The Pony Guard

by TheClownPrinceofCrime

Chapter 7: Close Friends


“Fluttershy was really nice, Spike,” said Kiara as she was walking with the said dragon and Twilight on the road. “That fish she provided was so good! I barely eat that type of fish back at home!”

“Well, she is very good with animals as always! Again, I’m just very happy that you enjoyed yourself back there,” smiled Spike. “It’s not everyday that Fluttershy has guests come over to her cottage.”

“Really? How come?” Kiara curiously asked.

“Well, she is well known as a shy pegasus, so she normally doesn’t have many ponies come over except for our friends,” replied Spike. Then he looked up to the sky and noticed that the sun was slightly setting and the sky turning a little orange. “Man, it’s been a long day hasn't it? This day just went by so quickly!”

“I know, right?” Kiara chuckled. “It really has been one heck of a day for me so far. First, I got captured by the hyenas, confronted by Scar, thrown into this mysterious new world of yours, and then I... met you.” Spike turned his head to see her looking at him. “You’re actually the first creature to welcome me in this town.”

“Well, of course! I mean, we normally welcome every new visitor the same way! But for you... you are quite different,” said Spike, pausing to think back on the series of events that transpired that day. “Can it actually be a coincidence that we ended up becoming friends? I—I haven’t even thought about it until now.”

“Me neither,” Kiara replied. “Hmmm... you know, I have to admit that you seem to be very nice and overall likable. Actually, now that I think about it, you have become my first friend that actually... cares about me. I really don’t have that much friends back at Pride Rock.”

Spike widened his eyes in surprise and disbelief. “Wait, really? But you’re the princess of your kingdom! Surely, you must have many friends back at this Pride Rock, right?”

“What? You think that a princess is always going to have an abundance of friends just because she is a princess? No, that’s not always the case—for me at least,” Kiara scoffed before looking down on the ground. “I have only two friends at home who are somewhat like me, but they always tell me many things that I don’t like, and they are just... plain annoying.” Then she looked back at Spike with a tender smile. “You however are not like that at all. I must say that you have... a good heart.”

“I do? Well... thanks, Kiara. I just do my best to be a good friend to everypony.” Spike blushed.

“I can see that in you. Speaking of which, I actually like your friends too. Still, I’m not sure if I can get along with every one of those ponies in your hometown.” Kiara spoke, rolling her eyes at the memory of the residents idly staring at her earlier.

“Don’t worry. You will eventually get used to them,” Spike smirked. “I do wonder what it’s like to live in the Pride Lands that you’ve been talking about.”

“Well, it’s a really good place to live in! My father Simba always wanted to make our kingdom to be a center of light and guidance for our subjects to look up to. (Sigh) Words cannot describe how much I miss it right now...” Kiara said, bowing her head in sorrow. Moved with compassion, Spike stroked her head in comfort.

“I’m sorry you were taken away, Kiara. I truly am. I wish I had some all-powerful magic to teleport you back home,” said Spike.

“Thank you, Spike. That means a lot to me,” Kiara smiled.

Finally, they arrived at Sweet Apple Acres where they saw an orange mare with a cowboy hat on her head working on the farm. The cub looked around the area to see it filled with apple trees and some sort of strange objects she’s never seen before. As they got close to the farm, the farm mare greeted them warmly. “Hey there, Twilight! Hey, Spike!”

“Hey, Applejack!” Twilight and Spike greeted back.

“Applejack?” Kiara asked, confused.

The farm mare then looked down at the puzzled cub and widened her eyes. “Whoa, is that... a cub?”

“Yes, a lion cub to be precise,” Kiara specified. “My name is Kiara, daughter of King Simba from the Pride Lands. I take it you’re Applejack?”

“Yeah... ah am,” Applejack nodded. “Kiara, huh? So yer a princess? Ah don’t think ah’ve seen ya before.”

“It’s a long story. But it’s nice to meet you, madam!” Kiara smiled.

“Nice to meet ya too, Princess!” Applejack said, shaking her paw. “Hey, Big Mac! Apple Bloom! We have a royal guest at our farm today with Twilight and Spike! Welcome her!”

“Big Mac? Apple Bloom? Who are they?” Kiara asked.

“Family members of Applejack,” Twilight replied. “Big Mac is her brother, and Apple Bloom is her little sister.”

After she said that, the said stallion and filly emerged from the farm and waved at their friends. They cast a curious look at Kiara as they saw her with them. “Greetings, you two! Name’s Kiara! Pleasure to meet you both!”

“Eeyup!” Big Mac smiled.

“Hey there!” Apple Bloom squealed. She ran up to her and gazed at Kiara. “Where are ya from? Are ya from the Everfree Forest?”

“No, I’m from the kingdom called the Pride Lands; I was taken away from my home by an evil villain and was brought here. That’s where I met Spike.” Kiara explained.

“Really? I’m sorry to hear that,” Apple Bloom frowned. “How far is yer home from here?”

“Well... let’s say that it’s a looooooonng way from here. I told Spike all about it,” grinned Kiara.

“Yep! Hey, Apple Bloom, if you’re not too busy, would you like to play with us later?” Spike asked.

“Sure! I’d love to!” the filly smiled.


After traveling several miles from the wilderness far from the Everfree Forest, the Lion Guard finally spotted something they have been looking for ever since they arrived in Equestria. “Wait... I think... I see something! Ono, confirm if it’s actually what I think it is! I believe we’re almost there!” Kion ordered.

“Affirmative!” Ono complied. He flew up to the orange sky and narrowed his sight. He saw civilization not too far from where they were at and flew back down to his comrades. “I saw a large crystal-like structure not too far from here! I also spotted some horses that reside in that area!”

“So we’re almost there! Awesome! We are going to find Kiara in no time!” Bunga shouted.

“Right! Let’s go! There isn’t much time left! The sooner we rescue Kiara, the better our chances to defeat Scar!” Kion declared. Thus, the Lion Guard ran their way to the Crystal Empire.


As Twilight, Spike, and Kiara were walking back home, the moon and stars were shining brightly in the night sky. Twilight opened the door to allow the other two enter inside before she entered in with them and closed the door. “I’m sorry we couldn’t go to Canterlot today. I forgot we’ve spent so much time introducing you to our friends all day. First thing tomorrow, we’ll bring you to Princess Celestia. I promise.” Twilight spoke.

“It’s alright. I’m very sure that my mom and dad are all fine and keeping themselves safe from Scar,” said Kiara. “I just wish I was there to help them out. I hope Kion is aware of his return.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll make sure you get back home safely. Whatever this Scar dude is doing right now, he will not succeed!” Spike assured with the look of hope.

“You’re right, Spike,” Kiara replied.

“We should get to bed now. Good night, you too.” Twilight waved, yawning. She went to her bedroom to go to sleep.

“Good night, Twilight,” Spike yawned as well. Kiara then went close to Spike to give him a hug.

“Thanks for your kindness today, friend. Sweet dreams!” Kiara smiled. Spike blushed as he returned the hug.

“Thanks, you too,” Spike said. He went to his bed to get ready to sleep. As he got on his covers, he thought back on all the fun and the exciting conversations he had with the cub throughout the entire day. This strange cub who came from a different world or alternate universe somehow arrived in his world and soon became best friends. He never thought a day like that would come, yet it had come.

“That cub isn’t so bad. I think I’m going to miss her once she leaves Equestria. It’s been one day so far, and I’m starting to like her already. She’s proven to be a great friend.” Spike thought. As he meditated on such kind thoughts, he drifted off to a peaceful slumber.

Kiara looked up at the sky and gazed at the wonderful stars and moon through an open window. “(Sigh) I’ll be back soon, Dad. I’ll be back soon. After all, you taught me that the great kings of the past always watch over us. I know they are...”

She then went to the couch and yawned out of exhaustion. She closed her eyes and slept. The still, cool breeze was heard outside the window which was like music in the ears of the cub. It made her relax even more... but not for long.

Suddenly, a large red horn entered the room through the open window and levitated itself around the cub in a shadowy aurora; it lodged itself between her eyes. A dark, evil chuckle echoed from the red horn.