//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: My Little Tankers: Bloom // by Kitsune_Kenshi //------------------------------// Not long after the attack, Applejack's team arrived at the farm road, infantry stallions digging foxholes. Eat chow. Clean their weapons. Play cards. The half-tracks and jeeps were all over the place, sending the wounded and the dead to the medics. Sandbar is still getting use to this sight, he's silence the way here. When the tanks stopped, Applejack was greeted by a young mare; Sergeant Lyra. "Where your boss?" she asked. Applejack had a blank expression, "Dead." "Who's in charge of this column?" "I am." "Welp, I spoke to the right mare, old stallion's over the corner at the table." Lyra said, pointing to the table's direction. She then lead Applejack to the table, where it stood a middle-aged stallion. Around him were radios and radio operators, chatting and typing. "Sir, tankers are here." Lyra said. The stallion looked up from the table, his left face had a long scar on it, by the expression on his face, Applejack can tell that he's a veteran. "How many tanks have you got?" he asked. "Four." Applejack answered. "I asked for ten," the officer grunted, "Here's the deal, I got a platoon pinned down by the Griffon MGs in a sugar beet field. I sent my trucks in and got knocked out. They got two or more Pak-40s. I want you and your team to destroy them, get some of my men back. Then we'll push in into the town and kill those feather heads. They're not old, no kids, just regular Nazi fuckers. I know who you are and what you're doing. Let's get it done." Applejack is starting to like this officer, she patted the map. "Seeing as they're covering this road. Mind if I come in this way? Whack their flanks and road' em up." she suggested. "Do what you see fit. Just paste them hard." The officer nodded, "They murdered some good boys today, why don't these jerks just quit?" "Would you?" Applejack asked. Point taken, AJ walked away. (~) Minutes later, medics tend to four wounded GIs, two dead GIs are laid across the hood of the jeep. Nearby, a couple gunners sprayed their .50 cals mounted on half-tracks into the distant Griffon positions. Applejack's four tanks are in a row. The tank crew was preparing for the attack; some of them was putting HE rounds and AP rounds into their ammo rack, some were checking their tank's engine, while the rest of the crews were cleaning their guns. Applejack's team are also busy; they tightened up the tracks, Smolder and Ocellus were loading ammunitions, Spike and Sandbar were toping off the gas tank with the help of a black truck driver. "This is it. We'll be seeing some actions." Spike said. "I'm scared shitless." Sandbar replied. "You'll be so fucking busy, you don't have time to be scared; you'll probably forget to shit your pants." Spike smirked. The truck driver decided to charm in, "A hero's just as scared as a coward. One quit, one don't." "Don't give him no hero bullshit," Spike snapped, "it's a job, every creature does their jobs. You win a game, like the football team." "And the fellow that charges in to save his buddies, what is that?" the truck driver asked. "A moron." Sandbar asked the most important question to him, "How is it feel to kill a living being? Is it hard?" Spike just shrugged, "At first duh! You'll get use to it." Then they saw AJ coming, "You guys finished yet? We're goin off about 5 minutes." Smolder did a thumb-up towards AJ, AJ nodded and signaled the tank platoon. Spike and Sandbar got into their seats from the hatch on top, while Ocellus and Smolder got into the turret. A moment later, applejack came in with a brand-new StG rifle. "Damn that's one sexy rifle you got there." Smolder said. "Got it from that SS shit, they killed him after gathering some infos," Aj shrugged, "fucker got what he deserved." AJ realized that the tank is not moving, she saw Spike staring at her StG rifle, drooling. Smolder rolled her eyes, Ocellus ignored him, Sandbar looked awkward, "Spike, stop giving mah gun those looks as if Ember's in front of you naked. Driver hit the road!" Applejack said, Sandbar held his verge of laughter, but failed to hold back some snorts. "Sandbag keep your damn eyes on the road," AJ immediately went back to herself, "I don't wanna see another child with a panzerfaust and you letting it kill our boys." "Y... Yes ma'am." Sandbar stammered as he checked his .30 cal. The trip was quiet, Sandbar can feel his heartbeat rising, this is his first time to TAKE away a living life. Half of him is scared as hell, but the other half is somehow... Excited? Sandbar couldn't tell why, but he'd a feeling that this question will be answered. Their tank platoon is followed by four squads of infantry stallions; the old ones were smoking, joking around, and trash-talking; while the newbies were remained quiet, most of them has uncertainty and frightened looks on their faces. "Hey kid," Sandbar felt a talon his shoulder and saw Spike talking to him, "I'm saying this t prevent you from shitting all over the tank: Later you'll encounter some really violence and cruel stuff, body parts and burning corpse included. Do what AJ tells you and she'll make sure your ass is in one piece." Sandbar gulped, he DID NOT sign-up for this. For whatever reason, he was off for the tanks instead of typing. And he is NOT prepared. But war is war, like it or not. The reality is cruel. The tank platoon and the infantry stallions made their way near the tall bushes, smoke can be seen from a distant, and sounds like cries in agony and fire flickering is also coming in. Sandbar winced just picturing the battlefield in his mind. "Gentalcolts, the Grifs are dead ahead, stay frosty." AJ announced. The tanks rotated until their frontal plates were facing the bushes, the infantry stallions formed four lines behind each Sherman, their guns loaded and were ready to go. "Alright let's get this show on the road." AJ ordered, "Driver advance." Spike stepped on the accelerator, the entire tank shook as the roars of the gas-online engines took over, the Shermans begin to move forward, followed by the infantry stallions. The assault has begun. The battlefield looked like hell, as usual. Pieces of limbs and organs splattered everywhere, screaming and crying of agony can be heard from the foxholes far from the woods. The wounded were stuck together in four and six in foxholes. They're tired and frustrated; they guns were almost out of ammunition, they're hungry as hell, and the lack of cigarettes is making most of them furious. Then they heard rumblings of tanks coming in from behind. Their nerves softened and relaxed once they recognized the tall and fat shape of the Shermans, not to mention their silly 75s and 76 guns. But those colts don't have a reason to complain, cuz they're their life-saviors. \ "Com' on get up, enough playing dead." AJ ordered from the hatch of 'Bloom', "Get behind the Shermans, line up ladies." The scattered stallions scrambled towards their Shermans, many sighed in relieve as they kissed their neckless with a solar cutie-mark on it. Sandbar was about to relax, maybe this isn't bad as I thought, he thought. But what happened next made him regretted everything he'd just thought. Dadadada... Clang! Clang! Clang! The MG-42 strike without any warning, taking down few unlucky stallions. Sandbar's brain froze for about a two seconds before he gazed into the periscope. What he saw almost made him had a heart-attack. Bullets. Millions of them. Flying all over the place. Some even rammed onto their tank, but thanks to the thick frontal plates, the sounds of bullet ricocheting off is the only thing that brought fear to Sandbar. But not for long.