Snow’s Quick(Write) Quill

by Snow Quill

A Special Cove (T)

A seagulls cry, 
The salty breeze, 
Warm sunny rays,
The ocean calls once again to me.

It’s soft, shifting sands,
The crystal clear and deep blue waves,
Inviting me, tempting me, 
I simply cannot stay away.

And so I make the trek,
The journey, 
The adventure is starting!
And what an adventure to be had.

For what better way to spend a summer day,
Than at the beach, 
Lying in the sand,
Bathing in the sun's hot rays.

It seems many others have heard the siren call,
I would make jokes at their behalf,
I know quite a few, but I half,
For was I not drawn here too?

I pass by families and foals,
Young and old alike,
Making my way to a special cove,
For a gathering of those whose minds are like mine.

For ponies yes,
We are usually nude,
But for some odd reason, 
We tend to wear swimsuits. 

There is however, 
A lovely little cove,
Where clothing is optional,
Or so I am told. 

I pick up the pace, 
For I am nearly there,
And look behold!
The bare rear of a mare.

It seems I made it,
The rumors were true!
Now I can really relax,
And be on the beach, in the nude.