//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Attempting to Apologise // Story: Feud Fight (#5) // by LightningStar626 //------------------------------// Chapter 2: Attempting to Apologise. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" ~Pinkie's screams echoed across the entire city. The people stared up at the sky in confusion while birds flew out of the trees. Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle were casually leaning against the portal until they heard the scream coming from afar.~ "Did you hear that?" Sunset asked. "Yeah? What was that?" Twilight responded. "It sounded like Pinkie Pie screaming…" "Maybe we should call and see if everything's alright…" ~The two girls look down upon their wrist calms and press to call. Instantly, Lightning Star appeared on the other line, totally not sweating or smiling in discomfort. She waves at the girls once her image showed up on the watches.~ "Uhh-Hey guys!" "Lightning, is everything okay?" Twilight quired. "We heard, well we think we heard, Pinkie Pie yelling." Sunset added. Lightning looked at them in surprise. "Did you? Oh wow...Um-Don't worry, she...she's fine!" "Are you sure?" "Yeah, You know her! Screaming with joy! Ha ha! Uh-How's Rainbow Dash?" "Alright." Sunset shook her head weirdly. "Better than yesterday." Twilight confirmed. "Rarity and Karly are with her inside the hideout at the moment, talking." "Alright, alright. That's...good. Ok, we'll be at the hideout in a minute. Toodles!" ~The watches cut out and turn off in the blink of an eye. The two concerned girls looked at each other before settling down to continue their discussion. But it was cut short again when Steven, Rarity, Karly and Rainbow Dash appeared from the front door of CHS. Rainbow Dash looked nervous and uncomfortable while she walked and Karly and Rarity were trying to smile at her and assure her.~ "Hello, Agent Sparkle and Agent Shimmer." Steven greeted. "Hey, Chief." "Hey, Rainbow. How are you feeling?" Rainbow sighed. "I don't know. I guess I feel...bad." "Because of what you said…" Karly sighed. "I don't know what happened! That wasn't anything like me! I...I feel awful…" "It's okay, Rainbow Dash, darling." Rarity assured. "No, it's not! I got so carried away with Pinkie and made her cry. She's not crazy...or annoying. Never! She's just as awesome as me! I need to tell her that!" Karly nodded. "Of course...in hope nothing bad is happening to her right now." "What? Karly...whatever do you mean?" Rarity asked. "When Lightning and I fight, and separate, Devil or some other villain will come and put one of us in danger. Which means, the other one will have to go and rescue them. And once we do, we apologise, or rather...the rescue is the apology." Karly shrugged. "Goodness…" "Yeah...it's dark, but efficient. And cliche." "Yea-I don't think we should hire somebody or do something to put Pinkie Pie or Rainbow Dash in danger." Twilight frowned. "We have had fights in the past too, but they are easily solved by forgiveness. And that's exactly what we're gonna do." Sunset nodded. "Agreed." said Rarity. "I do not wish to partake in battling an evil villain again. Can we please catch a break?!" "I mean...we kind of are right now, Agent Rarity." The Chief said. "We have not received any news or alerts about danger in the area, so there's nothing for us to do." "Well, Of course, but it could happen at any second! I would like more than a day to relax!" Rarity suddenly begins to laugh nervously. "B-But, I seriously doubt Pinkie Pie is actually in danger! Hah hah!" "Well, we did hear her scream a minute ago…" Sunset noted. "What?!" "But, but! We called Lightning and she said she was fine." "It was just a little over-reaction." Twilight added. "I see…" Steven sighed. "I concur." Karly shrugged. "I can relate…" ~Rainbow rolled her eyes and turned away from the group. Sunset, Twilight and Rarity ran a few steps around to face her.~ "Rainbow Dash, come on...stop letting yesterday eat up inside you…" "I can't! It's engraved in my head, and it's mocking me!" Sunset breathed. "Rainbow, you and Pinkie are best friends. She knows you didn't mean all that stuff. Plus, she said sorry to you over a million times already." She began to laugh. "I know that…But she doesn't." "That's why we're going to call her and bring her over here, so you two can apologise." Twilight said. "Yeah. Okay. What are we standing around for then?" Steven showed a little smile. "Karly and I will get the flowers then." ~Steven walked back towards CHS and made it first to the door. Karly followed right behind. They strode in the building and across the hallways until they went out of the Rainbooms' sight. Rainbow looked a little confused at them though.~ "Flowers?" Rainbow questioned. "What are they for?" Sunset asked. "For the making up, darling…my idea. I think we need something to lighten the mood. Just in case." Rarity shrugged as well as smiled. "Well, alright. If Chief and Karly are going to get the flowers, We will call the others again, and tell them that Rainbow's ready." "I'm actually going to go and fetch Stitch and Spike. I think they should be with us for support." "Good idea, Rarity. Alright, you go and find them, we'll make the call." Twilight nodded. ~Rarity flipped her hair as she turned around and strode into the school, just like how Steven and Karly did. She entered into the hideout and headed to the dogs' room. But before she reached the door, she called out to them to give them a warning.~ "Hello? Stitch? Spike? Darlings?" Spike screamed. "AHHHHHHH!" "Spike!?" ~Scrambling to the door of Stitch and Spike's room, Rarity threw it wide open and fell in. She groaned then looked upon to see the two dogs staring at the tv. Spike had an earpiece around his floppy ear and a game console in his paws. Stitch was sitting next to him, both barking angrily and sadly at what was happening on the tv. The words 'Game Over!' were shown in the middle of the screen, indicating that Stitch and Spike were playing a game, and lost.~ "My...goodness! No, no! Oh no..." "Ooo...you were so close, Spike." Stitch whimpered. "I can never defeat Gobblegut!" Spike sighed. "Can we play a game I'm actually good at now?" "And what game would that be, Spike?" "I don't know." ~Stitch barked and guffawed right before he spotted Rarity lying by the door. He ceased laughing, but kept his smile as he approached her and helped her up.~ "Hey, Rarity." "Good morning, Stitch." Rarity sighed. "Oh! Rarity!" Spike slid his console away. "Has Rainbow Dash calmed down now?" "She has indeed. It took us a while, but she's ready to apologise to Pinkie Pie." "Thank goodness. To be honest, I thought it was gonna take longer." Stitch nodded. "Me thought it would also take longer, but not that long. Me glad it's happening now." "Indeed. Now, let's get you two cleaned up and ready to support your friend." Rarity lifted Spike up in her arms while Stitch cuddled her leg. "Wait, uh should we get the flowers first?" Spike asked. "No. Karly and Steven are handling those." "Hmm...You know, I wonder if Pinkie will have something to give." "Oh, I think she will. I know she will." "MY CAKE! MY BEAUTIFUL CAKE!" ~Pinkie collapsed to the ground and began to sob her heart out. It looked and sounded like she was making crocodile tears, but her friends could tell they weren't. Applejack kneed down and placed her hand on Pink's shoulder.~ "I'm sorry, Pinkie Pie. None o' us were payin' attention to the oven at all…" Fluttershy nodded. "Hmm, it's our fault the cake got ruined." "What is the world so cruel?! What if...this is...this is Karma!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Karma? For what?" Jace asked. "For...littering my stuff everywhere! The argument must have been Karma too! Rainbow is right! I am too messy, and crazy, and-" "Pinkie! Stop talking like that! You know that Rainbow didn't mean those things!" Lightning sighed. "We need to cheer her up…" "But how?" Fluttershy asked. "Hmm…" ~Lightning put her hand to her chin and looked at her surroundings. The kitchen was completely destroyed and there were no more ingredients left to restart the cake, or enough time to even think about making another large one. She was about to sigh but then she noticed the favourite sweets were still sitting on a bowl, unharmed. Lightning smiled and went for the bowl.~ "Lightnin'. What are you doin'?" Applejack folded her arms. "You'll see…" "I can't believe this...I mean, I can't... "Pinkie, It's going to be ok…" Jace assured. ~Fluttershy comforted Pinkie too, but then Lightning called out to her.~ "Hey, Pinkie!" "Huh?" ~Her gaze turned up expectantly and she saw a gummy bear flying straight towards her. Pinkie athletically caught it and held it tight in her hand. She then opened her hand and stared at it. She was confused as to why Lightning threw it at her so she looked up at her. "Eat this gummy bear, then tell me. What does it taste like?" Pinkie looks at the bear again, then throws it in her mouth. "It tastes great! I love things like this." "Uh-huh. But...it's only just one gummy bear isn't it?" "Yeah?" "But you still love it. That's exactly how Rainbow Dash will feel, if you get her, like, one small cupcake. She will think it's great. Come on, we still have some time and just enough flour to make one small cake. What do you say?" Lightning held out her hand. ~Staring at the hand, Pinkie Pie thought for a minute. She eventually and gingerly took it and stood up again, but she didn't say anything, she only nodded and the group got to work, cleaning up and mustering up the best cupcake they could possibly do.~ ~The portal of CHS started to glow bright gold. Especially the side that led to Lightning and Karly's world. It glowed brighter and brighter, until out stumbled a young-looking teenage boy. He was wearing a long sleeved white polo shirt with an undone collar. An indigo shirt with two red stripes on the arm was over the polo shirt. He also wore beige trousers and clean brown shoes. He stepped away from the portal and started scanning the area, in search of something, or someone. The portal still glowed behind the guy, because a second boy, around the same age as the first, stepped out. He had black spiky hair and a handsome face. He wore simple blue jeans, brown trainers, a dark blue jacket with a brown tartan one over it. He looked at his mate typically and folded his arms.~ "How can you be sure that Jace will be here, Topas?" The second boy said with a frown. "This is the only place we haven't searched. I'm honestly surprised we actually found the portal back to this place." The first boy, who was said to be called Topas, shrugged. "Our school sign, yes. Weird place to put a portal, but not complaining. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out." Topas sighed. "I still can't believe it's been almost 9 months since Jace left us. You could have a baby in that time. If...you know, you get started right away. I just don't get it, why did he leave?" "Maybe because the leader's a psycho?" "Well-" "Come on, Topas, admit it. Don't you think Frad's hatred for girls is misleading and...insane?" "A little. But that's what makes Frad Frad, Luda. He's become a powerful leader and is doing the best for us. He's directing us in the right direction, you know, the one where we only need each other and no girls. Don't you want that?" "Yeah. My ex-girlfriend drove me crazy last year! That's why I signed up for this." Luda pointed. "Oh come on, Fierra wasn't that bad!" "She nearly ran me over with a car 10 months ago. And she said she was a 'confident driver'." "She nearly ran you over confidently." "That does not make any sense whatsoever!" "Never mind. Let's just find Jace and bring him back to the camp. Frad and the boys will be happy if we do." ~The two boys nodded and searched around the school by going behind it first. And once they were around the school completely, Lightning, Jace, Pinkie, Applejack and Fluttershy were arriving at the school. The four girls went on ahead in the school obliviously, however, Jace stopped and stared at the portal. He saw a tiny speck glow on the side so he went to check it out. The girls didn't notice him stopping and checking the portal, so he was left alone outside the school, investigating the portal.~ "What was that?" He asked himself. ~Back inside the hideout, Karly, Steven and the half of the Rainbooms were gathered around the tables, waiting for the other half to come here. As they waited, Steven looked at Rainbow.~ "So, you do know what you're going to say to Agent Pie?" Steven asked. Rainbow nodded. "I...think so. I just need to say sorry." "Of course. That's the one main thing you need to say in an apology." Karly laughed. "And when Pinkie says sorry back, you'll be cool with her again." Spike barked. "Yeah." "Hey guys!" ~Everyone rotated around and saw Lightning waving and the rest smiling at them. ~ "Hello, girls-Wait, Where's Jace?" Karly asked, seeing no sign of him. Lightning looked behind herself and saw no one. "Oh. He was right behind us a second ago." "Maybe he just went to the bathroom. He'll be here soon." Applejack shrugged. "I guess." "Alright, now is there something you two wanna say?" The Chief addressed to Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. ~The two said girls stepped forwards and faced each other. Both remained completely silent for about 10 seconds, until Rainbow broke it.~ "Hey, Pinkie." Rainbow started. "Hey, Rainbow." Pinkie replied. ~The awkward silence continued.~ Rainbow broke it again. "I...got you some flowers...It was Rarity's idea. Not mine." She pointed at the flowers behind her. "They're nice. I...got you this cupcake." ~Pinkie softly shoved the cake in Rainbow's hands and she took a bite out of it.~ "Thanks. Tastes great." Karly bent over to Lightning. "This apology is going smoothly." She whispered sarcastically. "They're taking their time, be patient." Lightning shrugged. ~Karly breathed and leaned against the table, however, when she did, her hand pressed a red button and the monitors on the tv turned on. It showed clear footage of what was happening outside the school. One camera showed the portal, and Jace looking around it still. Pinkie could see him in clear view.~ "Pinkie Pie, I'm sorry." Rainbow apologised. "For?" Steven raised a brow. "For overreacting. I know that stepping into that bucket was kinda my fault, and was an accident. I'll make it up to you someday." "Good. Agent Pie?" "Uh...I'm...huh?" ~Pinkie stopped herself when she stared at the monitor with Jace and the portal on it. Suddenly, she spotted, Topas and Luda coming in and approaching Jace rather sneakily and evilly. They looked like they were about to ambush Jace! Pinkie freaked out.~ "Jace…? Jace! JACE!" "Jace?" Rainbow questioned. "JACE!" ~Pinkie shoved her way through her friends and raced up the stairs, still screaming Jace's name. Everyone was concerned and confused.~ "Jace…? What is that, Japanese?" "That was not Japanese…" Lightning frowned. "Pinkie, where are you going?!" Rarity yelled. ~Pinkie burst the front doors of the school open and leapt and cowered behind a nearby bush. She blew two round holes into the bush with her confetti and peeked through them, she saw Jace by the portal and shouted quietly at him to get his attention.~ "Jace! Jace!" ~He couldn't hear her. He was too busy examining the portal and she was still too far away.~ "Jace! Watch out! There's someone weird there! Jace!" ~Jace grazed his finger on the portal and it glowed. He was about to put his whole hand on it, but he retracted it when he saw Topas and Luda approach him.~ "Topas?" Jace said. "Jace? Is that you?" Topas gasped. ~Topas ran to his friend and examined him, he then gasped again and threw his arms around Jace.~ "Oh my gosh! It is. I can't believe it!" ~Topas hugged and squeezed Jace as hard as he could. Jace choked a little but did nothing to break free. Pinkie watched Topas hug Jace in dismay, mouth hanging open and everything, thinking he was attacking him.~ "Luda! I found Jace!" Topas cheered. "Wait, really? Oh, you did. Hey, man." Luda went up to Jace and slapped his shoulder. "Good to see you." Jace was speechless. "Wha-What are you two-" "I can't believe it! Oh! I missed you!" Topas gasped suddenly again. "We need to take you to Frad!" "Frad!?" Jace asked shockingly. "Yeah, he will be so happy to see you. Alive, nonetheless." "Alive?" "Come on!" "No, wait-1 minute! Wait!" "Jace!" ~Pinkie reached her hand out as Topas and Luda dragged Jace into the portal leading to the non-Equestria world.~ "Ja-a-ce!" She called. "Wait!" Jace cried. "No!" ~The three boys glowed and disappeared as they stepped into the portal. Once they were through and the portal stopped glowing, Pinkie began to breathe heavily.~ "No…" "Pinkie!" "Pinkie Pie!" ~The voices of the girls were suddenly heard. Lightning, Karly, the Rainbooms, Stitch, Spike and Steven all gathered around Pinkie squatting in the bush. Their faces concerned and a little angry.~ "What are you doing?" Lightning asked. "What was that about? You just ran off in the middle of me talking!" Rainbow glared. "Is everything ok?" Fluttershy asked. "You look frightened. Completely white-like you've seen a ghost…" Rarity noted. Pinkie shook her head. "Oh no...I've just seen something MUCH worse…" "What? What happened, sugarcube?" Applejack shrugged. "It was horrible!" She started. "I saw Jace wandering the streets, minding his own business, when they appeared behind the portal…" "They?" Karly questioned. "Who's 'they' exactly?" Lightning air quoted. "Give us a description." "Two guys! As tall as the Chief! One was reddish blonde, the other was black. Jace looked at them and seemed confused at first, then one of the boys grabbed him, with his claws!" "Claws?!" Twilight exclaimed. "What?" Sunset gasped. "Boys don't normally have claws…" "This one did! He grabbed him and tried to squeeze the life out of him!" Pinkie wrapped her arms around herself and squeezed. "Oh my goodness!" Fluttershy gasped. "That's not all. The second guy suddenly came up and slapped him and shook him up a bit!" Rarity's eyes widened. "That's horrible!" "This is...bewildering." Steven said. "Finally, they yelled and dragged him into the portal, not to Equestria, but to the other world, laughing hysterically!" Pinkie leapt up and screamed. "So, what you're saying is…" "Jace Donar has been KIDNAPPED!" Lightning gasped. "No…" "WHAT?!" Karly shrieked. ~Everyone started chatting among each other, completely terrified and dumbfounded.~ "What do we do now?" Fluttershy whimpered. "Well, I say we finish this making up, then go and find Mr. Donar. He's gotten himself in a fine mess, indeed." Steven crossed his arms. "As much as I would like to finish making amends with Pinkie, we have to go after Jace first!" Rainbow prompted. "Rainbow's right. And until Jace is back, safe in our loving arms, there will be no celebrations! I mean, there's always time for celebrations, but not right now!" Pinkie stamped her foot on the ground. "But how are we going to do this? We don't even know where he's being taken!" Sunset exclaimed. "Hey now, we are not giving up! We didn't just give up when Karly was taken on my birthday. So, we are not giving up now!" Lightning nodded sharply. "The Star is right!" Pinkie nodded. "So, who's with me?!" "Count me in." "Me too." ~Lightning and Rainbow high fived as they went and stood beside Pinkie.~ "Alright! Who else?" "I'm goin' to come along." Applejack volunteered. "Gonna need all the help ya can get." "I'll go." Fluttershy said bravely. "As will I." Rarity stated. "We may have only known Jace for a short while, but it seems like a lifetime!" "...I have no idea what that means, but welcome aboard!" Pinkie cheered. "Me want to come." Stitch held up his chest. "Me too." Spike added. "Really, Spike? It could be dangerous." Twilight stated. "I know, Twilight, but I want to go on a mission with you guys again!" "I'm cool with that. Dogs are pretty good to have on a team." Lightning nodded. "Trust me, I know." "Alright. I'm in too then!" Twilight smiled. "Me too." Sunset added. "I'm coming with you too!" Karly said, holding her fist to her chest. "Yeeeaaahhh…no you are not, I'm afraid, Karly." Steven stated. "What? Why?!" "Ever since you were Devilnapped and went missing in the forest, I have been worried about you. So, I am giving you the month off. Spend time with your family. Lightning and the Rainbooms will take care of everything." "But, my boyfriend is in danger! And I need to destroy whoever laid a hand on him!" Karly's eyes turned red. "I think Karly should come with us, Mr. Secret, sir…" Fluttershy said. Applejack nodded with her. "Yeah. I mean, Jace and her are together an' all. Y'all would be there for your wife, wouldn't ya?" "Of course I would, but, the difference is that I'm not scared of what could lie ahead." "I'm not scared!" "Karly, your legs are still shaking from yesterday." ~Karly looked down and saw that her feet were still wobbling in fear. She put her hands on her knees and tried to stop the quivering, but all she's ended up doing was making her legs wobble harder, plus her arms along with them.~ "I'm pretty sure Fluttershy will be more terrified than I would ever be." Karly turned to Fluttershy. "No offense." "None taken." Fluttershy smiled. Lightning smirked. "Really, now?" ~Lightning reaches behind her and pulls out a paper bag. She blows it up, then sneaks behind Fluttershy and Karly and pops the bag. Both girls jumped, but Karly jumped much more higher than Fluttershy did.~ "Ahh! Lightning!" Karly glared. "You jumped higher, Karly. You are more terrified than Fluttershy." Lightning stated. Karly breathed out a deep sigh. "Ok, fine. I'll stay. Just please, promise me you will find Jace in one piece." "We promise." "Pinkie promise! Ok! Now that I have assembled my team, Let's go!" ~Pinkie slid over to the portal and jumped right in, head first. However, she jumped into the wrong portal. She jumped into the portal to Equestria so Sunset had to go in and get her.~ "Uh...the left portal, Pinkie?" Spike noted, pointed in the left direction of the portal. "Knew that! Wee!" ~Pinkie hopped into the portal leading to Lightning's world in a hurry. The rest followed on soon after. Karly and Steven waved and wished them good luck.~