//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Evil Arising // Story: The Pony Guard // by TheClownPrinceofCrime //------------------------------// IN THE OUTLANDS “Ono, see if you can spot any sign of the hyenas anywhere in the Outlands,” ordered Kion. “Affirmative!” Ono replied. He flew up in the sky and kept his keen sight on the ground to see if Janja and his clan were around. Then he spotted two hyenas outside the volcano who were apparently on the lookout. Then he flew down to report to Kion. “I just spotted two hyenas on the lookout outside the volcano! I think that’s where they are!” Ono said. “They might be holding Kiara hostage in there! We got to rescue her!” Fuli added. “Right! Come on, let’s take out Janja and save her! Follow me!” Kion commanded. As the Lion Guard ran across the Outlands and finally reached the Volcano, they quietly hid behind the boulders to avoid discovery from the hyena guards. Kion peeked on the left side of the boulder to see Janja coming outside to speak with his lackeys. “We know they’re coming, so if you two see them, give the signal. Then we’ll do the rest. Got it?” Janja whispered. The two lackeys nodded their heads and resumed their work. After Janja left, Kion looked back to face his team. “Okay, it will be just two of them before we face the rest of the hyenas. Bunga and I will take care of those two, Ono will find Kiara and lead her to safety, and Fuli and Beshte will fight the rest of them. Is that all clear?” Kion planned while whispering. “Got it!” they whispered back. As they themselves were in position, the hyenas got a little impatient. “(Groan) Come on, they should be here by now! It shouldn’t take the Lion Guard all day to come down here to rescue their precious princess,” murmured one of them. “Yeah, and I’m even getting hungry by the moment! Maybe we should just—OWWW!!” the other yelled as the honey badger rolled against him. “Here they come, Janja!” the first uttered seconds before Kion knocked him out. “Ono, now!” Kion ordered. “Affirmative!” Ono responded before he flew up to the volcano. The others regrouped with Kion to fight Janja and his other hyenas. “There they are, boys! Let’s get ‘em!” Janja said. Cheezi and Chungu followed while wildly cackling. Fuli and Beshte went up against the three of them; Beshte slammed against Janja while Fuli swiftly kicked Cheezi and Chungu against the rocks. As Janja was getting back up, Kion angrily growled at him in battle stance. Janja did likewise while glaring at him. “Where is my sister, Janja?! What did you do to her?!” “Hahahahaha!! Oh, we did nothing to her yet, Kion! I’m sure your bird friend will figure that out.” Janja evilly smirked. As Ono got inside the volcano, he looked left and right to see where Kiara might be. To his confusion, she was nowhere to be found. “That’s strange. I thought she would be in here somewhere. I have to look around more.” He flew in and outside the volcano, but she still was nowhere in sight. Then Ono started to feel even more worried. Kion and Janja continued fighting until Kion gained the upper hand (or paw) and defeated him. Seeing his other hyenas defeated as well, they quickly rejoined together and ran off to the lava pit. “Don’t let them get away! We have to find Kiara!” said Kion. “These guys are going nowhere! We got this!” Bunga boasted. They chased the hyenas until they were all inside the volcano and right near the lava pit. “I’m giving you one last chance, Janja. Tell me where Kiara is... now!” Kion demanded, glaring at him. The hyenas laughed in amusement. “Sorry, Kion, but I don’t have the answer. Do you boys know it?” Janja asked his lackeys. “Hahaha, nope! Don’t know a thing!” Chungu crazily chuckled. “(Cackles) Uh... yes! I know it!” Cheezi replied. Janja smacked him on the head in annoyance. “I mean, no! Nope, I don’t! Hehehehehe...” Cheezi corrected himself. “Kion! I have bad news! Kiara is not in here! She’s nowhere around here!” Ono reported, flying back inside. The Lion Guard gasped as they heard the report. “What? But I thought the hyenas took her in here. Janja, where exactly did you take her?!” Kion again demanded. Ushari suddenly appeared behind the heroes while evilly hissing. “Don’t ask the hyenas. Ask him yourselvessss...” “Uh, ‘him’? Who’s him?” Fuli asked. As if on cue, the lava bubbled and burst with the flames roaring. In the midst of the flames, Scar appeared before them all. “I AM HE!! HAHAHAHAHA!!” The Lion Guard gasped in complete shock as they, especially Kion, beheld with their own eyes the most infamous and dangerous villain the Pride Lands ever faced. Kion stood in shock as he stared at him. “No, no, Scar! It can’t be! HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?! My father defeated you years ago!” Kion shouted in fear. “Un-Bunga-lievable!” Bunga uttered. “HA! You never thought you would see me face to face, did you Kion?” Scar taunted. “You thought your father Simba defeated me for good. Well, your days of peace and prosperity are come to an end. And now, the entire kingdom of the Pride Lands will be mine to control!” “Never! My father defeated you before, and he will do so again!” Kion defied. “Oh, I don’t think so,” Scar smirked. He again opened the fiery portal to suck them all in. The Lion Guard tried to hold on to the ground as they were being drawn into the portal. “I can’t fly away from this thing! HELP!!” Ono cried as he was sucked in there. “What is this thing?! It’s pulling us from the ground! AHHH!!” Beshte yelled, sucked into the portal as well. “You can’t beat us, Scar! You can’t beat us—yahhhh!!” Bunga shouted as he was also absorbed. “Kion, hold on!” Fuli shouted. She tried to grab Kion’s tail, but the gravitational pull immediately sucked them inside the portal. Then it closed completely. Scar and his lackeys laughed in unison as they accomplished the second part of the plan. “We did it, Scar! We finally got rid of the Lion Guard!” Cheezi happily squealed. “Yeah! We won’t have to worry about them anymore!” Chungu added. “Yes, indeed, my little friends. With them out of the way, there will be no one to stand in my way—our way! Simba and his worthless subjects will be destroyed, and I will rule once again as the rightful overlord of the Pride Lands.” Scar wickedly smiled. “Excellent strategy, Scar,” smiled Ushari. “But if I may ask, what are we supposed to do now that the Lion Guard will no longer be able to defend the Pride Lands?” “I’m glad you asked, Ushari,” said Scar. “Your objective is to lead our army to Pride Rock and tell Simba and his followers to surrender the throne. You will tell him that Kion and his friends are gone along with his precious daughter... Kiara. (Chuckles evilly) There, Simba will have no choice but to surrender the kingdom. Then... he will be mine!” “Brilliant idea, Scar!” Ushari commended. The hyenas laughed in triumph as they listened. “But first,” Scar continued. His henchmen were silenced once they heard him speak again. “I would like to introduce you to a good friend of mine who will ensure victory on our side.” Suddenly, a dark cloud appeared above the volcano. It descended on them and formed into a large pillar with green eyes, purple flames surrounding them, and a large red horn on top. Then a grey stallion head appeared on top of the shadowy pillar as he sinisterly laughed to the terror of Ushari and the hyenas. “Say hello to your new ally... SOMBRA!” Scar introduced.