//------------------------------// // Another Beginning // Story: Snow’s Quick(Write) Quill // by Snow Quill //------------------------------// Pitter patter, Splish splash, The sky is closed, The clouds are heavy, And the rain that started long ago, Continues. Pitter patter, The rain dampens my coat, Soaking through and leaving me cold, I quicken my step, And hurry on my way home.  Pitter patter, Clip clop, My hooves on the ground, Splishing and splashing through the puddles, Spraying water without a care. Pitter patter, WHOOSH The wind blows And I shiver in response.  Pitter patter, A leaf is blown into my face, I shake it off and continue,  But, Wait, Was that a bunny back there? Pitter patter,  I slow,  My hooves growing heavier with every step, I should go back.  Pitter patter,  Oh I just can’t leave them! I turn and begin to run, Poor little thing, All alone in the cold, What sort of monster was I, That I even thought of leaving them alone. Pitter patter, There! I pick them up and hold them close, And continue on the short journey home. No more pitter, No more patter, No more splish or splash. No more cold, No more lonely, Not for this little thing. This little bunny. So small and fragile, So cute and fluffy, I take him home. And I call him ‘Angel’.