Puzzle shield series (complete edition)

by Puzzleshield

Look before you sleep

Ponyville, equestria.

December 3, 2010

As me and Smokey watch the Pegasus fill the sky with clouds, other ponies in Ponyville get the broken branches out of the tree but one,... rarity.

Rarity just literally put the broken branch back in the tree, but thought of something for a moment.

"Hmmmmm." Rarity wondered . "... Hah!"

As rarity ignited her horn, she style the leaves.

"Perfect." Said rarity .

Then out of nowhere, applejack use her lasso to take down the branch that rarity made herself.

"Now, what's that all about?" Asked Smokey.

"I don't know," I answered . "But I think it might be applejack or something."

" well, at least thing's couldn't be worse. " I thought as the rain dropped down from the sky.

"Oh no!" Rarity yelled in terror . "My wonderfully styled mane shall be ruined!"

" I was wrong. " I said as I brought out an umbrella and Smokey got close to me.

"Puzzle shield! Smokey!" Twilight Sparkle called.

"Hey, what's the voice in a distance?" I wondered .

"Puzzle shield! Smokey!" Twilight Sparkle called again as me and Smokey remembered.

"Twilight?" Me and Smokey said .

"Come inside, you guys, quick." Twilight said as me and Smokey head inside the golden oak (aka, twilight's library ).

I closed my umbrella and Smokey dried himself off for a second.

"Where's rarity and applejack?" I asked twilight .

"Don't worry," twilight answered . " I'll call them. "

- a few moments later -

"Some storm, huh?" Twilight asked rarity . "The pegasus ponies sure have outdone themselves this time. I hope you, puzzle shield, Smokey and Applejack don’t have any trouble getting home."

"It may indeed be a problem." Rarity answered .

"Well, you’re welcome to stay if need be." Twilight continued . "Spike is away in Canterlot on royal business. I’m home all alone tonight." Then twilight gasped happily as she got an idea. "You and Applejack should totally sleep over! We’ll have a slumber party! I’ve always wanted one of those."

" let me get this straight, " I asked. " spikes taking business in canterlot with you home alone? "

everypony paused for a moment.

"That... Was... An excellent idea! Where do we start?"

Twilight smiled as she levitates one of the uppermost volumes from its resting place and down to her. The cover shows a couple of pillows. By the time it reach me and twilight and stops in front of me.

"Slumber 101," I read. "All You’ve Ever Wanted to Know About Slumber Parties But Were Afraid to Ask."

" my own personal copy , " Twilight said. "It’s a fantastic reference guide. You should see the table of contents. I’ve been waiting for a chance to use it, and today’s the day! This is gonna be so great!"

" You hear that, Smokey. " I asked Smokey with excitement. "A slumber party. Now we'll be hanging out with twilight and her friends for a while."

" yes buddy. " Smokey answered. "I love slumber party."

- a few moments of makeover later -

"Soooo," rarity asked applejack . " how are you getting along over there, Applejack? "

"Just fine, Rarity." Answered applejack, wearily.

"And you, puzzle shield?" Rarity asked .

"It's goin' good." I answered as I sat down while snuggling Smokey .

"This is so awesome." Twilight giggled . "Makeovers, check."

As twilight check off the list from the book of sleepover, the makeover disappeared, including mine.

"What's next?" I asked twilight.

"Ooh! It says here we have to tell ghost stories!" Twilight answered . " who wants to go first? "

"I think I'll -"

" Me! " applejack interrupted.

"Okay." I said.

"I’d like to tell y’all the terrifyin’ tale of the Prissy Ghost, who drove everypony crazy with her unnecessary neatness!" Applejack said as she used a ghostly sound as effect. "I’m sure y’all are familiar with that one?"

" never heard of it, " rarity interrupted. " But I have a much better one. "

rarity rolled into a story that looks similar to applejacks, but less terrifying than the last one.

"It’s the horrifying story of the Messy Inconsiderate Ghost, who irritated everypony within a hundred miles!" Rarity said as she also used a ghostly sound as effect.

" That’s not a real story. " applejack interrupted. "You made it up!"

Rarity answered. "It is a ghost story. They’re all made up!"

As the stroke of lightning turned off the lights, everything went dark as I use my red eyes, mane, tail, cutie Mark and wings to glow in the dark.

Twilight Sparkle turned on the lantern.

"I’ve got one." Twilight said as she tells the real ghost story (similar to the headless horseman, but way more scarier without the word "man".) " This story is called… 'the legend of the headless horse '. "

"Finally." I whispered . "Some cool action."

"It was a dark and stormy night… just like this one." Twilight continued. "And four ponies were having a slumber party…just... like... this one."

- much, much later -

"And just when the last pony thought she was safe…" twilight continued . "…there, standing right behind her,... just inches away, was… THE HEADLESS HORSE!"

Then as twilight cover herself with a blanket, applejack and rarity screamed.

"Gotcha!" Said twilight as applejack and rarity stopped screaming.

"Ghost stories, check." Twilight said as she check off the list from her book.

"Maybe it's a little too soon," I said to applejack and rarity as they stopped hugging each other. " but I'm sure we're all gonna laugh about this someday. Trust me. " and suddenly, my tummy started to growl as I give a nervous chuckled. "Listen to that." I said. " I am starving. "

"Now, who wants s'mores?" Twilight said.

I smiled.

- Later -

As I started making s'mores, my tummy is still growing. I quickly eat the s'more.

- A few moments later -

Lightning hits the giant tree as me, Smokey, twilight, aj and rarity look out the window and saw the tree is going to collapse in the house in Ponyville.

"Now what?" I asked .

"I don't know, buddy." Smokey answered. "Let twilight and her friends do their duty, ok?"

" Ok. " I answered.

- One big problem later -

Rarity and I use our horn to make the tree in twilight's bedroom disappear as applejack used her mouth to throw the log out the window and closed the window.

Now, rarity is now dirty after the giant tree is gone.

"Oh. I look awful." Rarity said.

" Now what, aj? " I asked applejack.

As applejack got an idea, she put the two slices of cucumber in her eyes.
"Better?" Asked applejack politely.

" hm. Thanks. " she answered as applejack and rarity hugged each other (rarijack moment, by the way).

"Well," I said. " that's over with. "

- Later -

"Now take two steps to your left." Rarity called.

Me and Smokey already left, because the storm stopped.

- Later that day -

Me and Smokey are in our new home, eating breakfast.

"Buddy?" Asked Smokey. " You think you can invite twilight sparkle and her friends for a sleepover in our house? "

"There's only one way to find out." I answered .

- Later that night -

As the Mane 6 got in our new home with their sleeping bags, they can't believe their own eyes of what the newcomer in Ponyville was.

"Hello." I said.

" And who are you, exactly? " asked twilight.

"well, " I answered as I brought my sleeping bag and punch (that's the type of juice, by the way) out of nowhere. "I'm puzzle shield, the alicorn with autism. Sooo, does anypony want punch?"

Me and the Mane 6 laugh happily.