Honey Bunny Sunny

by Nosey Flame

Chapter 8: The Treehouse/ Discovery

Everyone was still asleep when the sun shine through the windows of the room. Fern woke up when the sun rays got to her eyes. Since she was sleeping on the bottom bunk, she saw a sight that would forever change two creatures friendships right on the opposite bed.

She went up to Gloria's bed and woke her up. "Gloria wake up. I need to show you something important right now. Gloria!" She whispered aggressively as she shook her. She just groaned as she tried to open her eyes. She yawned before she spoke.

"What Fern?" She asked the Kirin.

"Look down now." She whispered to her.

As she looked down, Garble woke up.

"Hey girls what's---"

"Shhhh!" Fern said to Garble. Garble looked up and saw Fern and a sleepy Gloria. Then Fern motioned for him to go up to where they were. Garble just gave a thumbs up as he flew up to the top bunk.

"So what are---" He started.

"Shhhh whisper!" Fern told him.

"Okay what are you guys doing?" He asked finally whispering.

"Ask her." Gloria said as she pointed a talon at Fern Flare.

"So Fern what are you looking at?" Fern just rolled her eyes as she pointed a hoof to Honey's bed.

"What's wrong with--" Gloria was stopped by a gasp coming from her mouth. "No way?"

"Oh yes way." Fern replied.

"What WHAT!?" Garble asked trying to see what they were looking at. When he finally saw it, he gasped as well. "Woah! When did that happen?" He asked pointing at the bed.

"I know what we can gain out of this," Garble started as the finished the statement together, "an opportunity to tease." They all laughed.

The ruckus coming from the others woke Gemluck. As he looked at his mare friend sleeping peacefully in his hooves, he couldn't help but blush. He leaned and kissed his Marefriend on her forehead. Honey was woken up by the warmth of her Colt friend's lips. She smiled a bit before yawning and kissing him back.

"Good morning sweetie pie." Gemluck exclaimed happily.

"Mornin' dear." Honey said as she yawned and stretched her hooves. They shared a short but passionate kiss. Suddenly they heard the sound of their friends saying 'd'aaaaaaawwwww' all at the same time. Even Garble, the toughest of them all was touched by the way the two young love birds shared their love passionately.

When Melody woke up he was immediately stunned by what he saw. "My first day at this school and two of my new friends are already together. Wow! Am I some kind of love spreader cause that's Princess Cadance's job." He said pointing at the two creatures sharing a kiss.

By the time Melody finished his statement, the two young creatures had pulled away and blushed in embarrassment. That was not how they wanted their best friends to find out.

'Finally! No more awkward stares and hellos or the excessive amount of blushing. But at least we get an opportunity to tease.' Garble, Fern Flare and Gloria thought.

"Well this was not how we wanted you guys to find out." Gemluck said.

An unsettling silence filled the room before Honey broke it.

"Well this is awkward." She said turning to her Colt friend then back to her other friends. Just then Garble snickered followed by Gloria then Melody and soon the rest. The snickers turned to giggles, the giggles turned to chuckles, the chuckles to very contagious laughter. It echoed in the whole room as the six friends laughed their tails off.

"Well at least we'll get to tease," Melody said. They all laughed except for Gemluck and Honey Suckle who snarled at them.

"Wow Melly. One day with us and you already act, talk and think like us." Gloria commented.

"I learn from the best." Melody said smirking.

"Fine we get it. You can tease us okay. . ." Gemluck started.

". . . But that doesn't mean you will get away with it." Honey finished as she powered up her horn while Gemluck changed into a triceratops with wings that breathes fire.

The others stood back as their ears dropped and they gulped in fear.

"RUN!!!" They all said while either galloping or flying. They passed the students who were going down to the cafeteria for some breakfast.

"DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN!?" Melody asked as they ran. Every student, teacher or anyone they passed including Starlight, Trixie, Sunburst, Maud and Mud Briar responded. "EEEEYEP!"

Big Mac, who happened to be near was irritated by ponies using his catch phrase, yelled, "HEY!"

When they reached the cafeteria, they were cornered. They whimpered as Honey and Gemluck neared but when they reached a nose length of their corner, they laughed as Gemluck changed to his normal self.

"You guys really thought we were that savage?" Honey said in between her laughs. They all inhaled and exhaled with pressure from all the running and/or flying but eventually laughed with the two. This was gonna be the best day ever.

Chapter 8.5: The Treehouse.

It was at around three forty five pm when the new 6 sat in the activity room. They were beyond bored.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but I am soooooo bored of my instruments." Melody said.

"And I thought I would never say this but I'm bored of reading, playing chess, Scrabble and practicing my magic." Gemluck and Honey said at the same time looking utterly bored.

"I'm tired of baking pastries." Said Gloria as she took a bite from a lemon cream filled eclair.

"I. . .am . . . party pooped!" Said Fern not even in the mood for telling a joke.

"So what should we do?" Asked Honey. Just then, Garble thought of something they could all do.

"I know. We could visit the castle of the two sisters." He said.

"Where's that?" Melody asked.

"It's in the Everfree Forest." Fern said to Melody, a cold chill running down her spine.

"T...t...the E...e...ever...free f...f...f...Forest!" Melody said getting goosebumps.

"Yeah or rather what my sister and her friends call the Treehouse of Harmony." Garble said.

"The Treehouse? Ocellus hasn't been there in over four moons. You sure it's safe?" Gemluck asked.

"Of course it is. There's a forcefield guarding us from timber wolves." Garble answered.

Melody felt like the weight of the whole world had just been lifted from his shoulders. "Good. A forcefield." Melody answered with a sigh of relief.

"Well what are we waiting for. Let's go." Honey said excitedly.

"I'll go since my Honey Bunch is going too. And she needs a strong fearless stallion to protect her in case the forcefield breaks." Gemluck said.

"It's gonna break!?" Melody panicked as he paced round the room.

"Oh no no no no that's not what I meant. I was just. . . OW HEY!!" Gemluck tried to apologize but was thonked on the head by Honey Suckle's hoof.

"I understand you want me to be safe, but don't freak out the Colt." She said as she gave Gemluck a peck on the cheek.

"Okay I'm sorry. And I'm so sorry for freaking you out Melody."

"It's fine." Melody said with a sympathetic smile on his face. "Now let's find the Treehouse." He said again being filled with determination but with a little bit of fear.