//------------------------------// // This place is insane // Story: Master Chief's Fall To Equestria // by LazyAva04 //------------------------------// The Chief walked out the Forward Unto Dawn, carrying with him his assault rifle and the duffle bags. The dark blue pony spoke up, in a loud booming voice. "Thy shall relinquish any weapons thy may have!" The Chief held his assault rifle even tighter, his Spartan Time kicking in. Not listening to Cortana's advice, he started to fire at the taller pony. Because, if Spartan-II training taught him anything, it's that a Spartan NEVER gives up their weapons. Luckily for the white pony, she used her magic to stop the bullets, only getting slightly grazed by one. The dark blue pony charged up her horn, clearly getting ready to attack. Chief waited for the right moment, jumping out of the way just in time. He opened fire on her, this time hitting the target right in the chest. Blood spurted out the wound, as a pale realization of death came to the pony. The white pony, screamed, and kept the dark blue one alive "LUNA!! Y-YOU MONSTER! YOU.. YOU METAL DEMON!" The white pony blasted something so powerful, so fast, at the chief that it completely knocked him cold. The last thing John remembered was hitting the ground with a thud. *1 hour later* The Chief started to awake, with a huge headache. He felt numb, and found that he was being held by the white ponies magic, while medics were attending to the pony that Chief now knew to be Luna. He spoke to Cortana using his neural interface. "Cortana? Are you there?" *No Answer* All of a sudden a voice spoke up. It was a feminine voice, and had a sense of kindness, and royalty to it. "She is safe. I took her to our scientists at Canterlot. She will further our technology by years! *ahem* now.. about what you did to Luna. You will spend a year in the Canterlot dungeons. We have also confiscated what we believe to be weapons." She had finally stopped talking. Chief, however, remained silent. He was thinking of a plan, until he was yet again interrupted. "You know, I can read your mind? The dungeons will be reinforced with magic barriers." The Chief sighed. This was going to be a hell of a day. *30 minutes later* The Chief had been looking around the rapidly moving scenery for a while. He was on a golden carriage, that somehow held his weight and all the other ponies weight too. He had kept his mind devoid of any thoughts to prevent the white pony from peering into his soul. He had also learned her name. Celestia The carriage slowed down as they flew over a city, a rather medieval looking one, just more colorful. They landed just outside a castle The Chief saw lots of guards. There was also a weird creature he was sure he had seen before. Alongside it, there was a pony who had a look of authority about him, as well as a mane of blue hair. The guards in the carriage told the Chief to get out. He decides to comply for now. Celestia got out too, and spoke up, her speaking directed to the weird creature and the pony with blue hair. "This metal monster landed in ponyville not so long ago. He.. propelled something from a metal object, that hit Luna in the chest, and she'll just make it. She was hurt bad. You two may do what you want to him when he is in his cell. He deserves it." The pony and the creature led the Chief into what looked to be an old dungeon. Now that he was free from Celestia, he could think. He luckily still had his armor, and his knife. He was sure with trying, he could break free from the magical cuffs on his arms. He was led into a chair. That was when he noticed the binds started to fade slightly. He struggled ever so slightly, breaking the cuffs. He rushed to the blue haired pony, punching him. He could hear bones breaking. The pony screamed in agony, and discord appeared in chiefs visor, smaller somehow. It spoke. "Don't you dare hurt him further!" The Chief grabbed the now small creature, and threw him away, taking out his knife. However, it wasn't a knife anymore. At least, it wasn't real. It was a plastic butter knife now. He stood up, and turned around to see the creature back to its tallish height now. The Chief then heard the clank of hooves in the dungeon. To be continued