//------------------------------// // Saecula // Story: Power of Discord // by Jesusophile //------------------------------// Although there was a full moon out, Wander could not see a thing for the trees blocked the moonlight. Even during the day he could not see the path because the vegetation was so thick in the forest. After days of traveling, Wander stumbled into a clearing. In the middle was a lone tree stump but unlike the other trees it was completely black. Behind it, stood a statue of a creature unlike any he has seen before. It stood horizontally on its hind legs and the body was shaped like an hourglass. It hooves seem to be cut apart and laid flat. Its front legs hung from its body and at the end were claws instead of hoofs. It had a long neck and its head was shaped like a sphere. Its ears were long and pointed and it had little slits for eyes. On the ground in front of it, laid a sword about two meters in length. Wander approached the stump and looked down. The rings on the top were in perfect circles but barely noticeable. Wander put his hooves down on it and almost immediately the statue jumped back. It looked at Wander and then spoke. “I am Saecula. What is your business here?” Wander said nothing. “I know why you’re here I could see it in your eyes. Tell me this do you really think you could defeat me?” Wander stayed silent. Saecula picked up the sword. “I will only say this once, leave now and I won’t kill you.” Wander remained defiant. “Okay I tried being civil about this. Let’s see if you can match my power.” Saecula raised the sword and thrust it into the tree stump. Purple light shot up and spread across the area. It formed a bubble around Wander and the titan. The forest shook and trees began to fall. With a huge flash of white, they disappeared. In the bubble, Saecula charge at Wander, but missed by inches. Wander ran up and tackled him. He hit against Saecula with his hoof but to no avail for Saecula was made out of a metal unknown to this world. He propelled himself off and they both stared at each other. With thunderous claps, the bubble disappeared. They now stood in a large field with many bushes scattered around. Saecula swung his sword at Wander but once again missed. Wander ran from him, running from cover to cover, trying to stay hidden. There was no way he could defeat him by conventional means, he had to think of something else. “Are you really trying to hide from me? Come out and face me.” Wander knew better than go out in the open. Saecula was smashing each individual bush trying to flush him out. “Come out and end this game of hide and face me” he shouted. It marched up to where Wander was hiding, destroying everything in its path. Wander waited until the last moment before striking. He jumped out, tackling the Titan. Saecula was taken by surprise and fell, dropping his sword in the process. Wander kicked it up and grabbed it using his teeth. He threw his head up and quickly slashed the sword at Saecula. The sword tore through the metal and severed one of its arms. It quickly kicked Wander back and grabbed the sword with its remaining hand. It stood up, raised the sword and brought it down into the stump. Once again the purple light shot up and enclosed both of him in the bubble. With another flash of white, they appeared on the same plain as before. This time instead of grass and vegetation, there was dirt and mud. Wander did not see any wildlife or plants; all he saw was barren earth. Saecula started towards him, even more viciously than before. It jumped up and brought the sword stabbing down in an attempt to kill. Wander jumped out a way and without pause ran behind it and jumped onto its back. It screamed “Get off me you piece of filth!” Using its remaining hand it swiped at Wander knocking them off. It turned around in punched him as he was on the ground. Wander was crushed; it hit him on the side and knocked the wind out of him. He could hardly breathe and it looked like one of his ribs was broke. He managed to roll out of the way before he was hit again and retreat in an attempt to recover. Saecula approached once again “Well this has been fun but I’m afraid it’s time for you to rest.” It raised its sword and brought it down into the stump once more. The light shot up and surrounded them once again. They appeared on a platform made out of molten black dirt. There was so much smoke and steam that Wander could barely breathe. Lava was cascading into water creating new land from two forces of destruction. What they stood on was soft new earth that was floating on top of a river of lava. Wander was suffocating he had to act fast before was too late. Saecula walked up to him it “I’ll give you two choices. I will leave you to die right now or I will put this sword through your skull. What is your choice?” Wander looked up in and backed away from it. “I’m just going to kill you now” Saecula. It pulled the sword of the ground and turned to Wander. As it raised the sword to strike, Wander saw his chance. With his last bit of strength, he ran up and head butted it. Although he was heavily disoriented, he grabbed the sword raised it up and stabbed the titan. Saecula let out a roar and started to pull the sword out. All of the sudden, Saecula started to sink. The ground where the sword struck was splitting open. Saecula stood up and threw the sword to the side. It started to run towards Wander but the ground collapsed beneath its feet. It sank down into the lava and without a word, disappeared under the fiery waves. Wander was choking; he was running out of air and had seconds left. He grabbed his sword and brought it down in into the stump for one last time. The ground was collapsing as the light shot up and covered him. With a flash, Wander appeared in the forest clearing. He gasped for air. He was hurt, his ribs were crushed and he was covered in soot. In a flash of light, he appeared in Discord’s temple once again. “Welcome back. Did you miss me?” asked Discord. “You’re doing a good job and I’m impressed.” He let out a laugh, which was grandiose in nature. “I know you don’t like talking or socializing or affection so I’ll just let you know where you need to go next. I mean, I’m pretty tired of being a floating cloud. All right, thy next enemy lies below us in the base of the mountain. Just head down the steps and going to a cave, any old cave would do.” Wander just nodded and limped out, passing by the newly collapsed statue. “Bye-bye” exclaimed Discord as he walked out the door.