Revenant Soul: Genesis and The Weather Elements

by cyber_pony13

Chapter 6: Welcome to Ponyville

It was a beautiful mid-morning in Ponyville and Revenant was enjoying himself quite well. He left the library early letting Twilight know that he was going to explore on his own and would meet up with her at lunch. He let Levia wander off on her own, hoping she wouldn’t cause any trouble. Surprisingly, the local town folks were friendlier than he anticipated. A majority of them didn’t really pay no mind that he didn’t have a cutie mark, but the few that did were more intrigued of why there wasn’t one. He would explain to them that he remembers having one just not exactly what it was and they would assure him that he would get it back. Revenant decided to take a moment to appreciate the scenery in the local park.

“First day and I’m already loving it here.” Revenant said to himself. “I have to say, this is the most welcoming place I’ve been to yet. I wonder what Levia is doing?”

Speak of the devil. He spotted her playing with a bunch of fillies. They tried to catch her but couldn’t due to her agile movements and her illusion magic. She would let them catch her a couple of times to not let them get discouraged and would create a couple illusions of her and put out little play acts. Levia had a soft spot for fillies. Always trying to cheer them up, even if it she had to make a fool out of Revenant but he didn’t mind.

“Great, I can hear Levia now telling me to have a couple of my own for her to play with.” He looked over and saw the happy expressions from them and Levia. “Still it would be nice, especially in a nice town like this.”

Revenant decided to leave Levia with the fillies and not ruin their fun. He was passing by a couple of stores and saw some of the nice things they had for sale. What caught him the most were some of tools that were on sale. With tools like those, he could renovate his house and make it fit to his style. Day dreaming of the different ideas he had planned, he wouldn’t see the pony he was about to bump into walking out of the next store.

*Thud* too late.

“Oh I’m terribly sorry. I’m new here, I was daydreaming, didn’t see you and I…” He stopped to see that he bumped into a familiar purple mare. “Twilight fancy bumping into you here, eh no pun intended.”

“Revenant, it’s not a problem I should’ve been paying attention. I was thinking too much of the new books I just bought.”

“I see, well then I suppose we should exchange our information then.”

“I’m sorry but we should what?” Twilight asked with a confused smile.

“You know since we bumped into each other exchange our information.”

“I don’t understand where you’re getting at with this.” She asked even more confused.

“Oh well it’s like when two ponies with their wagons collide with each other and have to exchange their information so they if anything got damaged they know the cause of it.”

“I don’t get it and what do wagons have to do with this if we don’t have any?” Revenant could see that she wasn’t familiar with this joke.

“Let’s forget about it. It was a failed attempt at a joke anyways.”

“That was a joke?” He face hoofed at her cluelessness.

“So how about we go get some lunch?” Revenant attempted to change to the subject.

“Oh sure where do you want to eat at?” Twilight responded.

“I’m still not too familiar with this place so why don’t you surprise me.”

“Sure but where’s Levia at?” Twilight asked searching for the ponysprite.

“Oh I wouldn’t worry too much about her.” Twilight glared at him for a better answer. “Okay okay, she’s at the park with a playing with a bunch of fillies. I didn’t want to interrupt their fun so I’m sure she’ll meet their parents and they’ll treat her.”

“Alright then the girls said they would meet us there shortly so let’s go.”

They went by one of the more popular restaurants in Ponyville. It was a nice little place to eat at with tables in and outside the establishment and a smoothie stand right next to the building. A waiter came by and handed them their menus, but they held off on ordering their meals until Twilight’s friends would arrive.

“You said they would be here shortly right?” Revenant asked Twilight.

“I’m sure they would be here by now unless their running late. *Sigh* I think they need to organize their time more.” Twilight responded. Revenant looked around to see the other guests eating and noticed a similarity within the other ponies.

“You sure this is the right place?”

“Yes why?”

“Well for a group lunch this place doesn’t really seem for that.” Revenant said thinking out loud.

“What makes you say that?”

“Well I’ve been seeing the other guests and a lot are couples and I’m thinking this place is more for…” He was cut-off with Twilight’s sudden giggling. He looked at her with concern for the sudden giggles.

“I’m sorry Revenant, I just got your joke from earlier. It makes sense now since we bumped into each other and we exchange our information to each other and then…” She paused at the moment of clarity. “Revenant, you aren’t….trying to make a date out of this are you?”

“What no, not at all.” Twilight seemed to have a slight expression of disappointment from his response. “I mean it’s not like I wouldn’t go on a date with, you are an intelligent and a pretty mare and all…and uh… oh look here comes Rarity.” He started to flag down Rarity to their table. He was reluctant he spotted her at that time; otherwise he wouldn’t know how to avoid that awkward situation.

“Hi Rarity, glad you can join us. Where are the rest of the girls?” Twilight asked after greeting her friend.

“I’m sorry Twilight but me and the girls won’t be joining you today for lunch. Things just popped up for all of us so we will have to make it up to you.” Rarity apologized.

“Oh no its fine Rarity you don’t have to.”

“But I must dear. Besides…” She then grinned at both of them. “I wouldn’t want to interrupt you two’s little date. I must say though I’m jealous, you should’ve told me you try at Revenant first but oh well. Have fun you two.” Rarity said trotting off with a giggle.

Both sat there looking away from each hiding their blushing when Revenant broke the silence.

“How about I go get us a couple of smoothies and you take our order?” Revenant proposed.

“That would be nice.” Twilight quickly responded.

The situation couldn’t be more awkward if it wasn’t for Revenant nearly falling over his own seat when getting out of it. He walked over to the smoothie stand and was trying to decide what kind to order. By the time he got there he forgot what he was going to order after seeing the variety of smoothies they had.

“Having trouble deciding what you want?” The colt behind the counter asked.

“Yes I am. Just trying to decide which one is best for me and my friend.”

“Which one is she?”

“The purple one over there…wait how did you know it was a mare?” Revenant pointed out to where they were sitting. The colt just shrugged his shoulders at Revenant’s question. The colt looked back at Revenant and then at Twilight a couple of times before speaking.

“Okay I’ll start making your smoothie now.”

"Wha…I didn’t even say what we wanted yet.”

“Don’t worry I know what to get for you and your date. I have to ask though, one or two straws?” the colt casually asked.

“Two straws, for two smoothies and we’re not dating.” Revenant quickly defended.

“Oh I see, trying to get over the friend hurdle. Okay then this smoothie should be one to kick off your first date.” The colt pointed out on the menu. Revenant sighed with defeat that he wasn’t getting out of this one.

“Yes…that one is fine. Also where are your restrooms at?” Revenant calmly asked

“Getting nervous huh, don’t worry it happens to the best of us.” The colt could see he was irritating Revenant. “It’s around the back.”

“Thank you.” Revenant said trying to maintain his composure.

“You’ve got yourself a good one, don’t give up my friend.” The colt said to Revenant as he walked away. He could’ve sworn he saw an abnormal twitch come from Revenant.

Five minutes later, Revenant came back to the stand to see two smoothies sitting with a little note that had a picture of what looked like Revenant’s face. Figuring it was his, he opened up the letter and read it.

“Remember this well my friend. If you wish to overcome this hurdle and build a strong love with your friend, the one thing that could make a difference is…”

Revenant didn’t bother to finish reading the rest of the note not wanting to read what the colt had to say. He picked up the smoothies with his magic and turned around to take them back. To his surprise when he turned around no pony was there. In fact, not only the restaurant but the surrounding area was deserted.

“Um…Twilight…where is everypony?” Revenant cautiously called out. He began looking around the restaurant and still no pony could be found. “Twilight, Twilight where are you? Is anypony out there?”

He put down the drinks and started to look around now and noticed the town itself seemed deserted. A familiar feeling of uncertainty ran through Revenant. With worry, he began to run through town looking for anypony but found no pony. As he continued his search, everything began to look bleak and gray. The beautiful colors of the town faded, the warmth of the sun became dead, trees decayed, and shadows grew dark. After running around for about fifteen minutes, Revenant stopped in the center of Ponyville.


“Reeeevenaaaaant…” a ghostly voiced called out. A dark chill ran down Revenant’s spine. “Reeeevenaaaaant…over heeeerreee….”

The voice echoed from all directions and he couldn’t pinpoint it. As it called out for him more, his fears rose. The voice…it was all too familiar. He tried searching for the source of it but felt as though he was getting nowhere. The more he searched, the more things looked the same. Every corner he turned, the same buildings were lined up. It looked as though he was trapped in a maze.

“Dammit, I’m not getting anywhere at this rate. I need to calm down and concentrate.” Revenant then closed his eyes and relaxed his breathing. He would concentrate on the voice with his magic and find where it was coming from.
….over here…” the voice whispered.

“Gotcha,” Revenant smiled.

He used his magic to show him a path to the voice. As Revenant followed it, the maze began to fade into the shadows. He kept going until there was nothing left but darkness and a simple bonfire.

“A bonfire? I wonder…” Revenant speculated. He lit the bonfire with his magic and the flame grew to release a small light. The light expanded to cast the darkness away and reveal where Revenant was.

Revenant observed his new location to only be in horror of the familiar sight. He was in his home town in Animardia, but things were wrong. Houses were burnt, trees were dead, the sky was dark, and the ground was stained with dried out blood. Much like Ponyville, no pony was to be found. He heard the voice call out to him but this time it was close. Revenant turned around to see the ruins of his old house behind him. In the center of the house was a floating mass of darkness with a foldable picture frame in front of it. He didn’t know why, but Revenant was walking over to the picture.

“Why am I walking over to this? It feels as though as if I have no control over myself. Like I’m being drawn to it,” Revenant was in hoofs reach of the picture and moved to pick it up. “Why…why am I going to look at this if I know what it will bring?”
Much to his dismay, he was right. He picked up and looked at the picture to only feel agony. Tears ran down his face and began to feel weak at the knees.

“How could you let this happen to us, Revenant?” the voice called out to him. He could make out whose voice it was now.
Revenant looked up to see the voice was coming from the darkness. Then an earth pony sickly crawled out of the darkness. As it rose, it would stretch out its limbs as they made a distinctive cracking sound. It shook its body as if to dry itself off but only darkness covered it. When it opened its eyes, Revenant face was shocked with horror. Those golden, heavenly eyes only belonged to one kind of mare. That mare was the only one he gave his heart to.

“No…please not you…” Revenant said falling to his knees weeping.

“Revenant, how could it end like this for us?” the mare asked standing over him.

“I’m sorry, I tried…”

“But you failed and look what’s happened.”

“I know…I know I couldn’t save you…

“You promised that you would always be there for us. Where were you when we needed you the most?”

“I was there it….it was….it was because I was too weak. If I was only stronger at the time, if only I had better control of my power, this would’ve never happened. I’m sorry, can you ever forgive me?” Revenant said weeping at her feet. She then lifted up his head so she can gaze at his tearful eyes.

“But of course I can. I love you.” She said as she embraced him. He could feel the darkness on her now spread on to him. He tried to fight it but was too emotionally scarred to fight back. “And now that you have returned, we can be a family again.” Revenant then saw another figure crawl out of the darkness but this time it was a filly.

“No…please no…anything but this…” Revenant pleaded. As he struggled to break free, the darkness bound him. The little filly slowly crawled over to them with little indefinite cries. As it got closer, Revenant felt weaker. All the misery that he carried came crashing at him. Finally, the little filly was only a foot away from him.

“Now then…let’s become one with the abyss, my love.” The mare said. Then the filly leaped at Revenant with a screech.

“*Gasp*, Wha….wait that was all….” Revenant said as he wakes up in a cold sweat and frantically looking about in the room.

He finds himself still in Twilight’s room with her and Spike across from him and Levia right by him all still asleep. He looked outside the window to see the dawn starting to rise over the horizon.

“Another nightmare. *sigh* How much more must I be tormented by them?” Revenant muttered to himself.

Unable to fall asleep, he silently made his way into the kitchen for a glass of water. As Revenant poured himself a glass, he began to think about the nightmare. What did it mean? What began with joy turned into pain, misery, and regret. Memories of Revenants old life still haunted him; however, something was different this time. Seeing the ones he loved emerging from the darkness is what had him thinking the most. Whatever speculations he formed, they all weren’t good.

“Revenant…is that you?” a soft voice called. Revenant looked to see Twilight entering the kitchen and turning on the lights.

“Oh sorry I didn’t mean to wake you.” Revenant apologized.

“It’s okay I was planning on waking up early anyways for some studying.” Twilight responded.

“Guess you take your studies seriously, even on a weekend. Is that what you do on your spare time?”

“Well there’s that then reading, organizing, planning out my schedule for the next week…”

“I meant things for fun.” Revenant said in a playful tone.

“Oh well reading, and…” Twilight said trying to think of other fun things.


“And practice any new spells and if any of my friends want to do something, I’ll join them.”

“Well that’s better…I guess.” Revenant responded while both of them shared a small laugh

“Hey Revenant you still alright? You seem rather pale right now.” Twilight asked concerned over the stallion’s health. Despite having a nights rest, Twilight still speculated that it would take more time for him to fully recover from yesterday.

“I’m feeling better now thanks to your hospitality. It’s just that I had a bad dream, that’s all.” Revenant somberly said.

“Oh my, what was it about? Was it of something from yesterday?”

“I rather not talk about right now.”

“That bad?”

“Well its bad luck to talk about your dreams before breakfast, so they say.” Revenant said trying to bring a pleasant mode.

“I’ve never heard of that before. Is it something that you believed in back in you old home?”

“Yeah everypony believed in it. Still do to this day, besides it always made great morning conversation of hearing how your family ticks.”

“Well guess I’ll have to wait for breakfast to hear what makes you tick.”

“Guess so,” Revenant then looked outside the window to see the sun slowly rising. “Well if I’m not needed right now, I’m going out for a run.”

“You sure that’s wise? Yesterday was pretty bad for you and I don’t want you to strain yourself.” Twilight concerned for Revenant.

“I need to clear my mind right now.” Revenant said knocking at his head.

“What if you get lost?”

“I’ll use my magic to find my way back and if anything goes wrong, Levia will let you know.”

“Alright then….I think it’s still best that you rest most of the day.” Twilight said after trying to stop him. Revenant made his way to the door but Twilight stopped him before he stepped out. “Revenant…just…don’t push yourself too hard.” He smiled to let her know he understood and he took off.

The run was feeling good for Revenant. He was going at an easy pace and would slowly build speed to see what his condition was like. Running through the town this early he could hear the sounds of some ponies waking up and going through there morning routines. Passing through the market place he saw a couple ponies setting up their booths. Guess some ponies have to get business going early. After going through the town, he decided to check out some of the surrounding areas out of town. Revenant crossed the bridge that lead out of town and headed north. Now that he was out of the town, it was time to test some magic. While running, he channeled his magic to his hooves to run faster. He picked up speed fast but started to feel his pain kicking in. Thinking that so far physical damage was done, he channeled magic to his heart and lungs. Revenant then felt his blood pumping strongly through his veins and was able to breathe as if he wasn’t running. Things seemed good from there and decided to go up a hill. While scaling the hill, he channeled more magic to his legs again, but this time building speed and numbing them of pain.

After reaching the top, his magic wore off and he started to cough and choke. It took him a moment to recuperate and saw that he coughed up some blood. He chuckled at the thought of Twilight seeing him like this. She’d be scolding him that he should’ve listened and get rest throughout the week, but she was only looking out for him. He turned around to see that the hill he was on overlooked Ponyville. It was a sight to behold. From the hill, you could see all of Ponyville and its friendly citizens bustling about. The sunrise only captured the moment even more of how it practically made the town glow.

“Home…It seems I may have finally found it,” Revenant then felt a refreshing breeze go by. “Sage, Fefnir…I will find you guys and when I do, we can finally be a family again. A fresh start in this lovely town will be best for all of us. Please stay strong…I know it may take some time but have faith and it’ll be worth it in the end. Count on it.” With that, Revenant then charged down the hill and into Ponyville ready to take charge of his new life.