The Grid

by Valuable Ashes


Welcome to the credits

I actually created this halfway into completing the CYOA because rewriting then removing then adding in the parts that need to change and adding extra dialogue is repetitive. Thank you for giving the time to read and play this CYOA.

The only way to access the Credits is to find the Pacifist or Genocide endings or the hidden Canon ending. That or from chapter skipping (going through chapters by clicking "Next" and not by the links).

Here are the statistics I will show you if you are interested.

Estimated time to finish: 10 hours and 26 minutes
Editing and Proofreading: 1 hour and 15 minutes
Date started/ended: July 22, 2020 - August 28, 2020
Total Choices: 35
Endings: 13
Endings with Civilian/MC deaths: 6
Special Endings: 3

I created this game after watching multiple playthroughs of Into the Breach (Made by Subset games) and the song Pumped Up Kicks (Created by Foster The People). I originally wanted the CYOA to be grid-based like chess hence the name of the CYOA but I deemed it too hard.

If you managed to get this far into the credits, thank you so much for playing through this. I'll tell you something though, there is a canon ending to this. It's not fake, you just have to find it.
If you wish to see the picture I made to help me keep track of all the choices, I still have no idea how to put it here in the story. It took hours from my endless time at home to make this. I only had MS paint at the time and can't afford for such big painting tools and apps. I also made my profile pic with MS paint.