//------------------------------// // Chapter 11 // Story: My little pony: An Equestrian Journey // by Swifteye //------------------------------// Beyond the sea there was a city by the name of Tambelon. On this island city there were creatures who were half horse and half of a different creature. They were powerful and well versed in magical properties. One day though there city vanished from the world itself leaving nothing as evidence that it ever existed at all. The existence of Tambelon has been a mystery for centuries and many adventurous creatures have set to the sea to find the location of where this city once was but as of yet no one has ever found the remains of Tambelon. Chapter eleven: The Sea of Revelations Twilight and the others arrived at a town that sat next to a huge body of water. Now there were lakes and ponds and even a swamp in Equestria but nothing quite like this existed in their land. A couple of houses and buildings surrounded the edge of the water with some buildings standing on wooden poles for reasons the ponies have no knowledge about. A bridge lead out to the sea but it was a dead end and at the end of it a large ship was sitting next to it. It was much larger than any ship one might see in Equestria on the front of the ship was the image of a creature that looked like some of the pale skinned looking creatures but had many features that resembled a fish including an entire fish tail for legs. There were some animal creatures littered amongst the villagers but it was mostly compromised of pale skinned creatures that bared no animalistic features and instead had very pointy ears and a very petite features. “Golly, would you look at that water? It goes on forever! That would be one heck of a swim to get the other side!” Applejack Said dumbstruck by the sight of the sea. “Swim? I do not swim! That water would ruin my hair!” Rarity said disenchanted by the sea. “How do we get to the other side Twilight?” Spike asked. “Hmm, there must be a boat of some sort we can ride across.” Twilight said looking around. “You all are looking for a ferry ride?” one of the villagers said as she walked up to them. “A ferry ride?” Spike said confused as to what the word was. “A ferry ride is a ship that takes people from one port to the other usually the only way to safely reach a destination that requires you going out into the ocean.” the villager said. “Where do we apply for a ride?” Twilight asked. “Oh I’m afraid you won't be able to. The ship hasn't returned yet. But it will here any day now.” the villager said. “Any day now, I would think something responsible for escorting people would have a more predictable schedule.” Rarity said with a scoff. “Well it was supposed to arrive a few days ago but it didn't show up. It was probably in need of repairs though that's why it usually misses its scheduled appearance. Yep! Any day now! I would find a room at the Inn if I were you. And be quick about it too as other people are waiting for the ship to arrive.” The villager said as she pointed at the hotel room. “I will handle that! Spike could I have that backpack of yours?” Rarity asked. “Oh sure.” Spike said as he took the backpack off his back. Rarity floated it over to her and she tried to fit the backpack on herself. “Doesn't quite match my look but I will let that slide for now.” Rarity said as she adjusted the backpack. “I'll come with you Rarity I want to see if I can get some information from travelers. Ponies, Spike, You can walk about as you like.” Twilight said to the others. Twilight walked into the Inn and just as the villager suggested it was filled with all sorts of creatures sitting around in the lobby. Some were even checking out having gotten tired of waiting for the ferry to arrive. “At this point I could have flown to Boybrook and made a rest stop at Lelianna's Lagoon!” The traveler said angrily at the receptionist. “What can I say? They haven't arrived yet. Just wait one more day; I’m sure they will turn up.” So you can add more to my bill? No way! I'm taking my things and making the flight myself!” The traveler said as strapped his backpack to his back and took off. Twilight and Rarity saw the man storm off outside and take off in the air. “If only we could fly. Then we could all make the trip. I hardly think Fluttershy has the strength to carry us across the sea by herself.” Rarity said. “We will simply have to hope that the ferry will arrive at some point.” Twilight said. Twilight's ears focused on a conversation a couple of traveler were having. “You should have seen this creature! She could fly so fast that Sun Wukong had to create a hurricane just to keep her from winning!” The traveler said with enthusiasm. “That's pretty grand but I say what I saw was far more interesting! Turns out some weird four legged creature had somehow captured Sun Wukong!” The traveler said equally enthused. “Really, did this one have wings?” The traveler asked. “Nope, this one had a horn.” the traveler said. “Where do you suppose those creatures came from?” The traveler asked. “I have no idea but they seem like pretty daring creatures if you asked me. So like I was saying, there I was! I saw Sun Wukong the Monkey King himself being carted away by some weird creature.” The traveler said as he resumed his conversation. “What did you do?” The other traveler asked. “I stopped him is what I did! I swooped in and clocked him right on his noggin. The guy didn't even see it coming. Dropped Sun Wukong like a bag of bricks. I walked up to Sun and he had some weird talisman on him. I took off the talisman and before I knew it Sun Wukong was up again and just like that he dashed across the mountains at a furious pace.” The traveler said. “I wonder where he went.” The traveler said. “I don't know. Must have been important though.” the traveler said. Spike and Applejack walked up to the sea. They watched as the waves moved back and forth on the sand. “Whoa. Don't want to stare at that too long. That stuff could right hypnotize ya!” Applejack said as she shook her head. Spike walked closer the waves. He got close enough to where the waves splashed his feet. He shivered as the water was very cold. “Not exactly bath water is it Spike?” Applejack said with a laugh. “You're telling me! This stuff is cold! And there's all this junk in it.” Spike said. He pulled his foot out of the water and sees some sort of weed wrapped around it. He grimaces and pulls it off his foot and throws it back into the sea. He walks a little further into the water only to get knocked down by a wave. He stumbles on the ground and quickly gets back up. “You okay there little buckaroo?” Applejack asked trying to hide her amusement by showing concern. “This water is weird! It taste salty and burns my eyes!” Spike said as he tries to rub the stinging sensation out of his eyes. He walked back to the shore only to get knocked down by another wave. Applejack unable to contain her self laughs at Spike dismay. Fluttershy sits on the sand and stares at the waves. The sound of the ocean gives her a calming effect and she relaxes and meditates by the sea. The sounds of the people walking around and talking and Spike and Applejack playing nearby all becomes silent as she focuses on the sound of the sea. The various thoughts in her mind, concerning the mission, Concerning Pinkie Pie, and even concerning herself began to fade away. Fluttershy opened her eyes only to notice that hours had passed and the sun was setting into the sea. “What a beautiful sunset...” Fluttershy said. She turns her head and saw that Pinkie Pie was also staring off into the sea. She still had that somber expression on her face. “I can't give up... I must try again.” Fluttershy said to herself. She then walked over to where Pinkie Pie was sitting and sat next to her. She took a deep breath and then turned to Pinkie Pie. “What's wrong Pinkie Pie?” Fluttershy asked. Pinkie Pie didn't respond. “You need to tell me what's wrong so I can help you.” Fluttershy said. “Why do you even care?” Pinkie Pie asked despondently. “You know why I care Pinkie Pie. I'm you're friend.” Fluttershy said. “You aren't my friend. I have no friends. I've never had any friends.” Pinkie Pie said. “But what about all those ponies you throw parties for?” Fluttershy asked. “They don't like me they just like my parties. Once the parties over I’m no one they want to hang out with. Ponies just use me. And I’d let them use me just so I can pretend to be there friends. “Maybe one day they will lighten up and be real friends!” What a terrible lie I fed myself. Well I'm done believing the lie. Nobody likes me. Including you, so just give it up and leave me alone Fluttershy.” Pinkie Pie said. Fluttershy looked dejected for a moment or two but then quickly recovered and gained a stern look on her face. She grabbed Pinkie Pie's face and made it face her. “I will not give up because I am you're real friend Pinkie Pie! Those ponies may have used you but I am nothing like those ponies! I would never treat you like that Pinkie Pie and do you know why?” Fluttershy said speaking very clearly with her voiced filled with confidence and strength. Pinkie Pie completely stunned by Fluttershy's display shook her head no in response to the question. “It's because I actually like you as a individual. Sure you are a bit much but there is something about your character I find very wholesome. You are simply genuine in your kindness and willingness to be friendly. You are just so accepting of others that it makes me feel like I could be myself around you and you wouldn't mind at all. I can't tell you the last time I’ve felt that way when I'm around other ponies. When I see you like this it fills me with pain because I know this is not the real you. And I just...” Fluttershy said as she began to struggle with her words. She began wrapping her legs around Pinkie Pie hugging her tightly. Pinkie Pie continued shock and stunned by Fluttershy's words and actions. “I just want my friend back! Please Pinkie Pie! Smile and laugh again!” Fluttershy said as she started tearing up as her voice began to break. “You really do care about me...” Pinkie Pie said breaking out of her shock. “I love you Pinkie Pie! All I want to hear from you is that you love me back!” Fluttershy said. Pinkie Pie began to break down and cry as she put her legs around Fluttershy. “I love you too Fluttershy!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she sobbed. Tired and grimy from playing in the sea Spike and Applejack walk into the Inn and go towards the lobby to find out where they were staying in. At the edge of Spike's eye he sees Twilight having an odd conversation with one of the travelers. “So let me get this straight. Ponies have pretty much made men obsolete?” The traveler said scratching his head. “No that is not what I said. Let me reiterate again. Male ponies can only assist in conception but can't actually conceive foals. Only female ponies can do that and they can do so with other female ponies as we contain the ability to both conceive and concept foals.” Twilight said sounding annoyed and frustrated. “Well how does that work it would be like two sockets plugging in.” The traveler said still confused. “I told you we don't do that! Our species exchange genetic codes when our essences emit from our bodies during the bonding phase where we engage in a passionate physical expression which varies depending on the specific pony breed.” Twilight said. “Uh Twilight, What are you talking about?” Spike asked weird-ed out by Twilight's conversation. “Oh! Spike, I was just talking to this traveler I wanted to know something about this part of the world and he wanted to know some things about ours. I did not plan to talk about the pony reproductive process I didn't think it was anything important to mention. And yet, here we are.” Twilight said as she put her face on her hoof in frustration. “I just don't get how most of you creatures are just female ponies and baby ponies with only a few males scattered between you all. Who handles the labor intensive work?” The traveler asked. “Both genders handle the labor intensive work.” Twilight said quite annoyed. “Yeah but the males would be more useful cause they are stronger and more stout right?” The traveler said. “Spike, Head to the room without me. I'm going to be here for awhile.” Twilight said with a sigh. Spike walked away and Twilight and the traveler resumed there conversation. Spike walked in the room to find Rarity inspecting the room. “Hmph, What a lack luster room, It's just like the one at the Inn in Anthro Town but this time they made me pay for it! This is not worth 13 jangles!” Rarity said. She turned to Spike and gasped. “You are repulsive!” Rarity yelled. Spike looked at himself non-nonchalantly. “Well I'm not supposed to be cute. I am a boy dragon after all.” Spike said. “Ugh! Not that. Look at yourself. You have sand and filth all over you! You and Applejack are simply terrible. I demand you jump in the tub and scrub yourself off at once. I bought a scrubber for myself but I'd be willing to give it up to clean the far dirtier.” Rarity said as she floated Spike into the bathroom. She dropped him right into the tub where Applejack was currently sitting. “Howdy little buckaroo, mind getting' my back? That sand gets right itchy after awhile!” Applejack said to Spike as she sat next to him in the tub. Eventually Applejack and Spike were clean enough to get Rarity's approval and they both spent the night on the couch. Rarity and Twilight slept in the same bed although Twilight spent a rather long time talking to the traveler and looked very frustrated with the whole experience. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie made there way back into the room and slept in the other bed. The ponies and Spike woke up the next day to see that the horizon still had not arrived. Though is disappointed them there was no other options so they hoped that before the day was out the ferry would at least be seen on the horizon. Panicked yelling and screaming came from the Ursa Plains and it sounded as if someone was being attacked or at the very least chased. Twilight and the others ran towards the entrance to the town to see what was going on. Fluttershy was unsure of what she saw but taking another look she knew for sure that she saw Rainbow Dash flying through the air whilst holding onto another traveler. At first it didn't make any sense why she was in such a rush but then they saw that they were being chased by a colossal creature with body covered in stars that illuminated the area around it. Rainbow Dash began lower to the ground. “She's exhausted. That creature has probably been chasing her all over the Ursa Plains.” Fluttershy said concerned. “Fluttershy, Grab Rainbow Dash and that man and bring them here! Rarity! This creature is on rampage I need you to help me form a barrier to stop it!” Twilight commanded. Rarity nods and prepares to use her magic in tandem with Twilight. Fluttershy flies into the air and grabs Rainbow Dash and the man in her legs. She then quickly flies back and drops them behind Rarity and Twilight. The villagers panic and flee as the creature barrels into the village only to be stopped by the barrier Rarity and Twilight created. However the sheer force of the creature’s thrashings puts stress on the barrier almost immediately. “How do we stop this thing!?” Rarity said as the stress was starting to get to her. “Something must be irritating it!” Twilight yelled trying to maintain her stance. Fluttershy quickly shot up into the air and flew around the creature making sure she was out of its reach. She tries to find anything of interest and for a second she thought she was going to come up short but then. She notices a stick lodged into the creature’s backside. “Wait. Is that?” Fluttershy said getting closer to figure out what she was looking at. “Status report Fluttershy!” Twilight yelled still keeping the shield up. There appears to be a pole or a stick of some kind lodged in its back. It may be the sign of irritation!” Fluttershy said. “Stick? Pole, Sun Wukong's staff!” Rainbow Dash said jumping right back up and going into the air. “We got to get that staff out of its back Fluttershy! Can you help me pull it out?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Sure. I'd be glad to!” Fluttershy said. They both ran up to the spot where the staff was. They grabbed a hold of the staff and started to dislodge the stick from the creature’s hind. The creature roared in pain as it started trying to shake them off. With a couple of good tugs the staff popped out of the creatures hind. The creature being freed from the discomfort of the staff stopped attacking. It then disappeared from sight. Rarity collapsed tired from holding the barrier up. The villagers were relieved as the threat of the creature had gone away. The traveler Rainbow Dash walked up to Rainbow Dash who was storing the staff in Spike's backpack. “If you hadn't found me on the Ursa Plains I would have been a goner! Thank you, ur, Oh man, I never got your name.” The traveler said. “The names Rainbow Dash but I can't really take all the credit. They helped me after all, speaking of which.” Rainbow Dash said. She walked over to where Twilight was. Twilight Sparkle just looked at her waiting for Rainbow Dash to speak first. “Twilight, I'm Sorry.” Rainbow Dash said with her head down in shame. Twilight stood there looking at Rainbow Dash. She then smiled. “Apology accepted.” Twilight Sparkle said. “The whole team is back together again, Yay.” Fluttershy said happily. “This is real nice and all but we still can't get across that sea.” Spike said. “You mean the ferry hasn't shown up?” The traveler asked. “Yep, I'm afraid if you came here to hitch a ride across the sea you will have to wait.” Twilight said. “That's what you think! I have a ship I don't need a ferry to get across the sea!” The traveler said with a smile. “That ship over there is yours?” Twilight said looking back at the large vessel stationed near the beach. “Yep, Lelianna's Song my pride and joy, I never go a single day into the sea with it!” The traveler said. “I know this would be an inconvenience to you but could you perhaps escort us across the sea?” Twilight Sparkle asked. “Normally I don't like having too many travelers with me as I sail the seas but this time I’ll make an exception! You did save my life after all! You and your friends are all welcome aboard! The name's Rytonn by the way. Captain Rytonn when I'm on the ship okay?” Rytonn said as he shook Twilight's hoof. “All right you girls and guy, it’s time to roll!” He said as he ran off towards the ship with Twilight and the others following him. The ponies and Spike watched as Rytonn got the ship ready to set sail into the sea. The ship began to move away from the beach and further into the sea. After an hour or so the shore could no longer be seen even with squinting. Rytonn took his hands away from the wheel and walked over to the ponies and Spike who were looking over the bulwark to see the water underneath them. “Ahoy there gals and dragon!” Rytonn called. This got there attention on Rytonn. “I fancy none of you have ever ridden on a ship before have you?” Rytonn asked. The group agreed that they had not. “Well I guess I should give you a bit of a tour. But I’m not much of a tour guide so I’ll tell you just what you need to know.” Rytonn said as he walked to a handle on the deck of the ship. He pulled it up and it revealed a pair of stairs leading into the lower parts of the ship. There were a couple of windows showing the outside of the ship but other than that it was barren safe for a couple bunk beds. “That's where you guys will be sleeping.” Rytonn said. “It's better than a tent I suppose.” Rarity said with a sigh as she looked over the beds. “Hey uh Rytonn?” Applejack said looking a little woozy. “That's captain Rytonn, Oh! You look a little green around the gills there.” Rytonn said concerned. “I think I've come down with something.” Applejack said looking very ill and pale. “Uh oh, Looks like you might be a little seasick.” Rytonn said. “Seasick? Does that mean the sea makes you sick?” Spike asked concerned if he was next. “Nope nothing of the sort, Seasickness happens when the body, inner ear, and eyes all send different signals to the brain, resulting in confusion and queasiness. It works kind of like an allergy. Technically most everyone has an allergy but only the people who have serious reactions to it are considered the truly allergic. As such the case you may all experience certain symptoms of seasickness but she will probably experience the worst of it. And with that said you'll need this.” Rytonn said. He grabbed a pail and tossed it over to Applejack. “What's this for?” Applejack asked. “It's your puke pail.” Rytonn said. “No! You will not be doing that. If you simply must vomit I demand you take it over the ship!” Rarity exclaimed. She then took Applejack's hat off her head. “Hey what are you doing with my hat?” Applejack asked. “I'm taking it for the remainder of this ride. I don't want you getting it messy seeing as there would be no way to clean it.” Rarity said as she put the hat in the backpack. Their journey continues