Chaos Theory

by undeadpufferfish

Chapter Two

AN: I've been thinking a lot over the balance and rule of power/magic in the series. Since there's no solid cannon answer, I've come up with my own sorta 'head cannon' for it. I hope it's believable, if not, this is still for my own amusement and you're welcome to flame me for it if it makes you feel better. Suddenly, what I had originally mapped out to be a chapter or so looking into character motivations, has turned into something of a real plot in my head that's gonna be pretty much AU. So... I'mma do that and hope for the best. As always – comments, praise, suggestions, corrections, death threats etc. are appreciated.


Discord was sure she was plotting something. She had to be. It was the only explanation. Oh, she might have fooled anypony else. But not him; he knew her so well. It was a conspiracy. It had to be.

There was no other way to explain the lingering hold of her eyes. The longer moments she spent on her balcony, no longer pretending to glance past him. Intentional and not quite as indifferent as before. How the brief moment when their eyes met gradually lengthened and how he was starting look forward to it. His own wants wasn't what bothered him; unsurprising considering the fact that he was very much alone and she his only company in a strange sort of way... but rather it was was her eyes that got him.

Celestia was thinking. Taking her time about it too like she always does; the tiny flicker behind her eyes kindle stronger every time he saw her. It's a dangerous thing when immortals think of future plans. It might take centuries; every pawn and step mapped out with color coded strings and notes to fill a whole library – very tedious – but worrisome. And Princess Celestia was very worrisome. That much he's learned.

And so, since harmony is so predictable in it's nature, it didn't come as a surprise when he heard the soft crunch of snow in the gardens late one winters night. Her steps slowed as she approached him, coat glowing in the moonlight so bright, it seemed to dull the snow around her in comparison. Simply beautiful. He imagined the night air to be crisp and forgiving by the clothes she wore; still light and not too smothering. An evening gown perhaps, dressed to entertain her subjects on the rare occasions she has a mind to do so. She always threw such boring parties.

“Good evening, old friend,” she said evenly, pleasantly even. Friend indeed. If he was her friend in this state, he's glad he isn't her enemy. “But where are my manners,” she continued as her horn glowed, imbued with her power. “You may speak.”

Now that, Discord, hadn't expected. He couldn't remember the last words he spoke before the stone encased his body. Perhaps a dramatic 'Noo!' or something of the like. Maybe even a venomous threat to one day return since he can admit to being a tad bit too theatrical. One thing was for certain, is that he couldn't recall what his voice sounded like spoken out loud. That's how long he's been imprisoned. As such, he was at a loss for words.

“Nothing to say?”

“I'm having a moment of silence for the boredom your ponies are subjected to,” came his swift reply. Despite his cutting words, he was grateful for the chance to say them out loud. Celestia must be in an unusually good mood to grant him such a mercy. “You should have invited me. I'm riot at parties.”

She sighed, her teasing air dropped. “For once... I think you may be right.”

“Oh?” He prodded, curious to be spoken to so candidly.

“Yes,” she agreed. “Maybe we wouldn't be here now if I had invited you to more parties.”

So it's come to this. What-ifs and maybes. So tiresome. What if, perhaps – maybe – she had indulged him? Recognized and worked harmoniously with him so that maybe – perhaps – things wouldn't have gotten out of hand. All he ever wanted was a bit of fun after all. If he had known this conversation would lead down this path, he would've stayed silent just to spite her.

“Is this why you've snuck away from your ponies, Princess? To talk of parties and mock me further?” He drawled, bored.

“If only it were that,” she sighed and turned her gaze on the moon above. He hoped, with some venom, that she missed her sister.

His patience was wearing thin. “Then what is it? I'm a very busy --”

“The Elements of Harmony are lost to me, Discord. Do you know what this means?”

There was a lasting silence as those words internally stunned him. He would have laughed if he could.

The Elements of Harmony are six for a reason. One could never dominate the other and so the majority often ruled. There was ambivalence with six, where perpetual chaos would come of there, equality with two, and stagnation with one. And six was the perfect number for no opposition. Each contrasting; contradicting each other in every way imaginable and yet... in an intricate and oh so very delicate balance. Any more would split the world too far and any less was simply dangerous. And that is why she can not erase him from Equestria. Why her sister still lives. The very Order the sisters tried so very hard to create, was now crumbling at the foundation. Lost and hidden away since it would not be governed by one. Celestia had upset that balance, perhaps by banishing her counterweight – her sister – and Harmony reaped it's payment.

The irony was exquisite.

“So after all this time, the curtain's drawn and the players are still playing, is it?” He said, now very much entertained. “You played your part, I botched mine, and you've condemned us all with your greed for power.”

Celestia stomped her hoof upon the ground. “Spare me your theatrics! Everything I've done, I've done for Equestria. Not for personal gain.”

“But you rule nonetheless, at the top of the food chain. How very convenient.”

“I have not come for petty arguments,” she tossed her mane irritably. “Like it or not, you are the only one I can speak to, Discord.”

Her breath fogged the air between them, catching the faint light filtering through the high windows of the castle and for a moment, she almost looked like the goddess she once was. Now, she lived amongst them, although no less worshiped but it's still there; that immortal division between her and her subjects. He wondered, not for the first time, why she troubled herself with the short, bothersome lives of ponies. They were beneath her beauty, her grace, her... everything. Her quiet understanding and patience for them confused him to no ends. She -- confuses him.

He's yet to decide if that was a good thing or not.

“How very touching,” he said dryly. “So your efforts were for nothing. Sometimes when you win, you lose – big deal. What does that have to do with me?”

“My power has grown sporadic at times. Unpredictable. Perhaps even waning.” Ah, to the meat of the matter. It always comes down to power. “Ever since my sister... I could no longer call upon the Elements of Harmony. And I've not the power to release her from her prison to balance it.”

“So you hope that I should be your counterweight?” He laughed at the absurdity. “Chaos held on a short leash by Order? I fail to see what I could possibly gain from that arrangement.”

“Don't you see? Without Order and Harmony to balance Chaos, Equestria will slowly decay. And you, Discord... will be alone.”

He tried to picture it. An empty land with no ponies to amuse him. No one to appreciate his art, for it was art. It wasn't easy thinking up new seasons and creatures at a drop of a hat. Shame not many appreciated his creativity, but that never stopped him before. Discord could live with that. It was freedom in it's most basic form.

But the unsettling thing about it wasn't the dead landscape or the lack of ponies to toy with, no. It was something much more tangible then that. It was the fact that if Chaos ruled supreme, an albeit appealing prospect, there would no Order to keep it company. It would wither away without Harmony. It would mean the end of Princess Celestia. And the thought shook him in ways he couldn't even begin to describe.

“I'll want my own castle,” he said finally, more serious than he cared to admit.

Celestia sighed in relief. “That could be arranged.”

Never would she give in to his demands so easily. It was a conspiracy. It had to be. “A castle with legs.”

A pause. “We'll talk about it.”



AN: Still short, but eh. I write better with short chapters. Too much throws off my pacing and that's questionable enough already. Thanks for reading. I'll update... soon. Maybe next year.