//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: My little pony: An Equestrian Journey // by Swifteye //------------------------------// The Forest of Afel was named after a young buck that fell in love with a beautiful Unicorn Pegasus who wandered through the forest from time to time. Any chance she showed her face he professed his love to her, and though she appreciated the gesture she knew there union could not be so for she was well beyond a mortal’s stake to claim. The rest of his life he spent cursing his mortality wishing for so much more becoming despondent and wicked. Soon he neared death but even as he drew his last breath all he wanted was to be a with the Unicorn Pegasus who's beauty and grace haunted his mind for his entire life. Fueled by his passion and his desire that would not fade even in death his body and soul ascended into a higher state of being and fused with the forest itself his massive ascension warped the very forest and all who resided in it. To this day the creatures in the Forest of Afel are magical and filled with enchantment and Afel himself got his wish and became a godlike being who ruled over the land in the form of a massive deer who knew no equal in his humble forest. But all his powers are for naught as the Unicorn Pegasus is nowhere to be found... Chapter five: Encounter at the Forest of Afel. The ponies travel through Afel forest looking around the lush forest as they pass through it. Unlike the Everfree forest this one was abundant with all sorts of life from bugs to small creatures rustling in the bushes which didn't put Fluttershy at ease but its better than creatures intentionally hiding from them like in the pampas grass. Twilight motioned everyone to stop as she looked around the area. “What are we stopping for?” Rainbow Dash asked eager to keep on moving. “We need to stop for the day. I'm trying to figure out if this will be an ideal location to set up camp.” Twilight said as she looked at the sun setting through the trees. “Sleep? Here? In a forest?” Rarity said repulsed by the thought. “It will be like camping! It can be a camping party! Yay! Camping party!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed hopping around as usual. “This doesn't seem like a good idea Twilight. There could be all sorts of things in this forest.” Fluttershy said as she looked around worryingly. “Not only that, but a forest is absolutely repulsive! A spider could crawl into my mouth or an ant can bite me while I sleep!” Rarity said as she panicked at the thought. “Don't be such scaredy ponies! Campin's real easy! All we gotta do is set up a real nice tent and have us ponies rotate guard throughout the night so everyone gets a good nights rest and what not.” Applejack said as she shook her head at Fluttershy and Rarity. “Exactly. Who wants to have the first shift?” Twilight said. “I can do it.” Spike said raising his hand. “As if! You'd probably fall asleep on us.” Rainbow Dash said with a scoff. “Hey! Your kind of right...” Spike said reluctantly agreeing with Rainbow Dash. “I can do it!” Applejack said. “Okay now that that's settled lets set up a nice tent for us to sleep in for the night. Rarity will you help me form the tent?” Twilight asked. “I should hope so! If we are going to be in this tent sleeping together like some band of gypsies we might as well do it with as much style and function as possible!” Rarity exclaimed as she started gathering tree branches and arranging them in a neat pile. “Now. Does anyone what a tent looks like?” Rarity said realizing she has never seen one up close. “Just follow my instructions Rarity and we'll have this tent up before nightfall.” Applejack said. “Spike, do you think you can set up a fire?” Twilight asked. “Pft! Of course I can set up a fire what do you think I'm just some pony in a dragon costume?” Spike said scoffing at the suggestion of him being unable to set something on fire. “If you are wearing a costume it's the best costume I’ve ever seen! Its way better than that bumblebee costume I dressed Gummy in for this one girl’s party! She said she was a fan of bumblebee but when gummy showed up she said not that kind of bumblebee which confused me cause there's only one kind of bumblebee that's a bumblebee right? Unless she was talking about someone called bumblebee but what sort of a name is bumblebee?” Pinkie Pie said as she got randomly into Spikes face. “I don't know...What sort of a name is Pinkie Pie?” Spike said sort of confused by what Pinkie Pie was even talking about. Twilight and Rarity used there magic to turn the leaves into one solid object and fused it with the skeleton of the tent as instructed by Applejack. Rainbow Dash ran around finding dry wood for Spike to set aflame. By the time they were done it had already gotten dark. All the ponies went inside the tent except for Fluttershy and Applejack. “You should get your sleep Fluttershy we got a big day tomorrow!” Applejack said pointing towards the opening in the tent. “I don't really want to sleep Applejack...” Fluttershy as she sat just outside the entrance to the tent. “Why not, aren’t ya tired?” Applejack said noticing that Fluttershy looks a little weary. “I am I just don't want to sleep.” Fluttershy said with a yawn. “Why not?” Applejack asked curious as to why. “I don't like sleeping in places that aren't my home...” Fluttershy said as she looked in the direction of a rustling bush. “Aw come on now! You’re not some young filly you’re a grown pony like me and the rest except Spike of course. You have to sleep sometime Fluttershy we're a long ways from that little garden home you had.” Applejack said. “I know. I'm trying to not remember that but this place never lets me forget. Everything keeps on moving. The grass, the winds, the clouds, It's like everything is truly alive and moving all the time. That makes me nervous. Why can't things be like at home? Everything was so much more controlled and quiet back home. I can't sleep in this restless world...” Fluttershy said as she lowered her head to the ground. Applejack looked at Fluttershy's sad face and sighed. “You wanna be my watch buddy?” Applejack said. “What's that?” Fluttershy asked curiously. “It's when you make sure we don't fall asleep by keeping each other awake.” Applejack said happily. “I'd like that.” Fluttershy said with a smile as she rose her head back up. “All right then!” Applejack said finding enjoyment out of Fluttershy smiling for once. “So which one of y’all is going to take the next shift?” Applejack said peeking into the tent. “Sorry Applejack. I need my rest for tomorrow. If I’m tired then we can end up wandering around aimlessly.” Twilight said. “Makes sense.” Applejack said nodding in understanding. “Sorry Applejack! I'm the muscle around here and I’m beat. If I don't get my rest we could end up getting our butts kicked.” Rainbow Dash said as she stretched. “That makes sense I guess.” Applejack said sort of understanding where Rainbow Dash was coming from. “No can do Applejack! A pony of my complexion needs at least 8 hours of beauty rest with no interruptions between! You would not believe what becomes of me when I don't get the required amount of rest. I look absolutely dreadful!” Rarity said as she turned a pair of large leaves into a night mask. “Uh, Okay then Rarity....” Applejack said not really finding Rarity's excuse acceptable. “Don't worry Applejack! I got your back! Next shift I’ll totally be there for ya! Just give a little shout and I’ll come on out!” Pinkie Pie said gleefully. “Thank ya kindly Pinkie Pie.” Applejack said glad that someone didn't make an excuse for themselves. Applejack spends the night thinking about her home Applebloom and Macintosh, and even the farm itself. She stares into the fire which hasn't dimmed since its initial light by Spike. She thinks to herself if that's just the result of Spikes fire or if the wood and plants here just burn more effectively but it was just a wandering thought and left just as quick as it came. She looked back at Fluttershy who looked really tired and had lost the energy to keep herself up. Applejack would look at Fluttershy who would look back at her as if she knew when exactly Applejack would do the same. Eventually Fluttershy did fall asleep which only reminded Applejack that she wanted to sleep as well. But when Applejack called out for Pinkie Pie there wasn't a response. She called again only to find everyone was sleeping soundly. Everyone had managed to find there own personal space to sleep in although Spike had moved from his spot to sleep next to Twilight, one can only assume he did it after she fell asleep or perhaps he was asleep as well while he did it as it wasn't uncommon for young children to find comfort instinctively especially when sleeping or frightened. Applejack made another sigh as she knew she had to last the whole night through despite being quite tired herself. Eventually she grew quite tired to the point to where she would nod off for several moments at a time. She told herself she could control it and have it to where it would slightly keep her awake throughout the night. Alas that plan failed as she fell asleep in front of the fire. She then quickly got up breaking out of it with drool on her face. She shook herself awake although she was still far too tired to stay awake but she was determined to not fall asleep. Unfortunately something bashed her across the head and she lost consciousness. Applejack awakens dazed and confused. “Did you have a nice nap Applejack?” Rainbow Dash says sarcastically. “Wha? Ow! My head! Wait. My hat! My hat is gone! What the? What is this here? Where are we?” Applejack says as she comes to term to her location. Applejack is inside a cage along with all the other ponies and Spike who are in there own separate cage spread out so no one can really touch each other. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are in bird cages while the others are in standard ground cages and Spike's cage is a normal cage chained to a tree a couple feet off the ground. “Sorry Applejack I was supposed to keep you awake...” Fluttershy said sadly. “It's not your fault Fluttershy. It's Pinkie Pie's fault! She was supposed to take the next shift!” Spike yelled as smoke came out of his nostrils. “Sorry I kinda got tired and stuff and kinda crashed.” Pinkie Pie said feeling little guilty. “No hard feelings?” Pinkie Pie said trying her best to apologize. “Yeah sure.” Spike said with a smile on his face. “Really?” Pinkie Pie said happy to see Spike accept his apology. “No! You deserve to feel bad for getting us in this mess!” Spike said angrily as smoke continued to fume from his nostrils. Pinkie Pie was hurt by Spike's comment and turned around to hide her reaction from everyone else. She then slammed the cage with her head though she made no noise or even turned around to explain herself and continued to make no eye contact with anyone else. “How long have we been in here?” Applejack asked as she was still trying to find where her hat had gone. “We've been here for several hours Applejack.” Twilight said as she watched Applejack wander in circles inside her cage. “Why haven't y’all found a way out yet?” Applejack asked. “As if you had to ask, obviously I would have fashioned a branch or a rock into a delightful little key to jimmy the lock open but unfortunately our friend there has other thoughts on such actions.” Rarity said nonchalantly while nudging her head in a direction. Applejack saw a large muscular creature with a grey coat and a mask like pattern on his face. In one hand it held a large club over its shoulder. It looked to be made of stone but the creature moved it with ease. Sitting on his head was none other than Applejack's hat. “That varmint is wearing my hat!” Applejack said angrily. “Oh enough about your stupid hat, It's just some straw and felt. You can get another one. You farm ponies must get some sort of discount for those hats seeing as so many of you wear them despite them being so last century.” Rarity said tired of hearing about Applejack's hat. “That hat is more than a piece of fashion-ware Rarity! It's important!” Applejack said being very annoyed with Rarity's dispassion towards her situation. “Important? I don't follow.” Rarity said with a bit of confusion on her face. “That hat was given to me by my father and that hat was passed down by his father and the one before him. “Applejack, One day you will be responsible for Sweet Apple Acres. You will buck the trees and herd the cattle. Your work will be tough. But don't worry. This hat will keep the weather from bearing down on you but you have to keep up with it as well.” he told me. And I’ve been wearing that hat ever since. To you it's nothing more than a piece of cloth you can throw away and trade in for something more stylish and hip but to me it's more than that and if you can't understand that then I can't do nothing to make you think otherwise.” Applejack said frustrated with Rarity. For once Rarity was left without a biting retort. She didn't know what to say to Applejack's words. She just looked on as Applejack bucked the cage over and over again trying to wear it down to no avail. The creature became annoyed with the noise Applejack was making and lumbered his way over to Applejack's cage. He raised his club and struck Applejack's cage sending her bouncing up and down inside it. He laughed at Applejack who was stunned by the attack. “Laugh while you still can because I’m going to get my hat back even if it means bronco busting you all through this forest.” Applejack said as she shook off the attack. The creature raised his club once again ready to strike Applejack's cage. Just then a huge cracking noise could be heard from the distance. This caught the creature’s attention as it looked in that direction. From a distance trees can be seen falling left and right along with the cries and shouts of creatures. “Can you feel the wind Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy said focused on the commotion going on in that direction. “Yeah, feels like gale force winds. You don't think?” Rainbow Dash said. Just then a powerful burst of air shot through the area moving so fast no one could really see it. A group of creatures similar to the guard followed after it one which after talking to the guard in his native tongue roped him into helping as well leaving the ponies unattended. “Now is our chance, Ponies. Escape!” Twilight Sparkle said as she began blasting the lock with her horn. “You don't have to tell me twice.” Rainbow dash said as she smashed her hoofs together and began striking the cage with her lighting hoof punches. She then charged into it breaking the door open. Rarity and Twilight opened the cages with their magic while Applejack broke the hinges on the cage with her bucking. Spike started furiously blasting the cage with fire warping the metal and causing it to warp and fall apart with force. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were freed by Twilight Sparkle. “Let’s get out of here!” Twilight Sparkle said pointing in the direction away from the action. “Are you kidding me? We may have stumbled upon one of Nightmare Moon's cronies. We can take one of them out for good right now!” Rainbow Dash said feeling invigorated and ready to fight. “We don't have time for that. We need to regroup and weigh our options accordingly. If we let ourselves get caught up in whatever is going on here we might end up captured again.” Twilight Sparkle said. “What are you afraid of a couple of monsters like those things? They got me by surprise but now I’m awake and I can take all of them and Nightmare Moon's goon.” Rainbow Dash said confidently. “Don’t be a moron Rainbow Dash! We know nothing of Nightmare Moon's servants and there abilities much less the natives of this forest. Only a fool would jump to action without proper knowledge to guide her!” Twilight protested. “Only a coward would flee from opportunity, and Rainbow Dash is no coward!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she bolted pasted Twilight and into the direction of the action. “I'm very sorry Twilight but I gotta go where my hat went I gotta have it back!” Applejack said as she galloped in the same direction. “Rgh! Blast it all confound these ponies!” Twilight said as she stomped her hoof on the ground. “What do we do now?” Fluttershy said confused on what to do. “Hrm. Rarity! Go get Applejack! Everyone else come with me we'll get Rainbow Dash. Hopefully we will save her from her own stupidity.” Twilight said after taking a second to take a deep breath. Rainbow Dash rushed through the creatures standing in her way. Slamming into them and sending them flying through the air. She came to a stop when she got a good look at the pony in particular it was the red maned Pegasus Typhoon Rampage. “Hey!” Rainbow Dash yelled out to Typhoon. Typhoon turned to see who it was. His eyes were barely visible behind the goggles with the exception of his red piercing pupils. “A pony, what’s a pony all the way out here?” Typhoon said as she threw the creature over his shoulder to address Rainbow Dash. “I'm here for you Typhoon! I came to kick your butt!” Rainbow Dash said. “Kick my butt? Ha! You have no idea what your even saying. Typhoon Rampage does not get his butt kicked. Typhoon Rampage kicks butt. Especially by punk ponies like you!” Typhoon said he pointed his hoof right in Rainbow Dash's face. She slaps his hand away with her hoof stinging it with the electricity surging around it. “Well. You did come all this way for a beat down. Might as well deliver as expected.” Typhoon Rampage said as he nonchalantly turned to the side. He suddenly launched himself at Rainbow Dash. The attack took Rainbow Dash by surprise and he pushed her right into a tree. She fell to the ground stunned. Typhoon smirked was about to gloat when Rainbow Dash shot up and rammed her head into his chest and charged him into a tree just like he did to her. “Heh! Lucky shot!” Typhoon said as he got up and struck Rainbow Dash across the face with his hoof stinging her with lighting all the while. Rainbow Dash quickly retaliated with a strike to his gut. He winced for a moment but then charged into Rainbow Dash. This time Rainbow Dash repelled his charge and forced him to a stop with both of them pushing with all there might to force the other down. Typhoon grabs Rainbow Dash's head and forces her under him causing her to fly head first into a tree. Typhoon grabs Rainbow Dash's tail and slams her onto the ground. He then throws her into the air thinking he had finished her off. Rainbow Dash quickly regains composure and dashes towards him and smashes into him headfirst and speeds through the forest only to come to a sudden stop and send him flying through the forest like a rag doll. Rainbow Dash brushes herself off only to hear a shout of anger. The wind began picking up and generating around Typhoon who had recovered from the attack. He span around furiously he created a vicious funnel of wind that pulled the loose objects like leafs and branches and launched them at violent speeds. Rainbow Dash felt herself being sucked into the typhoons attack. She tried her best to pull away but she couldn't generate enough wind to get herself away from him. She got sucked into his attack and spun around till he launched her through the air where she twirled like a rag doll into the trees and onto the ground. “Another one bites the dust.” Typhoon said with a smirk. Twilight and the others arrive to see Rainbow Dash crash onto the ground in front of them. “Looks like we were too late.” Spike said as he looked at Rainbow Dash who was still breathing. Twilight raises Rainbow Dash's body to inspect her for any visible injuries. “It's nothing I can't mend. Rainbow Dash how do you feel?” Twilight said as she checked to see if Rainbow Dash is receptive. “Fluttershy? When did you become a tree?” Rainbow Dash said dizzyingly. “What? Fluttershy is not a tree.” Pinkie Pie said confused by Rainbow Dash's confused rambling. “She's probably suffering the symptoms of a concussion. Luckily it's recoverable.” Twilight says as she lowers Rainbow Dash on the ground. “More ponies? Looks like Celestia has assembled herself a militia to take us out huh? Too bad none of them are even half the pony I am.” Typhoon says as he flies into view. “Now which one of you should I take down next? Ah heck. Why choose? I'll take you all out at once.” He said. He started spinning wildly creating his tornado attack that he used on Rainbow Dash. All the ponies begin being progressively sucked into his attack. Spike grabs onto a branch and holds onto it despite the branch loosening on him. “Spike!” Twilight says as she tries to create a barrier to dissipate the wind. “What?!” Spike yells. “Spike, Jump into the wind funnel!” Twilight said. “Are you out of your mind? Why would I do that?” Spike exclaimed as the branch got looser. “Create a fire in the wind funnel!” Twilight yelled. Spike looked at the funnel and thought for a moment. “I don't think that will work.” Spike said skeptical. “Trust me!” Twilight said as her shield starts breaking down on her. Spike looked at Twilight struggling to maintain the shield and looked back at Typhoon's tornado. He let go of the branch and let himself get swept into the Tornado. At first nothing happened. Then a cry of pain could be heard. A spark of fire swirled around the tornado setting everything in it and around it on fire. Typhoon cried out in pain and confusion Typhoon's attack had lost power dramatically and sent Spike flying through the air. Twilight catches Spike in the air with her magic letting him down softly. Typhoon who had managed to also catch fire flew around erratically bumping into trees and stumbling on the ground trying to put himself out. “You're gonna regret doing this to me! I'll get you ponies and your little dragon too!” Typhoon said as she scurried off. “Thanks Spike.” Twilight said. Spike looked at Twilight. For a moment. Whatever he wanted to say went unsaid and he turned away from her and simply said. “You're welcome.” After furiously searching all over the area for her hat Applejack was still unable to find it. Succumb to her failure she breaks down into tears in the small clearing inside the forest. “I finally found you!” Rarity said just entering the area. “We need to find the others and head out of here before those loathsome creatures decide to cage us again.” Rarity said looking around to check if any of them were nearby. “Go without me...” Applejack said with her voice shaky and hard to understand. “Go without you? I don't believe that is an option. We need your. Um Hilly Billy skills for things.” Rarity said trying to find a way to say something nice to Applejack. “I'm no use to you or anyone else.” Applejack said ignoring the slightly offensive comment made by Rarity. “What makes you say that?” Rarity asked. “I can't find my hat. I was supposed to keep track of it. Now I lost my father's hat. He trusted me and I failed him. How can I be trusted to do anything else?” Applejack said with her head still slumped and her eyes filled with tears. “Oh for goodness sakes, it's just a hat! It's not a super powered weapon! People lose things all the time you were bound to lose track of it eventually. You’re still the same apple bucking pony you were before you lost your hat.” Rarity said indignant at Applejack's sadness. “Please Rarity. Just go. Tell Twilight I resign...” Applejack said. “Hmph, Fine then. I suppose I’ll just have to find someone else to wear this ratty old hat.” Rarity said as she pretended to walk away. “What?” Applejack said as she looked at Rarity. On her tail was indeed Applejack's hat. “My hat, where did you find it?” Applejack exclaimed. “Oh I found it while I was looking for you. I still don't get why it matters so much to have this hat it has nothing to do with you. You are still Applejack even without the hat. Nevertheless if you want it so bad I shall give it to you.” Rarity said as she floated the hat off her tail and onto Applejack's head moving it around to make it symmetrical. “There! Perfect! Hmm, upon retrospect, it does suit you. It compliments your Feng Shui I suppose.” Rarity said as she looked at Applejack who was now very happy. “Thank you Rarity! I know you don't understand me very well but the fact that you still helped me means a lot.” Applejack said as she tried to hug Rarity. Rarity ducked out of the way of her hug. “Hehe, it was my pleasure Applejack. We are a team. We have to look out for each other yes?” Rarity said as she held her hoof out to Applejack. Applejack looked at Rarity's hoof and grabbed it with both her hoofs shaking it with gusto. “We sure do and from now on Applejack has your back!” Applejack said. “Now let’s get going and find Twilight and the others!” Applejack said happily. Their journey continues.