Redemption, what a beautiful word.

by Ryoup

Revelations. Revelations... sometimes ignorance is a blessing...

Luna takes advantage of the cold wind of her night for a few seconds, she don't need to open her eyes to feel her lovely moon watching for her, after her finish her tradicional warm up, she turn around and walk toward a plataform.
"Dream path." she murmur to herself, after reaching the center of the gray plataform it started glowing in a mix of blue and yellow, a shy smile growing in her face while she look at the collors, memories of a past that will never return.
"Miss you mom." Luna whisped, after a melancolyc sigh she stared the door, waiting her sister, but she never came.
The platform with a loud sound started to work, beams of light came out of it and in matter of seconds Luna is gone, or how she prefer, she is now everywhere.

Flying as high as this spell allows, Luna started her natural job, take care of pony's dreams and other creatures like gryphons and minotaurs that reside in her kingdom.
Many portals, how she like to name, reside under her peaceful flight, a door with a image in the midle of it, a small light over the door simbolizing the status of the dreamer, a blue means a slep without dreams, a yellow means a good dream and a dark light means a nightmare, of course that if you are versed in the magic of dreams you can learn to further differentiate the lights, since dreams with family members or fear of insects have a slight variation in the color that only a dream walker can perceive.
After flying for some time she reach at ponyville area. many portals reside below her, but her attention was in one of then, this portal has a strange form, simbolizing it is not from a pony, with a simbol of a rose and a daggers coverd in blood as it image, Luna take ome moments to guess again what that should mean, but again she failed.
When she was about to leave she realised something, his light, with a quick look she confirmed, it was yellow, a blazing tone of yellow, family, he is dreaming with his family.
Luna cound't hold a smile, 'poor thing, he deserve some peace,' she mormured to no one in specific, after a ferw moments staring the portal she laught, I too, Faust help me those nightmares would give Nightmares to Nightmare Moon too.
Another strong ray of light caught her attention, and she realised the owner, 'Twilght Sparkle, or she prefers to be called Shining Sparkle now? heavens those youngs.' cestial tone of yellow with a bits of blue, realisation.
After a quick look around and finding no dark lights, Luna sighed with joy, next city thought Luna, but, when she spread her wings to flye to another city she felt, felt something she hadn't felt in years, turning around as fast as her body allowed, she could barely see some thing entering the portal of Damian and Twilight.
Confusion invaded the princess of night, but just when the light turned to a white tone she realised what is happening, dream walkers, murmured the blue allicorn to herself.
But this is impossible, thought Luna, all dream walkers were killed nine hundred years ago and the art of walking in dreams has been lost!
Almost as if the supposed 'dream walkers' were listening to Luna, the lights above the portals shone brightly before enveloping them, after a few moments of temporary blindness Luna regains her vision, still astonished and stunned by recent events she barely had time to see the two portals levitating, Damian's portal and Twilight fly at alarming speeds in opposite directions.
Luna watches them flying away on the horizon of the dream world when a thought crosses her mind, a thought that quickens her heart and forces her to choose, which should she choose? What did these dream walkers want? Difficult questions, and even more difficult the answer she had to give.
After a few seconds of biting her lip with indecision and anguish she makes her choice, and flies towards one of the portals, whoever wants to mess up with the dream world will have to do with the princess of dreams, she thought.

Twilight was the best pony, no, the best being in the world! She could not contain tears of joy as she received the golden horseshoe award in honor of her efforts to bring world peace, found two new academies of magic and diplomatically ended the rebel and revolutionary insurgency in the griffin kingdoms.
She was on a stage holding the trophy and just below her were several iconic figures residing in chairs made for their every need, large chairs for the huge fire-breathing dragons who celebrate by spitting flames to the ceiling, small and thin for the breezies who sang in an angelic tone celebrating the conquest of Twilight.
Even the ex-revolutionary gryphons applauded the peace brought by Twilight, the supreme griffin head of state himself, or as they liked to call it, President, was present, he stared at Twilight for a few seconds before lifting a chalice full of wine and shouting the name of Twilight in joy, many of his countrymen repeated the act and soon the room was taken by that name, hooves beating furiously on the floor in joy and celebration, palms being made by claws, paws or another similar appendage, and at the center of it all was Twilight with a smile from edge to edge of her face, some tears streaming and a sigh of accomplishment, overcoming and relief, it’s over thought Twilight pressing the huge trophy against her body.
It's over? she whispered, looking at a corner of the room she saw Damian , Miranda and her friends talking and playing, a genuine smile on the human's face. When Damian and Twilight's eyes met, the human smiled and raised a glass of wine out of respect for the mare, and only then could Twilight nod and exclaim with unshakable conviction, yes, it's over.
Twilight slowly closed her eyes and slightly looked up, the sound of applause and celebration numbing her senses, her smile growing every second as a sense of pride invaded the little alicorn.
"Wow, congratulations, I guess." exclaimed a voice that was both frighteningly familiar and strange to the mare.
Twilight quickly opened her eyes, but everything was gone, there was no more audience, her friends and Damian were gone, not even the golden horseshoe trophy that she had been holding for a few seconds was with her!
She turned to the voice, an infinite void everywhere, a table with two chairs in the center and a dark figure near the table, Twilight tilted her head and raised an eyebrow, “hi? I can help you?" said cautiously the alicorn of magic.
The figure laughed for a few seconds before walking towards the light, revealing the reason for the distressing familiarity that her voice gave Twilight.
"Yes, you can help me." exclaimed an exact copy of Twilight, just a few small scars around her neck and the lack of a wing differentiates both.
The crippled alicorn pointed with his only wing at one of the chairs and Twilight promptly sat down on the chair, it took a few more seconds for the 'copy' to sit on the chair, and when she did, her horn shone in a purple tone and raised a small teapot and two cups on the table.
Twilight looked at her double for a few seconds while she poured cups, tea, the smell was arguably tea, Twilight tried to say something, failing to ask a question due to the many doubts invading her head at the same time and the fact that mare raised her hoof interrupting her, even though leaving school for years a hoof being raised that way was still enough to shut up Twilight right away.
When tea was finally served and the mare's hoof descended to the floor, Twilight tried to start the questions again, but immediately this mare's hoof rose and interrupted her again and she took a long sip from her teacup while offering Twilight a full cup with her magic.
After a long and unsettling moment where what Twilight believed to be a tea drinking nightmare ended and her hoof found rest again, Twilight tried again to start talking, and again was interrupted.
"Call me doctor, please." clarified the mare, Twilight huffed with anger and indignation waiting to be cut again, but when silence reigned she could smile and start asking questions without being interrupted, or so she thought before she was interrupted again!
“Aren't you going to have your tea? It will cool down! ” pointed the doctor with a hoof at the steaming cup.
Twilight felt her left eye twitch and some neurons fry with indignation, after a long sigh trying to calm down she started her long-awaited speech.
"Personally, I've had tea for two lives, so I think I'll pass  it while I'm ... dreaming." said Twilight with a hint of doubt, when the 'doctor' nodded in agreement Twilight continued.
"Sorry is this a prank?" Twilight exclaimed as he looked around, "are you Luna?" the crippled alicorn laughed for a few seconds, a laugh laden with pain and longing that even shivered Twilight's spine!
“Don't you recognize me? Don't you remember the long, one-sided and dramatic story that Mr. Spencer told you a few days ago? ” the mare raised an eyebrow as she finished her cup of tea and poured another with an almost contagious calm.
Twilight took a few seconds to process what she just heard, her eyes widening in accomplishment as she pointed a hoof at the other resident in this infinite void, "you are her!" shouted Twilight.
"Yes," said the mare taking another sip of tea, "I am ... her."
"You ... what ..." confusion invading Twilight's head, maybe I'm having a nightmare and I'm remembering that, thought Twilight.
"No, I am very real Twilight, well, more or less, but if there is anything I can guarantee you, I am not a figment of your imagination." clarified the doctor as she finished her second cup of tea and rested it on the table.
"But how?" asked Twilight, his brain working at full speed trying to find a how, but more importantly, why ?
“You are a smart mare Twilight, you will find out, believe me I know,” she laughed, “but my time is short, soon Luna will come and I will have to go, so I will be very direct, I need you to do something for me. "
“A PSEUDO-REALISTIC CURSE ATTACHED IN OBJECTS OR SIMILARS OF EIGHTH GRADE!” shouted Twilight as if it were the most important thing in the world, so loud and suddenly that it scared the other alicorn slightly. Twilight looked at her with a deadly look, waiting for an answer, and when the mare nodded slightly Twilight felt an enormous weight come off her shoulders and she threw herself on the table, a sigh of joy coming from her lips.
The other Twilight stared at her for a few seconds, congratulating the mare internally for finding out so quickly, even though she missed the grade, she still came very close, a smile growing on her face, of course she came close she thought, we are the same pony in the end.
The whole world trembled, each part of the infinite emptiness shuddered and the doctor's cup fell from the table, falling into small pieces, which promptly fell into shadows.
Twilight stood up, no longer lying on the table, no longer exhausted by the mental strain, now curious about the fact that everything was shaking so quickly.
"This, this is Luna, don't worry." clarified the doctor, making another cup appear and pouring some more tea, Twilight finished her inspection in the infinite void and looked at him with a death glare at the self-proclaimed doctor.
“I know you hate me, personally… maybe, I won't judge you? Nahh, I did what I had to do. ” she started taking another sip of tea and moaning with joy at the bitter taste.
"Excuse?" begged Twilight, “you, did you do what you had to do? Do you have any idea of ​​the traumas you left in him? Do you have any idea what your actions led to? DO YOU HAVE AN IDEA OF WHAT YOU DID ?! ” shouted Twilight indignantly.
The other Twilight ignored the mare's screams as she finished another cup of tea, “I like tea,” she stated while looking at the empty cup, “it  somehow has the ability to calm the most turbulent of souls, bring peace in moments more difficult and give comfort and relive memories of times of peace that will never came back, ”she laughed“ heavens, times when I was alive. ”
Twilight was ready to continue her speech, but the hoof of her copy interrupted her, she cursed herself internally for respecting this childish action, and she cursed herself even more for respecting this action done by this monster! She poured another cup of tea, but this time she just smelled the tea, enjoying the aroma it exuded.
"I did what I had to do, you wouldn't understand." said the mare as she stared at the liquid she loved so much as she trembled as the whole world rumbled with another blow from the night's alicorn.
“Did you have to do it? I WOULD NOT UNDERSTAND? DO YOU HEAR WHAT YOU SAY ?! ” shouted Twilight again, but what she didn't expect was to see her copy repeat the action.
“You don't know what it's like to send one of your friends to a position of danger, not because she wants to, but because she needs to, you don't know what it's like to see your plan going through the air while her regiment is ambushed, you don't know what it's like , in a futile attempt to save her losing a wing and leaving her blind in the process!" she exclaimed, pointing to where her wing would be.
“You don't know what it's like to send a battalion on a suicide mission, why it was either them or the princesses, and in that battalion is the brother of one of your friends! You don't know what the HATE and DISGUST look is that she can exhale when she wants to, and the screams of despair that she can emit when she asks him not to go!" small droplets formed in the corner of the mare's eyes.
"You don’t know what it’s like to be dismissed because it’s too dangerous to have all the Equestrian princesses fighting, to leave the field while your master fights every day risking her life, every night sending a message to her, and by the gods, praying to all of them that she only responds in the morning, giving a light, doubtful but hopeful sign of life, that she didn’t die and became just another number in the midst of the casualties of an endless war. ” the small droplets are now developing into tears.
“You don't know what it's like to open a creature, marked or not, every day, day after day, it always screaming, struggling and crying, and no matter how many anesthetic spells you use, it always became useless, you don't know what it is to hear it cries out for death, him hitting his head on the wall trying to kill himself, cutting his own neck, setting himself on fire and many other failed attempts to stop his own suffering, wake up, collect samples and study, try to find a way to stop the griffins and their new technology that destroyed regiment after regiment, a 'mobile and armored car', immune to magic capable of firing highly destructive non-magic projectiles and explosives, ”the world trembled again with another blow from Luna,“ they, that griffin scum staying a few kilometers from your beloved Ponyville, and you have to speed up the tests, you have to be more invasive, faster, have results, always ... results ... perfect and immaculate results. ” said the mare whispering the ending, now no longer in an infectious calm, but a weeping tragedy, using one of the hooves to support herself on the table.
Twilight wanted to say something, but she couldn't, she can only look at the mare that a few seconds she hated with all her strength, now she hated her less, piety? Because her actions are justified? Twilight couldn't say, but his blind hatred has diminished considerably for this mare.
"Twilight, I'm not here to say I'm a saint."
"Saint?" exclaimed Twilight raising an eyebrow doubtfully.
"A sacred and sinless pony, a saint, but, DARE NOT say you know what I did, why I did it or something similar." said the alicorn no more with tears, she quickly wiped them away with magic and in a matter of seconds she had gained the composure worthy of a princess.
After a few sighs to finish composing herself, she raised the cup once more to her, breathing heavily in the aroma that only tea could emanate, and took a sip.
"D-Did you say you wanted a favor?" asked Twilight a little shy? She wouldn't say that, she didn't really know how to feel at the moment.
The mare shook her head in denial for a few seconds, "no, it's too late, you already hate me and think he is one, saint, it is not possible for you to complete this simple favor." she said, placing the cup on the table.
A morbid curiosity invaded Twilight, she, deep down, knew what her counterpart wanted, but even so she asked and felt a cold invade her spine when she answered.
“Kill him, simple,” Twilight's eyes started to expand “see? You're just like that because he didn't tell you what he did, he... I would be Hitler, and he would be... Stalin? I believe that is it. ” stated the mare with a little doubt, when Twilight questioned she just said that in time she will understand.
“I cannot, no matter what he has done, he is trying to improve! He- ”before twilight continued, yet another damn hoof rose and she instantly fell silent, CURSE BE THAT NERVOUS TICK! thought Twilight .
“Like I said, you don't know what he did, do you know headball? Burn and run? Kill la plèbe? ” Twilight slowly denied trying to imagine what each of them meant "these are just a few of the games he ... kindly invented." she stated with a hint of poison in her voice.
“B-but I… CADENCE! The Cadence of your world! She didn't fight him! She used little offensive spells! ”
“I'm not even going to try to explain it to you, it was obvious that she couldn't… win, and in the end he killed her daughter, MY OWN NIECE! And he laughed, he laughed like a maniac over her corpse. ” another blow from Luna and a huge crack appeared in the sky, almost like a wound tarnishing the infinite black that was the sky.
From the shadows behind Twilight, figures flew in and repaired the damage in a matter of seconds, Twilight's eyes followed those shapes until they returned to the one area that she coincidentally cannot see.
"They ..."
"They are my friends, well, almost everyone," said the doctor as she looked up at the sky, "Fluttershy is not here now ..." she looks at Twilight again, "in the next blow I will leave, please, if you don't want to listen to my advice, at least do this. ” she begged again, Twilight motioned for her to continue.
"Don't let him get his hands on any kind of temporal spell," Twilight raised an eyebrow, "just don't let him get his hands on these books okay? In my world, Starlight died to prevent him from discovering these spells, I know it means nothing to you, but don't let her sacrifice be in vain, I beg you. ”
Twilight nodded slowly, doubtful if she should care about this advice, when something crossed her mind.
"Why? Why do you want him to die so bad? Revenge?" questioned the alicorn of magic.
His counterpart laughed, a morbid laugh, “ahhh, how I wish it were just that, no, it's something bigger Twilight, bigger than me, you or the gods themselves, I look like a monster asking for this, but believe me, I just want the best for your world, mine is doomed, too far from being saved, too far from having any kind of hope, but yours? Almost perfect, almost, the only problem is him. ”
"Sorry I still don't understand." asked Twilight.
"Obviously you wouldn't understand, it took me hours to put all the pieces together and it was with the help of my friends," the alicorn looked up at the sky for a few seconds when suddenly his eyes widened in realization "THE THIRTEENTH PROPHECY OF STARSWIRL!" shouted the mare as she walked away from the table, "QUESTION CELESTIA ABOUT THIS AND DON'T ACCEPT NO FOR AN ANSWER!" 
Almost as if by a conspiracy of the universe itself, when these words left the lips of the one-winged alicorn the sky exploded into millions of pieces and Princess Luna herself appeared on the table, her wings spread around Twilight in an attempt to save her from any kind of nightmare or similar that was afflicting her.
Twilight can barely see it while her counterpart silently begs something for her, it was a whisper too low to be heard, but the message was clear. help. And so quick when this whisper left her counterpart's lips she became a black figure and ran away through the crack in the ceiling, leaving twilight with a doubt, but what tha hay is Starswirl's thirteenth prophecy?

Joy, this word defined Damian a few times during his stay off Earth, joy in seeing Miranda fly for the first time, helping a mare to regain her self-confidence, seeing his family, even if it's not them, but in dreams, when he miraculously has the opportunity dreaming and not being plagued by his past mistakes he feels this joy.
Damian was propped up against the door, and in front of him was his family, sitting in a huge living room, they argued, talked and had fun. On a sofa was his parents, his mother, already with some gray hair and ready to hit anyone who dared to call her old! His father, on the other hand, had all white hair, a tired look due to his age, but not even time would take away the pleasure of playing with his granddaughter Mia, a small human child with brown hair and a childlike attitude running all over the room and listening to grandpa's stories.
On another couch was Rafael, brother of Damian and his wife, Damian laughed a little at the scene because the womanizer, king of women and any other adjective he used in the past was sitting next to a woman wearing a suit, Damian smiled slightly and whispered
"How cute, he even looks like a decent person."
But Damian's attention was briefly on his brother, because when he heard an angelic voice laugh at Mia's antics he noticed the presence of his wife, Maria, cried Damian watching his love, her hair still a vibrant red, the same blue eyes capable of melting any man's heart, especially his heart.
The scene continued for a while, Mia making everyone laugh and having fun, but Damian was still at the door, hidden, invisible to them, with his arms crossed he sighed with envy for what had happened next.
On the other side of the room a door opens, there was a tall figure, clearly male, but his face was a stain, Maria quickly got up and hugged him.
"Hello, dear! We were waiting for you! ” she said with a loving tone that pierced Damian's heart.
"Daddy!" exclaimed Mia running to the figure who bent down and hugged the little one, no, whispered Damian watching his family talk to this… stranger.
It was always like this, this dream always ended like this, and when he came out of the shadows and showed himself to them, they always ran away, shouted and called him a monster. Dream? This part is a dream, but this is also a nightmare, but this beginning is so good, so calm and soothing. If Damian doesn't do anything, everything will remain calm, a dream, that's what he wants it to be.
After a few moments of watching them have fun he feels an arm on his left shoulder.
“Seven years have passed you know? This may already be a reality. ” said a robotic voice, Damain looked back and confirmed that it was the figure he found yesterday, the figure was black as the darkest night sky.
"Maria wouldn't abandon me ... I love her, and she loves me." said Damian with a hint of desperation in his voice.
The figure stared at the scene with Damian for a few minutes before snapping the fingers and the room fell apart and a table with varying chairs appeared. On the table, various delicacies were present, from meats to sweets that decorated it.
The figure pointed to a chair and Damian sat down, never taking his eye off her, who sat next to the human and offered him an apple.
Damian stared at the apple for a few seconds, considering whether to accept it or not, and after these seconds become minutes, the figure put the apple in one of the fruit baskets on the table and sighed.
"You do not trust me?" questioned the figure, Damian gave him a confused look and shrugged as he watched the infinite horizon.
“Obviously,” said Damian, still looking at the horizon, “skip the flattery, nothing came into my mind wanting to offer me apples and be my friend, say what you want and go, let me enjoy my dreams, at least the few ones that I have. ”
“She hurt you a lot, right? Sorry." affirmed the figure, now following Damian's gaze also looking into the void. "I should have done something to help you, but I didn't, I beg your pardon."
Damian slowly turned his gaze to the figure and raised an eyebrow, the figure in turn nodded slightly and looked away, almost as if he was ashamed to look at the human.
"Okay, you got my attention," announced the human as he picked up a plate of meat that had the inscription 'pegasus meat,' "say what you want."
The figure nodded as he approached the human slightly, "do you know who I am?" questioned the figure.
Damian, without looking away from his next meal, shrugged and started looking for some spices.
"This matters? If I were to guess, considering the date and my interference in this universe, I would say that you are Nightmare Moon. ” concluded the human taking a pepper and seasoning the meat.
"No Damian, I am something ... something more than these false gods ... I am," the black figure laughed for a few seconds, "I am like you, I also suffered at the hands of gods and now-"
"Now you want to take revenge and kill everyone and blah blah blah, ”interrupted the human as he found a lost salt shaker between the fruit bowl and the dried fish. "I'm not interested in your fights, go look for another champion or something like that somewhere else, I don't fight for gods!"
The figure stared at him for a few seconds and nodded with each word, “but what a coincidence, neither do I! And it's very presumptuous of you to think that I want you as a champion, Human. ” the figure laughed, putting a certain tone of sarcasm in the word human.
"Do you have problems with humans?"
"No, of course not, it's just that you consider yourself… invincible." said the figure while playing with some fruit. Damian smiled as he set aside his freshly spiced meal and stared at the figure.
“A fight then? Is that what you want? Look, I'll let you know, the last time I saw something like this was with a god of war and an immortal Nordic god, do you really want to mess up with me? ” when the figure laughed at his joke a signal activated in his head, he ... got it?
"No Damian, I AM stronger than you, I don't need to spank you to prove it," laughed the figure, taking advantage of the dubious look that Damian gave to him, after a few seconds exchanging glances the figure stared at the sky and sighed with relief.
"It looks like Luna chose your little friend over you, well, again the universe screwing up with humans right?"
“If you don't want a champion, or a murderer, since you're that strong,” joked Damian, “what do you want then? Don't tell me it's about tips on how and when to invest in the stock exchange because I forgot that years ago! ”
"Help you out." said the figure, Damian spat on the floor and crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow in doubt.
“And do you expect me to believe? Come on you could… damn how I hate not seeing someone's face, can you undo that ridiculous disguise spell? ”
 The figure shook her head in denial, but stopped after a few seconds and snapped her fingers and brown hair appeared and a female face showed. It's not possible, Damian whispered, staring at a young version of his own mother.
“Does this form help? Does it make you more comfortable? ” when Damian didn't answer, he just stared for a few seconds in pure disbelief, the figure continued, "calm down, boy, I'm not your mother!"
This phrase was enough to get him out of his trance, “c-change your form! You have no right to use her appearance!" shouted Damian getting up and getting ready to fight.
She in response raised her hands and quickly snapped her fingers again, and this time blonde hair emerged and her face changed a little bit, Damian stared at her for a few seconds trying to perceive the resemblance to another acquaintance, and after failing he snorted in revolt and sat back in the chair.
"Is this better?", questioned the figure with a female voice, Damian shrugged as he took an apple from the fruit basket and bit it.
"Go on, try to convince me, it will be fun." declared the human, finishing his apple and throwing the lump away into the void.
The now female figure clarified her voice and began, "I saw you in pain, and my heart broke with every cry of you, every tear and every cut or poison that that bitch used on you," said the figure never breaking eye contact.
All normal for now, Damian thought, this being one of the many speeches he has heard in his life.
“And I know, I know your time is running out Damian,” the human's eyes began to slowly expand with the realization of her statement, “Sparkle hurt you too much, more than her spell could protect you, in so many ways that her spell cannot predict what would happen.” Now the human was already standing, fists clenched and sweating slightly, does she know ?! Damian questioned himself with a dying fear of the answer.
"Yes I know." the figure nodded sadly, “I know that her tests led to two huge tumors in your chest, a small but developing tumor in your brain and the failure of some vital organs.
Damian's world collapsed, how ?! How did she know! He killed all the doctors who tested him! He felt his legs growing weak at the woman's statement.
"You have little time to live, a year if I'm not mistaken in the most optimistic of cases, that's if you use magic just a little" Damian's confusion soon turned into anger.
"It is?! Did you come here just to throw it in my face? ”
"No, I came to remind you that your world has the technology to save you, well, at least extend your life."
"It is? It is impossible, Discord blocked my world. ”
The figure laughed again, "not for me Damian, I am much more powerful than that chaos god, I can take you there, I can take you there now actually!" said the stranger, now eating some delicacies on the table.
“I don't need your help! You stink of gods, I don't want anything to do with people like you! I'm going to fix it!" shouted Damian moving away from her.
"Maybe," she shouted back, “but I don't think you stopped to think yet, your time is running out,” Damian ignored what she said, and would ignore everything she said, except one thing.
"What will your little Mia think when her daddy doesn't show up at her graduation?" Damian's eyes widened in accomplishment, Mia, he whispered.
“You took three years to find your universe in the last Equestria, how long will it take now? Two years? You don't have all that time, not to mention, of course, I can send Miranda to your universe too if you wish! Just ask. ”
Time, it's always time Damian cursed himself, "Fuck it, I've made contracts with the devil before, ok I accept, come on, say what you want." the figure laughed internally as Damian sat in the chair, it was her turn to get up.
“Call me Alpha,” she said pointing to her chest, “and what I ask is a simple request,” said Alpha snaking up to him, “something… futile for someone of your caliber,” she said walking backwards “kill!”
Damian rolled his eyes, congratulating and cursing himself internally, "Who?"
 She put her arms tightly around his shoulders "FLUTTERSHY." she shouted in a demonic tone.
Damian's eyes widened, “wh-what? wait, can't it be another one? Don't you accept Rainbow? Or, I don't know, Celestia? ” Alpha shook his head.
“This world, this plagued ponies fucked with you Damian, and you still resist and try to empathize with them, it fills me with anger, kill her, kill her today! Kill her now! When you wake up! And only then will I be able to help you, and only then will I know that you hate them, hate them as much as I hate them, "the tightening in Damian's shoulders grew stronger," but if you refuse to help me, I beg you, when the day becomes night and the night becomes day, when the winds stop, when the sea dries up and the dead walk on land, don't get in my way. ”
As fast as the last word was said the world trembled, it was Luna, too late bitch, Alpha thought as she squeezed Damian's neck, breaking him, killing him, waking him up.

Damian stood up with fear and dread invading him, his neck he thought looking for the mirror, he looked at it, normal.
What the fuck, he thought as a word whispered in his mind, kill her, Damian, he swallowed a lump in his throat and left his room, every step seemed to shake the whole house, the wood creaking with the human's weight as he moved. approached Fluttershy's room, when his hand found the knob a small ball of fire appeared in his other  hand, be quick, be precise he thought.
Swallowing another lump in his throat he slowly and silently opened the door, his necklace already glowing in alert for the human's actions, and when the door was opened he could see, the mare, the pegasus sleeping angelically in the bed, was Fluttershy, completely unaware of the human. I don’t have time, thought the human, I don’t have time for this shit to… start over, if I have a chance, no matter how small the chance is to go home, he thought, raising his left hand, the hand that carried the fireball, so I… I… I…
His vision blurred as he watched the only being in this universe that he couldn't hurt, she was kind to him, she… biting his lip and screaming internally in defeat, undoing the fireball and closing the door.
 I can't do it, he whispered to himself , tears of anger and shame coming from his eyes as he slowly walked back to his room, the only window on the second floor revealing the moon still in the sky, he stared at her for a few seconds.
"Maria ... dear ... what do I do?" begged Damian to the moon.
"You made your choice!" a voice roared in his head, Damian looked around looking for her but finding nothing, a sudden urge to vomit followed by coughs invaded him, and when it passed blood resided in his hands, a reminder of how time never stops and that his is running out.
"Not her ... she, I can't hurt her." he cried.