Two Bands, One Love

by My Rainbow Dash

Chapter 4: Cafè Date

I was walking next to Flash while talking about lots of different types of music. Where are we headed? Well if you forgot, he had asked me out on a date to a simple cafè. If Rarity were here she'd freak out. For a few reasons. One, I'm still dressed in my school clothes. Two, we're going out to a cafè and not a restaurant. Three, well, I'm not sure if there's a three. I guess it's just those two. But since Rarity's not here, I don't have to worry about anything. It's just the two of us enjoying our time together. Nothing more, nothing less. I sigh. In the corner of my eye, I see Flash look over at me.

"You okay?" I snort.

"I'm fine. Just thinking of what Rarity would think about this. You know. Us still dressed in our everyday clothing, not going out to a nice restaurant?" He chuckled.

"You have a point there. But lucky us, she isn't here." I smile and nod. We enter the cafè, (Starbucks if you want to be specific), wait in line, order our drinks, and take a seat at one of the many vacant tables. A thought popped into my head.

"Hey, I had this other idea for a song, maybe I could write the first part that I have in my head, and maybe you could add on a second verse and see how it goes from there. What do you think?" Henput a hand to his chin and was quiet for a moment until he nodded his head.

"Why don't you start writing down what you have in your mind that way we can see how everything goes?" I nod my head and grab my notebook and pen. I start writing.

After some time, I stopped writing showed him what I wrote down.

"Hmm." He said quietly. Then his eyes widened. He looked at me and held out his hand. I smiled, shook my head, and handed him the pen. "I got just the thing." He said.

"I hope it's good." I respond. He looked at me and raised his brows.

"It is. And you're gonna love it." I rolled my eyes and let him write.

He passed it back to me. I rose a brow and looked at him.

"That's it?" He shook his head.

"There will be more, I just need you to add something in." I blinked then came up with the perfect line after his.

I passed it back to him. He read the line, nodded and started writing again.

For some reason my mind to me to pull out a pen in some way we must have had the same idea of lyrics because we started writing at the same time.

I paused writing.

I joined back in.

Everything went perfectly fine and once we looked back down at our papers, we stared. Then we looked up at each other.

"Did we just..." "Wow." We said at the exact same time. He chuckled and shook his head while I covered my giggles. Flash cleared he has throat.

"As much as I would love to stay here, I need to get home. Mom's probably gonna worry if I don't get home for dinner soon." I nod my head. "But hey I can walk you home if you want." My cheeks fired up.

"Y-you know you don't have to. Right." He chuckled.

"I don't have to. But I want to." I look up at him, then look down and bite my lower lip. If he does that, he'll find the truth about be. But if I do, I'll most likely feel more comfortable. I sigh and nod my head. We pack our things and exit the cafè. Before I can lead him to my place something grabs my wrist. I look back to see Flash holding my wrist.

"Hey." He says calmly. "What's wrong?" My throat becomes dry. I look away and don't pull away from his grasp. If it were someone else, I probably would have done that. But not with him. I sigh.

"I..." No words could come out. "Well... I'll show you once we get to my place." I look him in the eyes and I see his concern. "Umm. Can I have my hand back please?" He looks down to see that he was still holding onto my wrist. He immediately let go.

"Oh right. Sorry. I-" I cut him off by slapping a hand over his mouth.

"Hey. It's fine. Let's just, get back to my place." I turn around start walking, but when I don't hear a second pair, I stop and turn around. "Flash?" I see the blue haired boy still standing in the same place was originally in.