Element Substitutes

by Spiktaro Kujo

Prologue - Hurt

Tirek... wasn’t in a good state of mind.
After being betrayed by Dis- ...Scourge, and being recaptured by Princess Celestia, he had some time to think.
Too much time, one could say.
One moment, Tirek had everything he had ever wanted. Enough power to rule Equestria and crush any that would stand in his way. The next, however, it was gone in the blink of an eye.
He wanted to be angry. He wanted to swear revenge!
But he couldn’t.
After that humiliating defeat, he had lost his drive. His ambition. All he wanted to do was take a moment to reflect. Where did everything go wrong?
He rubbed his eyes in frustration. He knew very well where it all went wrong, so why ask?
Was he afraid to admit it?
Yes. But why?
Because it proved that his father was right. He lacked the strength to be king.
“Heh. It's really sobering.” he snorted. “Well, as they say, ‘hindsight is 20/20’.
He leaned back against the wall of his cell, and closed his eyes. “You were right, brother. My path wrought only sorrow and ruin. My ambition blinded me to the truth.” A slight smile formed on his lips, “You reap what you sow.”
He laughed, unable to hide the venom that laid inside. He felt the fires of hatred inside him, but he knew it was aimed at no one but himself. It was his choices that brought him here, so he had no one to blame but himself.

A Few Days Earlier...
Tirek followed Discord into Ponyville seeking the great magic source that Discord had told him about, the Element Bearers. If what Discord said was true, his power would grow exponentially! He could possibly... Yes. He should have enough power to do that. All he had to do was wait.
So, Discord’s plan went off without a hitch, perfect.
Now he just had to collect their magic and Equestria would be his.
As he walked up toward the cage that Discord created, he could hear the Element Bearers question and protest Discord’s actions.
“You gather up all of them?” Tirek asked excitedly.
“And their little dragon too!” Discord quipped, causing said dragon to try to take a bite at one of his fingers.
“Why are you doing this?”, one of the ponies asked. “I thought we were friends.”
“Oh, we were. Until I realized you were just manipulating me.” Discord said with a sneer. “Didn’t Celestia say that she wanted you to befriend me to become an ‘ally’? And what about you, Fluttershy? Didn’t you say your life was boring until I came along? You and Celestia both saw me as a simple tool, a means to an end. So, answer me this Fluttershy, were we ever friends?”
Tirek began to laugh a cold, cruel laugh. “Surely you saw this coming? I mean, it’s his nature after all!”
“No... no I didn’t.” Fluttershy said before bawling. “I... really didn’t...”
“Now, with that out of the way, stand back Discord. I’m going to drain them of their magic.” Tirek said with a huge grin on his face.
“No. I don’t think you will.” Discord said menacingly.
“What are you going on abo-” Tirek started, before being encompassed by Discord’s magic aura.
“Discord, what are-”
“Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.  What do you take me for Tirek, a fool?” Discord shook his head, “It’s nothing personal, well... maybe a little bit. But hey, it’s mostly business. Don’t you agree?”
“We were partners!” Tirek screamed.
“And yet you planned on betraying me once you were strong enough to do so.” Discord said, pulling off the medallion that Tirek gave him.
“What do you plan on doing with me Discord!?” Tirek asked through gritted teeth.
“Two things: One - return your medallion, if someone gave it to you and you willingly gave it to me. That shows that you didn’t really care about them, so it being a token of your ‘friendship’ was just a lie to guide me along. Two - release all of the stolen magic that you have gathered so you are no longer a possible threat to me.”
Upon hearing this, Tirek struggled and thrashed, trying to break free from Discord’s grasp. Tirek yelled in agony as he felt the stolen magic being ripped from his body.
After a few moments of agonizing pain, Tirek dropped to the ground in his weakened form. Everything had gone according to plan up until that moment.
“How, how long did you know?”
“I had suspicions since the beginning,” Discord said with a wicked grin, “but when you handed me the medallion to seal our ‘friendship’ I realized that you had no intention  of following through.”
Discord laughed, “Clearly you should have seen this coming. It is my nature after all.”
Tirek’s heart sank upon hearing his own words being used against him. “No... no I didn’t. I... really didn’t...”
“Then you’re nothing but a fool.” Discord spat. “You really should’ve expected that somecreature would’ve wizened up to you plan and betray you, just like you have done with everyone you have ever met. Doesn’t feel good when it happens to you, does it!?”
Tirek flinched upon hearing the venom in Discord’s voice.
How did everything turn out like this?!
...No, why.
Why did everything turn out like this?
Tirek’s triumph was at hand and it slipped out of his fingers! He was so close!
...No. Discord had stolen his victory, all he had to do was steal it back.
Discord raised an eyebrow, “You mean the magic I helped you steal?”
Discord smirked, “And if I refuse?”
“THEN I’LL-” Tirek began, suddenly feeling himself flying backwards into the cage, causing the inhabitants inside to cry out in alarm.
“You’re in no position to make demands, Tirek.” Discord said, while wearing a big, red boxing glove, “You’d best remember that.”
Tirek began to get up again, but Discord punched him once again. Tirek tried to rise once again, but was struck by Discord once again.
Suddenly, something shined above Discord’s head, and he began to laugh.
“What are... you laughing... at!?” Tirek asked, gasping for breath.
“You!” Discord replied with a cold grin. “Out of all possible motivations, yours is ‘Daddy Issues’?”
“I, I don’t know what you are talking about!”
“What daddy told you that you lack the strength to be king? And you decided to conquer Equestria to prove him wrong? Look where that got you, exiled and abandoned by your people and a high priority inmate at Tartarus. You even drew away from the one person that was willing to stay by your side. Your brother, Scorpan.”
Discord paused for a moment, “That’s who gave you the medallion right?”
Tirek winched, causing Discord to shake his head. “Your pathetic Tirek. You really are. But I guess that's just your nature.”
“That’s enough Discord!” Spike yelled out. “Leave him alone!”
Discord turned towards him in surprise, apparently forgetting all about him. Then a small cruel smile grew on his face.
“I had forgotten all about you, my little drake.” Discord said, snapping his fingers, teleporting Spike out of the cage. “Since I’m feeling generous, I’ll give you five minutes.”
“Five minutes to do what?” Spike asked cautiously.
“Five minutes to clean out the library before I blow it up.” Discord said calmly.
There was a loud protest to this revelation.
However, one voice managed to stand out among the rest.
“SPIKE! Owlowiscious is in the library!”
Upon hearing this, Spike began to run.
“Your five minutes start now!” Discord cackled.
“What is your plan, Discord?” Tirek asked. “What’s your end goal?”
“First off call me Scourge, I think it fits me better than Discord. Second, to rule Equestria, duh.” Scourge said, while making faces. “And thanks to you Tirek, I’ve nearly succeeded.”

“What… what do you mean?”

“What I just said.” Scourge smiled wickedly. “Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t have this planned out since our meeting, but when I saw the opportunity to turn this in my favor... I pounced.”

“But why are you blowing up a library!? How does it fit into your plan?”

“To get Twilight’s attention of course! Too bad all that magic she wields is useless against me! Still, I better-”

Scourge paused, “You sly dog. You got me monologuing.” he said with a hint of admaration, before his mood soured. “You’ll pay for that.”

The last thing Tirek saw before he blacked out was seeing Scourge’s boxing glove flying towards him at  high speeds.

“And Spike should be able to take it from here.” Tirek announced to the Princesses. “He can verify that I was knocked unconscious when he got back.”

Princess Celestia, Luna and Cadence all raised an eyebrow before turning toward Spike for confirmation.
Somehow, the little drake grew stature, making him almost as tall as Princess Cadence if not taller.

Just a few days ago, he would have been one of the shortest here. Now, he was one of the tallest. 



Questions Tirek may never get the answers to.

The thought was sobering. There was no ‘redeeming’ someone like him. It was absurd to even try. There was no changing what he was. A manipulator, a megalomaniac, a monster.

Tirek began to laugh at this. A soft, hollow laugh that echoed in the silent throne room. But to everycreature else, it was a sad and broken laugh of a sad and broken centaur. 

A centaur without a future.