My Little Digimon

by Yuum

Digimon, Digital Monster

In an ancient and mysterious temple, a blue creature named Ahuizolt explored the place to seize the artifact.

He manages to thwart the deadly traps of the temple and the complicated puzzle.

The creature finally arrives at the door of the last room of time.

On the door, he had a strange writing with strange letters that Azuithot had never seen before.

Ahuizolt will try to read them but without success so he decides to use the door to enter and succeed.

"In order for an artifact to be mine, Daring Do has failed to take me back." He says when who realizes that the object is an egg.

"An egg? Only one egg, I went through several trials and haggling all my gold for a stupid egg? ” He would have preferred a magic relic.

[Fool, this is not an ordinary egg but a Digitama.] A mysterious voice says.

“Digitama? What is that?"

[It's a state among the Digimon, when who are defeated, they change Digitama… Mutant, I will need your help.]

“Listen to Digi machine thing, I have no time to waste with a hard-boiled egg, I have to find power artifacts to rule over Equestria. ”

[Reign? I can put my powers on your services to rule but on exchange, you associate with me and become my Tamer.]

"Can you really do it?"

[Sure… hurry to become my Tamer to free me from this Digitama!]

Azuithot finds it is situation interesting case he will finally be able to reign over Equestria and he accepts. The Digitama hatch.

A strange black appearance appears in front. The Digitama cracks and a white humanoid creature emerges with a demonic skull.

“You made the right choice…”

Elsewhere in Ponyville in the Cheerilee class. A red unicorn foal with an orange mane was bored because of today's math lesson.

(Classes are so boring ... I would like to experience an adventure like Twilight and his friends.) He wished looking at the window.

Suddenly he saw a red glow chased by a dark bullet.

"What ..." He gets up and walks out of the classroom.

“Solar Sun, we're in the middle of it…” Cheerilee says but Solar ignores him and leaves the classroom.

The red foal followed the two lights towards the Everfree entrance, and entered this terrifying place.

"Where did they go?" We lost sight of the two lights that he had seen through the classroom window.

He finally arrives at the old sisters' castle and sees the red glow.

Solar advances but the gleam changes appearance to change into a strange white device and a pink creature whose body is round has appeared.

"You must not be here!" Said the strange pink ball.

“Ahhhhhhh! A monster!!!" He panics and hides behind the tree. Shouting in fright.

"I am not a monster, I am Koromon, a Digital monster."

“Koro… mon?”

"Yes, and like I said, you're not supposed to be there because I'm being chased."

"By who?"

"Him!" The other sphere of energy changes appearance to resemble a small green goblin armed with a wooden club.

"What is that?!" If so, this is the first time seeing a creature like this.

“Goblimon, the evil Digimon. He chased me up here and attacked me in relax. ”

“Yes, the weak must disappear if it is the law of nature and you are weak. Goblin Strike ”

He throws a fireball at both.

"This way!" The two flee north but Goblimon chases them.

“Boulder Throw!” He summons a big rocker and throws him over both.

“Bubble Blow!” He produces bubbles from his mouth to create a wall to reduce the impact of the rock, but they burst and injure Koromon.


“Run away! He targeted me, profits to run away from you. ”

"No way I'm leaving you alone against this monster."

He uses his magic for a piece of wood to attack the enemy but Goblimon is too strong and destroys the piece of wood.

“You, the mini pony, you are seriously starting to annoy me. Goburi Bomb! ”

He threw a huge fire on Solar, the red foal has no time to dodge.

“Nooooo !!!!”

The pink ball goes in front of the young red pony to protect him when suddenly his body starts to shine a light.

“Koromon, Evolve on…”

Koromon's body lights up, gets a little bigger, has claws and turns into a bipedal yellow mini dinosaur.

The bipedal dinosaur spits flames to neutralize its attack.

“Super Pepper Breath !!” The enemy attack is dispelling.

“Have you evolved ?!”

“Yes, and with that strength, I will keep you from hurting my new friend. Sharp Claw! ”

The dinosaur attacks with its claws, Goblimon tries to block it with its wooden club but its weapon breaks.

“My wooden club! You will pay for that!"

“And now it's over. Wildfire Uppercut! ”

He performs a flaming uppercut with his claws. The impact inflicts heavy damage on Goblimon but the enemy is still standing.

"Agumon, you're lucky, next time, I'm the one who wins our fights." He said before disappearing through a portal.

“Agumon, you were awesome. Can the digimon evolve during a fight? ”

"Most can but when Goblimon attacked you, I felt like a force was invading, as it was you you transmitted to me."

"How could I transfer my strength to you?" He is asking himself.

"Mystery, I think that may have something to do with this strange pattern on your flanc." Agumon points the flanc of Solar Sun.

"My side?" Solar realizes who had his cutie Mark.

After meeting Agumon, Solar obtained a brand that represents the orange sun symbol.

With this symbol, is the beginning of a new adventure begins for him and Agumon.

Further on in another corner of Ponyville, a blue foal and a white filly discover two other creatures.

"I am Gabumon." A yellow bipedal reptile that wears white fur says.

“And me, this is Gomamon, we are creatures called digital monsters.” The quadruped white aquatic beast says.

“We need help in order to save our two worlds from a threat ...…”