Changeling Times

by Midnight Might

Situation Report pt. 2

Back in the Badlands Hive

The first to respond to Mandible's question was Starlight.

"Twilight has already talked with the other princesses and if Chrysalis rears her head Equestria will help in whatever way it can."

"The crystal empire is quite far away but if we can help in any way, just ask," stated Cadance. With a grateful nod to both ponies Thorax turned towards Barb.

"After the meeting will you help me set up patrols for around the hive, and several scouting groups," questioned Thorax.

"Yes my liege." A third grateful nod was directed towards Barb.

"I believe that was all there was to talk about. Does anycreature have any questions," Thorax asked glancing around the room. The other creatures responded with head shakes or simple answers in the negative.

"All right then, thank you everyone for coming. I'll keep you updated on the situation of Chrysalis. Hopefully the next time we meet it will be under better circumstances." As the creatures left the room Mandible went with the royal pair, and Thorax followed Barb into the strategy room. Starlight and Trixie went deeper into the hive, presumably to ask around about the elitist changelings.

In the strategy room

The strategy room was much smaller than the throne room with a lower ceiling as well. The center was occupied by a large table with a map detailing the Badlands, the surrounding area, and most of Equestria. Eight small blue tokens, and four small green tokens had been gathered over top the hive on the map. A small replica of Chrysalis had been placed to the north of the hive near the mountains bordering the Badlands. Thorax's examination of the map was interrupted by Barb's voice.

"Chrysalis had been preparing for war, so there are more warrior changelings than usual. Currently there are eight on standby in the hive. Additionally there are four teams built for infiltration also ready."

"And how would you recommend using them," Thorax asked. After a few moments of thinking Barb responded.

"It depends on what you want done. If the goal is to merely protect the hive then I'd do it one way, if the goal is to expand another, and yet another still if we're going to focus on finding Chrysalis."

"Right now," Thorax said looking up from the map and towards Barb, "I think the hive needs time to heal and stabilize. We're already facing several problems and the last thing we need is to force Chrysalis into attacking."

"Then I would have four warrior squads return with the Princess to the crystal empire, have two patrol the badlands, and another two actively defend the hive. The four infiltration units could travel with the Princess as additional labor, they could stay in the hive and help with the elitist changelings, or they could infiltrate other cities."

"Barb! The ponies are our allies now, sending infiltrators is not an option," Thorax burst out. Barb took a step back, her eyes widening and a look of worry overcoming her features.

"I'm sorry I wasn't thinking! I won't mention it again," she said, her voice a higher pitch than usual. Thorax was shocked. Barb had always been a very calm collected ling, and now she seemed to be on the verge of tears. It took a moment before it clicked in his mind, and in a softer tone he addressed her again.

"No, I'm sorry Barb. You were doing your job and I shouldn't have gotten mad. However you don't need to worry, I'm not Chrysalis. She isn't in charge anymore."

"I know it's just," she cleared her throat stepping back up to the map. Her eyes still regarding him warily. "Ahem, as I was saying, those are our options. Regardless of your decision it will probably have to change in accordance with the deal Mandible makes."

"Alright. Could you go and find Mandible and the Royals? If they're done with the deal could you also bring Mandible back with you," Thorax asked, his voice still soft.

"Yes, my liege," she answered, giving a bow before leaving.

Somewhere in the hive, a few minutes earlier

The room that the negotiation was occurring in was one of the speaking circle rooms, and similar in appearance to a lounge. There was no roof, allowing the mid-morning sun to enter the room. The walls were decorated with paintings recently made by changelings, and there were several piles of cushions scattered around the room.

Cadance and Shining Armor were laying on several cushions. Across the circle Mandible had a notepad in his hooves and a quill to his right.

"So Prince Armor, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, what resources might the Crystal Empire require," Mandible asked with a questioning look towards them before picking the quill up in his muzzle.

"Please, call me Cadance. The Empire hasn't fully rebuilt after Flurry Heart shattered the Crystal Heart, and the edges of town where the storm was let in are still partially collapsed," Cadance said.

"Also recently my guards have been getting reports of strange creatures out in the snow. I'd like to go investigate but there aren't enough soldiers to do that and protect the Crystal Empire," Shining added. As they spoke Mandible wrote it down in his notepad. Once he had finished he put down the quill and looked up, a question on his lips.

"Does the empire have the materials to repair the houses?" He got two nods of agreement from the royals.

"So then you only need laborers and guards." It was not a question but a statement. "This hive has close to a thousand changelings that need to eat. How many changelings would we need to send to get a return of 3000 crystallized emotion daily," Mandible asked. The two royals shared a confused look before Shining spoke.

"Crystallized emotion?"

"Of course, how else would we bring it back to the hive?"

"I think what my husband meant was what is crystallized emotion," Cadance clarified. Mandible's head tilted to the side in confusion.

"Crystallized Emotions are small gems that glow with the emotion they embody. They work as a way to bring food on long missions, or for trading with other hives. If you don't use crystallized emotion how do you collect love from your citizens," he asked. The two nobles shared a look before Shining Armor spoke up again.

"The Crystal Heart is as old as the empire itself. It's a mystical artifact that passively collects love from the citizens of the Crystal Empire to power a large shielding spell and weather mitigation spell around the entire city. We don't have to collect any 'Crystallized Emotion'." Bringing a hoof up to his lower jaw Mandible hummed thoughtfully. Before he could speak a knock resounded from the door to the room.

"Mandible, are you done with negotiations?" The voice coming from behind the door was slightly muffled, but still distinguishable as Barbs.

"Not yet, but please do come in," Mandible responded. The door swung open inward revealing the orange changeling behind it. Barb looked around the room before giving a short bow towards the two nobles.

"Apologies for interrupting, but Thorax and I need the details of the trade before we can schedule the troops."

"Actually," Mandible started, "We've reached a bit of a standstill. The crystal heart that Thorax spoke of is an artifact that gathers love differently from how we do. If I may be so bold I'd like to accompany the first group of workers to see if conversion is even possible," he asked looking towards princess Cadance.

"Of course, until this problem has been fixed the workers can feed directly from the crystal heart," was Cadance's response. "The Crystal Empire could use another hundred workers if you have them."

"And as many guards as you can spare," Shining Armor added.

"Alright, I'll let King Thorax know. Princess, Prince," she said, bowing to each before leaving. After she had left Mandible turned back to the two Royals.

"When will you be returning to the Crystal Empire," Mandible asked the two royals.

"We plan on leaving for Dodge City today, and the crystal empire two days after that," Cadance answered.

"Would the workers and I be able to travel with you? If not it might take a while to get there," Mandible asked.

"Sure but we didn't bring enough gold to buy tickets for everypo... everycreature," Shining added.

"Thank you, and don't worry about the gold. Until then, thank you for talking with me," he said, nodding to each Royal in turn.

"Of course, anything for a friend," Cadance responded with a smile. With their business concluded and the royals leaving Mandible went to the Strategy room, and Thorax.