My little pony: An Equestrian Journey

by Swifteye

Chapter 18

Oh creature of peace and tranquility, of discord and destruction. For you there will always be sorrow. But happiness can be found if one is willing to give it all away.

Chapter Eighteen: The eleventh hour

The ponies arrive in the middle of a decrepit city. It looked as if the city was preserved in the middle of something powerful and destructive attacking it. Parts of the city seem to float around the area. The sky was filled with indistinguishable objects floating aimlessly in the sky. Noises that sounded like someone whispering or screams of torment echoed quietly from nowhere in particular. There didn't seem to be a bottom to the place, it just seemed to be an assortment of objects floating in darkness with the occasional sight of objects moving that were better off left not acknowledging. The forms the ponies had gained were gone with the exception of the necklaces and the tiara. A veil of light surrounded their body.
“I've been to quite a few locals since we've been on this adventure. And I have to say. This is not the worst looking place I’ve been too. It certainly has a style and runs with it. That style just happens to be nightmarish oblivion. After we defeat Nightmare Moon I would suggest we leave this place immediately so I would start thinking of how we will escape this place.” Rarity said while looking around the area. Twilight was only half listening to Rarity as she too busy thinking about her encounter with Nightmare Moon. She thinks about her encounter with Nightmare Moon in Midnight Castle. The ponies looked at Twilight as a she was lost in thought with a concerned look on her face. Rainbow Dash prodded her slightly stirring Twilight Sparkle out of her mental funk. She looks towards Rainbow Dash. They looked at each other. Rainbow Dash made an encouraging smile. And lightly jabbed Twilight with her hoof, Rainbow Dash then nodded, Twilight Sparkle smiled back and nodded in return. She took a deep breath and exhaled changing her face expression from concerned to confident. “It all ends here girls. We started this together and that's how we'll end it!” Twilight Sparkle said. “That's right! We'll return home happy and victorious and we'll have a party and sing songs all day long!” Pinkie Pie yelled bouncing with glee. The scoured the area looking for Nightmare Moon ignoring the haunting landscape.
They find Nightmare Moon sitting at the edge of the city's remaining landscape. Looking off into the endless abyss, Nightmare Moon senses them and turns around. “I thought I sensed a presence of light but I thought it was my sister. It seems you have acquired a rather sacred power. I really don't know what to think in response to you chasing me this far.” Nightmare Moon said stoically. “Nightmare Moon, Luna. I'm sorry that things must be this way. I wish I could have helped you. But I see I have no other choice. So I must put an end to you so you won't harm anyone else.” Twilight Sparkle said. “Why waste you're time apologizing when you're actions will say only one thing? You hate me and you want me to die. That’s all that matters. I am a blight to you're perfect world and you wish to wipe me from existence. You will fail however. For I shall rip you're souls asunder and cast you into the abyss where you shall be lost forever! Face me, and know a pain worse than death!” Nightmare Moon said as she began gathering her energy causing bolts of purple and blue lighting to spark around her.
Rarity charged her horn preparing to blast her but Nightmare Moon shot a bolt of energy from her horn hitting her and disrupting her attack. Rainbow Dash and Applejack charged in at once. Nightmare Moon erected a barrier around herself. Applejack head butted it to no avail as it was unaffected by her attack. Rainbow Dash gathered a bit of energy and slammed into her shield causing a surge of electricity to wrap itself around the shield. Attack caused the shield to shatter and even shocked Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon quickly blasts rainbow Dash with her horn which knocked her onto the ground. Distracted by Rainbow Dash Applejack quickly got up and bucked Nightmare Moon right in her leg. Nightmare Moon cried out as she lifted the injured leg. Her mane morphed into a fist and grabbed Applejack flinging her off the edge of the city. Fluttershy quickly flew to grab Applejack. She grabbed her and began carrying her back onto the city ground. Nightmare Moon attempted to blast Fluttershy out of the sky only to her attack interrupted by Pinkie Pie who head butted the leg Applejack previously bucked. Nightmare Moon took her sights away from Applejack and Fluttershy to address Pinkie Pie who furiously kept hitting her with bucks and head butts. Nightmare Moon attempted to grab Pinkie Pie with her hair but Pinkie Pie dodged out of the way. Nightmare Moon jumped into the air and began levitating off the ground falling out of Pinkie Pie's range. She then began lobbing blast of energy at Pinkie Pie's location. Pinkie Pie dodged some of them but got hit and was knocked down.
Before Nightmare Moon could follow up with a more precise attack Rainbow Dash smacked her in the face with her hoof. The attack left Nightmare Moon Dazzled and stunned for a moment giving Rainbow Dash another chance to attack again, violently hitting her in the face once more. Nightmare Moon flapped her wings creating a power tailwind that Rainbow Dash caught in momentarily losing her control. The second Rainbow Dash regained control Nightmare Moon struck her with a bolt of dark lighting. The blow caused Rainbow Dash to fall out of the sky and onto the city ground. Nightmare Moon however didn't notice that Twilight Sparkle had shot a blast of energy her way. Nightmare Moon was struck with the Sparkler Blast burning her and disorientating her. Disorientated Rarity followed up Twilight's attack with the Purification Beam. The beam broke Nightmare moon's control of her levitation and caused her to fall out of the sky hitting the city ground with a violent thud.
Nightmare Moon stumbled back onto her feet and with a furious yell she released a torrent of lighting and fire. Rarity and Twilight formed a barrier protecting the group from the attack. Fluttershy took a moment to focus her energy and then in an instant blasted out of the barrier deftly dodging the attacks and heads straight for Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon frantically starts focusing her attacks on Fluttershy to no avail Fluttershy spins around Nightmare Moon surrounding her in a blur of wind and debris. Nightmare Moon starts getting dizzy as she tries to find an opening to attack Fluttershy. She strikes with a bolt only to find that it she wasn't there at all. Fluttershy then hits Nightmare Moon from above striking her back and leaping off in such a way to where it seemed like a light blow but in actuality she had put all her power into one particular point of impact causing massive physical trauma to the area. It took almost a full second for her body to register what Fluttershy had before she cried out kneeling down in pain.
“All right, let’s finish her off! Does anybody know how we did that attack from the last time we fought with her?” Rainbow Dash said watching Nightmare Moon closely “No one remembers it wasn't us that used the attack. We were a proxy weapon for Celestia to attack Nightmare Moon with.” Twilight Sparkle said. “What? How do you know?” Rainbow Dash asked surprised by the information. “I've been thinking about it ever since that happened and I just figured it out. She gave us the elements of harmony so we could destroy Nightmare Moon for her. The growth of our characters made the elements that much stronger and gave it the power to disable Nightmare Moon like it did.” Twilight Sparkle said. “So does that mean that we can't finish her off?” Rainbow Dash asked concerned. “Not exactly, HE told us that in a perilous situation we can combine our powers. So that is what we shall do. Everyone! Focus you're energy put you're hearts and souls into it! Give it everything you got!” Twilight Sparkle yelled. The other ponies nodded and began channeling their energy causing their necklaces to glow brightly. Twilight Sparkle then began channeling her energy into the tiara the necklaces then began shooting beams of energy that struck the tiara combining all their powers into Twilight Sparkle. Her horn began to glow brightly as the various elements surged around her. She then she blasted Nightmare Moon with a Technicolor beam of light straight at Nightmare Moon who had created a barrier to block the attack. The barrier was easily dispatched and the beam went on to hit Nightmare Moon. The power engulfed Nightmare Moon violently exploding into a powerful ray of light. When the light went away Nightmare Moon was no longer where she was struck and appeared to have been atomized by the blast. The ponies were silent as they looked at the area where Nightmare Moon once was. “I-Is it over?” Twilight Sparkle said.

The silence was broken by a huge blast of dark energy erupting from the area. The force of energy sent the ponies flying back. “No. No! It didn't work!” Twilight Sparkle yelled in despair. Nightmare Moon's laughing could be heard but it was thunderous frightening. “I must admit. You had me. You had properly defeated me and shown me the powers that you have developed in the course of you’re journey. Unfortunately it was all for naught as you lost the very second you entered this realm! This is the depths you have pushed me too and I hope you proud of yourselves. I will crush you with the power of true evil at my beck and call!” Nightmare Moon said. The pillar of dark energy began to take shape. Its body looked like the constellations of the sky whirling around a collapsed star. Its head looked like a unicorn its horn was went curved and twisted its eyes glaring and bright its mane floated was a blanket of stars that seemed to move on its own. Instead of hooves it had hands that were sharp and gnarly. Its bat wings unfurled and practically surrounded the area in its length. The creature Nightmare Moon had become towered over the ponies by several stories. They had run out of options and strength to fight Nightmare Moon and could only watch as she prepared to attack. She positioned her hands close together. She began summoning a terrible ball of malevolent energy. “Feel the Void. Embrace oblivion!” Nightmare Moon cried. She then shot out the blast which raced towards the ponies. Thoughts of escaping the blast entered the ponies mind but they were frozen in shock and despair. Time seemed to slow down as the ball made its way to them and their lives flashed before there eyes. And then it hit them. The attack was so massive and powerful it felt like the whole realm shook. The ponies' paragon powers stopped them from being destroyed by the blast but it left them severely injured.
They no longer had to ability to fight back or to even stand on their own legs. Nightmare Moon prepared to make another blast to finish them off. Twilight Sparkle could only close her eyes and wait for the inevitable.
But then a beam of light struck Nightmare Moon causing her to lose focus preventing her from using the blast. The ponies felt a ray of light healing them. At first they were confused but then all at once they saw her. It was none other than Princess Celestia. She struck Nightmare Moon with more powerful beams of light causing her falter and turn back to normal. “Princess!” Twilight Sparkle yelled out calling to her. Princess Celestia turned to them and frowned. “I'm sorry I put you girls through this.” Celestia said. “So you were using us like Twilight said.” Rainbow Dash said fairly upset. “I-I, I don't have any excuses that could make up for what I have done. Everything that has happened, Everything Luna has done. Was and has always been my fault. It all started when I survived the destruction of my people at the hands of the Red Bull. It filled me with despair. Too see the people I knew. The people I loved. All of them died right before my eyes. There was nothing I could do. I couldn't seek vengeance. I couldn't replace them with anyone else. I was just consumed by sadness and anger. I couldn't cope with my feelings and turned to using magic to remove them from my own spirit. I ripped apart of myself from my own soul and shoved all the feelings that I had into it. I didn't expect it to become a real living creature. At first I thought this could work in my favor. But it wasn't so. She was tormented by my thoughts and feelings unable to express herself fully for she was never a full creature in her own right. I could not contain her and out of frustration I tried to kill her but then I noticed that such an action would come with a price.” Celestia said.
“We, We are linked. We cannot perish at the hands of no one else but each other. As long as one of us lives the other will live as well. When she tried to cause me vital harm she too felt the pain I felt. That is when she fled.” Nightmare Moon said getting up and facing her sister. “I was scared. I knew what I had to do but I didn't want to. So I ran away from all that and tried to create a world where such troubles were of no ones concerned. For awhile I thought I was free. You wanted to make me suffer for my actions but you didn't have any idea on how to go about it. I hoped you would always remain aimless and without anything to truly give you a chance to realize you're goals. But such dreams were always meant to fail. As one last attempt to find an alternative fix to my mistake I sent these ponies to track you down with the elements of harmony as a means of dispelling you. But that too has failed. So there is only one option left.” Celestia said. Celestia began powering up her horn and took aim at Nightmare Moon. “You're really going to do this?” Nightmare Moon said stoically. “Princess Celestia, Please don't! What about the ponies in Equestria? What will they do? What will we do without you?” Twilight pleaded.
“It will be hard for them to move on but I know it can be done. For they have something even better than me to guide them. They have you. The way you six have grown has truly taught me that I was nothing more than a shadow of true benevolence. You learned to overcome you're mistakes. Formed a powerful bond with each other, and the things you accomplished together will go farther than even I could have imagined. Twilight Sparkle, My faithful student, It appears the last lesson to teach was the one you taught me. In order to be happy you must face you're fears and do what’s right. I always knew what I should have done but I was afraid of dying for my mistakes. But now I know that it is the right option and that peace will never come as long as this goes undone. Twilight, Everypony, Thank you, I couldn't have asked for better subjects.” Celestia said as she turned away from the ponies that eye's were filled with tears. “Are you going to run?” Celestia asked. “No. Let it end.” Nightmare Moon said as she closed her eyes. “I'm sorry sister. For everything...” Celestia said as tears rolled down her face. She then blasted Luna with a beam of light. The attack was constant and they both cried out in pain. After a few seconds she stopped attacking Luna turned into her normal form and collapsed to the ground with Celestia falling down as well. “Twilight...” Luna said as she raised her head with what little energy she had left. “I'm sorry Twilight....” Luna said as she lost to strength to keep her own head up.
Their bodies began to glow brightly. Sparkles of light began to float into the sky as their bodies disappeared. The ponies could only cry as they watched Luna and Celestia fade away.

The ponies could not immediately return home as their sorrow consumed them for a time. They escaped the realm of darkness and returned to the City of Light to tell everyone of their success and to find the time to grieve. Though Celestia's actions were questionable there was no question that without her they would have never gotten to be the friends they were. For Twilight this was especially hard as the passing of her favorite teacher and friend only reminded her of Spike who had left them.
After several days they finally were able to calm down and head back home but on the road Twilight Sparkle stopped and looked towards the path that led to the Komodo den. The Ponies stopped and noticed Twilight's hesitation to move on.
“Ya know Twilight. If you want to see him one more time all you had to do was ask.” Rainbow Dash said jovially. “But the boat will be arriving in a few days.” Twilight Sparkle said. “Pft, we’ll just make it quick then. We'll stop by for a moment or two. Say hello. Say goodbye and then we'll race back to the port and be on our way!” Rainbow Dash said. “I can't do that. Not just for myself.” Twilight Sparkle said. “Sure ya can! I don't mind. I miss that little buckaroo myself!” Applejack said. “If I had one last chance to see Gummy before I went far away and probably never came back I'd do it!” Pinkie Pie said hopping happily. “I don't mind Twilight. If that's what would make you happy who am I to judge?” Fluttershy said with a smile. “It would be most rude to not say goodbye to a good friend like him.” Rarity said being as posh as usual. “I know you and Spike were tight. Spike would want to see you again even if it was just one last time.” Rainbow Dash said giving Twilight Sparkle and encouraging jab. Twilight Sparkle smiled back at all her friends. “All right, we’d better not waste anytime then. Let’s go see Spike!” Twilight said as she raced down the path with all the ponies following her.

Spike was wandering around the area hanging out with a couple of drakes his age when Magmari walked up to him. “Is there something wrong Ms. Magmari?” Spike asked. “We have some guests who came quite a distance to meet you. They don't have very long to stay so I think it would be good if you met up with them.” Magmari said. “Okay then. I'll catch up with you guys later!” Spike said waving at his friends as he walks away.
Spike walked in to find Twilight and the other ponies all grouped up waiting for him. “No way, it’s you guys! Erm, I mean you girls.” Spike said catching himself at the last moment. “That's all you got to say to us? Nice seeing you again too!” Rainbow Dash said pretending to be angry. “Made any new friends lately, I want you to have as many nice friends as possible!” Pinkie Pie said getting up close to Spike's face. “Hehe, I made a few friends.” Spike said backing away slightly. “Really what are their names?” Pinkie Pie asked being very cheerful. “Oh well there's Fang Bur and Lunar Kindle.” Spike said. “Lunar Kindle sounds feminine. I hope you know how to behave yourself around young women.” Rarity said. “I got along with you girls just fine right?” Spike asked. “You were a bit brash at first. A bit of a temper, it was like having an impudent brat on our team.” Rarity said in a scolding tone. “Gee thanks Rarity.” Spike said not at all appreciating what she just said. “But you really did change for the better. Now you're a proud young man. When you stood up for us and put you're life on the line I knew you were a good kid after all.” Rarity said. “Aw. Thanks Rarity.” Spike said appreciating the compliment. “You really are a tough little critter, you remind me of my lil' sis Applebloom! She'd be just like you running head first into danger. Maybe I should have brought her along after all. Given ya a little playmate friend to tag around with.” Applejack said while rubbing Spike's head with her hoof. “Are you happy here Spike?” Fluttershy asked. “Yeah, I'm pretty happy. At first it was a little iffy but the dragons here warmed up to me real quickly. My friends especially like hearing about the adventures I had with you guys. Right now you're their favorite pony.” Spike said with a smile. “Good choice! She's my favorite pony too!” Pinkie Pie said grabbing Fluttershy and giving her a hug.
Spike turned toward Twilight Sparkle who stayed quiet this whole time. “Twilight, I'm sorry I left without telling you....” Spike said feeling guilty. “Heh, I reckon we outta give them there time to talk without us making the place stuffy and what not. We'll be at the entrance Twilight.” Applejack said as she shooed the group away. “My friends told me why you left. You didn't want to be forgotten. I'm sure that made sense at the time but I must tell you that you were most incorrect about you're thoughts.” Twilight said in a stern tone. Spike looked down as he waited for the scolding from Twilight. “We'd never forget you Spike. The life of an adult is hard and time consuming but that doesn't mean that you would fade from our minds. You meant a lot to us Spike. You meant a lot to me. Remember how we were at the beginning? I treated you very terribly. I had a lot to learn about friendship. And you were the person that taught me that rather important lesson. I came here to say goodbye Spike. Our mission is over and we are heading home. You can come if you want. I promise to make you apart of my life.” Twilight Sparkle said. Spike looked up feeling relieved that Twilight went easy on him. “Do you really mean that Twilight?” Spike asked. “Yes. I have a house in Ponyville. It’s filled with books of course but I can straighten it out in a jiff. I could get you a little bed and everything. I just want you to know that I wouldn't leave you behind.” Twilight Sparkle said. Spike stood for a moment and thought about the situation. “I think I’m going to stay if that's okay with you.” Spike said. “Really?” Twilight Sparkle said surprised. “Yeah, I really like it here. I have really good friends. I have a mom. And I can really learn about what I am and who I am and feel really good about being me.” Spike said with a smile.
“Very well then, I guess this is goodbye then.” Twilight Sparkle nodded trying to maintain a calm persona. “It's not goodbye Twilight. You'll be with me forever. Just like you said, you mean too much to be forgotten. I'll never forget about you and you'll never forget about me. We'll always be together.” Spike said. Twilight strained at trying not to tear up from Spike's words when suddenly Spike hugged her. “I love you Twilight Sparkle.” Spike said hugging her tightly. Tears freely flowed from Twilight's eyes as she hugged him back. “I love you too Spike.” Twilight Sparkle said. Unbeknownst to them the ponies and Magmari quietly watched while getting a little teary eyed themselves.

Twilight and the others departed from Komodo Den with Spike waving goodbye the whole time. They were making good time and were going to get to the boat on the day it came to port but for now it was nightfall and they set themselves up a tent for the night to rest. Applejack's shift was done when Rainbow Dash got up to take her turn. “All right cowgirl. Hit the hay. It's my turn to stay up now.” Rainbow Dash said as she stretched a bit. “If y’all don't mind I’ll stay up a bit longer.” Applejack said having a very contemplative look on her face. “What's got you bugged?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I'm just worried about what we're gonna do when we get back home.” Applejack said. “What do you mean?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Well. If ya think about it, nobody but us really knows what happened. We kinda left without ever telling anyone anything. And we've been gone a long time. And now we're just supposed to mosey on back and tell everyone that we were on a mission to stop a villain no one ever knew to save our land which was never in any visible danger and that our eternal goddess is now sleepin' in the stars? At best they'd say we'd lost our minds. At worst they'd blame us as the murders.” Applejack said. “Well when ya put it like that should we tell anyone anything?” Rainbow Dash asked considering Applejack's words. “I don't think we could hide the secret for very long. That barrier that was supposed to surround the place is gone so it's only a matter of time before locals start bumping into the other creatures. Creatures that we met, People from Anthro town will be all too happy to talk about us and the clues will start falling into place.” Applejack said. “You've really given this some thought Applejack. I've suppose you've come up with a solution?” Rainbow Dash asked. “That's the problem. There really isn't one. We either hide the truth and get found out and look guilty. Or we tell the truth and let ponies react whatever way they wish too.” Applejack said. “Well. I think we should tell the truth. If they don't believe us or they decide to chase us out of town it's their loss. They'll wise up sooner or later and come crawling back to us.” Rainbow Dash said acting very confident. “Hehe, I reckon they'll probably want our help with stuff. No one can deny that we've been gone just ask any of our friends and family. I feel a little better now, thanks Rainbow Dash you did this ol' cowgirl a favor!” Applejack said with a yawn. “Yeaah just get to sleep will ya? Don't want ya so groggy that we'd have to drag you to port.” Rainbow Dash said playfully shooing Applejack away.