The Twi'lek

by Gallants

Great Start to My Vacation

I stepped into the office on a crisp Friday morning with a single question in mind; just to see a mare giving Fluer some water, "You're here early Fleur," I said taking a seat at the other side of the table and having a swig of coffee, she gave a smile.

"I needed to break in the new aid," I almost choked on the coffee Fleur raised her eyebrow, "surely you have realized you are an assistant now, non?" looking to the side and taking another sip caused Fleur to sigh, "Really? did you think aids took care of schedules Sash?" I let out a snort and a sigh.

"Real shame I've been promoted," I said leaning back and throwing my legs onto the table, "I was thinking about taking some time off and seeing more of Equestria," Fleur started to chuckle bringing a hoof to her mouth.

"Shame really, especially since I don't mind you taking as much time off as you want," she stood up walking around and hugging me, "Have fun on your vacation Sash, see you in due time," giving a quick squeeze back, I got up and headed towards the door, "Your job, however, is not protected," I turned around and gave a quick wave.

Mom was seeing me off, a bag on my back full off clothes and bits, and a ticket to Stalliongrad in my hand. The train ride was worse than the last time probably because I wasn't surrounded by other students, every time a new group got on the train they would sit as far away as possible. A couple of foals around the third day of travel approached me before being quickly whisked up by their mother. I was trying to get some more rest when the train came to a stop.

"Everpony, going to Stalliongrad is going to have to depart here and hike the rest of the way," the conductor said stepping into the cabin standing up and looking around I saw a few other ponies standing up. When we exited the train I noticed how cold it was snow made a thick blanket around us as we approached a group of tents that were set up off the rails. The warmth inside the large tent was welcoming.

"Sorry about pulling you from the warmth of the train," the mare who spoke to us was draped in an officer's uniform a sort of furred pilot's cap on her head, "the tracks at the city are damaged so we were sent out to stop trains from getting to close," she eyed me critically, "we can provide some rations, camping equipment including a communal tent, and a map, "it'll be about a two-day hike to the city."

While we were getting equipment the officer pulled me to the side, "I don't know what you are, but I have a good feeling about you," she said, "I'll be sending a few soldiers with you and your group," her voice was a harsh whisper at this point, "it might have just been poor weather, but we lost a few squads that were heading back to or from Stalliongrad," with that she walked away and pointed a squadron to us.

The hike through the expansive desert of cold was disturbing when I thought on the missing squads, I didn't sleep well that night, something was moving outside but didn't come close enough for me to sense it's true intent, I don't believe it was kind, especially when it scampered off with the first Ray's of light breaching the horizon. When we reached the woods we barely had been walking for ten minutes when I felt something watching us, the soldiers seemed to feel it too.