//------------------------------// // I knee-d you baby... // Story: The Grid // by Valuable Ashes //------------------------------// As the two unicorns enter through the shattered window, Sweetie Belle takes a shot to one of them. The blank round hits the hind leg of one causing her to fall to the floor. While she fell, a ray of light hit Sweetie Belle's eye effectively making her blind for a short moment. When she could see again her first sight was the unicorn stallion kneeling next to the fallen unicorn. Before Sweetie could ask herself what caused the blinding light she looked at the two unicorn's horns. A gold ring was sitting on the base of each their horn. A married couple. The stallion male turned his gaze from his wife to Sweetie with fire in his eyes. He raised his SMG and shot wildly around her but Sweetie fortunately ducked quickly. Sweetie Belle fled from the metal shelf and vaulted over the counter. The raging unicorn stepped past the dead unicorn with a bullet wound in his barrel to where she last was and saw her behind the counter. Instead he saw the earth pony in a fetal position. He hefted the earth pony up to him and pointed the gun on his head. "I know you are there. Come out before I put a bullet into his head" In the corner of the store, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo have already finished knocking out the unicorn they were fighting and hid themselves behind his body. The angry unicorn was slowly loosing patience and held the earth pony tighter. "I'll shoot him! I'll blow his brains out" Scootaloo has a great idea to sneak behind him and Apple Bloom will take the earth pony away from the unicorn. However, the noise from Scootaloo's wings will attract the unicorn's attention. Alternatively, the two Crusaders can stay still and let Sweetie get out of cover and take the shot. With the earth pony in the way of the unicorn, it can be a difficult shot. Luckily, the distance between Sweetie and the two are far enough for the blank round to be a non lethal. It will hurt in the morning but non lethal. Then the other two can apprehend the unicorn. But fate had other plans. "Argh! Forget it, I'm gonna kill you!" The unicorn dropped the shivering earth pony then raised his SMG above his head. His stance changed and looked like he was going to run to Sweetie's hiding spot. Sweetie Belle could shoot at the unicorn with all her bullets. Surely one would get lucky and kill the raging unicorn dead. Or, Sweetie Belle could fight for the SMG then the other two Crusaders can tackle him. Though if he sees her, he would most likely start shooting at her. With milliseconds left to choose, Sweetie decides to... ...shoot the unicorn and hope. ...fight over the control of the gun.