The Feather Bangs Fanfic Club

by BrawnyBold

Unchangeable Love

Swoon Song exited her classroom and trotted down her high school's hallway. She was trotting with more speed as her mind was extremely excited. Swoon arrived to a certain row of lockers to smile with complete joy to see who was standing besides her locker. Leaning on some of the lockers was none other than Feather Bangs wearing his usual high school jacket.
"Hey girl," Feather said with a smile. "I'm glad to see you again."
"I'm so glad to see you too, Feather!" Swoon said as she and Feather made their way out of the high school.
Feather Bangs was known as the most handsome stallion at Swoon's high school. Most of the mares in school would approach Feather Bangs and often declare their love for him. The stallions were envious of Feather for his natural ability to attract mares. There were even some cases where the female teachers would try to seduce Feather Bangs. Despite all of the popularity Feather possessed, it all changed when Feather decided to ask Swoon out on a date. She immediately accepted Feather's offer and the date turned out alright. It wasn't long until Feather and Swoon began to go out on more dates which allowed them to get to know each other more. Now Swoon and Feather have a good relationship with one another.
Feather and Swoon exited the high school and trotted their way towards the woods. It was their usual hangout spot where they would go when school was over. It was perfect as most ponies wouldn't go in the woods that often. They stopped when they reached a large, open field that was just surrounded by trees. Feather Bangs pulled out a large blanket from his saddle bag and placed it on the ground. Swoon and Feather laid down on the blanket and just talked about how their day went.
"Hey Swoon," Feather said to get Swoon's attention. "I've been enjoying our time together. Especially when it involves you."
Swoon blushed. "Oh, stop it! You're embarrassing me!" Swoon cooed.
"I wouldn't find any mare who would have the same traits as you." Feather said as he pulled out what looked liked a gold hoof ring with a small ruby on top.
"What do you say? Do you want to make our relationship official and be my marefriend?" Feather asked.
Swoon gasped while she covered her mouth with her hooves as the stallion she loved asked if he could be his special somepony.
"I do, Feather!" Swoon said as she jumped to give Feather a tender hug. When Swoon ended the hug, Feather took her hoof and put the ring on it. Swoon teared up as she saw how beautiful the ring looked.
"Now that we're officially in a relationship, there's something I need to tell you." Feather informed in a serious tone. Swoon looked at Feather with concern.
"There's this secret I've been keeping and I think you should know it since I trust you for this long." Feather continued.
"What is it, Feather?" Swoon asked. "You can tell me."
Feather got up and stepped back from his marefriend. "I think it's best if I show you." Feather closed his eyes and concentrated before he exploded with green light. Swoon reacted by closing her eyes so she didn't get blinded. After a few seconds, the light was gone and Swoon reopened her eyes. She gasped in shock from what was in front of her. In the place of Feather Bangs was an insect like creature that also looked to be part pony. On its back was a pair of greenish insect wings and there was a small black horn in its head. The limbs of the creature had a lot of holes on them. The face of the creature was made up of eyes that were completely blue and teeth were extremely sharp. Despite the creature having all of these fearful traits, the facial expression of the creature showed that of sadness.
"F-Feather, is that you?" Swoon asked in worry.
"Yes, I am Feather Bangs." The creature responded.
"W-what are you?" Swoon asked again.
"I'm a changeling." Feather said sadly. "A creature with the ability to shapeshift. In order for my species to survive, they need to transform into beings that other creatures love and absorb that love. I ran away from my hive because I hated that we kept taking love from others and leave them to suffer. I stayed hidden by transforming into a stallion and blended in with your population. The high school was a good place for me to feed as it was filled with young ponies who were in love. That all changed with when I met you. I didn't try to trick you into giving love to me as you fell in love with me out of spite. You gave your love to me and yet you don't feel drained when I accept it. That was when I realized that you were very precious to me. I hope that you accept me for who I am." When Feather was done talking, he was surprised when Swoon got close to him to give another hug.
"Oh Feather, I'm glad that you told me all of this." Swoon said while still hugging.
"You're not mad or even scared?" Feather asked.
"Feather, you're still the stallion I fell in love with." Swoon smiled. "I wouldn't care if you were a different creature as long as you still had a good heart. That was why I fell for you in the first place." Feather's eyes filled with tears as he was relieved that Swoon didn't run away in fear or betrayal. She still loved him despite being a creature who feeds on love. Feather wrapped his hooves around Swoon and joined in on her hug.
"Thank you," Feather whispered. This tender moment was interrupted when Feather suddenly heard buzzing from the distance. Feather looked up feel horror when he saw several more changelings landing all around him and Swoon.
"Aw, what a touching moment." One of the changelings said. "It's a good thing your marefriend gave you more love. Otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to track your location."
"Leave me be!" Feather demanded. "I haven't cause any harm to the hive! Why are all of you going after me!?"
Another changeling spoke. "Even if you didn't do anything, you still left the hive. Queen Chrysalis believes that is still a sign of treason against her!" The changelings flew up and got ready to attack Feather and Swoon. Feather quickly grabbed Swoon to put her on his back and he immediately flew away from the gathering changelings. Swoon looked to see that the other changelings were flying in pursuit of the couple. Feather then flew into the forest and tried to avoid getting hit by the trees. The other changelings were slower as they were having a hard time moving around the trees. Feather and Swoon felt hopeful as they believed that they were going to get away from the changelings. That was until the changelings starting firing their beams at the couple, which made it more difficult for Feather to fly. Out of misfortune, one of the changelings' beams shot Feather and he ended up falling to the ground. Swoon and Feather toppled to the ground while the changelings were closing in on them. Swoon quickly moved to hold the unconscious Feather for dear life.
"Feather, please! Get up!" Swoon pleaded as the changelings were getting closer.
"You should've left that traitor when you had the chance." One of the changelings said to Swoon. "Now you're gonna die as well." All of the changelings light up their horns to destroy Swoon and Feather.
Swoon glared at the changelings before she spoke up. "Even if you destroy us, at least we'll die giving each other more love than you have ever taken!" Swoon picked up Feather's head and smiled. "Goodbye, my love." Swoon gave Feather a kiss on the lips before the changelings fired their beams. Before the beams made impact, a blast of pink light exploded from where Swoon and Feather were laying. The changelings were stunned when they saw that an orb of pink light was getting bigger.
"What is happening?!" A changeling yelled before the orb exploded again. All of the changelings were disintegrated from the impact of the blast. As the light dimmed, it revealed that Swoon was holding on to a different kind of creature. The creature was similar to the changelings. The differences were that the creature was bright yellow, its limbs didn't have holes on them, and its abdomen was bright pink along with its eyes and tail. The creature also looked surprise from its appearance. Swoon took a moment to realize that the creature's color scheme looked familiar.
"Feather, is that you?" Swoon asked.
"Yes, it is me!" Feather smiled. "I can't believe that I was able to transform like this!"
"Could it be because that I gave you love?" Swoon guessed.
"I'm not sure, but I'm just glad that you're alright." Feather said as he stroked Swoon's cheek.
"Me too," Swoon said as she nuzzled on Feather's hoof.
"But I'm now worried that Queen Chrysalis might send more changelings to get rid of not only me but also you as well." Feather said with worry.
"It's alright," Swoon assured. "As long as we have each other, we'll get through anything. For now, let's enjoy this moment."
Feather smiled. "Agreed." Both Feather and Swoon kissed each other to celebrate their newly formed relationship.

The End