MLP: The Equestrian Engines

by SuperSamYoshi

Chapter 7: Pinkie and the Haunted Mine and Twilight and the Jet Engine

In the summertime the branch line station master’s enjoy a friendly competition for the most beautiful station on the Island of Sodor. The engines loved to help too. One evening the Fat Controller came to the sheds.

“I want Pinkie to collect some flower bushes for Lower-Tidmouth Station”, he said, “they’re at Maithwaite”.

“Yes sir”, Pinkie said happily.

Percy was worried, “be careful Pinkie,” he warned her, “the track to Maithwaite at night is pretty scary”.

“Don’t worry Percy-Wercy,” Pinkie replied, “I’ll be fine. Just trust your Auntie Pinkie Pie.” And she chuffed of to Maithwaite.
“I’m not related to you”, Percy said softly.

“Percy was right” Pinkie thought as she chuffed down the line to Maithwaite, “It really is scary.”

Pinkie chuffed anxiously through the thickening fog. She would normally love to puffed through the night but when fog rolls in it’s a different matter. Little did Pinkie knew that the line passes through a junction, next to a spooky old quarry mine.

Pinkie hoped the signal at the junction would be green, she didn’t want to stop. But the signal was red, she had to stop. As Pinkie waited for the light to change, the unthinkable happen. Suddenly she saw a something, an old chimney sank into the ground.

“Sweet cookies and cream!” cried Pinkie, her driver hadn’t seen the old chimney sink into the ground. The signal change, Pinkie was so scared she steamed away as fast as she could.

The next day, Pinkie was telling Charlie and Stanley about the disappearing chimney.

“It’s the naughty gnomes”, teased Charlie, “I’ve heard they do strange things, it’s legendary.”

“They steal your wheels and pinch your funnel”, added Stanley. Pinkie didn’t want to believe them, but she wasn’t sure.

The Fat controller was waiting for Pinkie at Dryaw Station.

“I want you to collect some trucks from the abandoned mine”, he said.

“Y…Y…Yes sir,” Pinkie answered, but she really didn’t want to go there again.

Pinkie hoped she wouldn’t see anything else disappear as she slipped into the sidings and buffered up to the trucks.

“Spooky!” stammered Pinkie, suddenly another building at the old mine sank into the ground.

“What was that?” shouted her driver.

“Sweet sour cream and waffles!” shriek Pinkie, she was so scared she lurched forward and rammed the truck. The truck door opened and out poured…

“NAUGHTY GNOMES!” cried Pinkie.

“Oh hello me old chum”, one seemed to say, Pinkie steamed away faster than before. All the way back to Lower Tidmouth Station.

Pinkie’s driver told the Fat Controller what they had seen.

“It’s the naughty gnomes,” cried Pinkie, “they’d like to cause trouble, it’s legendary.”

“Nonsense,” said the Fat Controller, “the old buildings are collapsing into empty mine shafts that’s all.”

“But I saw the gnomes”, protested Pinkie.

“Of course you did,” said the Fat Controller, “garden gnomes.”

“Garden gnomes?”

“To decorated Lower Tidmouth Station”, the Fat Controller said, “they’re not scary, garden gnomes bring good luck.” And he ordered Pinkie to return immediately and get them.

Pinkie was scared but she knew she had to be responsible, so she carried on.

“I’m not scared, I’m not scared”.

When she arrived back she waited for something else spooky to happen, but it didn’t. And the Fat Controller was right, the garden gnomes weren’t scary at all. Her driver and fireman collected the gnomes and Pinkie took them back to Lower Tidmouth Station.

Later that week the Stationmaster thanked Pinkie. “We wouldn’t have won our competition without your garden gnomes”.

Pinkie was very proud. “You were right sir. Naughty gnomes can be lucky after all.”

Gordon is a very proud steam engine, he’s the fastest engine on the Island of Sodor. He loves speeding along he line with the wind blowing across his funnel.

“You broken the record again!” said his driver.

“I’m the fastest”, boasted Gordon. But not the engines were impressed.

“Speed isn’t everything,” said Stepney smugly.

“But being reliable and useful is,” said Twilight.

“you slow engines will never understand,” snorted Gordon, “because you’ll never go as fast as me.”

The Fat Controller arrived with news of a special for Twilight. “I want you collect a jet engine and take it to the airfield”.

“What’s a jet engine?” asked Pinkie.

“A jet engine goes forward by pushing hot air out its back”, the Fat Controller said.

“Just like when you blow up a balloon and let it go,” added Twilight, “it’s very fast”.

Twilight likes making special deliveries for the Fat Controller, it makes her feel special. But secretly she wished she could go as fast as Gordon just once. Twilight arrived at the docks excited to see the jet engine. It was shiny and modern, and Twilight had never seen anything like it. She just could wait to start her journey but Cranky was taking his time.

“Hurry up”, huffed Twilight, “this is a special, special”.

Cranky didn’t like being told what to do, especially by an engine. He became so cranky that he was careless with his hook. His hook knocked the switch and switch started the jet engine, and the engine became to whine. The whine got louder, and louder, and louder.

“Uh oh…” said Cranky, before he could say anything else, the jet engine was rocketing Twilight up the track.

“Oooooo!” Twilight cried; the driver tried to put on the brakes, but Twilight couldn’t stop. “Oh boy!”

The stationmaster called ahead, “clear the lines, it’s a runaway train!”

Signal were changed and points were switched, Twilight had never been so excited. Twilight flew by Rosie, and rocketed passed Rebecca, and raced by Arthur. They were amazed.

Bertie was excited when he saw Twilight flying down the track.

“Want a race Twilight?” beeped Bertie, but Twilight was didn’t see or hear Bertie as she raced over the level crossing, “never mind.”

No one had ever seen an engine go so fast. Gordon had no idea that Twilight was racing the mainline.

“I am the fastest,” said Gordon proudly. Suddenly Twilight came up from behind Gordon.

“Hi Gordon, bye Gordon.”

Gordon could not believe what he had seen. As Twilight shot out of the other end of the tunnel, the jet engine ran out of fuel and Twilight was back under her own power. She steamed gently back into Knapford Station.

“Sorry for overtaking you back there Gordon,” said Twilight.

“Overtake me, I didn’t notice”, Gordon huffed.

“You mean you didn’t notice the fastest engine on the island,” said Duck.

“Yes I am the fastest”, puffed Twilight.

Fluttershy felt a little sorry for Gordon, “Gordon doesn’t have to go as fast as a jet engine, he’s a steam engine.”

“But he’s still filled with hot air,” whistled Fergus.

And Gordon wheeshed away.