//------------------------------// // School // Story: The Twi'lek // by Gallants //------------------------------// Two days after the incident and it was the first day of school, Cereus was fussing over every little thing on me, my robes had to be perfectly straight, and the makeshift bag I had needed to be adjusted perfectly. "Ma'am, it's four in the morning and your shift starts in an hour," Cereus froze and her wings flared. "Let's get going then, I'll see if I can get off for a while to walk you to school," I let her rant continue as we walked through the empty city streets towards the palace, her gold armor reflecting the street lamps lights and the dawn light cresting over the city walls, the only sound was the clanking of her helmet against the rest of her armor. "I'll be getting an extended lunch to pick you up, when we get home I'll prepare something and you'll get your homework done and stay either inside or in the yard," her tone changed, "no exploring the city, we'll have plenty of time to do that Saturday," we had finally reached the palace when she said that. "Yes ma'am I understand," we entered the walls Cereus placed her helmet on her head and flicked down the tinted visor. She gave a sharp salute to Seargent Shield before she was given her orders, turns out after the explosion the royal guard was asked to supplement the local enforcement group to keep the peace. Cereus was posted at the school she practically skipped to her post. In no time at all I was there, my first day of school I couldn't wait to have to do math again in two hours when the school opened. "Good morning class I'm your teacher for magic history, Ms. Grain Tome," the mare said with a little too much enthusiasm, a bushy brown mane mixed with a high Coruscant accent was what made her unique among the other teachers, "Now we're going to go through the class and have introductions when I say your name come to the front of the class and introduce yourself," she looked down at a list held in her magic, "Blueblood," a white colt with a slicked blond mane walked to the teacher's desk his head held high and a lack of interest plastered his features. A quick sigh and he spoke. "I am Prince Blueblood, my aunt is Princess Celestia and I have full intention of out showing all of you," cocky and pompous, he was going to be fun. A few students tried to ask questions to Blueblood and he shot them down and went back to his desk. The rest of the introductions went with no one else was quite as rude as Blueblood. Eventually, I was called up. "Hi, my name is Sasha, and I'm excited to learn with all of you" the questions came quicker than the rest. "What are you?" One filly asked while another youngling hidden by the mass asked what kind of freak I was. "I'm a Twi'lek, and we come in many colors too," the others were just as easy to answer. "It's a symbol of peace and balance," I was a bit nervous before, "Oh they're called lekku," then Blueblood asked a question. "Surely a beast like you can't use magic and you aren't even a unicorn why are you even here?" Ms. Tome seemed upset but didn't do anything when she heard my answer. "Well the Princess requested I come to this school," a slight blush crept across his muzzle and he crossed his forelegs, he was flustered good. The class was interesting and short interesting in that it took a minimum of 10 unicorns to stabilize the sun orbits for only three hours, short that the class only lasted half an hour. My next class was math and not the simple stuff either it was full algebra, I thought I had an edge with the star travel, but that was more trig than algebra the younglings in my class did better, I got a C. Lunch was a different story in all of Cereus' fussing she didn't think to make a lunch, I got in the line and got a fruit bowl, I only got two bites in when a colt knocked it off the table with their magic. I let out a sigh before standing up to clean up the mess. "It really is a beast going to eat the food off the floor," high Coruscant accent not Blueblood's though, turning around I saw a red colt a mocking smile sprawled across his face, "or are you cleaning it up like the help?" I did my best to ignore him but he kept stepping in front of me, "What too much of a coward to defend yourself, fitting for an abomination like you," I reached with the force gripping his rear leg and pulled he fell to the ground. "You really should watch where you're going, you could fall and hurt yourself," I told him before I threw away my fruit, such a waste, he got up and ran off, I meditated for the rest of lunch that is until the colt came back with a teacher. "That's the one that attacked me, Mrs. Feather," the teacher looked at me. "Is this true?" she already had her mind made, trust her own people I understand. "I didn't attack him, I tripped him when he wouldn't leave me alone or stop insulting me so I could throw away my food that he knocked off the table," she snorted and rolled her eyes. "Classroom 36-b after school ends, now run along to your next class," I took a deep breath as I left the cafeteria. The next class was Equestrian literature, we were given books to read and write a report on two hours of reading, Equestria an abridged history. My last class, I was looking forward to, spell casting basics a class the Princess taught. That's when I learned that magic required a focus, and that spell casting required equations to be memorized along with an incantation. We spent the first hour going over the light spell we were going to cast, then the next hour were ponies practicing. "Sasha you're next," I gulped walked to the front of the class, and attempted to cast the spell, I brought forth the equation and said the incantation, a few seconds later I opened my eyes to the laughing faces of the class, "Sasha, you seemed to be adept with magic what's wrong today?" I looked at the Princess, Shame welled up inside. "I don't use magic, I use the force there's a difference," she wanted to say something I once again wouldn't let her speak, "the force doesn't use equations and incantations, it uses focus and serenity," she smiled and nodded picked up some papers and distributed them to the class. "Class dismissed I expect to have your homework turned in Wednesday as soon as you step into class," I sighed and began to make my out, "Sasha I'd like you to stay for a little," her voice was gentle as always I turned around and stood infront of her desk, "Sasha, I believe you in that you don't use magic, however, there have been non-unicorns who have been capable of spell weaving, rare but they existed," she took a sip of tea, "If you can find a focus you should be able to focus surrounding mana," she took a deep breath, "I know I didn't talk about this during class but that's because the rest of the students already know, unicorns and alicorns can hold a reservoir of mana, which is the reason most ponies can't cast spells without the reservoir they have to force mana from around them into a focus, it's not easy and can have catastrophic results," Mrs. Feather cleared her throat after the Princess finished her lesson. "Princess forgive my intrusion, but I need to take Sasha to my class for detention," the Princess looked at me then nodded to the mare. Mrs. Feathers' classroom was bare there was nothing on the walls, not even a carpet and that red bone-headed nerf herder didn't get detention. One hour of sitting in a room doing math, then Cereus walked in she looked miffed, "Detention is over; Ms. Cereus I expect you to discipline your daughter, so she doesn't attack students for no good reason," switching her focus to the teacher she simply stated. "I will Mrs. Feather don't you worry," she then looked back at me, "and don't you open your mouth until we get home and have a nice long talk about this," I kept my head down as Cereus marched me back to her house. When we got back she had me sit on the couch, "What were you thinking attacking another student on your first day?" "I didn't attack him I tripped him after he provoked me, he knocked my food off of the table and then he insulted and blocked my path when I was trying to throw away the trash, I told Mrs. Feather and she didn't seem to care!" Cereus was still angry, I could sense it was towards someone else. "That little snot lied and the teacher didn't even care," she wasn't happy at all, she stamped her hoof on the floor, "I'll have a talk with Mrs. Feather in the morning as for you," one of wing extended to point at me, "you're still grounded, from something I'll figure out later," grounded I was which just meant no exploring the city that weekend. After a few months of school, foal protection services visited to interview me and Cereus. They wanted to take me to a different family so I'd have a better home life, I declined and begged to be left with her. Cereus was ecstatic when it was determined I was staying with her, she filled out the necessary adoption papers, and then it was official I was the daughter of a bat pony, with the papers signed she became even more attached to me hugging me whenever she had the chance and telling me how proud she was and that she loved me; it felt nice. I was still bullied for the rest of the school year I avoided confrontation as much as I could but sometimes they would catch me outside of school just to tease me never anything physical. As much as their words hurt I knew retaliating again would pull me towards the dark side. The next year started with The Princess handing out permission slips to visit some caves near the badlands. Cereus was more than happy to sign the slip saying it would be a good chance for me to explore outside of the city. The day came and my fellow students and I climbed onto the train Princess Celestia herself was overviewing the field trip Cereus was watching over my section of the class with a few chaperones. "Maybe we'll see your real family of freaks while we're there so you can live with them instead of sullying Canterlot," my red bully said sitting next to me, I never learned his name and I wasn't going to today. I stood up and walked over to Cereus, I stayed with her for the rest of the train ride.