//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: A New Friend // Story: The Pony Guard // by TheClownPrinceofCrime //------------------------------// “Whoa! Who are you?” Kiara asked, surprised to see a little creature in the midst of a pony-filled town. “My name is Spike,” Spike said. “I don’t think I’ve seen you around here. Wait a minute... you look like something...” “I look like what?” Kiara asked as she was puzzled. Spike scrutinized her appearance before he suddenly remembered something. “Oh, yes! You look like a manticore except you have no wings or horns. What are you exactly?” he curiously asked. “I am a lion... a lioness cub to be precise,” replied Kiara. “You haven’t seen a lion cub before? And what are manticores?” “Manticores are creatures who look like you except bigger with bat wings, pointy tails, and horns. I don’t think any of us have seen these... lions you mentioned about.” Spike answered. “Hmm, well that’s quite odd. Where am I anyway?” Kiara asked, looking back and forth. “Right now, you’re in Ponyville in the land of Equestria. Where do you come from?” Spike asked. “I come from a kingdom called the Pride Lands. My father Simba rules there as its king. If you can help me take me back home in my world, that would be most helpful.” Kiara explained. “Wait, you’re from a kingdom? You are a PRINCESS?! Wow, that’s amazing! I’m actually meeting a princess from another kingdom!” Spike squealed. But then, a thought interrupted his excitement. “Wait, hold up... did you just say, ‘in my world’? What do you mean by that?” “I mean that my home is from my world, not here,” said Kiara. “I am a stranger here.” “Really?! You mean that you’re from... another dimension?!” Spike asked, widening his eyes in amazement. “Well... you could say that,” replied Kiara. “Wow! But how did you end up here exactly?” Spike asked. “I was captured by the Pride Lands’ worse enemy: Scar. He took me from my home and cast me out into this world for... whatever intention he had in mind! I don’t know what he’s planning, but I know for sure he’s up to no good.” Kiara said. “Sweet Celestia... that’s terrible!” Spike said. “Whoever that Scar guy is, he is probably seeking to take over your kingdom! I’ll be more than willing to help you get you back home and save your home.” “Thank you, Spike. I really appreciate that,” Kiara said, smiling. “No problem... Princess Kiara!” Spike smiled back. “Come, I know a friend of mine who can help you too.” Thus, Spike and Kiara went across the town together. Several ponies who passed by quickly noticed the newcomer and stared at her in surprise and curiosity. Noticing their silent reaction, the cub rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Ughh, those horses just won’t stop looking at me that way, won’t they?” she rhetorically asked. “Uhh, they are ponies to be precise,” Spike corrected. “But yes, pretty much. I can’t say that I’m surprised that they do that.” “Hmm, if you don’t mind me asking... where do you come from? I can tell you live in this... place of yours, but what is your origin?” Kiara asked. Spike thought about it until he lowered his head in sadness. Once she noticed it, she immediately regretted asking. “I’m sorry, I... I didn’t to—.” “No, no, it’s okay. It’s just that I... don’t even know who brought me to existence. I know I came from the Dragon Lands since I’m a dragon, but I don’t even know my own parents.” Spike answered. “Really? So, you’re an orphan?” Kiara asked again. “He is also a dragon? What are dragons? I don’t think dragons even exist in my world.” “Well, technically yes. I was hatched from my egg by a unicorn named Twilight. She’s my older foster-sister who watches over me. I’m also her number 1 assistant!” Spike proudly replied. Then his sadness returned as he thought about his parents again. “Although, I do wish I knew who my parents were.” “I’m so sorry to hear that,” Kiara said. “I may not understand how that feels like myself, but I can understand how it can hurt someone close to me.” “What do you mean, Princess?” Spike asked. “What I mean is... my father went through that pain... when he was in my age,” replied Kiara. She started to have a couple tears as she thought back on the horrible tragedy that affected her family. “He lost his father—my grandfather—during a stampede. He was killed by my grand-uncle Scar.” This shocked Spike as he listened. “Really?! That’s horrible!” “It is. He also destroyed the majority of animals in the Pride Lands when he became king. Scar cared about no one but himself. He was selfish, cruel, and evil. When Simba returned, Scar tried to kill him, but my father defeated him and restored peace and harmony in the Pride Lands. He’s ruled our home for many years now.” Kiara finished. “That’s wonderful! I’m sure your grandfather would’ve been very proud of you and your dad. What was his name?” Spike asked. “His name was Mufasa,” she replied. “Mufasa,” Spike repeated. “That’s an awesome name. I’m definitely gonna remember that. I’m so sorry about your loss though.” “Thanks. Even though I wasn’t there when it happened, I was still saddened by the event. When my dad told me the story, I—I... couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t really imagine losing a grandfather like that.” Kiara said. “At least your dad is there to protect you and guide you in the right direction. But since you’re here, he must be worried sick about you!” Spike said. “I know. That’s why I need all the help I can get to return back to Pride Rock. Scar will stop at nothing to claim back the kingdom!” Kiara said, having the look of determination on her face. Seeing what had to be done, Spike also put his determined look on and faced the cub again. “You’re right! With my help and the help of my friends, you’ll return to your kingdom in no time, your Highness! Follow me!” As they finally faced the treehouse library, Spike opened the door where Twilight was practicing her spells. Twilight looked back to see her number one assistant entering inside. “Hi, Spike! How was your time with Rarity?” “Well, I was going to visit Rarity until I met someone on the way. She is actually a new visitor to Ponyville.” Spike replied as Kiara was behind him. “A new visitor?! That’s great! Who is she?” Twilight asked. “See her for yourself...” Spike said, stepping aside to reveal the cub to her. Twilight looked amazed to see her as she didn’t expect to see a creature like the cub arrive in Ponyville. Kiara sheepishly waved at the unicorn. “Uh... hello there, ma’am,” Kiara waved. ********** Just below the clouds, there flew a small dark cloud. Green eyes were in the middle of the cloud with purple flames surrounding the eyes. It flew off to a distant mountain while it evilly cackled.