//------------------------------// // The Mystery of the Missing Necklace // Story: The Mystery of the Missing Necklace // by TheGamerBrony //------------------------------// One night, after dinner, Brony was walking back to his dorm when suddenly, Silverstream stopped him to ask him something. “Hi, Brony!” she greeted. Brony greeted the hippogriff back, also noticing that she wasn’t wearing her necklace. “Hey, Silverstream. What’s up?” “Oh, nothing! IIIIIIIII was just wondering…my family seems to ask me this a lot: is it better to take a bath or a shower?” Silverstream asked. Brony chuckled and replied “Well, I guess it depends on what your style is. If you like to relax and take it slow, then taking baths is best, especially with candlelight and bubbles. If you’re more of a hurry-up, gotta go type of creature, then I suggest taking quick showers” “Wow! Thanks, Brony!” “Anytime. Say, I got my own question for you…where’s your necklace?” Silverstream chuckled and replied “Silly Brony, you know where my necklace is! It’s riiiiiiiii- “ Silverstream paused when she found out her necklace was missing. She gasped. “Oh no! My necklace! It’s gone! Where could it be?” “Don’t worry, Silverstream. I’ll help you find your necklace. Because…” Brony said before he ran off, coming back in a detective’s outfit. “Detectives are great at finding things” Brony said. “Yay! Can I be your assistant detective?” Silverstream asked. “You sure can, Miss Silverstream! Now, a great way to find something you lost is to retrace your steps. Can you show me what you did today? Maybe you left your necklace in one of your classes” “Well, after school today, I went to Corn and Peg’s new do-gooder club. They started it today” “Great! Let’s go talk to them” Once Brony and Silverstream made it to Corn’s dorm room, Brony knocked on the door. However, Sandbar came out. “Hey, Brony. Hey…Silverstream? What are you doing in the boys’ dorms? And where’s your necklace?” Sandbar asked. “That’s why we’re here, Mr. Sandbar. We’re here to speak to Corn” Brony replied. “Do you two seriously think Corn stole the necklace? He’s a do-gooder! He wouldn’t even think of doing that!” “But I was at his and Peg’s do-gooder club. Do you think he can go back into the room and look for it?” Silverstream asked. “Oh, well in that case…Corn, Silverstream needs you to do something for her!” Sandbar called for Corn, who went over to the door. “Hi, Silverstream! What do you need?” Corn greeted. “Corn, we need to ask you a few questions. First question, where were you and Peg between the times of 2:35pm and 3:12pm and what were you two doing?” Brony replied. “Peg and I were in one of the classrooms in the main building, holding our first do-gooder club meeting” Corn replied. “And what were the activities completed during this first meeting?” “Well, we did an icebreaker activity before we sat down and went over our housewarming stuff or whatever it’s called” “Did the icebreaker activity involve a string with a shard on it?” “You mean Silverstream’s necklace? We didn’t see her wearing it. We were rather surprised, but we didn’t bring it up with her. I didn’t think she noticed either” “Perhaps you told her to take it off?” Corn grew irritated. “No! Why would we tell her something like that? That necklace is a part of her!” “He’s right, Brony. I don’t think Corn and Peg would do that to Silverstream” Sandbar added. “Thank you for your time, sir” Brony added. As Brony and Silverstream left the boys’ dorm building, Silverstream thought about earlier in the day. “Ok, if I didn’t leave my necklace at the do-gooder club meeting, maybe it’s in Professor Rarity’s fashion class. I remember working on a dress with Smolder” Silverstream explained. “Ok. Let’s talk to her” Brony replied. They walked back into the main building and went over to Smolder’s dorm room. Brony knocked on her door. “Uh, what’s going on here?” Smolder asked, feeling confused. “Miss Smolder, where were you between the hours of 12:16pm and 1:20pm?” Brony asked. “Class” “What class?” “Fashion class. Miss Rarity” “Any particular project you worked on between the hours of 12:16pm and 1:20pm with Assistant Detective Silverstream?” “First of all, I know when fifth period is, just like everybody else at this school. Second, have you and Silverstream tried looking for clues? That could help you find a better lead” Brony and Silverstream just looked at each other. “I’ll show you what we worked on. Some detectives you are” Smolder said as she led Brony and Silverstream to Rarity’s room. “Here we are. This is where all her dresses are made. And we’re the poor souls who have to make them” Smolder announced. “Aw Smolder! Don’t be such a sourpuss! Making dresses is fun!” Silverstream cheered. “Ugh! I hate fashion class! Especially when you have to try on the dresses!” Brony retorted. “Ok! Can we just find this stupid necklace already? I gotta go back to kicking Sandbar’s flank in Fortneigh” Smolder chimed in. “Ah yes! Nice to know you and Sandbar are takin’ your studies seriously!” Brony said sarcastically. “Shut up, Brony!” Smolder retorted. “Anyways, the best way to look for clues is through a magnifying glass” Brony said as he reached for his magnifying glass and looked through it with his right eye. “Does my eye look big?” “Yes” Smolder replied. “Good. Now let’s go!” The trio followed the trail of gems that led to a plain-looking dress. “Y’all used gems to decorate the dress, but the dress itself is still plain. How in tarnation does that work?” Brony asked, feeling confused. “I told you to use glue!” Silverstream retorted. “Anyways, we should follow the trail of gems once more to see if Silverstream’s necklace is somewhere in he- “ Brony paused when he saw that the trail of gems was gone. “Where are the gems?” On cue, Smolder let out a fiery belch. “Smolder! You ate the gems?” Brony asked. “Can’t help it. Dragons can’t resist gems” Smolder replied nonchalantly. “One of those gems could’ve been Silverstream’s necklace! And you ate it!” Brony retorted. “Relax, that wasn’t Silverstream’s necklace. That’s a shard, not a gem. In fact, I didn’t see her wearing her necklace all period. She must’ve lost it in an earlier class” “She’s right. It’s a shard, not a gem. It wasn’t here” Silverstream added. “Well, you’re off the hook, Miss Smolder. Thank you for your time, and have fun redecorating your dress” Brony chimed in as he and Silverstream left the room. Once they were outside Rarity’s classroom, Silverstream thought earlier into her day. “Wait, there’s one more place I gotta check!” Silverstream said. “Where?” Brony asked. “Sugarcube Corner” “Sugarcube Corner? Why would your necklace be there?” “During first period, Professor Pinkie took us to Sugarcube Corner to see how bakers work during the breakfast rush. I guess my necklace fell inside a mixing bowl while Gallus and I were baking” “Great! Let’s go see him and get his side of the story” Brony led Silverstream to his dorm, unlocked and opened the door, and went in to talk to Gallus, who was lying uncomfortably in bed. “I forgot to mention that after we were done, we got to eat the things we baked. Gallus got very sick from eating one of our cupcakes” “Are you feeling okay, Gallus?” Brony asked. “I feel a little better. *hic* But I still don’t feel very well. Think that cupcake did a number on my stomach” Gallus replied. “Poor Gallus” Silverstream added. “Was there anything in the cupcake that your stomach didn’t agree with?” Brony asked. “Well, the cupcake tasted normal but there was some kind of magical glass inside” Gallus replied. “Um, Gallus, I think you ate my necklace by mistake” Silverstream replied. “I did? Oh, Sil, I’m so sorry! I didn’t see it!” “It’s okay. We gotta take it out somehow” Silverstream replied. “We can get Headmare Starlight to perform some kind of magical surgery on him” Brony suggested. “Or we can take turns headbutting him in the stomach until my necklace flies out” “Or we could pull a Fantastic Voyage by shrinking ourselves down to microscopic size, go into his stomach, and get the necklace out” “Those sound painful…and complex. Can’t I wait until I poop it out?” Gallus chimed in, feeling worried. “Sorry, Gallus, but Silverstream absolutely can’t wait. She needs her necklace now!” Brony replied. Suddenly, Gallus’s stomach began gurgling and he let out a belch. “Oh, ‘scuse me! Another thing about that cupcake is that I can’t stop burping. Any one of you got an antacid or something?” “Wait a minute, that’s it! Hey G, if you can let out a big enough burp, the gas in your stomach could force the necklace to fly out” Brony suggested. “Great idea, Brony!” Silverstream cheered. Soon, Brony and Silverstream came back with 100 bottles of Pony Cola, thinking that should be enough for Gallus’s insides to form a big enough burp for Silverstream’s necklace to fly out. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Gallus asked, feeling worried. “You’ll be fine, Gallus! Just drink every one of these bottles and let your body do the rest” replied Brony, no longer wearing his detective outfit. “O-okay” Gallus said before drinking his first bottle. When Gallus finished his hundredth bottle, he felt very bloated, like that feeling he had when he finished that super big meal at Sandbar’s family’s Hoofsgiving dinner. His stomach turned the liquid into gas before his cheeks puffed out and he let out a warm, deep belch. Soon, the necklace flew out of his wavy mouth. Silverstream grabbed the necklace and cheered. “Eeeeeeeeee! My necklace! Oh, thank you, Brony and Gallus!” Brony, now looking poofy as a result of Gallus’s humongous belch, coughed and said “No problem, Sil! Always happy to help!” “Hoo-wee! I oughta enter a burping contest! Did you see how loud that was?” Gallus cheered, proud of his newfound burping ability. “Yep, you sure are talented!” Brony replied nervously. “Man, that was a lot of soda. I gotta pee. BRB” Gallus added as he ran into the bathroom. “So, does this mean mystery solved?” Silverstream asked. “It sure does, Sil!” Brony replied.