//------------------------------// // Not Quite a Happy Landing // Story: The Twi'lek // by Gallants //------------------------------// The smoke that slowly engulfed the cab and the fact the ship was on its roof were my first two worries, my third and final worry was I didn't know if the air was life-giving or taking. The force allowed me to live and escape the temple surely it wouldn't lead me here just to kill me, gripping my lightsaber I made my way through the choking smog to the ground emergency hatch. I couldn't force the hatch open to escape the ship with a quick thought the hum and magenta glow of my blade to cut through the smoke. The screech of my saber cutting through the hatch stung my ears, my vision started to blur as the oxygen that filled my lungs was slowly displaced. The clank of the hatch striking the ceiling reverberated through the cab mustering what strength I had left I lept up through the still scorching portal I had made. Landing outside on the cooler soil the ship had dug up, I felt the last of my energy leave my body as I collapsed letting the darkness take me once more. I found myself lying in a forest, jolting to a sitting position I was faced with a small table and Master Jungjoya was on the other side pouring a cup of tea. Tears were attempting to breach the sides of my eyes, I failed him and as though he heard my thoughts his hand raised. "Don't worry Sasha, you haven't disappointed me," breaking only to sip his tea, "and you still live, so now will you join me for some tea for the little time we have, Young Padawan?" He said as calmly as he instructed me during saber training, the trees faded away and in their place flowers rolled in like a wave on the beach I looked on in awe at the shifting environment before gazing upon my Master and nodding reaching out for a cup. His gentle smile warmed me more than the tea ever could as we drank he continued to teach me, emphasizing the importance of keeping my mind and body in balance and harmony. The groggy feeling of waking after exhausting yourself is never a good one this was emotionally bad as well since I lost my connection to Jungjoya. Looking around the room I found myself in what seemed to be some sort of low tech hospital, listening to for anyone approaching I was able to hear some voices just outside of the room. "I told you it was a pink creature, jumped out of that steel vessel that crashed in my backyard early this morning, whatever it is, seems to have some precise fire magic melted 3 inches of some sort of reinforced steel in a near-perfect circle," I laid there thankful they didn't seem to know what Jedi were. When one of the creatures walked in I was taken aback when I saw a large-eyed equine with wings, not the strangest creature I suppose but I've never seen anything like it, although I didn't get out of the temple all that much. She had a white coat and a cute little nurse's hat on her head. Her eyes widened a bit as she saw me awake and looking at her before it softened to a smile. "I see you're awake quite the feat considering the smoke inhalation," she said approaching me, "I'm Nurse Flare, do you understand me?" Her question was punctuated with the raising of a pencil in one of her wings. I nodded before speaking, "I can understand you, Nurse Flare my name is Sasha," she jotted something on her clipboard, "May I ask what planet I'm on ma'am?" Her pencil dropped at my question she looked past me her eyes unfocused. "The eggheads were right you are an alien, this is a nightmare," suddenly she snapped back to reality, she rushed forward and grabbed my shoulders, "Listen Sasha if you want a chance at a normal life here you need to not mention the fact you're an alien do you understand?" I nodded quickly pulling some of the blanket up higher towards my face, she smiled stepped back and flattened some of the bunched fabric in my blanket. "Now, Sasha on to the important things what is your species name and the significance of the tails on the side of your head?" Swallowing my fear of this mare I shakily answered her "I-I'm a Twi'lek and t-they're very s-sensitive organs," "Ok, and your age?" "E-eleven, ma'am," she gently smiled picking her pencil backup and writing down what I told her. "Okay, now as you're eleven we will need to find you a guardian before we can discharge you," she said as she approached the door, "I'll let the Princess know of the circumstances and there is a guardsmare just outside if you need anything," with those last words she left. I lay there wondering what had just happened was I really on a pre-space planet, could I actually be safe? Those were my only thoughts as I spent the day in my room eating the fruit they gave me looking out the window at the city before me, not as magnificent as Coruscant but beautiful in its own way. Eventually, sleep claimed me as it did all things. It was easy to wake from my dreamless sleep stretching and letting out a yawn I opened my eyes to glance around and saw a white horse covered in golden regalia with a long horn jutting from its forehead just in front of a tiara, she was sitting off the side of my bed close to the wall instinctively I reached down for my lightsaber, then she spoke. "I'm sorry if I scared you but you seemed so peaceful in your sleep I couldn't bear to wake you little one," she had a gentle, motherly smile on her face, "I am Princess Celestia ruler of Equestria and raiser of the sun, I humbly welcome you to our great country," she stated with a bow.