MLP: The Equestrian Engines

by SuperSamYoshi

Chapter 5: Travis the Terrible and You can do it, Fluttershy!

The time Twilight has spent on the Island of Sodor, she’s enjoyed shunting troublesome trucks. She made not be faster or stronger than Thomas, but she can still fit them harder and faster than any other engine. It’s become one of her favourite jobs.

One morning the Fat Controller had an important announcement. “Duck and Oliver must take extra deliveries of coal,” He boomed, “Twilight you must shunt and fill trucks at the coaling plant, Duck and Oliver, you must collect them this afternoon”, he added.

Twilight was very pleased. Just then two log burning engines chuffed by, Thomas had told Twilight about these engines. These two were Bash and Dash and they lived on Misty Island with their friend Ferdinand. Between them was a big turquoise truck, it was biffing and bashing the little engines.

“What are you two doing?” tooted Twilight, Bash and Dash told her that they were delivering the truck to the coaling plant. “Why does it need two engines to deliver one truck?” asked Twilight.

“Because he really doesn’t like to be shunted”, chuffed Bash.

“His name is Travis,” huffed Dash, “but we call him ‘Travis the Terrible’”. Dash and Bash chuffed slowly away with Travis.

“He does look troublesome”, huffed Oliver.

“Troublesome trucks don’t bother me,” boasted Twilight, “I could biff him firmly into place.”

Later Twilight buffed into the coaling plant, and there was Travis. The other trucks giggled and laughed.

“Big, bad, strong and unbearable, that trucks name is Travis Terrible”, they sang. Twilight puffed closer.

“BACK OFF!” Roared Travis.

‘Bash and Dash were right’, thought Twilight, ‘Travis is scary, and Travis is terrible.’ Twilight decided to keep away.

Twilight spend the morning shunting the other trucks and filling them with coal. All the time, Twilight could feel Travis the Terrible watching her. The plant manager came to see Twilight.

“We need an extra-large delivery,” he said, “So Fluttershy is coming to help you. You must shunt and fill Travis then add him to the back of Duck’s train”, he told Twilight.

Later, Fluttershy puffed into the yard, she saw Travis. “Do we have to shunt and fill that big trunk Twilight?” She asked sweetly.

“Yes,” puffed Twilight, “but he doesn’t want to be shunted, his name is…”

Before Twilight could finish, Travis opened his mouth and let out the biggest roar ever, “BACK OFF!” he bellowed. Fluttershy was so scared, that she shook from funnel to footplate and she steamed straight out of the yard.

This made Twilight cross, Travis had biffed and bashed, Dash and Bash, he had shouted at Twilight and he had frightening Fluttershy so much, that she had buffed away. Now the extra delivery would never be ready, Twilight have had enough.
She puffed bravely in front of Travis and gave him a mighty biff. Travis rolled backwards he was very cross. “BACK OFF!” he roared.

“No I won’t”, tooted Twilight crossly, “you are causing confusion and delay, you really are terrible”. Then with one mighty biff, Twilight sent Travis rolling backward into a set of buffers. Travis crashed off the track, Twilight felt very bad, she hadn’t meant to knock Travis over.

Twilight puffed up to Travis, Travis lay on his side looking very sad. Now Travis didn’t seemed so terrible.

“I’m sorry I biffed you so hard,” wheeshed Twilight, “But why don’t want to be shunted?”

“Because I’m scared!” moaned Travis.

“Why?” asked Twilight.

“I’m a new truck!” he groaned, “and I’m scared because I haven’t been filled with coal before! I don’t know what it feels like, that’s why I didn’t wanted to be shunted!” Twilight was surprised.

Later, Rocky and the workmen arrived and lifted Travis back onto the tracks. Twilight wanted to help Travis.

“Sometimes I’m scared when I have to do something new,” she chuffed, “but coal isn’t scary”.

Travis watched as Twilight rolled under the coal hopper. Black dusty coal poured into Twilight’s coal box. When the dust settled, Travis saw that Twilight was smiling.

“See it’s not scary,” tooted Twilight proudly. Now Travis was excited.

“I’d like to be filled with coal too!” he rumbled.

“We must hurry,” puffed Twilight. Twilight quickly pulled Travis under the coal hopper; Travis was quickly filled with coal, it felt wonderful. Then Twilight shunted Travis into place just in time.

Duck, Oliver and Toad puffed into the yard. They saw their waiting trains. Duck was very surprise to see Travis at the back.

“Well done Twilight,” commented Duck. The trains were soon coupled up, Duck and Oliver puffed away with their special deliveries. They where very surprise to hear Twilight whistle.

“Good luck”, but the whistle wasn’t for them, it was Twilight tooting to her new friend, Travis the not-so terrible.

Fluttershy was conceded to be the kindest engine on the whole railway. Although she wasn’t the strongest or fastest, but she made it up with her will to help other engines in need. One morning Fluttershy was delivering some milk trucks. She puffed across the island and up Gordon’s Hill. Gordon’s Hill was very steep, Fluttershy puffed hard. It was a very long climb. Just then, Gordon arrived at the bottom of the hill, but today the Express was heavy, and Gordon had to wait for Edward to help.

“Bother”, huffed Gordon. Soon Edward puffed to the rescue, he puffed up behind Gordon, Edward pushed, and Gordon pulled. At last the Express train started to move.

Fluttershy had finally reached the top of the hill when Gordon puffed past.

“Slow coach”, Gordon huffed.

“I’m trying my hardest”, gasped Fluttershy.

“Pa”, sniffed Gordon, “you’re just a small, little tank engine”. This made Fluttershy very sad.

That night the Fat Controller came to see Fluttershy. “Edward is needed at the docks,” the Fat Controller said, “You are to work at Wellsworth Yard in his place”.

“But I’ll never be able to do Edward’s job,” Fluttershy cried, “I’m just a small, little tank engine”.

“Nonsense”, said Sir Topham Hatt, “You are one of my engines and you must be useful.” Fluttershy was very worried what if she wasn’t useful.

The next morning, Fluttershy puffed nervously out of her shed. “I hope no one needs help pushing up Gordon’s Hill,” Puffed Fluttershy. Fluttershy wished she was a bigger steam engine.

At last, Fluttershy arrived at Wellsworth Yard, there was a lot of trucks and they looked very heavy.

“I’ll never be able to shunt all those”, Fluttershy puffed.

“You can do it, Fluttershy!” called Rebecca.

That made Fluttershy feel much better, then he started to shunt the trucks. She shunted coal trucks for Rosie, and slate trucks for Ryan, she even shunted fruit and vegetable trucks for Arthur.

“Maybe I can do it,” Fluttershy chuffed, but then Gordon puffed passed, he was pulling the Express with lots of couches. Fluttershy watched as Gordon puffed towards the hill.

Gordon puffed with all his might but once again the Express was too heavy, Gordon was struck.

“Bother”, he huffed. Gordon’s driver called the yard manager, and the yard manager came to see Fluttershy.

“You need to push Gordon to the top of the hill”, the yard manager said.

“Yes sir,” groaned Fluttershy, “but Gordon looks much too heavy for me to push,” she puffed nervously.

“Don’t worry,” called Twilight.

“You can do it Fluttershy”, Pinkie called enthusiastically.

“I’ll do my best,” she puffed, and she chuffed off to Gordon’s Hill.

When Gordon heard that Fluttershy was coming, he was very cross. “Fluttershy is just a small, little and weak tank engine,” Gordon huffed, “she’ll never be able to push me up the hill.”

Fluttershy buffed up behind Gordon, and then she pushed with all her might. But Gordon didn’t move.

“Is that the best you can do?” Gordon snorted, “they should have sent a bigger and stronger engine”.

Fluttershy was about to give up, but then she remembered what her friends had said. “I can do it, I can do it,” Fluttershy panted. With a determined look on her face, Fluttershy pushed harder and harder.

Suddenly, Gordon’s wheels started to move, Fluttershy kept pushing, her engine roared and her axles ached. Gordon moved slowly up the hill. When Percy saw Fluttershy pushing, he blow his whistle with excitement.

“You can do it, Fluttershy, go on,” peeped Percy.

Fluttershy puffed, and huffed, and chuffed, but at last she pushed Gordon to the top of the hill. Gordon was impressed now his Express would run on time. Fluttershy was tired, but she was very proud.

“I did it?” She puffed before realizing she did it, “I did it!” she cried happily.

That night the Fat Controller came to see Fluttershy. “Today you were a very useful engine indeed,” he said.

“Thank you sir,” Fluttershy chuffed happily.

“As you were so determined to get Gordon to the top of the hill,” The Fat Controller added, “how would you like to be the secondary back engine of Sodor?”

“Wait really sir?” Fluttershy gasped, “I’ll be honoured”. And even though Fluttershy was a small tank engine, she felt like a big useful engine.