Master Chief's Fall To Equestria

by LazyAva04

Ponies, Rampancy, and Destruction

Master Chief felt pain. He felt like he had hit his head and the world around him was spinning. It took him a few minutes to start slowly getting up. "I like to think that we've landed on the planet?"

Cortana let out a small laugh. "We have, and we're both FiNe!?"

Chief reactivated his HUD and saw an angry- scratch that, pissed off looking Cortana. She was ironically red, but soon after shouting, she became normal again. "C-chief.. I'm.. I'm sorry.."

"What was that, Cortana?"

"I was put into service 8 years ago Chief... A.I's only have a lifespan of 7..." Cortana hung her head. "I'm going rampant.. and there's nothing we can do about it."

Chief stayed silent. He hadn't thought much about when or how Cortana would go rampant. It felt like those words had delivered a blow to Chief's stomach. "There's.. there's got to be a way to fix it. Halsey! We just have to get to Halsey."

"Chief.. you know as well as I do, that's not possible... We're possibly light years away from wherever Halsey is... I'm sorry... But.. we'd better get moving, I'm detecting life forms... Likely those equine creatures I talked about before we hit atmosphere."

Master Chief nodded his head and stood up, grabbing his guns and checking his ammo reserves. He then walked out a hole in the side of the Forward Unto Dawn. Now, call this luck, but the ship had missed a giant crystalline castle by mere inches. It only had made a huge mess of debris around the cartoony houses surrounding the frigate. As he walked out the side, he was greeted by gasps and whispers of terror.

The equine creatures, who were at the tallest up to his stomach, were terrified. He looked at the creatures, he decided to call ponies, and walked forward a few steps. He then shouted "boo!", To get them to scatter.

Out of the crowd however, came six ponies. One of them, a yellow pony, fluttered up to the Spartan-II super soldier. She was looking at him with such an intensity, with one eye open wide and the other closed, that the Chief was surprised her eyeball didn't pop out of its socket.

The yellow pony spoke up. "Don't you EVER scare my friends like that again, space person! GOT IT?!" All around her, the ponies looked shocked at this sudden display of confidence from a usually shy pony. The Chief however, didn't move one bit. He however still managed to shock the ponies, by letting out a chuckle.

He continued staring directly at the yellow pony, before she squeeked after realizing her famous "Stare" hadn't worked, and she backed up impossibly fast.

This time, a purple pony stepped forward. The Chief, while knowing the ponies meant no harm so far, still hated the color purple. It was a classic color for the hated Covenant.

This pony, spoke up in a much less angry voice.

"Um.. excuse me, sir or ma'am? Do you mind telling me and my friends where you come from and.. what you are exactly?" She smiled- scratch that, grinned and clearly was thinking she was going to have a field trip asking him questions.

Master Chief however, had other plans. He walked back inside the ship, and to the vehicle bay. He had hoped to find a warthog, or at the very least a mongoose, but what he found was enough to make even the most hardcore soldier cry in happiness.

He had found not only the classic warthog, but also a Gauss warthog, and a Scorpion tank. Chief smiled to himself. Next stop was the armory. As Chief stepped inside, he was happily surprised to see it fully stocked. He grabbed two M6G Magnums, and placed them by the magnetic holders on his hips. He then took a MA5B Assault rifle, and placed his old magnum and assault rifle away.

He then grabbed some duffle bags, and filled them with as much ammo as possible. He had two duffle bags. One for ammo, and one for grenades. He lifted the bags over his shoulders, and made his way out the frigate. It was then, that he saw two larger ponies.

Both of them had flowing manes, one was white with multiple colors in it's mane, and the other was a black, or dark blue pony, with stars in its mane. They would have been up to Chief's shoulders had he stood right next to them

The white pony spoke up. "Reveal yourself, creature of space, and I promise we will not harm you."

That is when Cortana spoke to Chief. "Chief? I recommend listening to them. They are alicorns. Powerful mythological beings, that have flight, and magic."

Chief nodded, and walked out, ready for anything.