Cozy's Paw Patrol

by Tidal Wave2

Meet the Paw Patrol

Meanwhile at a tower surrounded by dog-houses, a group of puppies were playing a game of Soccer. One was a German Shepherd pup named Chase. There was a Dalmatian pup who was pretty clumsy and tripping all over the place named Marshall. A Mixed Breed pup named Rocky was the goalie. Four other pups were watching on the sidelines. Skye; a Cockapoo, Rubble; a Bulldog, Tracker; a Chihuahua, and Zuma; a Chocolate Lab.

"Here comes Marshall about to perform his megastrike!" Marshall announced.

"Mawshall, this isn't Mario Strikers." Zuma pointed out, but Marshall ignored him an kicked the ball up in the air. It began to fall toward him, but just before he could strike it, Chase jumped over Marshall and headbutted the ball into the goal.

"GOOOOAAAAAAL!!!!" Chase shouted in excitement as he danced around.

"Hey! No fair!" Marshall complained about his move being ruined. Everyone began to laugh, unaware that Everest was behind a bush with Cozy Glow. Cozy watched them having fun. She was just in awe. They reminded her of... herself, when she was smaller.

"Okay." Everest said. "Wait here, as I go talk to them." Cozy nodded and Everest began to walk to her friends. "Hey guys, I'm back!" The group turned to Everest and greeted her. As they began to talk, a young boy named Ryder exited the tower and walked to the group.

"Hi Everest." Ryder greeted. "How was your stroll?"

"It was great. I passed by a lot of friends, enjoyed the scenery and the tree in the park finally grew its apples."

"Really?" Chase asked. "It's about time. Mayor Goodway planted those seeds a year ago."

"Oh, I also made a new friend." Everest said.

"Oh my gosh! A new fwiend!" Zuma shouted in excitement. "So where is he or her?"

"She's in that bush over there. I should also tell you, she's a bit 'different' to say the least." The group nodded. "Alright, you can come out now." Cozy slowly walked out of the bush, showing herself to the boy and pups. To say they were surprised would be an understatement. They were in complete shock at what they saw, but of all of them, Skye was the most surprised.

"Um... hi?" Cozy said.

"Is that a pegasus?" Rubble asked in disbelief.

"Yes." Everest began. "Her name is-"

"COZY GLOW!!!!!" The group turned to Skye after she interrupted Everest. After a few seconds, Skye ran over to Cozy. "OH MY GOSH!!! YOU'RE REALLY HERE!!! BUT HOW!? I-I THOUGHT- WHAT!?!?"

"Y-You know me?" Cozy asked in confusion.

"OF COURSE I DO!!!" Skye exclaimed. "I also know about everything you've done with Equestria! I've seen it all on TV!"

"Um... what's TV?"

"Oh right. There's no television in Equestria." Skye remembered. "It's like a movie theater in your home."

"Hold on Skye." Rocky said. "Are you saying this filly's a character from a show?"

"Not only that." Skye said. "She's a villain."

"WHAT!?!?" The group gasped. Cozy got nervous and was about to flee, but stopped when Skye spoke again.

"Yeah, but she's also my favorite villain in the series!" Cozy was actually surprised to hear that. Skye then pulled out a poster with Twilight and her friends on it. "Can I get your autograph?" Cozy was hesitant at first, but she ended up signing the poster.

"So, besides me being your favorite, why are you acting so positive to me even though you know I'm a villain?"

"Because, I also know that you're misunderstood." Everyone began to listen to what Skye was saying. "I've seen what you've done, but I never held it against you. I had the feeling you were like Princess Luna or Starlight Glimmer. That something might've caused you to turn evil." Cozy was shocked to hear that someone who knew about what she did didn't hate her for it. "I never found out what it was. To be honest, it hit me deep when you were imprisoned in Tartarus. But I was crushed when you were petrified." Skye suddenly lifted her head in realization. "Hey, how'd you get out of that prison in the first place?" Cozy told her the entire story, from the voice to the vortex and how she met Everest.

"Hmm, that is mysterious." Chase said.

"Well, I'm glad you're free." Skye said with a smile.

"So Everest," Cozy began. "Aren't you gonna introduce them?"

"Oh right." Everest gestured to the group. "This is my team; The Paw Patrol. Chase, Skye, Zuma, Marshall, Rocky, Rubble, Tracker and Ryder."

"Pwessure to meet you Cozy." Zuma said smiling. Cozy turns to Everest in confusion.

"I-Is he okay?"

"Oh don't worry, he always talks like that." Everest said. Cozy sighed in relief. Suddenly, a beep was coming from Ryder's pocket. He reached in and pulled out his pup-pad.


"Ryder! We need your help! Quickly! The hotel is on fire and the guests are trapped inside!"

"We'll be right there! No job is too big, no pup is too small!" Ryder said before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Rubble asked.

"That was Mayor Goodway. It's an emergency. Paw Patrol to the lookout!" Ryder said as the pups started running to the tower. Cozy was wanted to know what was going on, so she followed them.