Starshot: Star Speaker

by Tums Festival

Void Inquisitor

"Alright, uh, computer, so what's this?" Rainbow asked, peaking into another large, cubic room. "Let me guess… Cargo Bay B?"

"Cargo Bay C," the computer corrected. 

"Woo," Rainbow sighed, labelling it on the paper map she had brought with her. "Honestly, Scoots, you'd think an alien spaceship of all things wouldn't be so friggin' boring."

Given Doctor Whooves and his team could only guess what the various rooms aboard the ship were, Luna had assigned a few small groups to survey and map out the entire ship, using the computer to verify what was what. They had tried to get it to bring up a map, but unfortunately, while the computer seemed to know the way around, whatever images it had to show the crew involving the layout were lost.

So, they had to do things the old fashioned way. This included the need to climb (or fly) down a ladder shaft to Deck Five, the lowest, as no creature was brave enough to try the strange, circular turbolifts yet. Still, Rainbow was beginning to wonder if it was even worth the effort, as she and Scootaloo hadn’t found anything interesting or useful so far. 

“I dunno, Rainbow, doesn’t it kind of make you wonder?” Scootaloo said, trotting alongside her to the next door.

“Wonder about what?” 

“What kind of stuff was put in those cargo bays?” 

Rainbow chuckled. “Scoots, for all we know, this could just be a space furniture transport, with cargo bays full of space sofas.”

“I bet space sofas would be super comfy, though!” Scootaloo said. “Also, Pharynx said the ship is armed. Like with some kinda giant cannon. I dunno about it being just for hauling stuff.”

“Alright, then a heavily armed space furniture transport,” Rainbow laughed. “Beats me, Scoots, you know as much as me about this thing as I do.“ 

She paused, Scootaloo doing the same. “Hey, what's its name anyway? Ships usually have names.”

“Computer?” Scootaloo asked.


“What’s the answer to my question?” Rainbow asked.

“You need to state your question after saying ‘computer’,” it said in an almost annoyed tone. “My attention is not focused on you until you do.”

“Right, sorry,” Rainbow said, rolling her eyes. “What is the name of this ship?”

“This vessel’s official designation is Void Inquisitor.”

“I’m not sure if that’s a cool name or way too over the top,” Scootaloo critiqued. 

“Bleh, needs to be taken down a notch,” Rainbow Dash grunted. “Especially if it’s been hauling sofas. How about we rename it the…” 

She thought for a moment.

“The Metal Crusader?” Scootaloo suggested excitedly. 

“Mmm, not bad, squirt, but a few too many syllables,” Rainbow said. “How about just… Starshot?”

“Starshot?” Scootaloo blinked. 

“Straight, forward, and to the point,” Rainbow shrugged. “It’s a ship that shoots through the stars. Applejack would be proud.”

“Potential name change accepted: Starshot. Awaiting verification from Acting Captain Luna.”

“Okay, wait a minute, hold on there,” Rainbow said, incredulously. “So you’ve just… officially accepted Luna as your new captain? And I guess the rest of us your new crew, right? Just like that?”

“Yeah, that’s been bugging me,” Scootaloo nodded. “Doesn’t make a whole lotta sense. We’re aliens to you, right? How come you’re so cool with us being aboard like this?”

“Let alone replacing your old crew, whoever that was, and messing around on your bridge?” Rainbow added.

“Your fellow crewmates, Doctor Whooves and Acting Captain Luna, have already asked similar questions.”

“And what did you tell them?” Rainbow said, tapping her hoof impatiently. 



“--ERROR-- No information available.”

“Guess I should have expected that,” Rainbow sighed. “Mysteries on mysteries… man, I wish Daring Do was here. You know she originally found this thing, right?”

“Before she disappeared?” Scootaloo asked. 

“Yeah,” Rainbow said sadly. “Inspired one of her worst books, though: Daring Doo and the Crystal Femur. Worst thing about her going ‘poof’ was that that was her last novel, too.”

“Ouch,” Scootaloo winced. “Sour not to leave on. But hey, come on, let’s keep exploring. Keep our minds off it.”

“Sounds good, little buddy,” Rainbow smiled, leading Scootaloo along. “Just wish that we’d find something more than just empty--”

She paused, raising her brow as a nearby pair of double-doors swung open automatically. What was beyond them was no mere cargo bay. It was much more massive: an elongated section stretching half a deck’s length and attached to another that seemed to shoot out towards the starboard side of the vessel. She couldn’t see what exactly was at the end of it.

“Woah,” Rainbow blinked. 

“Hah!” Scootaloo said, sticking her tongue out. “I knew we’d find something cool down here eventually!” She tilted her head to the side. “But uh… I just wish I knew what those things are.”

She and Rainbow were gazing at a number of lean, rectangular pyramidal objects that split into two diagonal fins at the front. Atop it was an ovaloid dome, with a black window making up most of the frontal section of it. 

“Hey, computer?” Rainbow called. “Computer! What exactly are we looking at here? Help a pegasus out?"

“Only one ‘computer’ is required for my attention,” it droned. “Answer to inquiry: Light Taker Interceptors.” 

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow. “Uhhh…” 

“Computer, I don't know if you've caught on yet, but we’re kind of new to the whole space exploration thing,” Rainbow said, before grinning somewhat sheepishly. “I’m sure we’re going to be awesome at it, but… we have no idea what any of that means. Explain it to us; nice and slowly.”

“Processing. Inference functions fully calibrated for less sophisticated inquiries of species: pegasus.”

“Did it just call us dumb?” Scootaloo asked.

“Light Taker is the name of the interceptor,” it began, seemingly ignoring her. 

Rainbow nodded. “Alright, but what’s an interceptor--”

“Interceptor is a class of strike craft suited for both the interception of enemy strike craft and the destruction of soft planetside targets.”

“Kay, Scoots, I think we can rule out this thing as a cargo ship,” Rainbow said, raising her eyebrows. “So, these things are meant for combat, huh?” 

“How do you… well… fight with them?” Scootaloo asked. 

Processing answer for non-acclimated entities. Processing complete. Please view Launch Bay Viewscreen 2.”

“Wait, that’s what this is?” Rainbow Dash asked. “A launch bay?”

Correct,” the computer said. “Please view Launch Bay Viewscreen 2.”

Across the large tunnel, a monitor flickered to life. On it, multiple interceptors of the same design could be seen whizzing around the blackness of space. However, they were not alone. Other strike craft were chasing or being chased by them of a completely different design. It didn’t appear to be a friendly game of tag, either, as the barrels mounted on the fronts of these ships occasionally flashed brightly, shooting forth red and yellow projectiles that seemed to be intended to hit ships of the other type. 

“I don’t know what this is,” Scootaloo said, before hopping excitedly. “But it looks awesome!” 

Rainbow, however, was too mesmerized by it to speak. 

“This was a minor skirmish fought between --ERROR-- and --ERROR-- strike craft --ERROR-- cycles ago at System: Entropy’s Beginning. It was captured at several different angles by multiple bow imagers.”

“So that’s how they fight,” Rainbow finally said. “Like… how pegasi used to dogfight the griffons with crossbows. Probably faster, though. Hey computer, what's their max speed?"

"Theoretically, a Light Taker could achieve a vacuum speed of 40 kilometers per second if all fuel reserves were burned."

"T-That…" Rainbow stammered, practically forcing herself not to pant. "H-Here I thought the ship we’re on was quick, but that is over twenty times faster than Sonic Rainboom speeds! How… what the… that's so AWESOME!.!.!"

"Their mothership is faster when using hyperspace," the computer said. “And accelerating to the mentioned speed with strike crafts would be ill-advised.” 

"Pfffft, and why would that be?"

"Objects in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an external force."

"That sounds like Twilight-speak," Rainbow groaned. "Nevermind, don't kill my buzz. Talk to me about it later."


They continued to watch. Over time, the Light Taker Interceptors seemed to be victorious. They completely destroyed two enemy ships in brilliant flashes of light before driving off the rest without a single loss themselves. 

Scootaloo winced. “T-That was brutal. I-I really hope whoever made these things aren’t bad guys.”

"Same," Rainbow nodded. “And that reminds me. Ahem. So computer, if I asked you who the aliens were who built all this, would you just give me an error?”



“Wait a minute…” Scootaloo said, still looking at the screen. “How are they moving around in the first place? Like, how are they controlled?”

“Each strike craft, dependent on type, is controlled by one or more individuals.”

“So you’re saying… we can climb inside them and fly them?!” Rainbow asked, excitement now completely overtaking her voice.


“Can you teach us how?” Scootaloo immediately asked. 

“Woah, Scoots!” Rainbow laughed. “Just a few hours ago you looked like you wanted to curl up into a ball. Now, you want to fly an alien strike thingy?” 

“It would be so awesome!” Scootaloo practically squeaked. “Especially with… well, you know.” 

She wiggled her stunted wings, and Rainbow couldn’t help but frown. Even three years after Twilight had taken control of Equestria, in which time Scootaloo had grown into a teenager, she was no closer to flying than when she was a filly. 

“I gotcha, Scoots,” Rainbow said reassuringly. “Computer, how about it?” 

“My apologies, I was processing newly recovered information,” it said. “To answer your question: I cannot teach you, but the ships themselves can. Each Strike Craft is loaded with multiple training simulators for pilots beginner to advanced.”

“So, that’s a yes, right?” Scootaloo asked. “Please say that’s a yes!” 

Yes, it is a yes.” 

Scootaloo and Rainbow looked at each other, their eyes widened in absolute delight, before looking back at the interceptor. 

“Okay, I think I know what we’re going to be keeping ourselves busy with,” Rainbow smirked. “The two of us, little buddy, are gonna fly faster than any pegasus ever has.”


"Captain Luna," the computer spoke, interrupting the night princess.

"Hm?" she said, perking an eyebrow up at its new use of ‘captain’ instead of ‘acting captain’.

Coincidentally, she was currently inspecting what she was told were the captain's quarters. While the majority of the ship was fairly sparse and utilitarian, she believed there was once an attempt to decorate this room. A few paintings of other, strange alien ships lined the walls. There were also a few plant pots around, though their contents had long since turned to dust. Finally, what appeared to be two, small ornaments of strange, lizard-like creatures sat upon a wall-mounted shelf.

Unfortunately, that was it when it came to creature comforts. While it did contain a 'bed', it was little more than a solid slab of rock. 

"One of your underlings has suggested a name change to this vessel befitting its new occupants."

"What was its old name?" Luna asked. 

"Its official title was Void Inquisitor."

Luna raised her eyebrows. "It does have a certain lovely gothic connotation to it, but I do agree: not a typical pony name for a ship. What was the suggestion?"

"The renaming of it to Starshot."

"Mm," Luna chuckled. "The Starship Starshot. That’ll do. Very well, computer, from henceforth, that will be our name… Starshot."

"New designation: Starshot accepted," the computer droned. "Update: Doctor Whooves requests your presence on the bridge."

"Oh?" Luna asked, beginning to exit the room. "Has he figured things out already?"

"... To be accurate: he has figured out that I have figured you out."