//------------------------------// // The Life of Laughs // Story: Life in Equestria // by TPC-2k16 //------------------------------// For today, Kyle agreed (and by agreed, he shook his head ‘yes’ a couple times) to go to Sugarcube Corner today and help Pinkie Pie (Grownup Pinkie Pie) with a cupcake order. “Aight. I’m here, and ready to-“ Kyle interrupts himself as right as he walks in through the doorway does he see a whole bunch of ‘Sugarcube Corner’ brand cupcake boxes all piled up on top of each other, all throughout the shop’s front. “Woah! I didn’t expect all this!” Kyle, unknowingly, for no reason really, shouts out loud. “Uh huh. Me neither.” Kyle hears a voice behind him, looking back to see that Pinkie Pie is somehow there, behind him. “Pinkie Pie?! What is all this?!” Kyle asks, motioning his hoof at all the cupcake filled boxes, still for no reason shouting. “Oh. You mean all these?!” Pinkie saying excitedly, motioning both front hooves at all the boxes. “These are all part of the order you’re helping me with. And I hoped you don’t mind, but I’ve already started. Seventy-five down, one hundred twenty-five to go!” Pinkie squees at what she’d just said. “Only a hundred and twenty-five to go! What pony needs-“ Kyle stops himself to count, using his wingtips, the overall total of cupcakes. “Exactly two hundred cupcakes?!” “Um, I don’t know. I just got a note from an 'anonymous' pony saying that they need two hundred cupcakes.” “And you received this note when...?” “Exactly twelve hours, forty minutes and five seconds ago. No wait, twelve hours, forty minutes and six seconds. Now forty minutes and seven seconds!” Pinkie gives a squee again. “But twelve hours ago-“ “And forty minutes and ten seconds ago.” Pinkie interjects. “That would’ve been during the evening. How in the wide, wide world of Equestria did ya make seventy-five cupcakes in such a short time?!” Pinkie just simply strugs at Kyle’s question. *** “So, now that we know how much we have left to bake, let’s get started!” Pinkie says enthusiastically, putting on her chef’s hat onto her poofy, pink mane. “You remembered to bring your own chef’s hat from home, did ya?” “Now that,” Kyle takes off his snapback cap hat with a wing to reveal under it his very own chef’s hat, “Is what I didn’t forget.” Kyle says confidently. “Well, now that that’s settled. Let’s get baking!! You make the batter, I pour it in the pan and put it in the oven. With the two of us, we’ll for sure get done nine hours from now!” “Nine hours?!” Kyle for some reason again shouts out loud. “And when does this order have to be ready by?!” “Twelve hours from now!” 'This is gonna be a long day.' *** “Well, one hundred cupcakes down, twenty-five to go. Good news is, the rate we’re going, we’ll have a modest five hours to spare. Enough time for us to do something else.” Kyle positively states, him and Pinkie having just spent the last five hours straight baking cupcakes. “Mmhm. And maybe once we’re done, we can talk about your mini crush on Rarity.” Pinkie jokingly says, smiling. Though It didn't sound like much of a joke to Kyle, the pony’s face fully red in embarrassment. “Just kidding.” “Oh.” A great deal of relief coming over Kyle. “Though you really should think before you say things. Especially when you're mentioning of how you had a Rainbow Dash poster hung up above your bed.” Pinkie jokingly says. Kyle still didn't see the ‘funny’ in the joke, scowling at Pinkie. “Oops, sorry. Here, have a cupcake to say ‘I’m sorry’.” Pinkie sincerely offers, offering a cupcake as an apology, taking a just freshly made cupcake from the pan. “Oh, Aight. I guess. I can’t be mad at you, of all ponies.” said Kyle, grabbing the cupcake and taking a big bite out of it. “You know what now. Now we’ve got twenty-six cupcakes to bake.” Kyle and Pinkie both burst out in laughter altogether. Laughing at how they’ve now got twenty-six cupcakes to bake, instead of the twenty-five from earlier. After a solid minute of laughing, Kyle decides to ask Pinkie a ‘serious’ question: “Hey Pinkie, I know this is a dumb question but, we’re friends, right? Again, it’s a dumb question ‘cause well, everypony is your friend. I uh, just need clarification. I guess-“ Pinkie interrupts Kyle by placing a hoof to his mouth. “Of course we are. Why do you think you need "clarification” from me?” Pinkie removes her hoof from Kyle’s mouth, letting him speak once more. “Well I, I've been thinking a lot lately of who my actual friends are. You see, growing up, I always thought I had friends just like everypony else. But I guess, over time, it turned out they weren’t actually my friends.” “Friendship was always something I thought I didn’t need to worry about ‘cause I already had it. And well, let’s just say, the past few moons have really got me thinking.” A thought occurs to Kyle, making him smile big. “Ever since I first met you and your friends, they’ve shown nothin’ but true friendship towards me. And I can say, ever since then, I’ve started to become the pony I wanna be. You six truly help make me feel ‘better’ about myself.” Kyle’s smile grows even bigger. “Aw shucks. And you bring a smile to each and every one of our faces.” Pinkie herself smiles too. “Well, now that that’s off my chest,” Kyle pats down on his chef’s hat with a hoof, “May we continue?” “Sure! Just one question though.” Pinkie joyously asks, Kyle looking at her a little suspiciously. “Do you, or do you not, know that the cupcakes are done baking and they are right now becoming way over baked?” Both ponies burst out in laughter, the two having a friendship moment.