Worthy is the Lamb

by Dinomite123

An Astonishing Miracle

Later that night, the wedding festival began. There was dancing, playing music, singing, and especially people having fun. And of course grown ups were enjoying wine.

“So then, we had walk down the hill to grab the lamb. And and then my wife tried to catch the little lamb and then as it speeded off...she tripped and feel into a mud puddle!” A man joked as the rest laughed.

Sunset Shimmer on the other hand was astonished at the excitement going on in the wedding. She knew she was not the only young girl at this wedding.

“Sunset Shimmer?”

She turned around and saw that it was actually, Faithful Rose wearing a purple linen clothes.

“Faithful Rose? What are you doing here?” She asked.

“Me and my family were invited to the wedding and my father accepted the invitation.” Faithful Rose answered. “I can’t believe you’re actually here.”

“Well, the last thing I remember was that you brought me to your home and you and your family was telling how much God loved me and that he can fix my problems.”

“Well, I hope our conversation helped you.”

“So, where is your family?” Sunset asked.

“My father’s serving the wine, My mother’s talking with some women, and my siblings should be somewhere.” Faithful Rose said.

Then they turned to see Faithful’s father arguing with a wine bearer.

“Hm, I wonder what they’re arguing about.” She said.

It turned out they were arguing about the wine because...they ran out of it.

“What you mean we’ve run out of wine? Are you sure?” Faithful’s father asked.

“We weren’t prepared for that many people.” The wine server said.

“What’s wrong, father?” Faithful asked.

“Not now, Faithful. We have a big problem here.”

“What’s wrong, my friend.” A familiar woman asked.

“Mary, there’s no more wine. We bought out the entire town and there’s not another skin of the wine within a days journey.”

“I’ll go talk to my son.”

Mary went over to Jesus.

“Son, the stewards ran out of wine and there’s none left.” She said.

“Mother, what does your concern have to do with me? My time has not yet come.” Jesus said

“Please, Jesus. This is my friends daughter’s beautiful day and why should it be ruined?”

Jesus sighed. “Gather the servants by the well.” He ordered.

Later, at the well, the wine servants waited by the well. Mary came to them.

“Whatever he asks, do as he says.” She ordered.

Then Jesus arrived to the site and was ready for what was to come.

“Fill those jars with water.” He ordered.

“How does water replace wine? This kind of drink wouldn’t glorify the brides day.”

The men did as Jesus ordered. Sunset and Faithful were watching as well. The men drew water out of the well and poured it into the big jars.

“Draw some out and give it to the master of this banquet.” Jesus said.

They scooped some out and poured it into a cup. They were afraid they might get in trouble because they’ll be serving water at the wedding. But they continued to do what Jesus said.

“I just hope he knows what he is doing.” One of the men said.

He went to the master of the wedding and gave the golden cup to him. He took a sip of the drink, and that left the cup bearers worried.

“Everyone serves the good wine first. They bring out the second-rate wine only when the guests are drinking freely. You kept the good wine until now.” The master said.

The cup bearers were confused, they ran over the jars that they filled with water and saw that it had become wine. They were all in shock.


“I don’t believe it, it’s wine. But how?”

“It’s true, he really is a man of god.

Sunset Shimmer and Faithful Rose saw the whole thing and were in shock.

“I can’t believe it. It started out as water and suddenly it’s wine.” Faithful said.

“How is that even possible?” Sunset wondered. “There’s no way it can just morph into something that’s impossible.”

While that, the people in the wedding rejoiced and continued to enjoy the party. Sunset was still confused of how the water became wine.

“I don’t understand, how did Jesus know how to turn water into something an adult drink.”

She then looked at Jesus and believed that there was something marvelous about him. She walked out of the entrance of the wedding and sat down on a bench. She felt something suspicious about Jesus, she knew she was in an experience of equestrian magic. But she felt like it was something different, she thought it was magic from some other source.

“Sunset Shimmer, why are you out here? Your missing out on the wedding.” Jesus came out seeing Sunset sitting.

“Oh, um, I was just thinking.” She answered. “It’s just...what I just saw in there, was all of that your doing?”

“Yes.” Jesus said as he sat next to Sunset. “It was meant for a sign.”

“A sign?”

“People who have empty souls should see the things that are to come.”

“Well, your magic just shocked and I don’t know if...”

“That wasn’t magic. Magic is the form of supernatural and spells that were formed by man. The thing I did in there was called...a miracle.”

Was Sunset actually wrong? Was the amazing thing that Jesus did in that wedding called a miracle?

“Jesus, all these things you teach, all those stories you tell, and all these things you. You look like your the perfect man there is on earth.” Sunset said.

“I am.” Jesus said. “In my life, I may experience pain and crying. But the only thing what never sprouted my life was sin. I have never sinned, not even once.”

“Can you even resist any temptation that’s even stronger?”

“Yes I can. But remember, there will always be new things to discover along this journey.”

“There’s more?”

Jesus nodded.

“Now let’s head back inside. Our closet friends must be wondering where we are.”

“You’ve said it.” Sunset smirked.

They both got up and went back inside for the wedding. Sunset Shimmer’s journey with Jesus is starting to get overwhelming. But she will witness more miracles that Jesus will perform the next coming events. And some of them will be understanding and voluble.