The Twi'lek

by Gallants

No more spell class?

I looked at my schedule for this year confused, I was missing a period, specifically the Princess' class, I'd ask her about it later. The walk to my first class was daring as always doing my best to dodge the bullies, I didn't make it as usual, "Hey there tailhead," I winced as I heard Flambes' voice to my side, "you know Fleur only keeps you around and as a pr stunt right," I barely held in the chuckle when he said that, "it's what she told me during our date last night," I couldn't hold back anymore I nearly fell over laughing as I labored to my class.

"Good morning class today we will be learning about the inventor of modern levitation, he was not a unicorn but was extremely talented in magical theory," Grain Tome was as happy as ever when talking about history, "Wing Leviosa was a pegasus stallion who was active before Star Swirl really became the well-known mage he was, it is even said that Leviosa and Star Swirl worked together on the levitation spell," I wrote my notes completely fascinated with the concept of a pegasus spell smith, I knew about a few non-unicorn spell casters. A red hoof shot up interrupting the lesson.

"Ms. Tome if Leviosa was a pegasus how did he manage to use magic?" Flambe was as usual not the best at paying attention nor at pronunciation.

"It is pronounced leh-vee-OH-sa, not Leviosah, Flambe and he didn't cast spells he made spells due to his understanding of magical theory," Flambe deflated into his seat a bit, "We have looked at non-unicorn spell weavers before, please do pay attention I'd hate for you to fail the final," I could see the again in her eyes as she turned around and continued the class.

The rest of the day was boring no other class held the same interest as history did, lunch involved me grabbing something to eat and sneaking the best I could to the back so no one would mess with me. Final period came and I made my way to the Princess' classroom, I entered the class and took my normal seat when I heard the Princess, "Sasha what are you doing here?" looking up I saw the rest of the class looking at me along with the Princess, "You've completed my class, you're papers last year were good enough for you to not come back this year," I slowly got back up and slung my bag over my shoulder, "Have a good day Sasha," giving a small bow I left the school and made my way home.

After I finished my homework I climbed the stairs to meditate in my room. Allowing the silence to fill me with peace I reached out with the force to lift several items in my room. Focusing on insuring nothing fell was always taxing, good practice, nothing could beat these moments it always made me feel as if I was back on Coruscant with Master Jungoya standing beside me.

"Hey sweetie I picked up some salmon on my way home dinner will ready in an hour," with a yelp I dropped everything in my grip, "Sorry, didn't know you were meditating," after she closed the door I looked at the shattered jar and marbles strewn across the room.

"Sithspit," I said as before I cleaned up the mess. Dinner however made up for the mess, mom made pasta to go with the salmon I looked forward to the rest of the week I had more time for work too. The next few weeks of school were boring and instead of taking on more work, I decided to take an extra class with Grain Tome they were fun I got to learn about different spell smiths throughout Equestrian history. Work was easy no one else attempted an attack Fleur and now and then police were around the buildings, I imagine that was an effective deterrent. The clothes Fleur ordered for me were nice, A grey pullover shirt, a black polished jacket, and a pair of blue pants I thanked her immensely and made sure to get her some of her favorite chocolates for a few weeks.

Throughout the year I learned more about history than I did any of the other subjects and got to spend more time with Blueblood and Fleur. I missed the classes with the Princess but there was nothing I could do about it. However, I would sometimes go see her after school for a short amount of time to talk about more advanced magic and spellcraft. Graduation day finally came and I watched the ponies approach the stage and accept their diplomata to applause it scared me, I knew I wouldn't receive that applause and mom was busy, I was alone. Taking my final steps to the stage I saw Princess Celestia waiting with my diploma in her aura grasping my hand around it I turned to my left and gave a bow to the crowd, as I dipped forward I saw Fleur in the front clapping her hooves together next to mom still clad in armor a single grateful tear rolled down my face.