Honey Bunny Sunny

by Nosey Flame

Chapter 7: The first sleepover/game night

"WHAAAAATTT!!" Every creature gasped in shock. Honey and Gemluck looked at each other with looks of horror on their faces. Gloria had fainted and Fern Flare was on the verge of running round the halls of the school shouting 'AHHHH MELODY HAS NEVER GONE TO A SLEEPOVER IN HIS LIFE!!' and Garble had his mouth dangling open as it was an inch away from hitting the floor.

"YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN TO A SLEEPOVER?!" They all asked at the same time.

"Well yeah. I introverted myself and didn't have any friends till I just arrived here a few hours ago." Melody said. "Why is it had?"

"Hmm, how old are you?" Fern Flare asked.

"I'm sixteen years old. Why?" Melody said.

"How old are you Garble?" Fern asked again.








"That settles it. Melody, welcome to your first sleepover." Fern said.

"What did the whole age thing have to do with this?" Honey asked.

"To know each other's ages. Duh."

"Well then," Honey said smirking at Gemluck who immediately knew what she meant, "How old are you Fern Flare?"

"*Sigh* Guess there's no use in lying. I'm Sixteen." Fern said closing her eyes expecting laughter but none came. She opened one eye to see her friends looking at her confused.

"What are you so embarrassed about Fern? Garble and Melody are also sixteen." Gloria told her best friend.

"Well nothing I guess. Heh heh sorry." Fern said.

"Okay you boys go get what you need while we set up." Honey said.

"Okay meet you back here in a few minutes." Gemluck said.

During the sleepover

When the boys came back with their stuff, they knocked on the door of the girls' room and the door opened revealing a whole circle at the centre with nothing but board games and cards. The boys had brought only the essentials. And by essentials I mean essentials to what seemed to them as essentials.

Melody brought his keytar, bass, drum set, electric guitar, rhythm guitar and tambourine. He also brought a blue sleeping bag with music notes on it. His pillow was a white one with brass instruments on it.

Gemluck brought the things that were actually needed like a toothbrush, comb and stuff. But he did overstock on books. He planned to share the books with Honey as they practiced magic. He saw that as a chance to get to know her better. His green sleeping bag was decorated with dancing shoes since he liked no loved dancing. He brought a teal pillow with trains on it.

Garble just brought food like cheese puffs, chips, cookies and many more. His red sleeping bag was decorated with ink pens since of his love for poetry. He had an orange pillow decorated with video game consoles. The girls just slept in their normal beds.

Gloria, Honey and Fern had multiple board games like Scrabble, Monopoly, 30 seconds, chess, Jenga, Ogres and Oblietes, Snakes and ladders and they also had cards. They started with Scrabble which they had to pick teams. Honey and Gemluck insisted they be a team and they all agreed. Garble was with Gloria and Melody was with Fern Flare.

Since Honey Suckle and Gemluck were the smartest creatures and were in a team, they won the first game. The next game they played was chess but Gloria, Honey, Fern and Melody didn't want to play so they went to do their own things. That left Garble and Gemluck to play. It didn't come as a surprise when Gemluck won but what shocked the others was when Garble beat Gemluck in a game of Checkers.

"Wow Garble. How did you do that?!" Fern asked coming to check on the game.

"I've always been good at Checkers. No creature can beat me." Garble said cackling like an evil scientist.

"We'll see about that!" Honey said challenging Garble. After around 5 minutes Garble's cries were heard as he beaten by Honey Suckle.


"YEEES FINALLY!" Gemluck said hugging Honey in a tight hug thanking her for putting Garble in his place. "OH THANK YOU HONEY! I LOVE YOU!!"

"Oh well you're welcome... Wait what?!" Honey said realizing what he said. Before Gemluck realized what he said, it was to late. "Y- you l-l-love m-m-m-me?!" She said practically not above a whisper.

"Figuratively. Yeah figuratively!" Gemluck said quickly.

"Oh o-okay." Honey said sniffling but didn't let anyone know she was on the verge of crying.

"Let me guess, they have a crush on each other but now of them know." Melody whispered to Garble.

"Eeeyep!" He whispered back.

During the night

Honey was too depressed to do anything else during the sleepover. She was first to get in bed but didn't sleep at all. When the others got in bed, most of them immediately slept because of the pillow fight they had earlier. Melody being a heavy sleeper fell asleep first as he crashed down in the floor when a pillow, thrown by Gloria, hit him head first. Garble followed then Glory, Fern and lastly Gemluck but he couldn't sleep as he saw the depressed look on Honey Suckle's face. He was thinking about what he said to her. He never really meant to say both of the happy and saddening things that came from his mouth. He liked no loved Honey Suckle even if they had just been friends for two weeks.

Honey Suckle however thought her dreams had been crushed. The one creature she ever loved romantically didn't love her back. She needed some fresh air so she teleported down to the garden behind the school. There she would wallow in her sorrow all alone.

When Gemluck heard the burst of magic, he woke up immediately. The only creatures that could do magic besides him were Honey Suckle and Fern Flare. He guessed it was Honey since she was down for at least half the sleepover. He teleported to where Honey Suckle but a distance from her. When he saw a figure near the river, he squinted to see who to was and to his surprise, it was Honey Suckle.

"Honey Suckle?" Asked Gemluck. He heard sniffles as he called her name. Honey knew whose voices it belonged to.

"Go away." Honey said whispering.


"I said go away!" Honey said but this time, she was louder.

"No. Why should I go when one of my best friends is depressed!" Gemluck said assertively.

"Fine. What do you want here?!" Honey asked practically shouting at him.

"I want to stay with you and comfort you. And I know who is responsible for your current state. Me." Gemluck said.

"You want to stay with me?" Honey asked.

"Yes Honey Suckle. Yes." Gemluck said. "You are more than my best friend. You're the mare I love. Yes I said it. I love you. Ever since the day I first saw you, I couldn't get you out of my mind. The more time I spend with you, the more my love for you increases. And when I got to know you, I realized why I love you. You're smart, intelligent, clever, ambitious and downright beautiful. My crush on you soon developed into love. I fell for you. The most beautiful mare I ever saw." When Gemluck finished his speech, he looked at the one mare he loved who was on the verge of tears but they weren't tears of sadness, they were tears of joy.

Gemluck was expecting Honey to run away but instead he was met by lips on his lips. When he saw who was kissing him, he froze as Honey was the one who kissed him.

'WHAAAAAAT!! THE MARE OF MY DREAMS IS KISSING MEEEEEEE!!! BEST DAY EVER!' Gemluck was having an inner freak-out.

Honey on the other hoof was thinking of what she was doing.
'WHAT THE HAY AM I DOING. But this feels right. His lips are so soft.' When they broke the kiss, they looked at each other with blushing red faces.

"I love you too Gemluck. Always have since I saw you." Honey said. "When you said you loved me earlier when I beat Garble, it got my hopes up but when you retracted your statement, I lost all hope."

"Oh. I didn't know I hurt you that much. I'm so sorry. I hope you'll forgive me." Gemmy said looking down disappointed in himself.

"It's okay Gemmy. And yes I forgive you." Honey Suckle said.

"So does that mean--" They said at the same time. "Yes it does." They said again in sync.

"Te amor Marefriend." Gemluck said.

"Te amor Colt friend." Honey Suckle responded as they shared another kiss as passionate as the first one.

"Let's go back to our room before the others wake up." Gemluck said.

"Yeah we should." Honey said as they teleported back to the room.

Back at the room

"Hey Gemluck, can we cuddle?" Honey whispered to her new Colt friend.

"Okay." Gemluck responded to his new mare friend as he stood to go to her bed. She scooted for him to have space. When Gemluck got in her bed, Honey laid her head on top of Gemluck's chest as Gemluck held her close to him with his hooves.

"Goodnight mi amor." Honey whispered to Gemluck.

"Goodnight Honeybun." Gemluck said as he fell asleep.