The Lost Prophecy: Beginnings

by Bloody

Chapter 3

The group hadn’t exactly noticed the shadow that was trailing them through the woods. Applejack grinned to herself, these two ponies were defiantly wealthy and she could probably loot some good bits off of them to keep her family afloat for another year! Silver Armor with gold trim doesn’t grow on trees…Apples do! Applejack raised her bow aiming for Lead, now not one who’s to believe in the “Ways” But…This was different. A “Way” as pony folk referred to them was a small orb of light that floated through the land, it rested on top of her arrow, Applejack blinked, what was stopping her from letting the arrow fly? Applejack sighed and put the bow and arrow away and decided to follow the two for just a little longer.

Lead and Souls decided to stop for a quick rest “I’ve never been anywhere past Marrock…Is it nice anywhere else? Or is it something like once you’ve seen one city you’ve seen them all?” Soul asked looking over to her Brother, Lead smiled “A few of them are the same, but there’s PLENTY of kingdoms and cities to explore, Marrock is just the tip of the iceberg Souls.” Lead got up, “I don’t think they’ll mind if I borrow this apple.” Lead comments as he goes to takes a bite from one of the apple’s on the tree, but was surprised to see an arrow fly through it, he blinks and looks to see Applejack, her hood is up which conceals her face. “Ah’ think you need to pay for that sir.” She says a little ticked off that he was going to steal one of her family’s apples. Lead looked at the mare, “Well that was rather uncalled for don’t you think?” Applejack shrugged and lowered her bow, “Ah’ think not, you were about to steal one of my family’s apples, and truth be told mister, ah’ could’ve put the arrow through /you./ “ Lead grinned, “Fair enough, how much?” Lead asked reaching to his side, Applejack sighed “It’s fine…Ah’ suppose ah’ could let you off with a warning.” Lead grinned and nodded to the mare, giving her a slight bow “I appreciate your generosity.” Lead smiled, “I’m Leadith of Eucadia, but you may call me Lead, this is my sister Soulstudy.” Lead said gesturing to Soul who gave a wave from the log. Applejack nodded, “It’s a pleasure to meet yer’ acquaintance’s ah’m Applejack.” She smiled and then after a short pause she asked “What are you two doin’ this far out anyhoof? It’s not normal for ponies like yourselves to travel in small groups.”
Lead smirked “Well first off what do you mean by ponies like us?” Lead asked the orange mare, Applejack shrugged “Well you two come off as pretty darn wealthy, and…” Lead cut her off “Oh, I see, we look wealthy and you were thinking of taking us by surprise and then looting our corpses.?” Applejack blinked, “Uh…Well…” She sighed, being the element of honesty she couldn’t lie “Yes…I /was/ planning on it…but I decided not to…So why are you out here again?” Lead sighed, he was glad she wasn’t going to kill them after all, so he’d forgive her for it. “We’re heading to Marrock, and from there we’ll see where it takes us, we’re out on adventure and we’re also tryin’ to track down the Lost Prophecy.”

Applejack blinked “The Lost Prophecy!? Are you kiddin’ me? There’s a reason they call it lost Lead! It don’t exist anymore.” Lead smirked “Well it’s going to stay lost until we find it, and I plan on finding it.” Lead chuckled and walked over getting his pack on. “C’mon Souls, we got a Prophecy to find.” Soul got up and smiled “I guess this is farewell them Miss Jack.” Soul offered the other mare a hoof to shake.

Applejack look at the hoof, then denied it, “Nah, you ain’t leavin’ jus’ yet.” Lead blinked and looked behind him “Why?” He asked, Applejack smiled “Because I’m coming with ya’.” Lead blinked again and faced her “What makes you think I should let you come with us?” Lead asked, Applejack smiled “Because I never put an arrow through your skull, come, I need ta' get my gear." and with that, the Applepony began to walk back to the farm, Lead sighed and walked "Come on Souls."

Lead, Soulstudy, and Applejack all entered the farmstead Applebloom was the first one to come into view "Heya Big sis, what'cha doin?" Applejack looked down to her younger sister "I'm uh, going to go on an adventure with my friends here Applebloom." Applebloom beamed, but then frowned and asked "When are y'all coming back?" Applejack frowned herself, "I don't no Applebloom, but Ah' promise I will come back alright?" The two sisters hugged and Applejack quickly went to gather her gear, after a tearful goodbye Applejack walked over to Lead and Soulstudy "alright, let's go." She said with a faint smile. Lead nodded understanding how tough it was for her, "Alright." Lead agreed and walked with the two mares and their furry companion back towards the road.

The City of Marrock...Large stone walls surrounded it, the gates heavily guarded and plenty of watch towers, this was truly one of the largest and most foritfied cities within Eucadia. Lead grinned as he peered ahead "Look's like we're here guys." Lead said cheerfully. Soul looked ahead and frowned slightly "Lead are you sure we'll be able to get into the city? It seems like they got it locked up." Lead smirked "Have faith Souls, I got this." Applejack and Soulstudy exchanged a look of "Is he serious?" But remained quiet as Lead walked forward and talked with the guards.

After a brief talk with the guards the group found themselves inside the city. "Welcome to Marrock mates, let's go find an Inn." With that Lead began to walk, but was bumped into by a mare wearing a series of cloaks. Lead looked to the mare "Sorry Miss." The mare nodded and continued on her way, Lead and his companions did the same.
When Lead got to the inn he went to get his bits...They were gone... "Oh for Luna's sake..." Lead told the others to wait, he was now officially on a Mare Hunt.