a paper mache crown adorned in various small fruits with large palm leaves. "Glyp!" Fluttershy caused the lounging changeling to jump, startled. "What's going on!" "What? You told everyling that I was in charge."