//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: My Little Marvel Friendship Is DC // by phantom ghost hunter //------------------------------// We begin with Flash who had become a detective and was investigating a museum robbery the item stolen was a relic from the unnamed spider goddess called the spiders eye, Flash was on there trail and was close to finding them as he looked at his bulletin board when the phone rang he answered and said "hello oh Twilight how's it going?" Twilight then said "well I'm calling to let you know that I can't make it to our date tonight sorry". Flash then said "no its fine I'm close to solving the case anyway". Twilight then said "still looking for that stolen relic?" Flash then said "yes I have a lead on it that I need to get to bye" as they both hung up Flash looked back at his bulletin board and circled a pic of a warehouse. Over with Twilight she sighed and said "if only he knew" as she went to her closet opened it and opened a locked trunk reveling her suit "I'm the masked matter horn". Later on with Flash he was at the warehouse hiding behind some crates when a wealthy man came in and met up with some thugs one of them opened a box reviling what flash was looking for the spiders eye the man then said "yes this will look great in my collection" as he opened his metal briefcase revealing money but then the thug tripped and dropped it and when it hit the floor it broke open and thousands of small spiders came out which bit and killed both the thugs and the rich man. But when one of them bit Flash he fainted and then saw a vision of the unnamed spider goddess who said "do not be afraid young man my venom only kills evil beings for others its something else a curse to fight evil and defend the weak" then she disappeared. Then Flash woke up after he collected himself he looked at his watch and saw he had been out for three hours so he got up and went back to his apartment. The next morning he felt strange he seemed to be stronger he noticed this when he opened his closet and slightly broke it "what the?" but then he remembered the vision he had at the warehouse the unnamed spider goddess cursed him with strange abilities, he then got dressed and left he was off from work today so he decided to just walk around as he was walking then got a strange feeling he could feel things around him like a bee buzzing near a trash can and a Frisbee flying threw the air and then he just shook it off and ran to an ally looked up and then saw a spider web then he put his hand on the wall and found he could climb it with ease then when he got to the top he held out his hand unexpectedly shot a web from it "wow" then his phone rang "Hello Twilight you doing alright?" Twilight then said "yes I am how about you?" Flash then said "ya I'm okay". Twilight then said "well I just called to see how you were doing bye". Then after that call Flash thought about something then said "masked matter horn protects the city but with how villain's are rising she can't do it alone" he then went back to his apartment pulled out a dark trench coat a grey ski mask goggles, a black belt ,pants ,shirt ,gloves ,and boots then got to work modifying them and when he was done he put them on and said "now as spider noir I will protect the city at night" then went out. Then next morning in a small town there was a girl preparing to go to cheerleader camp her name was Sweetie belle and she was a really good cheerleader her motto was I can do anything her sister then came over an said "wow I cant believe my sister is going to cheerleader camp". Sweetie belle then said "I know right isn't this great Rarity?" Rarity then said "yes it is". Then there was a horn and Sweetie belle said "oh there's the bus bye Rarity I'll see you in July". Rarity then said "bye Sweetie belle". After Sweetie belle was on the bus rarity looked at her ring and said "I wish I could tell her the truth I'm Radiance". Two weeks later Sweetie belle was waking up at camp then got some hot tea then there was a loud noise she went to see someone hammering a sign that said camp closed she asked what was going on and the guy said "it seems that the lake is polluted with runoff from the science camp". Sweetie belle then said "oh I guess I'll have to go home then" what she didn't notice was a drop of the chemicals that polluted the lake had somehow gotten into a tree that then dripped into her tea right before she drank it she went back to pack her things then later got on the bus to go home with everyone else. Back in the city Masked matter horn was heading to stop a robbery but when she got there she found the robbers were trapped in some kind of spider web she the saw a note that read your welcome from Spider noir. She then flew to the top of a building and said "who is Spider noir?" Then a voice behind her said "that would me" She turned around and saw nothing then he appeared and said "oh sorry still getting use to these powers". Masked matter horn then said "so your Spider noir". Spider noir then said "yes". Masked matter horn then said "so what's your deal?" Then Spider noir said "I defend the city at night". Then Masked matter horn said "well then I guess I'll do it during the day". Later back in the small town Sweetie belle had gotten back home and rarity said "Sweetie belle are you alright I heard what happened at camp". Sweetie belle then said "I'm fine" she then took her bag upstairs and then went out back then felt a pain in her throat then let out a scream that took out the fence and woods behind there house "what the". Then rarity came out and said "sweetie belle what happened?" Sweetie belle then said "I don't know I just felt a pain in my throat then I screamed and took out everything". Rarity then said "wait a minute Sweetie belle I think you've gained a super power". Sweetie belle then said "what?" Rarity then said "you can be like Radiance". Sweetie belle then said "well I don't know". Then Rarity said "Sweetie belle come inside there's something I would like to show you". They got to Rarities room then Rarity held up her hand and transformed Sweetie then said "what your Radiance". Rarity then said "yes I am Sweetie belle you can be a hero like me". Sweetie then thought for a minute then said "call me Canary". Rarity then said "alright lets make you a suit" Rarity then made a black suit with purple details and purple mask. Then Sweetie belle tried it on and it fit perfectly. (To be continued)