//------------------------------// // Memories // Story: Looking for Love (Part 2): Turmoil // by fluttershy<3_66 //------------------------------// Turmoil Chapter 6 Several years after Rarity and Rainbow got together. Rainbow woke up stretched and yawned, then she walked out of her bedroom towards the kitchen. She listened to the sound of somepony preparing some type of breakfast. She walked through the door and saw Sweetie Belle rushing around cooking up pancakes. Rainbow smiled at how mature the young mare was now. Her thoughts drifted off to when she got her cutie mark. They were all at the school play watching as the Cutie Mark Crusaders each played their own role Sweetie Belle was more nervous than her friends because she had to sing a solo piece and she hadn't sung in public before. When it was finally time for her to go she swallowed the lump in her throat and stood at the center of the stage and she sang and it was beautiful. Ponies couldn't believe what they were hearing such sweet sound coming from such a young filly! They all watched mouths agape as her flank began to glow and on it appeared a microphone surrounded by a pink heart.... Rainbow shook her head at the end of the thought and said, "Hey Sweetie how goes the cooking?" She turned around quickly and relaxed when she saw who it was, "Oh it's fine I wanted to wake up early today and surprise you two with it being your anniversary and all." "That's sweet of you...Sweetie no pun intended." Sweetie laughed and said, "Oh it's fine happens more than you'd think." "Alright well let your sister sleep I was planning on going into town and getting her something." "What were you going to get?" "I dunno I was going to go window shopping." "Oh, well go have fun then I'll finish this up." "Thanks Sweetie." Rarity awoke to the sweet scent of pancakes tickling her nose and a small present on her chest. The tag attached to it said "To Rarity love Rainbow" Rarity groaned because she thought she had convinced Rainbow that presents weren't necessary but she went and bought one anyways and now she felt guilty because she had none to give. "Oh well." she breathed out with a heavy sigh. She stood up and walked downstairs into the dining room where she found "Happy Anniversary" balloons suspended above the table held down by a decorative weight. She smiled when she saw Rainbow sitting at the table talking with Sweetie. "Hello girls. How are you doing today?" They both turned their heads and said in unison, "Fine you?" they looked at each other and giggled after they said it. "Oh I'm great just wondering what this is." she replied as she held up her gift. "That's your present silly." "I thought we agreed this wasn't going to happen." "So?" "Your Impossible Rainbow." "Oh I know" "I love it though." she laughed as she sat down she opened the present and gasped at what was inside. "Do you like it?" asked Rainbow asked worry in her voice. "Oh it's beautiful" she breathed as she pulled out a stunning silver horn ring made of silver and encrusted with gems that matched her eyes and cutie mark's colors, the two slightly different shades of blue complementing each other stunningly. "I'm glad you like Rar'." "Now I feel bad because I didn't get you a present." "Don't sweat it, it doesn't matter to me." "Are you sure?" "Of course I am." "Alright then dear, well I am famished who'd like to dig into those splendind looking pancakes?" They began to eat and Rainbow looked across the table to Rarity and Sweetie something in Sweeties expression worried her and she had a guess as to what it was. "Sweetie Belle what's wrong?" "What oh... nothing I'm fine." "You don't sound like it." Rarity understood what was happening now and turned to Sweetie. "Sweetie it's okay just talk to us we know what's wrong." "I miss them Rarity." "I do too Sweetie Belle...." her voice drifted of as she thought of that night several years back. "I don't even know where she is let's just get to Manehatten." said Rarity's father as they stormed out of her house. They began the short walk to the train station complaining about their daughter's choice the whole way there. When they got to the train station they got tickets for a late night train to Manehatten they boarded the train a little after midnight and then they were on their way about halfway to their destination the engineer for the train fell asleep and the train rounded a curve going way to fast, it flipped and killed most passengers on impact the few who weren't killed were severely injured and most of those poor ponies died from a combination of shock and blood loss among the ones who were killed instantly were Rarity's parents. She received the news two days after the accident happened and she was nearly inconsolable for weeks remembering the last things they had ever said to each other. It took time and paitence but Rarity finally came to forgive herself and her parents for the last night they spent together and life went on..... Rarity's eyes teared up as she thought of the memory and she hugged Sweetie Belle saying, "I know that you miss them dear but there'e nothing we can do about it except keep on living for them so cheer up you've got your whole life ahead of you." "You're right sis I'm going over to Scootaloo's I need to see her." "Take all the time you need dear I understand." she said smiling warmly. "Thanks sis I might just stay the night." Rarity nodded and watched her sister leave to go visit her own fillyfriend. No one was surprised when she came out it was rather obvious they way they were always together. She sighed and turned to Rainbow. "You've got that look in your eye Rarity what are you thinking about?' "I-I think I want a baby...."