My little pony: An Equestrian Journey

by Swifteye

Chapter 12

Tambelon was one of the many islands that were scattered across the expansive ocean. Most are occupied by creatures too dangerous for the average person to visit. All except Lelianna's Lagoon an island compromised by rivers and pools of water stretched all around the island. It was given such a name when an explorer found himself ship wrecked on the island. His life was saved by a creature who had become smitten with him. It is said that every member of his generation knows the call to summon the creatures to their aid should there ever be a time where they are in need of help whilst sailing the sea.

Chapter twelve: A child of the sea

Rytonn continued to steer the ship while the ponies and Spike hung around and waited to arrive at there next destination. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash flew around the ship to pass the time while Twilight spoke with Rytonn. At Pinkie Pie's request Rarity helped return Pinkie Pie's hair back to the way it was which also seemed to brighten her complexion but it was hard to discern. Applejack spends her time with her head over the side of the ship heaving occasionally. Spike spends most of his time wandering around the ship. He somehow managed to climb all the way up to the crow's nest where he would spend most of his time looking out at the sea till he got tired of that and had Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash bring him back down.
Rainbow Dash watched as Fluttershy started doing acrobatics in the air. She began executing very complicated maneuvers creating spins and loops incorporating the water and with her movement creating a rather beautiful sight. Rainbow Dash looked on being very impressed with Fluttershy but then something occurred to her. She remembered back to when she was a filly just training to be a standard flying Pegasus. She remembered when she first laid eyes on the Wonderbolts. She was amazed and impressed with their abilities. She used to have all their acrobatics memorized by heart. She wasn't very good at imitating any of them but she tried very hard to do so. One year the Wonderbolts were doing a show in Ponyville and Rainbow Dash's class was able to attend. She watched the Wonderbolts create impressive maneuvers and interesting sights with their control over wind and the elements. One move she had all but forgotten because she only got to see it once in action. It was a move where the flier flies around objects wrapping them around their bodies with the power of wind as they spun around the air. It was a signature move known only by a Wonderbolt. And yet Fluttershy was executing that move with perfect ease.
Rainbow Dash completely floored by this revelation quickly went up to Fluttershy who had taken a break from flying around to rest on the deck of the ship. “Where did you learn to do that?” Rainbow Dash said. “Do what?” Fluttershy asked. “How did you learn to do the Wind Dancer?” Rainbow Dash asked. “The Wind Dancer?” Fluttershy said looking confused. “You know! The signature move of Dynamo! You're telling me you're using a Wonderbolt move and you don't even know the Wonderbolt that made it?” Rainbow Dash said completely aghast. “I'm not really a fan of the Wonderbolts...” Fluttershy said nervously. “Then how would you know how to do that trick then huh?” Rainbow Dash said as she started getting aggressive with Fluttershy. “Lay off Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy can accidentally learn a technique if she wants too!” Pinkie Pie said as she jumped to Fluttershy's side. “My dear I have not finished doing you're hair!” Rarity exclaimed. “You can't accidentally do a Wonderbolt move much less do it exactly like a Wonderbolt and perfectly no less. Wonderbolt moves display the greatest feats a pegasi can commit. If you didn't learn it from a Wonderbolt someone must have taught you. Who taught you how to fly?” Rainbow Dash said as she continued to press Fluttershy for information. “N-no one special...” Fluttershy said intimated by Rainbow Dash's behavior. “Leave Fluttershy alone!” Pinkie Pie yelled as she rammed Rainbow Dash right in her head. Rainbow Dash quickly got back up to hit Pinkie Pie but she rammed into a barrier that Twilight Sparkle created. “Rainbow Dash, I thought you weren't going to be causing any trouble from now on!” Twilight said angry at Rainbow Dash's behavior. “It's just. How can her. Rgh!” Rainbow Dash said frustrated. She stamped her hoof onto the deck of the boat damaging it slightly. “Why do you want to know so badly?” Fluttershy asked. “Because I’ve always wanted to be as good as the Wonderbolts, I even have my own move the Sonic Rainboom. But I've never pulled it off. I can't even do my own signature move and yet you can do other ponies' signature moves with ease. It just makes me feel....” Rainbow Dash said still upset. Fluttershy looked at Rainbow Dash's face. She saw her frustration and sadness.
“I will teach you how to fly like I do. If you want...” Fluttershy said. “You would help me? Even after the way I just treated you?” Rainbow Dash said confused. “I just want us to be friends. If helping you with you're flying would make you happy I’d be more than glad to help.” Fluttershy said with a smile. “Man Fluttershy. Now you've made me feel like a real jerk...” Rainbow Dash said embarrassed. “Sorry...I didn't mean to...” Fluttershy said. “What's going on down there?” Spike said as he was once again in the crow's nest. “Girlie stuff I'd say!” Rytonn said jovially. “Never mind them can you tell me what the sky looks like?” he asked. “The sky looks clear, just a couple of clouds here and there which is good right?” Spike asked as he peered across the sea. “As long as it stays that way it will be grand!” Rytonn said happily as he played with the wheel a bit.

The weather did not stay calm for long as the skies changed rapidly. The weather became fierce and choppy as the winds picked up. Before Rytonn and the others knew it the weather became a violent storm. Rytonn began controlling the wheel with actual force as he tried to keep the ship steady. He yelled out orders so the ponies and Spike could assist. Suddenly a roar could be heard. A creature popped up from the sea. It looked to be a reptile of some sort. It spewed torrents of water at Rytonn and the others. The water made it slippery to move around on the deck. The creature began to violently thrash the ship's hull. With each thrash the ship began to fall apart. Rainbow Dash tried to attack the creature but it seemed unaffected by Rainbow Dash's attacks. It shot her out of the sky with another blast of water. Fluttershy grabbed her before she fell into the sea but the both of them got knocked into the water by another shot of water from the creature.
Rytonn saw that there was no hope of escaping this creature’s wrath and started to whistle a tune. The tune had an unusual quality to it. The ship began to topple and the ponies and Spike went overboard but still Rytonn whistled that tune. Eventually Rytonn himself fell into the sea but still he kept on whistling that tune. Twilight began to lose consciousness under the thrashing of the waves but before she completely lost consciousness she heard several voices sing in unison.

Spike was awakened by the rushing water. Somehow he found himself on shore. Spike got up only to feel a pain in his arm and leg. He let out a painful cry. “Sounds like you hurt yourself.” A voice said. Spike looked around only to see Rytonn gathering the wreckage of his ship. “Rytonn, Wait. Where are the others?” Spike said now becoming aware of his environment. “Oh, they are somewhere on this island.” Rytonn said. “We should go looking for them.” Spike said as he got up and tried to move around. “What for, we can't leave until I fix this ship so you might as well as relax.” Rytonn said. Spike ignored him and went searching on without him.

Fluttershy awakened to find herself on Pinkie Pie's back. Pinkie Pie was wandering through the tropical island forest. “Pinkie Pie?” Fluttershy said as she started waking up. “You're awake! Hooray! I was so scared you wouldn't wake up!” Pinkie Pie said happily. “Where are we?” Fluttershy said looking at the environment. The trees were different from the mainland. All the leaves were placed at the top and body of the tree seemed rough and scale like. Birds can be heard and the sound of the ocean surrounded them. “I have no idea. But I don't think we are dead! Not that I know what that would look like.” Pinkie Pie said still walking around. “How do you feel?” Pinkie Pie asked. “I feel weak my body feels like I've went through a grinder.” Fluttershy said as she moved her body. “Don't move! Stay still and let yourself recover. Pinkie Pie will do the walking for you!” Pinkie Pie said. “But aren't you hurt too? You were also on that ship...” Fluttershy said concerned for Pinkie Pie. “Don’t worry about me! Earth ponies are tough!” Pinkie Pie said.
“Can I ask you a question Fluttershy?” Pinkie Pie asked. “What is it Pinkie Pie?” Fluttershy asked. “Are you still going to love me after we return home?” Pinkie Pie asked looking concerned. “What makes you think I wouldn't?” Fluttershy asked confused. “It's just that if this adventure didn't happen to us and we lived our lives as normal. We would have never met. I don't even think we have anything in common either...I want to be with you after this is all over but I don't know if we can. Without this cool adventure to keep us together we just might fall apart.” Pinkie Pie said now becoming very sad. “We don't have to be the same in order to be friends Pinkie Pie. Ponies can get along as long as they understand each others needs and interests. If we want this relationship to work we should discuss our differences and work on compromises.” Fluttershy said. “I can do that! I can do that right now! Um, how do you feel about parties Fluttershy?” Pinkie Pie asked becoming happy again. “I'm not really fond of them. If I was invited to one I would attend but I never have much fun as I'm kind of shy around large groups.” Fluttershy said. “What if it was just you and me?” Pinkie Pie asked. “I'd like that.” Fluttershy said with a smile. “Yay, we can have one of those sleeps over parties!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

Rarity awakened to find herself on Applejack's back. Applejack was wandering around the island environment trying to find the others. “Now I know what a cloth being put through a spin cycle is like.” Rarity said groggily. “I reckon that's one bath you didn't plan on takin'!” Applejack said with a laugh. “You are very correct Applejack. By the way, do you have any idea where we are?” Rarity asked. “I don't have a single idea but at least I’m not seasick anymore!” Applejack said happily. “We must quickly find the others. They could be injured. By the way how long have I been on your back?” Rarity said. “Ever since I woke up, I saw you were still a little out of it so I gave you a bit of a ride. You still don't sound good though so I’m going to let you ride for a bit longer so you can heal yourself with that magic of yours!” Applejack said. “Hmph. Heal myself while you carry me around? I think not! You need to recover more than I do! I simply insist that I heal your wounds.” Rarity said. “Well I reckon I can't refuse if that’s what your insisting.” Applejack said with a smile. “Indeed you can't.” Rarity said as she smiled back at Applejack.

Twilight Sparkle was awakened by the waves splashing her. She tried to figure out where she was but could not recognize the place to be an environment she had encountered previously. She walked around hoping to find something familiar or find Spike or any of the others. Eventually she ran into Spike who was lying on the ground. Worried she ran up to him. “Spike!” Twilight yelled. “Twilight?” Spike said sounding very tired. “Spike, are you okay?” Twilight asked as she looked Spike over. “Not are you feeling?” Spike asked. “I'm fine Spike I got away with minimal injuries. I can't say the same for you though you look to be in terrible condition.” Twilight said as she inspected his wounds. “Yeah, it kinda hurts to move right now...I think I may have overdone it trying to look for you guys.” Spike said as he struggled to sit up. “Spike, stop moving this instant!” Twilight yelled. He froze in place and looked at Twilight Sparkle. “If you move while your injured like this you could do further damage to yourself. Let me help you.” Twilight said.
She lifted Spike with her magic and softly sat him on her back. “You just sit there for now while I heal you. We'll look for the others together.” She said as she began healing him. “Twilight...thank you...” Spike said as he hugged Twilight with tears starting to come out of his eyes. Twilight Sparkle was stunned by the Spike's hug. Unsure on just how to react she said. “You’re welcome Spike.” Spike soon fell asleep and even though he had made a full recovery through Twilight's magic she let him sit on her back.

Rainbow Dash awakened after by the splashing of the waves. Realizing where she was she set off to the find the others but found her wings were injured. Her only solution was to walk around the island. As she walked further into the forest she could hear voices. “Sinking like a rock your time was short.” the voice said. Rainbow Dash darted around to find where the voice was coming from. “We rescued you quick and fast. We fled the monsters raging wrath.” another voice chimed. Rainbow Dash looked as the voices echoed through the area. She could hear movement in the water surrounding her but didn't see anything of note. “And though you wake safe and well the sea is still perturbed.” yet another voice said. “Assist us with our plight oh creature born with flight! Free the child, free the seas, and make wrongs, right! Shoop-bee-doo-shoop-shoop-bee-doo!” the voices said in unison. “Uh sure, But it's kinda hard to help when I have no idea where to go and no idea who I’m even talking too.” Rainbow Dash said.
Suddenly three bodies shot out of the water. The creatures looked similar to the one modeled on the front of Rytonn's ship. But while that looked like it was half of Rytonn's race and half fish it was obvious that these creatures were more fish than mammal. They had scaly skin and fish eyes with serrated teeth. There fins were colorful and there hair was one of few things that actually made them look like land based creatures. They had arms and fingers though the nails were fairly sharp looking. “If you request a guide we will apply! Follow me my friend our situation yonder lies!” the creature said happily as it splashed about and swam further into the island forest. Rainbow Dash followed them at a brisk pace.

The creatures led Rainbow Dash to an orb of darkness floating above the ground. Inside it contained a small creature whose cries were barely audible. “It came one day with the child in tow.” The creature said. “It locked it in the ball of dark light.” the other creature said. “We cannot penetrate the force that withholds It.” the other creature chimed. “Will you help us with our plight?” they said in unison. “I'll try.” Rainbow Dash said. Rainbow Dash walked up to the dark orb. She touched it and it zapped her hand with energy. She shook off the stinging feeling it gave her and charged her hooves for an attack. She began hitting the dark orb with her lighting hoof punches. She continued to strike it with her hooves. The orb only zapped her back in response to her attacks and showed no sign of wearing out or disappearing. “Focus your strength Rainbow Dash...” Said a voice, It was Fluttershy who was still laying on Pinkie Pie's back. The others made there way to the area as well. “Looks like your friends have found you.” The creature said happily. “What are those things Rainbow Dash?” Rarity asked. “We're sirens of the sea!” The creature said. “Maidens of the water!” Another creature said. “Ladies of the lake!” the third creature said. “We have many names but mermaids shall do, but now we shall ask, who are you?” The mermaids said in unison.
“We are ponies and excuse me mermaids, are you familiar with the phrase “Shoop-bee-doo-shoop-shoop-bee-doo?”” Twilight asked. “Hehe we like saying that when we sing. It's something our ancestors picked up from land creatures and we've sang like that ever since!” the mermaid said with a giggle. “I heard your voices when the ship went under.” Twilight said. “Indeed that was us! We saved you're lives you see, A little favor from me to you!” The mermaid said. “Now we need you're help for you see. This creature is contained in this dark ball of energy. Its freedom is a must for only then will the sea act just.” The mermaid said pointing at the creature still trapped in the orb. “This definitely reeks of Nightmare Moon's antics.” Rainbow Dash said. “Never mind that now. You must focus Rainbow Dash. Concentrate on the elements.” Fluttershy said. “I'm not really into that meditation stuff can't you just tell me how I should approach something?” Rainbow Dash said bemused by the concept. “You can't think like that. The power of the Pegasus is guided by our control of the environment. But it is not a weapon to be wielded, for we are one with it. We are the clouds and the wind, the lighting and the storms, the snow and the sleet. We are an extension of these elements and they are an extension of us. Find your center. Summon the elements and let them guide your movement.” Fluttershy said.
Rainbow Dash looked at Fluttershy and nodded. Took a deep breath and smacked her hooves together. Electricity started to gather around her legs she put her hoof up to the dark ball of energy. It zapped her but it didn't hurt like before. She saw the lighting that gathered on ball crawl around her and didn't cause her any harm. She positioned her punch looking for just the right way to hit the ball of energy. She took another deep breath and the electricity began to surge all around her. In the blink of an eye she struck the orb at blinding speeds lighting crackled and boomed as the force of the attack sent plasma flying everywhere. The orb began to warp and bend. She struck it again and it began to crack. She struck it once more and it fell apart.
Rainbow Dash marveled at what she had just accomplished. “Wow Rainbow Dash. I've never seen anyone move that fast before. Your command over lighting is most superior.” Fluttershy said happily. The creature fell out of the orb and the mermaids started to pull it back into the water where it swam off. “You've done such a great deed today. And for that this mermaid shall repay!” the mermaid said. “Gee. What are you guys going to do?” Applejack asked curious. The mermaid smiled and snapped her fingers as the other mermaids gathered next to her.
Call upon the mermaids when you're in distress
Helpful as can be mermaids - simply signal SOS
If you find you're past the drift and haven't got an oar (oar)
Count upon the mermaids- they'll see you to shore
Shoop-bee-doo-shoop-shoop-bee-doo!” the mermaids sang. They then swam away. “Did anypony think that was the best song ever? I wonder if they do concerts. I would attend!” Pinkie Pie said highly entertained by the mermaid's song. “And they call me silly.” Applejack said as she rolled her eyes at Pinkie Pie.

The Ponies and Spike located Rytonn who had somehow put the ship back together as if it was never destroyed in the first place. When asked he simply stated that it was nothing less than restoration magic. They got on the ship and continued to sail to their destination.