//------------------------------// // That's life // Story: The Twi'lek // by Gallants //------------------------------// "The fight between the mages in the badlands used a lot of dark magic and corrupted a small area of the caves, the fear spell that was present was extremely powerful but was also extremely fragile, so when you defeated the manifestation of Anakin you purified the area of dark magic," a whole year passed since the Princess told me that and Blueblood and I became close friends he would ask me to hang out, we went to the arcade, one of the few things I used my allowance on, and his mom hated me. She would go on about how a beast like me had no business in her home much less Canterlot she got on my nerves at first until I saw Blueblood mocking her from behind, it was difficult to keep a straight face but I managed. "Sasha, come downstairs I have some stuff for you to read," sighing I got up and let Blueblood know I'd be back soon. When I reached the base of the stairs mom had some newspaper clippings in her mouth, taking them I saw they were help wanted ads. I looked them over with disinterest before selecting an aid position for an upcoming model. Running back upstairs I was disappointed to find Blueblood tried to cheat, I hate monopoly. Walking through the wealthier districts this late in the day I had a distinct feeling I wasn't welcome, the place I was going to was one of the few businesses in this area, starlight designs. The moment I stepped through the door I knew I wasn't getting hired there were unicorns holding towers of resumes; I had the charm that didn't exist. I sat in the back after checking in, mares and stallions went into the back just to come out in tears, I was called up taking a deep breath I walked through the door. A young white mare sat behind the desk she seemed frazzled, bloodshot eyes looked up at me and with a shaky voice asked, "If I told you to hit a pony would you do it?" I was taken aback. "No, why would you even ask that?" she let out a sigh of relief. "You're hired, all of those ponies just wanted to please me, you however not only denied but questioned me," her accent was like that of most Twi'leks I had heard, "I'm Fleur de Lis, and you are?" Her voice had stopped wavering when she asked with her hoof outstretched, gripping it and giving a firm shake I told her. "Sahsa Lessa at your service," a smile crossed both of our faces. The next day after school is when orientation began, the job was going to be simple enough I would pretty much only be grabbing what Fluer needed before and after photoshoots. That Saturday however I needed to be on my A-game she said it was her first photoshoot and my chance to not mess up. The day was easily done, I got her water and even went above by giving her a massage at the end of the day, she appreciated that. The next few months were a struggle, between school, work, and hanging with Blueblood I was even given the responsibility of helping Fleur with her schedule. I was bringing Fleur some water during an interview when I heard it, "So Fluer how does it feel to be the youngest model of this caliber at fifteen years of age?" she was only two years older than me. "Flatteur really I never thought that just earlier this year I would fall down a hill into a photoshoot and land a job," when she looked to her right her horn ignited taking the glass from my stunned grip, "Thank you, Sasha," the interview continued on with a similar line of questions and gradually moved to more personal questions, like if she's dating. "and really what all of Canterlot wants to know is why did you choose that creature as your aid instead of one of the many unicorns or other Equestrians that applied for the position?" Fleurs' eyes narrowed and she waved me over. "I hired Sasha because she is a talented beautiful young lady and this interview is over," the mare interviewing her nodded and slowly packed up her things when she left Fleur looked at me, "What else is on my schedule for the day Sash?" "The interview was your last appointment," She smiled and sighed before going over to her vanity to remove the little makeup she had on. "Wonderful, I was wondering if you and your mom would like to come to dinner tonight, around six maybe? At my place, 62 moonlight avenue," taking another sip of her water, she turned around, "Well run along and ask your mom," giving her a nod I turned and ran out of the office. The run home was freeing, I cut through alleys and over small walls even ran atop a few low roofs. Mom didn't come home till about five I jumped from my seat at the dining room table and leaving what little homework I had behind I went to greet her, "Hey mom, my boss was wondering if we'd join her for dinner tonight in about an hour?" she quickly undid the straps on her armor, tossing it onto the stand. "I'm going to take a quick shower and get a dress on, please wear your dress, dear!" she shouted while running upstairs. Smiling I walked upstairs to get changed. Removing the vest, white shirt, and slacks I've been wearing since I started growing. Looking through my dresser, I picked out the dress mom insisted I get for formal events. Slipping it on I noticed it was a little shorter than when I got it, wrapping the 'classy' holster around my thigh I attached my saber, I hated it, I left my room looking at just how much it changed since I arrived, pictures of me, mom, and Blueblood hung from the wall, games stacked neatly in a corner, and a desk covered in graded school papers and schedules from Fleur. I thought I'd need to wait for mom, I was wrong mom was already heading down the hall struggling to attach a pair of clip-on earrings, "Come on Sasha, let's go to wherever we're heading," following as fast as I could in the heels I was wearing we were out the door in short order, I locked it and rushed after her "Mom she lives on moonlight avenue and please slow down these are hard to walk in," she slowed down to a trot and cast an apologetic look back at me. The walk was much better afterward, we were going to be late though, it was six when we reached the avenue, looking at each house as we made our way down we nearly missed it the house was small, a single story and looked to have just enough space for a room, kitchen, and maybe a small dining area. Stepping up I knocked on the door positive I just heard her address wrong. "Merveilleuse, Sahsa I was worried you two weren't coming, I just finished putting desert together, please make yourselves comfortable," Fleur said waving to a small table, taking a seat I looked around and smelled the fried hay. Fleur exited what I assumed was her kitchen a tray carried in her mana grip and she placed it on the table, "I am so honored to finally meet you, ma'am Sasha doesn't really talk about her personal life at work, so I wasn't expecting a bat pony mais an unexpected mother for my unexpected assistant seems appropriƩ," Fleur finished her statement with a smile as she began to pass out the food.