How They Got Caught in the Barn

by solar star

Chapter 2

The tree shook from the impact of Applejack's hind legs, causing the apples to fall shortly after. It was a hot summer day in Ponyville, but that didn't stop her from completing her chores. No one said running a farm was easy. She wiped the sweat from her forehead, wishing she had at least brought some water or something. Grabbing a now full basket from under the tree, she started putting on the cart when her ears perked up. What was that? Quietly placing down the bucket, she waited to see if she would hear it again. A few seconds later and there it was, and it was, snoring? Applejack looked around, but there was nothing but apple trees. She was alone. Who could possibly be doing thi––oh, she realized. There was one place she forgot to look. Bending her head backwards Applejack looked into the sky, finding a small cloud slowly blowing in the breeze. Although she wasn't positive, AJ was 90% sure Rainbow was up there. The rainbow colored tail that hung down a few seconds later confirmed her hunch.

She was about to call out for her when she noticed she was beginning to stir, and soon had a better idea. As quickly and quietly as possible, the blonde-maned pony trotted off the road and behind one of her trees, watching a confused and half asleep Rainbow Dash slowly begin to recuperate.

As she was hiding, she couldn't ignore the bit of excitement that began to boil. Not because she was going to scare Rainbow Dash, but just the fact she was here at all. Just my luck, Applejack thought. AJ had liked Rainbow for a while now. Perhaps even since they first met. There was something about her that she couldn't place her hoof on. Yeah she was obnoxiously confident, liked to brag, and could be really annoying at times, but Applejack was always a bit drawn to it. Of course, she had no idea why until about a year ago. Deep down AJ always knew something about being with a stallion didn't sit well with her, but she kind of just "hoped" she hadn't met the right one yet. It's not that she thought it was wrong, she most certainly did not, it just took her some time to really see it in herself. It's not like she really had an active love-life anyway. Which, of course, didn't really bother her; she was always so busy on the farm, and she always had the love for her family and friends. But, fully accepting that stallions just weren't for her allowed her to explore what she really wanted, and over time, she began to notice her mind constantly wandering back to Rainbow Dash. She always felt and understood her friendship with Rainbow was different from the other four, but it took a minute for the realization to dawn on her; a significant part of her wanted more than just that friendship. The idea scared her. Heck, it did way more than that; it terrified her. However, luckily Applejack was very, very good at keeping her emotions at bay. Too good, even. Especially when they were about herself. AJ would be the first to help another pony with their feelings; calling her 'understanding' would be an understatement. However, getting her to talk about her own internal battles? Especially when they might be troublesome to somepony else? Yeah, good luck.

Applejack's first experience with a mare was all the way back when Twilight first came to Ponyville. She saw a beautiful filly at SugarCube Corner. AJ could tell she wasn't the only one who thought so; the staring stallions in line weren't great at being discreet. She introduced herself and they got to talking. She discovered her and her family were just passing through, and were only staying in Ponyville for one night. AJ knew there was something different about this pony, something she could feel but not explain. She invited her to Sweet Apple Acres. They ended up talking until well past midnight, both knowing they should've parted ways already, but nopony making a move to do so. When their lips touched for the first time, a feeling unlike no other washed over Applejack. The feeling that this was...right. She never told the other five what had happened. Despite this happening almost 5 years ago, for 4 more years to come Applejack kept the faint wish she would feel the same again, but with a stallion.

Rainbow Dash was now on the ground, playing with the harness on her cart. Applejack slowly creeped out from behind the tree, making sure not to accidentally step on any leaves. Aligning herself right behind Rainbow, she screamed, "BOO!"

Rainbow took off so fast all Applejack saw was the rainbow color she left in her wake. She fell to the ground laughing, less at the fact she had actually scared Rainbow and more at knowing how embarrassed she would be to have to actually admit she had gotten scared. Rainbow Dash and AJ were similar in that way; although distinctively, they tended to keep a lot of themselves. Ponies rarely saw either of them crying, both upholding reputations of being strong and tough, which they gladly accepted. Applejack heard leaves rustling almost immediately after, knowing it was Rainbow coming out from the tree without even having to open her eyes. The light behind her eyelids got darker, and she knew Rainbow was now above her, providing some shade from the sun. She waited for some lame excuse that had to be coming, but nothing came out of the cyan pony's mouth. Applejack wondered if she was just staring at her? Soon enough the farmer began to calm down, standing back up.

"So Applejack, what's up?" Applejack almost laughed again hearing the attitude in Rainbow's voice.

"Whoo wee sugarcube, sorry bout that, it was just the funniest darn thing ah've seen all day."

She chuckled a bit at Rainbow's face.

"So watcha doing here anyway? Pretty sure apple buckin' ain't your first choice of things to do."

"I was taking a nap and I guess the wind brought me here. But now that I'm up and awake I could help a bit if you wanted?"

"Well that's mighty kind of you Rainbow, ah really appreciate it," Applejack said. She knew that's how she would've responded had anyone offered, but she couldn't help but smile a little wider and perhaps look a bit more excited. For a brief moment, smiling up at Rainbow, Applejack had that same feeling of excitement she felt when she first noticed the pegasus. It probably would've lasted longer too had Dash not dashed away so fast. Her name really did suit her.

"Alright I-I'll just get started now," Rainbow said, sounding the tiniest bit flustered, but thankfully going unnoticed by AJ.

Applejack turned back around to the remaining two baskets under the tree, forgetting all about the heat, lack of water, and other issues she was having before.