Lightning's Birthday Bash (#4)

by LightningStar626

Chapter 6: The Skate Escape

Chapter 6: The Skate Escape.

~Lightning took a step on the gravel and entered into a large skating park. Young teens skid across the park and did tricks on the half-pints, and grinded the railings. Lightning looked upon them in bewilderment.~

"Canterlot Skating Park! Why didn't I think of this place?!" Lightning exclaimed. "I...actually enjoy skating, so does Rainbow and Fierra, well, I think that's only because her boyfriend is into it."

~She smiles until another blaster bullet explodes on the ground beside her. She looks up at the minions coming to a halt and landing the plane on the ground.~

"Ok, I'll think about this later, right now, I need to get back to HQ."

~Lightning zoomed and enhanced CHS on the other side of the park. She grabs a nearby cyan skateboard and a helmet and speeds across the park, putting the helmet on along the way. The minions approached the park to just see Lightning take off. They had no choice but to also grab skateboards and chase after Lightning.~

"Get back here, Star!" Minion 1 yelled.

~Song: Break my Stride- (Matthew Wilder)

~Lightning and the minions continued skating down through the ramps and railings. The minions were closing behind on Lightning, so she had to find a way to lose them somehow, of course, she noticed that they didn't put on helmets, so she thought, if she makes them injure themselves on the head, it will stop them or slow them down. She wheels on a ramp and sloped down a half-pipe and does a flip. The minions jaw-drop, but two of them shake it off.~

"You want me, come and get me. Beat what I just did there."

~The minions all growled and attempted to flip on the half-pipe. Three of them made it with no problems, but Minions 2 and 5 weren't so lucky. Minion 5 accidentally placed his foot still on the floor and fell off the skateboard, and Minion 2 happened to skate right where Minion 5 landed and he stumbled over him, running him over too on the skateboard, leaving a skateboard tire mark on his back.~

"Ow!" Minion 2 yelled in pain.

"Intentional team injury?" Minion 5 inquired.

"That was not intentional at all!" Minion 2 said in defence.

"Dude, you skated over me."

"You fell in front of me! Guys!"

"Didn't see it!" Minion 3 yelled bluntly, skating away with 1 and 5.

~Minion 2 groaned as Minion 5 rolled his eyes. Lightning sees that she's heading to a skating tunnel but doesn't break a sweat. She hops in and skates upside down in the tunnel in a loop and back to the ground and carries on. Minion 1 successfully does the same and makes it through the tunnel.~

"Not a scratch." He smirked.

~Devil's minion 3 and 4 try to do the same but number 3 attempted to do the upside down trick, but couldn't stay on his board. He falls over halfway during it and falls to the ground. His skateboard hits him in the head too once it falls. Minion 4 didn't attempt going upside down, but as he skated past his mate, he guaffed at his unfortunate accident, and doesn't look where he's going. Sure, he successfully makes it out but he loses his balance on the board and then he is tripped over by another skater to the floor. He facepalms down and lifts himself up to feel blood dripping from his nose.~

He glared at the young skater he crashed into. "Oi, you skating pipsqueak! Watch where you're going!"

"Same to you, blockhead." The skater responded, getting up and skating off.

"That's Karma for ya, buddy." Minion 3 said, smiling down at Minion 4.

~While, 3 and 4 were recovering from their accident, Minion 1 was skating as fast as he could to catch up to Lightning. He reached his arm out to grab hers, but he was still not close enough. Lightning suddenly began skating in a squiggly line to avoid Minion 1's (Johnas') grasps.~

"I am going to break your birthday, once and for all for this." He shouted.

"No! I am not having this year's birthday ruined!"

~Avoiding all the other skaters, Lightning goes up a ramp and double flips. Minion 1 watches her fly over and she winks at him, clicking her fingers mid-air and she lands on the ground perfectly. She skidded to stop herself.~

"Show off. I'll show you!"

~Minion 1 quickly skates and dodges all the skaters and makes it up the ramp. He flips and goes for a double flip but his flips were too wide and far. He lands back down after one flip and skates towards Lightning. He grins and was about to grab Lightning, but he zooms past her and only makes her hair blow in the wind. He grumbled at her and turned to hit his head on the upcoming railing. He falls off his skateboard but lands on another one as it appeared behind him. He lands on the board and forms in the shape of a coffin onto it. He couldn't stop it with his feet. He heads for a helmet stand, and crashes feet first into it. He get up with over 6 helmets on top of his head.~

Lightning folded her arms. "That'll teach you to wear a helmet next time. Later!"

~Lightning waves and skates off as Minion 1 growls, removing all the helmets off his head. The other four minions arrive, clutching their fractured arms, backs and heads.~

"You let Agent Star get away." Minion 1 grumbled.

~The Minions all look angrily at Minion 1. Blaming them for Lightning's escape, 'Seriously?' They thought. But they immediately forgot about him because they knew that he wasn't the only guy that was going to be mad at them for losing Lightning.~

~Back at the blimp, all 5 minions were standing outside Devil's office, looking shy and worried.~

"Right. Who's gonna tell the bloomin' boss the bad news?" Johnas asked.

"Don't look at me. I ain't saying nothing." Minion 2 shook. "You tell him." He pointed at Minion 3.

"Me? I told him last time, you silly twit. And I don't believe in doing it twice."

"Oi, here's an idea. Them, You tell him." Minion 2 said to Minion 4.

"Tell him what?"

"That know, botched the job of guarding Agent Star."

Them gulped. "Well, He's not going to like that, now is he?"

~After one minute of worrying and arguing, Minion 4 takes a deep breath and opens the door to see Devil sitting in his chair, hands-on lap, with a stern glare, like he was expecting him, maybe because he heard the minions arguing.~

"Hello there." He started.

Devil shook his head. "It's always bad when only one of you shows up. Isn't it?"

~Devil gets up from his chair and begins to circle Minion 4 by walking around him constantly with his hands behind his back. While the other minions outside have their ears on the door, overhearing Devil's constant stepping and clumping, wondering why the fourth minion among them wasn't saying a word to Devil. Devil suddenly darts to the door, peeping through the key-hole to see his minions, then he rips the door open. The minions scream as their boss drags the four inside. He lets go of their shirts and they straighten themselves out and stand in a line.~

"H-He has something to tell you, boss." The minions stammered, pointing at Minion 4.

"It better not be bad news." Devil rumbled.

They all take a step back as Themas began. "Well, we did exactly what you told us to do. And keep an eye on Agent Star. But, then she slipped out and we chased her around the skate parkā€¦"

"And?! You got her back?"

"No." Minion 1 shook his head firmly.

"Nope." Minion 2 said.

"Not even close to getting her." Minion 3 tucked his hand in his pockets.

"She is as slippery as you make them." Minion 5 admitted.

Minion 4 looked at his mates in silence then whispered. "Yeah...She got away."

"She What?! You minions of a moron! You let her escape!" He gripped onto Minion 4's shirt.


~Devil interrupted Them by letting him go and walking over to his desk again. He gestured his lackeys to leave and the five minions immediately flee out the door while Devil got out his phone and to call Wendy.~

"Wendy, baby. Heads up. Star escaped and is on her way to you."