//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: The Party Prisoner // Story: Lightning's Birthday Bash (#4) // by LightningStar626 //------------------------------// Chapter 3: The Party Prisoner. ~In the hideout, Karly was sitting at the table with her phone neatly placed on it. Arms crossed politely, she waited for Lightning to call her, but she then got impatient. She looked at the Pixels and the Rainbooms talking and laughing at the buffet, then looked back at the phone.~ "What's taking Lightning so long?" Karly sighed. She called out to the others. "Has anyone got a text or call from Lightning yet?" ~Everyone stops talking and eating to look at Karly, then get their phones out of their pockets or hair (In Pinkie's case), takes a look at them, then they all shake their heads.~ "Hmm…I take it she would have found a place by now. The city's not that big! Is it?" She asked. No, it's quite small for a city." Sunset answered, walking up to her. "Yeah, I'm starting to get a little worried." "Why don't you try calling her first?" Twilight suggested. "Well, ok." ~Karly picks up her phone from the table and begins tapping on it before holding it to her ear.~ ~On the mini-plane, Lightning's backpack begins to vibrate. This alerts everybody to look at it. Lightning in shock and glee, the rest in shock and horror.~ "Huh?" "Oh, shoot! The phone's ringing! Uh, Johnas! You take care of it!" ~The fourth minion gets out the phone from the backpack and gives it to the first minion.~ "No way! Portas has the best Lightning impression!" ~The first minion shoves the phone in the fifth minion's hands.~ "I said I have the worst Lightning impression." ~The fifth minion transferred the phone to the second minion.~ "Uh…" ~This minion does the smart thing and declines it, without worrying about anything.~ "Phew…" "Ok, hopefully, they won't try that again anytime soon." Lairry sighed while Lightning glared. ~In the hideout, Karly places her phone downwards on the table.~ "Nothing, that's weird." "Not as weird as this! Mirus! Take that out of your mouth, you idiot!" Fierra scolded. "Why? It's ice cream!" ~Mirus' pupils grow huge and he starts licking a blaster and begins jumping up and down, his hair suddenly puffs up too and he looks like he is about to go in a nervous breakdown. He wasn't the only one. Pinkie's pupils also grow and she joins him in the bouncing.~ "Huh? Am I jumping or is the world going up and down?" "WHOO-HOO! WE'RE JUMPING! THE WORLD CAN'T MOVE UP AND DOWN, SILLY!" Pinkie screamed. "What do you know? It is me! Watch this, Left foot, Right foot! Left foot, Right foot! Sugar crash!" ~Mirus suddenly jumps up and turns to his back. He crashes to the floor and groans, making everyone around him super confused and embarrassed. Jace felt totally skeptical. Fierra facepalms and stares at Applejack, believing this is her fault since she didn't keep an eye on Mirus very well. Arianna blushes, and tries to shield her face from how shameful she is.~ "Sorry about this, girls. He's had too much sugar." Jace apologised. "How much exactly?" Twilight asked. "547 pieces. I should know. The wrappers are all over the floor." ~Jace looks down and holds his hands out on either side, presenting all of the colourful sweet wrappers all over the floor.~ "547?!-Pinkie! Why did you buy so much candy?!" Twilight inquired, turning to Pinkie still jumping. "Well, I take it that Lightning must have invited more people so I doubled the candy! And it looks like I did good! HA HA!" Pinkie laughed as Twilight facepalmed. "Anywho, where did Lightning go? She hasn't even opened any of her presents." Jace shrugged. "She went out to find a place to go for her birthday, didn't she?" Rarity asked. "She did. But, we haven't heard from her yet. And it's been more than an hour." Sunset answered. "What if something happened to her?!" Karly worried. Applejack held her hands up. "Ok, let's not jump to conclusions, y'all! Lightnin' could probably still be just lookin' around or somethin'..." "Guess you're right. How about if she doesn't show up in the next hour, we'll go looking for her." Karly suggested. "Okay." Sunset nodded. "Alright." Twilight added. "See? I'm sure Lightnin's fine. I hope." Applejack said unsurely. ~Back on the mini-plane, it was soaring into the landing quarters on the blimp.~ "Ok, we're here…" Lairry said. ~Lairry smoothly parks the mini-plane back to its spot and hops out. Lightning was no longer tied up but was held firmly at the arms of the first minion since he was the strongest out of all of them. He picks up Lightning, puts her down and continuously pushes her forward while still holding onto her.~ "Ok, I am more than capable of walking by myself!" Lightning glared. "Hey! This way!" ~Lairry threatens Lightning by waving his blaster around and directs Lightning to the room where the party is supposed to be with it. Lightning deeply sighs and does as she's told, no matter how much she hated it, and that the minion was still pushing her. She steps in a dark room where her vision was completely blank.~ "Geez! Where's the lights?" ~Suddenly the lights are switched on and the room is revealed to be decorated in bright coloured confetti and streamers, with a badly made cake on a round table in the corner. Lightning knew that Pinkie would not approve of that cake. Suddenly a load of minions jump out and yell.~ "Surprise!" "Uh…What Is this?" Lightning was dumbfounded. She suddenly felt someone touch her shoulder. "Agent Star! Happy birthday!" Devil cheered. ~Devil greets Lightning by pushing her onto a chair. She groans from the sudden push, but then two minions grab her arms and pin them to each of the armrests and tie them to it.~ "Devil!" Lightning shouted. "What?" He shrugged. "What in the world are you doing?!" "What? Can't a guy celebrate his nemesis' birthday for once?" "By kidnapping me and forcing me to come here?" "Well, it was better than Ollie's plan, I'll tell you that! Relax, it's your birthday, and I set up this party, so I'm not going to let it go to waste. Why don't you have some of my Devil's fruit cake?" ~Devil slides his arms to the right and a minion pushes the badly-made cake to him and Lightning.~ "How do I know this isn't a trick?" Lightning asked. "I mean, is the cake poisonous? Is it going to explode?" "Fine, Little Miss Worried, if you're so predictable, Frank, get over here!" Frank hears his dad's call and comes over. "Yes, dad?" "I want you to eat a piece of cake for Lightning." Devil commanded. "Why?" "She thinks it might explode." He snickered. "Ok…" ~Frank pretends to be concerned and cautious as he cuts a piece of cake to scare Lightning. He slaps it on a paper plate and stabs a fork in it. He scoops up the piece of the cake and eats it.~ "Uh-huh, yeah it exploded alright. With a nice strawberry filling." He says as he munches down on it. "See?! Completely fine. So have some." Devil glared. "I don't want to." Lightning simply answered. "We made it for you, eat it!" "I said, no!" ~Devil growls and scoops up a little bit of Frank's cake off his plate. He thrusts the handful into Lightning's mouth and gets it all over her face and shirt.~ "There. You're good? Good." Devil nodded. Lightning muffles then spits out the cake. "Yuck! This icing tastes like dirt! And the cake itself. My mouth tells me the flour and eggs were fine, but the milk tastes like it expired 3 to 5 years ago, the butter is too buttery and the sugar tastes like salt!" Lightning gagged. "Well, what did you expect from someone who has never baked a cake before?!" Devil shrugged. "At least they would use milk that was still in date! And Sugar!" Lightning's eyes go wide. Devil sighed, completely annoyed. "Just have some more, the minions won't eat it. They hate cake." "Yea-no. I'm full. But, if you're hungry, I'm a pretty good cook, so why don't you let me out of this chair and I'll Give you a taste!" "How 'bout no?" ~With that, Devil puts a party hat on Lightning. He then pulls it down to her face, pulls it back and lets go of it and it slaps on her face and covers her mouth and nose so it looks like she had a bird beak..~ "Just enjoy your stay, my party prisoner…" ~Devil laughs wickedly and begins to amble away. Lightning growls and struggles and successfully gets the party hat off her face, just not the ropes on the wrists. Then suddenly her phone rings again from her backpack one of the minions was holding. This time it was Twilight calling her and the minions got nervous again.~ "Huh?" Devil turns to where the ringing was coming from. "Oh, not the phone again!" Minion 2 worried. "I thought you put it on silent!" Minion 1 glared. "Well, you were the one who had it last!" Minion 2 yelled. Devil quickly rummages through the bags, grabs the phone and declines it. "Lairry! You had to bring Lightning's bag along didn't you?" "Uh…" "Speaking of phones too, Did you even get the shark food I texted you?!" He asked. "Oh…" Lairry went pale. "Ha!" Lightning smugged. "Great, now the sharks are gonna have to starve! Unless... guess the shark food will have to be you!" ~Devil pulls a lever from the wall and a trapdoor opens up below Lairry. He looked down and yelps as he fell down. Next thing everyone could hear was a splash and him screaming.~ "Honestly, you cannot do anything right! Now, the other agents are going to find out Lightning's not responding to her phone and this party will be ruined!" Devil huffed and folded his arms. Devil's daughter, Wendy, suddenly steps forwards. "Say, father, Why don't I disguise myself as Lightning and also get some information on-" "What Agent Star wants for her birthday?" He interrupted cheerfully. "Uh...sure. As well as making sure the others don't get suspicious on what's going on and that Lightning is ok. Besides, we sound very similar…" Wendy smirked, putting her hand on her chest. "Good thinking, Wendy. I like it. Let's do that then." "Okay. First, I'm gonna need this." ~Wendy approaches Lightning and glares at her as well as grins. Then she grasped onto Lightning's geode and ripped it straight off her neck. Lightning seemed shocked at first but then glares back and clenched her teeth and began struggling again.~ "Hey! Put that back!" She grunted. "Perfect. Now let's get you some makeup to make you look like Lightning." Devil prompted. "For your information, I don't wear makeup!" Lightning shouted. ~Devil and Wendy tramp off out of the party room, leaving Lightning and the minions to party.~ "So, what do we do?" Minion 1 asked. "I think to continue partying and I guess, keep an eye on the party prisoner…" Minion 3 answered, gesturing at Lightning. "Ooh, there's something that I always wanted to do to Agent Star." ~The second minion goes up to Lightning and fires a party popper in her face, leaving a tiny burn on her face.~ "Ohhhhhh!" The minions cheer and continue to dance. Lightning groaned. "Great, not only am I trapped here, but I'm going to be tortured with measly party tricks...By the way, only Pinkie can do that!" "Hey guys! Who wants to play stick the arrow on Lightning's face?" Minion 3 asked. "I do! I do! Yeah!" "Ah, No!" Lightning began to struggle and strain.