Changeling Times

by Midnight Might

Leaving the Hive

A few minutes later in the strategy room

"So they need one hundred workers, and any available soldiers," Thorax asked, looking towards Mandible for confirmation.

"That is correct, and with your permission I would like to accompany them. This Crystal Heart of theirs sounds like nothing I have ever heard of. Trading might not be possible without using changelings to transport it."

"Hmm... I see no problem with that," was Thorax's response. "Barb would the infiltrators be able to work as soldiers?"

"Yes. Infiltrators aren't as physically strong as our warriors, but they are more magically adept."

"Alright," Thorax said. Turning towards Mandible and straightening his neck before continuing in a more formal voice. "Mandible your mission will be to aid the Crystal Empire's rulers however you can. To do this you will be in command of forty warriors, forty infiltrators, twenty-five builder drones, and seventy-five worker drones. When your services are not needed you may study the Crystal Heart." As he spoke a faint purple mist extended from his middle horn. Stretching forward and connecting to Mandibles forehead where his horn would be.

As the mist reached Mandible Thorax's words could be heard not only by his ears, but also within his mind. At the same time he could feel his senses being expanded. He could sense the Changelings he had been put in charge of. He could sense where they were, how healthy they were, and a little bit of what they currently saw. If he focused his senses on one of them he could see through their eyes. Additionally Mandible grew several centimetres and gained muscle mass.

"Yesss my lord," Mandible said, his words slurring as he knelt. Mandible felt... confused. Confused but strong. Shaking his head and focusing on his own senses he looked forward towards his lord. No, not lord, he preferred to be called Thorax. His troubled thoughts were interrupted by a worried voice.

"Mandible! Mandible! Can you hear me?" With a final shake of his head Mandible felt himself again.

"Of course Thorax. Thank you for your trust, I will carry out this mission without fail. I was merely temporarily overwhelmed." With a confidant look on his face the new swarm leader, Mandible, looked towards Thorax. "With your permission I would like to go gather the troops and prepare supplies for the journey. We will need enough crystals for a week and bits for train tickets." Thorax's eyes unfocused for a moment before he spoke.

"Alright, the treasury guards and hive heart guards have been alerted. And you're sure you're okay," he asked a second time with a worried look.

"Thank you Thorax, and yes I am quite well," Mandible said as he left the room. Once he had left Thorax turned towards Barb.

"What was that?" Though her face remained neutral Thorax could swear she was holding back a smile.

"That was a promotion. By giving him control of other changelings his body was changed to better help him do his duty. You would have felt something similar, but far grander, when you ascended to King of the hive," Barb explained. Thorax nodded his head in understanding before speaking again.

"So, with forty warriors traveling to the Crystal Empire we can still use the original plan you came up with right?"

"Yes. We will also still have close to two hundred and fifty builder drones, and close to five hundred worker drones," responded Barb.

"Alright then. Could you inform the forty remaining warrior drones of their new assignment. After that you can take the day off," Thorax said, dismissing Barb with a kind smile before returning his gaze to the map on the table.

"I hope this works out. If not the elitists could use this as an excuse to do something bad."

The next morning outside of the Badlands Hive

The sky was a dull blue without a sky in the cloud. The Changelings had gathered on the north side of the hive. Just as barren as the rest of the badlands, with little standing out. Several small dead plants and rocks dotting the ground. The only thing that stood out was a large rock that a single changeling larger than the rest was standing on.

Mandible was going over his list. They had twenty-five percent more bits than they needed based off of train ticket costs prior to the Swarms reformation. They had double the amount of crystallized emotion needed for the journey to the Crystal Empire, and the trip back. All one hundred and eighty changelings had assembled in front of the hive. He could sense all of them, and knew that the right ones were here. So why did something feel wrong? Like there was more than there should be. He wasn't ready to forget the feeling, but they were on a schedule, so he ignored it for now. Putting his notepad in his saddlebag Mandible turned towards the assembled changelings.

"Changelings of the Crystal Expedition," He shouted, sending his words through the mental link as well. Once all eyes were on him he continued. "We will fly to Dodge City, and then by train to the Crystal Empire. Our goal is to assist the Crystal Empire in securing its borders, and repairing damaged buildings. During this time we will feed from an artifact that the Crystal Ponies have. Under no circumstances should you feed from anypony there."

As Mandible spoke he looked through the mental link, letting his presence be known to each changeling one at a time. This was a vital mission that could not afford to be ruined by a brash decision.

"Until we reach the Crystal Empire borders we will be traveling as pegasi of the Odin Mercenary Company. Once we arrive, try to avoid changing forms too many times. This mission can double as a debut for the changelings as much as a trade deal," After finishing his speech Mandible transformed into a dark blue pegasus with a scar over his lips on the left side, and a burn mark adorning his forehead. His mane and tail were a light blue.

"Now, move out," He shouted with a voice deeper than his old one.

As the swarm of changelings left the hive a cloud of dust was made obscuring the ground. As the dust settled the land in front of the hive was just as it had been yesterday. No bushes, dead or alive, and no rocks larger than a fist.