My little pony: An Equestrian Journey

by Swifteye

Chapter 13

Far across the ocean lies the Nexus Domain a land that has been warped and damaged due to countless eons where wars have been waged with the forces of dark and light endlessly fighting each other for supremacy and control. To finally bring peace and stability to the land a city was created as the barrier to prevent evil from spreading across the land. In this city were three creatures promoted the rank of Vetera and given the title, Warriors of Light. A griffin was made the warrior of loyalty. A Qilin was made the warrior of justice. And a sky dragon was made the warrior of honor. These creatures and their kin guard the city with their very lives and pass on the teachings and the powers that have kept the city and the world safe from evil for many years and though these creatures defend the land well, the people became weak and dependent. The City of Light was no longer the stalwart fortress of heroes it was supposed to be.

Chapter thirteen: Dilapidated light

The ponies and Spike continue their journey across the sea and after about a day of sailing they finally saw land. But they were shocked to find the condition it was in. The entire village was destroyed. Burned and wrecked to disrepair. Parts of the ferry was scattered all around the shore. Everyone was stunned by the sight of destruction. “Nightmare Moon did this?” Twilight said with shock filled in her voice. “This is awful. I wonder there are any survivors.” Rytonn said upset at the destruction. “I'll scout around and see if I can find anything!” Rainbow Dash said. She then dash towards the town while the ship was still making its way to the remains of the port, Rainbow Dash looked around but couldn't find a single person in the town. Once the ship settled the ponies and Spike got off and started searching with Rainbow Dash. Still they found no one.
“Nightmare Moon must have captured them, just like she tried to do to the people of Anthro Town.” Twilight said. “Why would Nightmare Moon kidnap people? What does she plan to do with them?” Spike asked. “So what are you guys going to do now?” Rytonn asked. “We are going to go on ahead and see if we can't track down Nightmare Moon.” Twilight said. “All right then. Well stay safe you guys. I'm going to head back on the ship and get out of this place.” Rytonn said. “See you later Rytonn!” Pinkie Pie yelled.
Having found nothing of note the Ponies left the destroyed town and kept moving in hopes of finding Nightmare Moon.

The Ponies and Spike along the road and made their way to a city which was also destroyed just like the town. Upon entering they see a strange four legged creature with a long face and a bump on his back. When he saw them he quickly ran. “Must have been a civilian, He probably thought we were one of Nightmare Moon's ponies.” Twilight said. They walked around the city keep their eyes peeled for anything or anyone when they notice a strange sight. It looked to be a pony but it was completely made of stone. It stomped around the area devoid of any sign of sentience. It looked towards them and stared in their direction. It then charged them. Rainbow Dash slammed it into the ground and it fell to pieces instantly. Suddenly a flying stone pony slammed into Rainbow Dash and pinned her to the wall. Fluttershy pulled the stone Pegasus away from Rainbow Dash and threw it onto the ground where it shattered. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash started getting pelted by blast of energy as stone unicorns came in and started attacking the group. Twilight and Rarity started shooting back at them destroying them in the process. More stone ponies, pegasi, and unicorns, surrounded them.
The ponies and Spike fought off the stone ponies but their numbers began to put pressure on them. Suddenly a voice rang out in the distance. “Stand down vile marionettes, or face my steel! Everyone turned to see a boy riding the four legged creature they saw earlier. He was of the same species Rytonn was but was much younger looking and wore tights with a red shirt that bared an emblem on it. “Sally forth Panza!” the boy cried out. The creature raced towards the stone ponies. The creature stomped and kicked the stone ponies and stone unicorns while the boy swung his sword knocking them out of the air and destroying them. He then jumped off his steed and landed next to Twilight. “What ho, you are not aligned with the other ponies?” The boy said as he assisted in destroying the stone ponies. “No in fact we were sent to stop them!” Twilight said as she blasted another stone pony. “Well you came at you're own pace now didn't you? When Panza told me that more ponies were coming I thought you were part of Nightmare Moon's army! Glad to see I will not be the only one mobilizing to stop this threat alone!” the boy said as he made another slash at the ponies. “Are you the only survivor in this city?” Twilight asked. “Nay, I hail from Greyvale! When word of the City of Light's destruction at the hands of fiends, my fellow people trembled at the thought of them being next. But not I! I knew only a hero could save them! And here I am with steed and sword in hand! My name is Alanzo. And I aspire to be a warrior of light!” Alanzo said. With Alanzo and Panza's help they overwhelm the stone ponies and wiped them out.
Alanzo looked around for a moment to see if the coast was clear. After that he put his sword back in his sheathe. “Now that I have solved the situation here I am off to deal with Nightmare Moon's associates. Are you coming with?” Alanzo said as he got on Panza. “Yes. Let’s tread carefully though we don't want to run out of strength dealing with those marionettes.” Twilight said. “Of course, let’s go!” Alanzo said as he sped off on Panza with the Twilight and the others following after him.

The group moved around the city trying to avoid as many of the marionettes as possible. They eventually moved into another section of the city. They ran into the dark ponies grouped together having a conversation. Gimme Temptation, Big Power, and Dunno Maybe were all just sitting around. They were close enough to hear them but were far away enough to have objects obstruct their view. Twilight Sparkle told everyone to be quiet so Fluttershy could eavesdrop on them. “Can you imagine? This town, all ours! Oh I can't wait; I'm going to paint this whole district lavender and maroon!” Gimme said with glee. “For my hard work I deserve most of the city. You can have a street corner I do not need a fashion mall in my city!” Big Power said. “I don't know why we need a city in the first place. Doesn't Queen Moon want this city?” Dunno Maybe asked. “She set her eyes set on Equestria she just wanted this place out of the way. Once she has built a sufficient army she will mobilize out of the Nexus Domain and into Dream Valley. This means that the Nexus Domain will belong to us! Oh I simply cannot wait!” Gimme said. “I Dunno, Can we really control this whole country? There are dragons, and elves, and all sorts of other creatures, and we are just ponies.” Dunno Maybe said. “Don't be such a coward Dunno! These creatures are mere guppies compared to me! Even when Queen Moon takes the bulk of the army to invade Equestria I will still have some toys of my own that will ensure my dominance over these creatures!” Big Power said.
“What are you hearing Fluttershy?” Twilight asked. “Hmm, they intend to take over this city in Nightmare Moon's stead.” Fluttershy said. “What? If they think they will take this city they have another thing coming!” Alanzo said. Before Twilight could stop him he and Panza ran into the open where the dark ponies could see them. “Vile fiends, you will not claim the City of Light as you're own! Not while I draw breathe! Prepare to die!” Alanzo yelled as he pulled out his sword and charged the dark ponies. “Oh how cute we left one behind, Allow me.” Gimme said. She took a deep breathe and exhaled a strong cold wind sending Alanzo flying off Panza. Panza quickly ran away in cowardice. Alanzo quickly got up and went for his sword but before he could grab it Big Power stepped on it. Gimme and Dunno cornered him. “Oh dear, I hope you didn't plan on hurting us with that weapon of yours. That would just be so very mean of you. Don't worry though I know how we can fix this misunderstanding. How about we thrash you around for a bit? I don't know about you but that sounds like fun to me.” Gimme said. Dunno charged his horn and Gimme took a deep breathe. Alanzo braced for the attack but before they could unleash their attacks Twilight and the others jumped into action. Applejack rammed Big Power sending him rolling across the ground. Twilight and Rarity blasted Dunno and Gimme with energy messing up there concentration. “What? Them again, But how?” Gimme said infuriated with ponies’ appearance. “Surrender dark ponies, you're control of this city ends today!” Twilight said. “You ponies think you're silly ambush will befuddle me? Ha ha! I have ways of dealing with creatures like you!” Big Power said as he got up completely brushing off Applejack's attack. “If you're talking about those dumb stone ponies then you should know that we wiped a whole bunch of them out before getting here.” Rainbow Dash said as she slammed her hoofs together. “That does not leave us completely defenseless.” Big Power said with a scoff.
He made a loud whistle that echoed through the area. The ponies, Spike, and Alanzo looked around to see what was going to happen. Suddenly a roar could be heard. Several rather large creatures appeared and started walking towards the dark ponies. They looked like Spike but were much larger in size and were covered in a dark aura. Suddenly Rainbow Dash was slammed into the ground. It was Typhoon Rampage. “Why if it isn't Rainbow Dash, I was hoping you would show up. I still have a job to finish!” Rampage said. Fluttershy grabbed Rampage by his tail and pulled him off of Rainbow Dash and tossed him away from them. “Get out of my way Posey, this fight is between me and Rainbow Dash!” Rampage yelled. “I am sorry but if you fight my friend you will simply have to fight me as well.” Fluttershy said as she floated next to Rainbow Dash. “Fluttershy you don't have to do this if you don't want to.” Rainbow Dash said. “I know.” Fluttershy said with a smile.
Alanzo quickly picked up his blade and started attacking the dragons. Twilight Sparkle tried attacking the dragons with her magic but they didn't seem harmed by her magic. Rarity was busy shooting Gimme Temptation who was darting around the air and shooting hail back at her. Big Power rammed into Twilight and tried to stomp on her but Spike jumped on his back and drove his claws into his back. This caused Big Power to cry out in pain as he desperately tried to get Spike off his back. Alanzo was fiercely fighting the Dragons slaying one with a good slash. One of them exhaled a breath of fire and Alanzo jumped out of the way but unfortunately got within range of another dragon that head butted him sending him falling to the ground. Before the dragon could attack him further Applejack rammed into it sending it falling onto the ground, Pinkie Pie also head butted into another dragon giving Alanzo enough time to pick up his sword.
Typhoon and Rainbow Dash flew around attacking each other. When Typhoon knocked Rainbow Dash down or pinned her Fluttershy would come in and assist although Typhoon predicting Fluttershy's interference threw Rainbow Dash at Fluttershy where she caught her but left them both open as Rampage slammed them both into a wall. Fluttershy squeezed out of his grip and kicked him in the head. Angry, Rampage chases after Fluttershy who dodges his dash attacks. Rainbow Dash took Fluttershy's distraction as chance to use focus her attack. Last time she used her attack to make her hooves move at blinding speeds now she's trying to see if she can use it to make her whole body move at that speed. Electricity began to crawl around her whole body especially around her mane, tail, and hooves; Rampage noticed Rainbow Dash's activity and quickly darted for her. Fluttershy tried to stop him but he quickly knocked her away and charged Rainbow Dash at full speed. Before he could get really close Rainbow Dash rocketed into him at an incredible speed. Everyone was knocked down and Fluttershy and Gimme was knocked out of the air as Rainbow Dash created a sonic boom that could both be felt and heard. In her wake she left a Rainbow that trailed the colors of her mane and tail into the air. Rainbow Dash had slammed into Rampage and sent him flying hundreds of feet into the air at blinding speeds. She then came to a complete stop sending Rampage Typhoon cart wheeling through the sky. She looked down and saw that the City of Light was just a speck as she was well into the sky. It all came to her what she had just accomplished.
“I did it. That was my move. I did my signature move!” Rainbow Dash said. She then started flying around happily but then she remembered the battle on the ground. She used her Sonic Rainboom to fly back to the ground where she stops just before hitting the surface landing softly on the ground. “All right, who’s next?” Rainbow Dash said confidently. Gimme and Big Power looked at the dragons and saw that Alanzo had slew all of them thanks to the help of Applejack and Pinkie Pie. “I am afraid your time is up. Surrender now or perish.” Alanzo said as he pointed his blade straight at them while the other ponies closed in. Dunno who did not engage any of the ponies walked up to Big Power and Gimme Temptation. “I don't want to die. But I don't want to surrender either...” Gimme said frightened. Dunno looked at her and looked at the ponies and Alanzo who were closing in on them. He then took a deep breath and held it his horn started glowing brightly sparks started to come out as he began to rapidly change colors. This sight stunned and confused everyone including Big Power and Gimme. He exploded into a ball of fire with covered the area in bright lights and smoke. This knocked everyone down and blinded everyone as the smoke burned their eyes. When they opened their eyes again the dark ponies were gone.
“Do all you ponies know how to do that?” Alanzo said has he looked around to see where Panza went. “No unicorn I’ve ever known has done that before.” Twilight said as she continued to rub her eyes. “Now what?” Spike said as he swatted the smoke away. “We must continue combing through this city. Dragons and marionettes are a good way to lay siege to a town but not the City of Light. Something else had to have been vital if they were to defeat the Warriors of Light. This I know for sure!” Alanzo said finally having spotted Panza who was hiding in an alleyway. “Just who are the warriors of light anyhow?” Spike asked. “Ahh you are new to this place aren't you? I shall take a moment to speak to you about these fine warriors. Sariel the warrior of loyalty is a griffon, a creature that is half bird and half horse. Kao Huo-Yan is the warrior of honor, he is a dragon but unlike those who fly with wings he flies around without wings and moves about the sky like a serpent. Then there is Lebranther the warrior of justice, he has the body of a tiger and the head of a dragon with large horns that are similar to the ones you horned ponies have. These titans watched over the city in its darkest hour when the Archmage unleashed a fire elemental upon the world. No soul was safe as its wrath ravaged the land and turned everything it touched into ash. The warriors channeled the powers of the heavens themselves through their spirits and with the help of many warriors who also fought to fend the beast off, they successfully banished the creature from this realm. For this tragedy to occur after all the warriors of light have done for us, we have simply let our guard down...” Alanzo said with disappointment on his face.
“Fire elemental? Are you talking about the Red Bull?” Twilight asked. “Yes. The very same, how do you know of such a creature?” Alanzo asked. “I've been to some of the places it has destroyed. Do you know of Lady Amalthea?” Twilight asked. “Lady Amalthea? I'm sure she is someone important but I can't say for sure. If anyone would know it would be the Warriors of Light. If only we can find them that is....” Alanzo said. “Don't worry. We will find them. We just have to keep searching the city and something will come up.” Twilight said.

They continued moving further into the city. When they entered the main district they saw Brainy Smarty-pants and the other dark ponies minus Rampage who apparently did not return from wherever he ended up after being launched through the sky. Next to Brainy was Gilda who was chained up and looking very cross at Brainy. “Sariel's daughter is alive!” Alanzo said as he peeked to see the area. “Isn't that Gilda?” Rainbow Dash said as she peeked as well. “You know the daughter of the warrior of light?” Alanzo asked. “Sure! I saw her in Anthro Town. That's where she was spending most of her time at. I guess she did leave after all.” Rainbow Dash said. “A most inopportune time to return home I would say. I cannot sit idly by while Lady Gilda is under the control of these fiends!” Alanzo said as he once again prepared to charge. This time Twilight Sparkle created a barrier in front of him and he rammed into it falling off of Panza and onto the ground. “What are you doing?” Alanzo said as he got up confused by Twilight's actions. “We cannot just rush in we need to approach the situation carefully if we are too make sure we don't get ambushed or surprised by something unexpected.” Twilight said. “Um Twilight...” Fluttershy said. “What is it Fluttershy?” Twilight asked. “Rainbow Dash has already taken off...” Fluttershy said. “What?” Twilight said as she looked around and noticed that Rainbow Dash was no longer among them.
A smashing sound could be heard as Rainbow Dash landed right next to Brainy taking him by surprise. He smacked him down and struck the chains holding Gilda in place. “Need some help Gilda?” Rainbow Dash said with a smile. “Heh, I didn't think I’d see you again so soon. Thanks for the help but it was a mistake that you came.” Gilda said. “Indeed it was a mistake Rainbow Dash for you see I have come prepared for our encounter.” Brainy said. His horn glowed for a moment or two and then a loud sound could be heard. It didn't sound like a creature of any sort it sounded like machine turning on. Suddenly an object rose up. It was as tall as a five story building. Smoke spewed from its body and lights flicked on it. It had the shape of elf creatures but lacked any real detail. Its head, torso, and arms were attached but the rest of its body floated with the exception of its feet which stood directly below the body. It managed to maintain its position in the air as if all the parts were connected to each other, a long pipe jetting out of its back and let out a huge cloud of black smoke, Greenish lights went down and around its body in a pattern as its eyes turned on.
“My goodness, Wh-wh-what is that thing!?” Alanzo said petrified by the monstrosity. Twilight recognized the creature from the book she found in the city. “It's the Golem...” Twilight said completely stunned. Brainy pointed at the Golem and then at the Ponies and Alanzo. “Destroy them!” Brainy commanded. The eyes of the Golem turned red as it lumbered towards the group. Rainbow Dash hoof punched it only to recoil as it hurt her hoof. “Yah, This thing is like hitting a solid hunk of metal!” Rainbow Dash said as she held her hoof in pain. “It was made to equal the strength of a Vetera, The last great invention by men.” Twilight said. “Yeah well consider it a grand success because it kicked my butt!” Gilda said. The Golem raised his hand and balled it into a fist. “Get out of the way!” Gilda yelled. Just then smoke fumed from the Golem's hand as it shot his entire fist right at the ponies Twilight created a wall to block the fist but it shattered the wall which caused it to slow down giving the ponies enough time to dodge it. Rarity shot at it with her magic but the blasts just bounced off. Even her magnified shot did nothing to harm it. The Golem withdrew its arm and opened his hands. His fingers began to float around the area. The tip of his fingers glowed brightly and beams of light shot out of them. The fingers chased the ponies, Spike, Alanzo, and Gilda around the area trying to hit them with the beams of light.
“I am only but a mortal man! How do I fight such an abomination?” Alanzo cried out as he frantically tried to escape the beams of light. “There's only one thing we can do!” Twilight said as she continued to run. She ran up to Spike which caused the fingers to bump into each other causing the fingers to lose track of them for a moment. Twilight picked Spike up and sat him on her back she continued to run while Spike held on. Twilight opened the backpack with her magic and pulled out the book she found at the ruined city of men. She frantically flipped through the pages until she found the one that she was looking for. She then used her magic to flip open a panel on the back of the Golem revealing his controls. She then started pressing buttons with her magic. Upon pressing one of the buttons the Golem came to a stop. “No, no, no! Stop her!” Brainy said as he tried to interfere with her attempts to stop the Golem by using his magic to press the buttons as well. Big Power and Gimme were still worn out from the fight and Dunno Maybe used up all his strength to create the diversion from earlier.
“It's all over...” Gimme said as she slumped onto the ground. “I can do no more....” Big Power said as he lay on the ground. “I don't think I have it in me to run anymore...” Dunno said as he sat down. “How dare you turn your back on Queen Moon? After all she has given us! She gave us our lives we owe her our last breath!” Brainy said angry and frustrated with their desire to surrender. Gilda grabbed Brainy's head and smiled. She then smashed his head against the ground knocking him out. Without Brainy interfering she completed the procedure and the Golem powered down falling to the ground into a pile. “Hurray! Victory is ours!” Alanzo yelled.