A Rifting Rebirth

by Undead Night Fury

NightTalon - Applebuck Season Part 1(OLD)

After my interrogation by Twilight a few days ago, I was back at Fluttershy’s cottage once again. Resting on my side while she removed my bandages, my wounds had finally healed enough to no longer need them. I was expecting for Pinkie to throw a welcome party for me any day now that Twilight had cleared me of being a threat, so long as I had at least one royal guard with me.

While I was allowed to continue my hunting of non-sentient animals, I was also allowed to request fish if I couldn’t catch anything as a compromise. I had put my paws down for them to allow me to continue hunting to satisfy my primal instincts.

Also, in my spare time, I had started volunteering my time to help ponies out to get them used to seeing me. Today, I was on my way to help Twilight with answering some more questions about me and what I am. Walking past the town hall, I heard a low rumble sound from behind me; turning to look back at the path I just came from, I saw a cloud rapidly approaching the town, and my heart dropped.

“STAMPEED!” Rainbow Dash shouted in alarm, flying slightly above where I was.

What happened next was predictable for a prey species: the ponies panicked, retreating into the various buildings. Through all of the panic, I saw that, as usual, Pinkie Pie was being, well, Pinkie; ignoring the possible danger to her life. Running through the ponies, I grabbed Pinkie and limped off to the side, to safety. As the stamped got closer I saw it was cows.

“Look!” Rainbow Dash pointed, catching the attention of everyone; looking back towards where Rainbow Dash had pointed, I saw Applejack galloping with the stampeding cows, corralling them away from Ponyville.

Applejack, having stopped the cows‘ stampede, let Pinkie Pie go, and she trotted off to the others. It took a few minutes to calm everyone down and for the ponies to come out. I looked around, making sure everything was alright before I continued to the library to wait for twilight.

Making myself comfy in the same corner as last time, I waited until Twilight came home, watching Spike do various chores. A few hours later, Twilight entered into the library.

“So, are we going to continue with your questions today, Twilight?” I asked, causing her to jump and let out a scream.

“EEP! TALON?! Don’t do that!” Twilight shouted while I chuckled softly at having scared her twice in a row.

“Well, are we, Twilight?” I asked again.

“Yes, we are…” she replied

She walked to the table and sat down. While she was checking her notes, I got up and walked over to sit down on the other side of the table.

“So last time you explained that you are a carnivore and don’t really have a government.” She reviewed

“Yes…” I replied

“Ok, so let’s get started Talon. What about schooling? I know you can read and write, but what about other things?” Twilight asked looking at me expectantly.

“Uh… I was taught by my pack how to hunt and how to find water and shelter. They also taught me some of my pack’s history and its, for lack of a better word, politics.” I explained calmly, examining my right paw while I waited for a few minutes as she wrote that down.

“Ok, so what about your… pack, was it?” Twilight asked.

“My pack? Hmm… I haven’t thought much about them since I left it to make my way on my own.” It hurt to lie about having a pack, but I knew Twilight wouldn't believe me if I told her the truth. “Well, my parents were both Indoraptors like me, and my grandparents were a velociraptor and an Indominus Rex.” I replied after thinking for a moment. She wrote that down excitedly.

“What is a velociraptor?” she asked

“Uh… Velociraptors are a specie of biped reptilians, they have 3 fingers and lack the thumb I have, their forelegs are short, but their strong legs make up for it with speed.” I explained as she wrote it all down.

“Hmm… what about the… Indominus Rex, was it?” she asked

“Yes, that’s it… that’s a bit more complicated, the Indominus Rex or I-Rex for short is a hybrid like me just with different aspects, the I-Rex has more Tyrannosaurus Rex or T-Rex then it does Velociraptor… it is a very big carnivorous biped reptilian with the ability to camouflage like me. And before you ask about the T-Rex they are about the same size of the I-Rex, maybe 3 times my size with really short arms.” I explained to her while she wrote it all down.

“Hmm… we only have enough time for one more question… have you made any friends since you left your pack?” Twilight asked.

“Err… not really, the closest I have come is with you and Fluttershy.” I explained, feeling down. At that, she looked up from writing down my answer, seeing my sad expression.

“Hey now, it’s ok… you’ll make some new friends Talon, I know that Fluttershy already considers you a friend.” Twilight said softly, I just sighed, nodded, and got up to leave.

“Thanks… Goodbye, Twilight. I’m going to head home, I have been itchy lately to hunt, so I think I will be gone for the next few days.” I explained as I got up to leave. Twilight turned a little green at that but said nothing as I left the library.

Walking through the town, I saw that I wasn’t getting as many hostile looks as I was a few days ago. That brought a small smile to my muzzle, causing a few ponies to recoil at the sight of my sharp teeth. Leaving the town, I started to make the journey to Fluttershy’s cottage to let her know I was going to be in the Everfree for the next few days hunting.

Suddenly, I heard a rustle and a light “thump” behind me. I jumped a little bit before turning around and coming face to face with... A giant eagle that was as big as me.

“Finally! I was wondering when you’d be alone!” The eagle talked, to my surprise.

“You can speak?! Who are you? Wha… What are you? Why do you want me alone?” I exclaimed in surprise.

“Let's just make sure first. Can you confirm you died, and you touched a blinking light in that void between worlds?”

“H… how did you know?” I asked shakenly.

“Because that was the same for me... A long time ago, I admit, but I went through the same thing as you.”

“Y… Yes, I d-died, I found myself in a place with nothing but a light, I touched it, and then I woke to find myself like this.” I explained.

“Let me say something immediately then. You’re not alone. Not at all, you’re now part of a group called the Plainswalkers. Our role is to guard the Multiverse, because, yes, it’s not limited to Earth and Equestria; the Multiverse is real, and all works of fiction you may have read or watched were, in fact, real.”

“I knew it was real!” I exclaimed excitedly.

“However, we’re not here just to mingle with the inhabitants of our inhabited realms, as we call each universe. I said that we’re Guardians of the Multiverse, but you may be wondering ‘What are we guarding it against?’ The answer is short: Shadows. They’re not your literal shadows created by light, mind you, but powerful beings that have a single goal; to destabilize realms and assimilate them into their own realm without caring for the lives of their inhabitants. Our presence makes them unable to destabilize the realms, but I must impress on you that you do not try to fight one alone - you WILL lose. Shadows are really powerful, and we need to bring an army just to kill one. Do you understand?” He said with a glare that did not leave place to question.

“Uh… yes? These shadows, could they have been what made Nightmare Moon try to kill us?” I asked.

“You mean there has already been a canon divergence? You’re sure you haven’t interfered before?” He seemed alarmed by now.

“No, the first time I ever directly interacted with any of the main cast was after the manticore tried to kill Fluttershy. Well, outside of being occasionally spotted by a few ponies in the Everfree.” I explained.

“That wouldn’t have been enough for such a major canon divergence indeed…” He scratched his beak with his claw in thought. “The fiction works you watch or read are what happen, should no Plainswalker or Shadow intervention occur, so if you’ve not interfered, and as you’re the first Plainswalker in this realm… That means a Shadow has already entered this realm… I'll finish the introductions, then I’ll have to report back to my fellow Elders.” He took a breath, then resumed. “Where was I before I got interrupted? Ah, yes. We travel between the realms using what we call the Rift, which is a network that links them. And to travel the Rift, you need a Key. That should have been next to you when you woke up here.”

“Uh… is it a golden key with a sun and moon on one side and some kind of floating island on the other?” I asked.

“Yep, the floating island represents the realm where every Plainswalker gathers together, and the other side represents the realm you got dropped in. You have it on you?”

“Where would I put it? It’s at Fluttershys cottage, I moved it there after I recovered enough from my injuries to go and get it.” I replied.

“Hmmm, can you go there, grab it and say that you’re gone for the day? We’ll be gone for a long time, after all.”

“Sure! I already got an alibi anyway; I was planning on going hunting… my predatory instincts have been giving me urges lately…” I explained as I turned to leave and continue on the path to Fluttershys cottage.

“We’ll probably work on that. If the worst comes to worst, we have hunting grounds on Locostral, our home. That should allow you to quench those urges without putting your realmmates in danger. I’ll wait here for you. Go grab your key, I need to teach you how to use it.”

“Err… I’ve been hunting the non-sentient animals here for the past month or so… did I do something wrong there?” I asked turning back to look at the eagle.

“Not really, you can keep doing that. I was just giving you the option to hunt without risking having your realmmates stumble upon a lot of blood and gore. Go, I’ll wait for you.”

“Oh, ok. Well, we kinda have reached a compromise on that issue, allowing me to continue hunting while they would provide a meal if I couldn’t catch a non-sentient animal.” I explained as I turned to leave again and started back down on the path.

Hurrying down the path, I opened the door and entered into Fluttershy’s cottage, looking around I saw that she wasn’t home. Walking over into my little corner where I stashed the key, I grabbed it and left the cottage, making my way back to the giant eagle.

“Here it is. This is what you were talking about, right?” I asked, holding up the golden key.

“Exactly. Before I train you to open a Rift portal though, I’ve got to bond the key to you. It’s a security measure we put in place after a Plainswalker went rogue and stole a bunch of keys and destabilized dozens of realms.” He grabbed the key from my claws with hers, reversed her grip, then stabbed me with the pointy bits.

I yelped as the eagle stabbed me with the key, I was about to yell at him when I collapsed to the ground in agony. My blood felt like it was cooking my body. After a few seconds, the pain started to subside, leaving me gasping for air on the ground.

“That’s… the second time in the past week I’ve been stabbed by something…” I said panting.

“Sorry. I didn’t want to warn you, we think that it’s less painful when you’re taken by surprise… No love lost.”

“Well then… what now?” I asked while flexing my injured foreleg as it healed the wound.

“By the way, I just realised I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Aegis. And now, it’s the moment where I go full Yoda to you and ask you to open yourself to the Force.”

“… What?” I asked tilting my head to the side in confusion.

“Sorry, couldn’t stop myself; In reality, you should meditate and try to sense the Rift energy surrounding us. It’s always there, and you’ll always be able to access it. You’ll quickly recognise it, it’s quite wild.”

“Ok. Should we move to somewhere more… private? This path does get used by some ponies and cows, after all…” I asked.

“Good idea. The portal will be quite noticeable, and you would get a lot of questions about me, so let’s head into the forest.”

“Uh… that’s not a very good idea… there are quite a few creatures there that I wouldn’t want to mess with…” I explained to the giant eagle.

“Eh, don’t worry, they wouldn’t stand a chance against me.”

“Ok then…” I replied as I started to walk down the path to the entrance to the Everfree. We arrived at the forest after about 10 minutes of walking.

Entering the forest, I sat down and started meditating, looking for this ‘Rift Energy’ that Aegis told me about. After about 20 minutes, I finally felt something coiling around my heart, mentally reaching, I grabbed a hold of it, occasionally causing some kind of orange energy to make small sparks around the area.

“Uh… did I do it?” I asked, looking at the colourful flickers.

Aegis inspected my work critically, then nodded. “That’ll do. Now, to open a Rift portal, you’ve got to hold your key, force the energy into it, then… Open a door, I guess?”

“Uh… ok?” I said as I tried to force the energy into the key. “Do I turn it like a key in a door?”


Nodding, I turned the key around as if unlocking a door, creating a portal of sorts, which was swirling like an orange kaleidoscope.

He examined the portal critically before nodding. “Safe enough for travel I’ll say, we can use it. Now how to navigate the rift? You just jump in and the key will guide you through it. Oh, before I forget, never, and I repeat, NEVER travel the rift when you’re inebriated, this is much more dangerous than driving a car.”

“I understand… So, do we enter now or…” I replied.

“I’ll go in first. The portal will close behind you; just follow the key’s direction, and you’ll soon understand what I mean by that.” And with that he jumped directly into the portal, creating ripples on it, but not making it close.

Readying myself, I jumped into the portal after him, instinctively following a path. Running along as fast as I could, I surface in a pool-like area. Quickly swimming to the edge, I get out and look around for Aegis.

“Enjoyed the trip?” I heard above me. Thankfully, it was just the eagle.

“Well… it was an experience at least… where to now?” I asked, looking up at the giant eagle above me.

“Follow me. We must make haste to make it before the Gathering ends. Don’t hesitate to run to keep up with me.” Then he flew towards a giant stadium.

Running after Aegis as fast as I can on all four legs, I manage to keep up with him… barely. Reaching the giant stadium, I take a moment to rest.

“What is in there?” I ask, panting.

“This is where we gather once per week. We exchange news, inform every one of the events, and report Shadow activities. And we also introduce newcomers. Come, and prepare yourself, you’ll draw quite the attention, so I hope you aren’t shy!” He said before leading me into the tunnel.

“Ok, ok, I’m going.” I say as I am pulled into the tunnel, leading me into a football-like stadium.

I could hear loud clamour coming from the end of the tunnel, and, at the command of Aegis, I stopped before going into the light. He told me, “Wait for my signal before coming into the light - I have to warn my fellow Elders.”

“Ok.” I said as I sat down to catch my breath fully and waited.

He joined the others Elders that were assembled at the podium. They were discussing something, but stopped when Aegis joined them, whispering to a Marty McFly lookalike, then he nodded to him and announced into the microphone. “And finally, to conclude this Gathering, as usual when this happens, I ask you to welcome our newest member!”

Taking that as my cue, I walked out of the tunnel and into the stadium; looking around, I see loads of different species, some living, some undead. I even saw what looked like a green version of Smaug off to the side. Looking over to where Aegis went, I saw what looked like a robot and a duplicate of Marty McFly from Back to the Future sitting next to him. Walking out of the shadows of the tunnel, I walked over to stand near the Elders.

The robot then said, “Welcome to Locostral!”

“Thank you, sir.” I said.

“What’s your name?”

“My original name was Alexander Blaze, but I now go by Night Talon or just Talon.” I replied.

He nodded and then said, “And Aegis said that he brought you back from Equestria…” He turns around towards the stadium and called out. “Clan leaders! Who is willing to offer our newest member a place in their group?”

A large Tyrannosaurus Rex that looked very familiar stepped forwards. “I will, Elder.” She said.

“That doesn’t surprise me that you chose to bring him in, Lydia, you’re a clan of dinosaurs after all! Does this arrangement suit you, Talon?”

“Yes, sir.” I replied.

“Then it’s decided. With that our gathering is concluded, have a nice day guys! Do cool stuff, photograph it, and send me pics, okay?”

Aegis came to wish me good luck, then flew away.

I walked over to join my new clanmates with Lydia the T-Rex as everyone left the stadium. I followed Lydia as we joined what looked like Blue, the Velociraptor from Jurassic World and another T-Rex looking dinosaur with a sword-like blade on its tail.

We walked through the city towards the edge where there were huge mountains, approaching the side of one mountain Lydia walked up to it and pressed a semi-hidden button that caused a rock door to slide up, revealing a nicely furnished cavern with dino-sized furniture.

After everybody took a seat, I was introduced to my new clanmates.

“Now that we are here, Talon this is Luna Hunt, who’s form is Blue the Velociraptor from Jurassic World; she protects the Star Trek realm on Voyager.” Lydia said, pointing at the other raptor.

“Hi!” Luna said cheerfully.

“Hello.” I replied politely.

“This is Spada, whose form is a Glavenus from Monster Hunter World; he protects The Dragon Prince realm.” Lydia said, gesturing at the other T-Rex creature.

“Nice to meet you, Night Talon.” He greeted politely.

“You, too.” I replied.

“And I am Lydia Palmer; my form is Rexy the Tyrannosaurus Rex from Jurassic Park. I protect The Land Before Time.” She said.

“Hello, and thank you for taking me in.” I said.

“No problem.” She replied.

“Well, my old name was Alexander Blaze, but I decided to take the name Night Talon or just Talon for short. I guess I protect Equestria from the My Little Pony G4.” I introduced myself, getting some more “hello”s from everybody else.

Soon, I was shown to an empty room that was now mine. Looking around, I saw that, unlike the common areas, the bedrooms were modern. I set about arranging things as I liked. By the time I was done, it was getting dark, so I said goodnight to my new clanmates and went to bed.